Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 707: win over

  Chapter 707

   After talking with the No. 2 boss in the United States, Yang Chen swept away the joy of the successful financing of the game company.

   It's not that he was threatened, or something. It was mainly some words from Bush Sr. that woke him up all of a sudden.

  As a reborn, if he is willing to be ordinary, then he only needs to hide in the one-third of an acre in the Xiangjiang River. With the memories brought by later generations, he can completely live the life of the gods in people's mouths.

  Money, beauty, status, status, none of them will be lacking, and none of them will be lacking.

   However, from the first step he took out of the Xiangjiang River, it was doomed that the small pond could not trap him, or in other words, he was unwilling to be trapped in the small pond of the Xiangjiang River.

   Jiaolong enters the sea, only in this way can he swim freely.

   His goal is global. He hopes that one day his industry will spread all over the world, affecting the livelihood of countless people and even the economy of some countries.

  However, this cannot be done by his own strength alone, he must have a strong backer to support him.

   And this backer, if it is decades later, then needless to say, he will definitely fall inland without hesitation. But now the inland economy has just been reformed and opened up, and it will take decades for it to wrestle with the United States.

   Far can't quench near thirst

   As for the UK, there is no problem with the UK.

   No matter how the Hong Kong issue is resolved next, the UK will not give up its jurisdiction over Hong Kong until it officially returns.

   Therefore, he can continue to borrow this tiger skin from the British.

   But, how long it can be used, the time is naturally not long.

  Everyone knows that the influence of the United Kingdom is weakening day by day, and the so-called Commonwealth of Nations is also only in name.

   The day when the United States will dominate the world will soon come. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, no country will be able to stop the pace of the Americans.

  During the Cold War, the Americans would win over other countries in the form of interests. Once the Cold War is over and there is no threat from opponents, then the wolf ambitions of the United States will be exposed.

   In later generations, the United States will launch wars at every turn, and fight whomever it wants. If the cost of war is too high, it will hold high the stick of economic sanctions and bring the economy of disobedient countries to collapse.

The higher the   , the easier it is to become the target of others.

   He will not foolishly think that he has a lot of money and a wide industrial chain, and the United States will be afraid.

  Uncle Sam's rogue nature is well known in future generations, let alone fear, as long as you threaten a little, the other party will not hesitate to engage you.

   In a few years, the Plaza Accord, the appreciation of the yen, and the entire island country being cut for wool by the US imperialists are living examples.

   Just now, Bush Sr. made it very clear that if he wants to work in the United States in the future, no matter whether he adds American citizenship or not, he must find a force to cooperate with.

  Otherwise, with the wealth he has now, unless he does not leave the United States at all, there will always be someone who will find an excuse to cause trouble.

   For a long time, there have been two major political forces in American politics, one is the Democratic Party and the other is the Republican Party.

  The two parties represent different interest groups.

  Democracy & Democratic Party: It mainly represents the middle class and the poor class. In the urban area, there are more supporters, and most of the supporters are trade unions and intellectuals, as well as social marginalized forces such as immigrants and other groups.

   Unlike the Republican Party, which is active in the outside world, the Democratic Party pays more attention to internal affairs, and pays more attention to many fields such as environmental protection, health insurance and social welfare, and education.

  Republican Party: It mainly represents the bourgeoisie and social conservative forces. In rural areas, especially in the south, it is relatively powerful. The main supporters are religious & religious organizations, large business consortia, veterans, and racists.

   Unlike the Democratic Party, the Republican Party focuses on diplomacy, especially the use of military force to intervene in international affairs, support corporate consortia, and reduce government spending and social welfare.

   To put it simply, there are two parties, one likes to wield a big stick to meddle in the world, and the other likes to wield a big stick to bleed the rich people in their own country.

  The class represented by the two major forces, there is no doubt that the Republican Party of Bush Sr. is the most suitable for him.

   First of all, he is actually a big capitalist who belongs to the same category as the wealthy class in the United States.

   He joined in and was easily accepted.

   But the Democratic Party is different. Although the Democratic Party represents the immigrant group, to tell the truth, the Chinese social status in the United States is generally not very high.

   Maybe it's because of the color of the skin. Compared with the Jews who were driven out of Europe, the Chinese came to the United States longer than the other side, but for more than 100 years, the status of the Chinese in the American society has always been a disadvantaged group.

  The attitude of the US government towards the Chinese has never changed. The Jews can control the US financial industry, but the Chinese are discriminated against.

   Some later generations say that the United States controls the world, and the Jews control the United States.

   And no matter whether this remark is praise or criticism, envy or jealousy, the facts are hard to deny.

  The number of Jews in the United States only accounts for about 2% of the total population of the United States, but their influence on the American economy, public opinion, and academics is not reflected in this proportion.

  Jews account for one-third of the millionaires in the United States. Jews are excellent bankers, lawyers and entertainment giants. These industries have brought them a lot of money. There are countless financial giants among Jews.

   Don't say that the Jews are smart. China has accumulated five thousand years of culture. To say that this nation is smarter than the Chinese is simply nonsense.

  The reason for everything is that behind the Chinese there is a country that cannot be conquered by any force in the world.

   Three of the four ancient civilizations in history have disappeared in the torrent of history, and only Huaxia has continued to inherit and has been passed down to this day.

  The unique cultural heritage of the Chinese makes the United States feel threatened, so the Chinese have not been able to integrate into the upper class of the United States for a long time.

   If they do not integrate into the upper class of the United States, it is naturally impossible for the Chinese to obtain their due status.

   Without a higher social status, what if you have the ability?

   On the contrary, the Jews, as a people who have been in exile in the world, did not report any vigilance to them.

   After all, wealth is no match for guns. The former leader of the German Empire has already proven this to the world.

  The Chinese community in the United States, in his current situation, is impossible to provide him with help.

   In terms of the population of the United States, although the Chinese population of one million is the largest population among Asians, it is in front of the population of more than 200 million, close to 300 million in the United States.

   In comparison, it is pitiful.

The proportions of    are completely unequal, and no matter how powerful he is, he cannot change anything.

   Compared with the peaceful occupation of the Australian mainland, the United States is definitely on the level of hell, and it is completely impossible to succeed.

   Therefore, from the current point of view, it is very necessary to take over the olive branch of Bush Sr., the future president of the United States.


   (end of this chapter)

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