Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 652: Saudi concerns

  Chapter 652 Saudi concerns

  The two big kings were fighting, and the neighbor next door was flustered.

How to deal with it?

   As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, don’t panic.

  Saudi Arabia is not short of money now. Oil is everywhere. After decades of accumulation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has accumulated a lot of wealth.

   In the Middle East, due to the single resource, it is difficult for Saudi Arabia to develop other domestic industries, and it is even more difficult to develop the economy in an all-round way like the United States and the United Kingdom.

   Saudi Arabia has nothing but oil.

  Oil is not only the pillar industry of Saudi Arabia, but also the lifeline of Saudi Arabia. Once the oil is cut off that day, the entire Saudi Arabia may collapse immediately.

   Therefore, Saudi Arabia needs a strong military force to protect oil and protect its own lifeline.

  Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the founding king of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud, led forty soldiers to flee to Riyadh, and seized the city of Riyadh from the heavily guarded guards at night.

Starting from his foothold in Riyadh, Ibn Saud, the founding king of Saudi Arabia, used his war sword and diplomatic wisdom, and after more than 20 years of cooperation, he not only conquered the Arabian Peninsula, but also left a country with huge descendants of the Saudi royal family. .

   It is said that starting a business is difficult, and maintaining a business is even more difficult.

  In the early days of the founding of the country, the war-torn Saudi Arabia was extremely financially difficult.

   But there is no way, God bless Saudi Arabia.

  Since the 1930s, the global economic crisis has brought a devastating blow to the Saudi economy.

   In a dinner with the British and American ambassadors, the Saudi king sighed with emotion: "If someone gives me a million pounds now, I will give him all the privileges he wants!"

   It is precisely because of this sentence that it later attracted many oil companies in the world to enter Saudi Arabia, which has since led Saudi Arabia to the road of an oil kingdom.

  Due to the rapid development of the world's industry, the importance of oil resources has become increasingly prominent, European and American countries have been dismissive from the beginning, but in the end they have scrambled to throw an olive branch.

  In the end, Ibn Saud, the founding king of Saudi Arabia, chose a pro-Britain-US diplomatic route after weighing the pros and cons with his amazing vision and unparalleled determination.

   It was this choice that allowed Saudi Arabia to gain huge benefits from it later.

   However, interests are interests.

  As a Middle Eastern country, Saudi Arabia is bound to listen to European and American countries in everything, especially on the issue of Israel, Saudi Arabia has always stood by the Middle East countries.

  In the early days of the Suez Canal War, in order to cooperate with Egypt's actions and express dissatisfaction with Western countries, Saudi Arabia took up its oil weapons for the first time and launched an oil embargo on Britain, France and other countries.

   It was that embargo that made Saudi Arabia and the Middle East countries taste the sweetness. In order to win the pricing power of oil and for wealth, Saudi Arabia resolutely entered a fierce non-war form of battle with European and American countries.

  Saudi Arabia has always been an ally of the United States and the United Kingdom. To a large extent, Saudi Arabia can purchase advanced weapons and equipment in various countries in Europe and the United States.

   As you can see in future generations, the Saudi royal family, which has innumerable oil resources, only follows one principle in the procurement of foreign military sales: 'Only buy advanced equipment, no matter how expensive it is. ’

  Before Saudi Arabia bought cannons, planes, tanks, whatever was good, just bought it.

   However, most of those things are conventional advanced weapons, real strategic threat weapons. No matter how rich Saudi Arabia is, Western powers will not sell them.

  How to say, this is like a treasure in a store. It is not for sale. No matter how much money you have, you can't use it unless you buy the whole store.

  Since the US-led European and American countries have publicly supported Israel's resumption, Saudi Arabia, like other countries in the Middle East, is both angry and worried.

   In particular, the United States continues to sell advanced weapons to Israel, so that a country with a population of only a few million will not fall behind under the joint siege of several powers in the Middle East.

  Saudi Arabia, who has always followed the principle of peace and prosperity, is also a little flustered. Israel's strong fighting power and aggression, as well as a series of issues such as mutual religious beliefs, have made the Saudi kingdom uneasy.

   Therefore, Saudi Arabia has always wanted to buy strategic missiles from the United States, so that its own weapons can be fully upgraded without fear of threats from Israel and neighboring countries.

   is just a strategic missile. Whether it is the United States or its enemy, the Soviet Union, the two superpowers have a surprisingly consistent attitude, that is, they will not sell them, even if Saudi Arabia pays more money, no matter how high the price is.

The    missile is a state-level weapon. Even if it is not equipped with a nuclear warhead, its power is not comparable to ordinary weapons.

   European and American countries are reluctant to buy, and even if they are willing to sell, the conditions are extremely harsh. Although Saudi Arabia has money, it does not want to take advantage of a weapon for no reason.

Therefore, the seven Sudri brothers, to be precise, should be the two leading eldest and second brothers, Fahd and Sultan. They put their minds on the great eastern country that once let the United States disarm the United States twice and was defeated. .

   During this period, although the inland economy was not good, in terms of military, no one, no country dared to ignore it casually.

After the successful development of "two bombs and one satellite", the inland has become one of the few countries in the world that independently masters nuclear technology and space technology. .

Although the range of inland missiles is limited, it is very useful to Saudi Arabia at this time. The limited range can not only protect Saudi Arabia from being threatened by neighboring countries, but also reassure major countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union. threaten them.

Although the idea is good, there is one thing that gives Fahd and Sultan a headache, and that is the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the interior. Location block.

   This has caused Saudi Arabia to have no diplomatic relations with the interior at all. In short, Saudi Arabia is not familiar with the interior now, and the two countries cannot compete with each other.

  You are a person who can’t fight with eight poles, and now you have to buy someone’s weapons for the defense of the country as soon as you come to the door. Tell me what the reaction will be in the interior.

  According to normal people's thinking, the reaction of the mainland must be, 'Did you drink too much soda, and run brother here to talk in your sleep? ’

  ‘Can I sell you the big killer that my family just developed? What an international joke. ’

   Although the United States and the United Kingdom and other countries have gradually established normal diplomatic relations with the inland, the two sides are still very vigilant about each other.

   If you want to let go of the previous alert, it is not effective in a short period of time, it requires long-term contact.

   Therefore, the question facing Saudi Arabia now is how to gain the trust of the inland, so that the other party believes that they are not under the instigation of the United Kingdom and the United States, but simply want to protect their own safety.


   (end of this chapter)

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