Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 777: ASEAN

   Chapter 777 ASEAN

   After reaching a consensus with King Bhumibol, Yang Chen left the Gilada Palace with a smile on his face.

  This time he not only successfully resolved the tourism development, but also privately reached an oral agreement with King Bhumibol on the export of rice.

  As the head of a country and also the identity of the king, King Bhumibol's words and deeds, although they cannot be completely said to be Chrysostom's words, but they are definitely not people who repent easily.

   In recent years, with the increasing frequency of international trade, Thailand has also paid more attention to domestic agriculture, and the export volume of rice is also increasing year by year.

   Now, in cooperation with Standard Chartered Bank, Yang Chen's Carrefour Supermarket is rolling out at a snowball-like speed in Southeast Asian countries.

   According to the current expansion rate of Carrefour Supermarket, it will not be long before Thailand can completely digest the millions of tons of rice exports from Thailand every year.

  Thai rice has always enjoyed a high reputation in Southeast Asia, especially the fragrant rice in Thailand, which is even more famous in the world in later generations.

  Nanjubeizhi, the fragrant rice of Thailand, because of its unique geographical environment, as well as the characteristics of water and soil, has achieved the brand status of Thai rice in the world.

   Therefore, Boss Yang, who had always had high expectations for Thai rice earlier, met with King Bhumibol this time, which also opened a direct channel for Carrefour in the rice market.

   After this meeting with King Bhumibol, the Thai government will definitely give the green light all the way to Yang Chen's business activities in Thailand.

  The prospect of tourism development, as well as its huge investment, will be the object of constant attention of the Thai government and King Bhumibol. During this process, Yang Chen's companies will be able to gradually enter the Thai market.

  As long as the Thai market stabilizes, then his layout in Southeast Asia, the chess pieces will almost be completed, and then just wait for the time to blossom and bear fruit.

  The 1980s and 1990s was the period of the fastest economic growth in Southeast Asian countries. Asian developing countries such as Singapore, Phoenix, Thailand and Malaysia, the economic growth rate was a mess.

  Press, missing an Indonesian.

   For the country of Indonesia, Yang Chen never considered it from the very beginning, and the business layout of his company also completely crossed out Indonesia.

  According to the meaning of Boss Yang, that is, a copper plate cannot flow into Indonesia.

  Although Indonesia has a population of nearly 200 million, and its economy has developed rapidly in recent years, as a Chinese, Yang Chen has a deep resistance to Indonesia.

   This point is not much worse than the attitude towards the islanders.

   As we all know, Indonesia is a country with a tradition of Paihua, large-scale Paihua, riots, occur intermittently.

  Especially after Indonesia became independent, this situation has intensified.

  For those countries that exclude Hua, the reason why they do those things is nothing more than the inferiority complex and jealousy in their hearts.

  The Chinese are hard-working, and the wealth they get with their hands is envied by others. This is a normal thing.

   If you can’t eat grapes and feel sour grapes, this will happen everywhere, and there will also be hatred for the rich in later generations, but this situation is not such a serious social problem.

   In other countries, the contradictions caused by the inequality of wealth among different races have formed the so-called racial discrimination.

  Compared with other countries, how do you say the process of arranging hua in Indonesia? (If you talk too much, this chapter will be blocked. It’s good for everyone to know, so I won’t talk about it.)

  Tell me about the origin of Paihua in Indonesia.

   The conflict between the Chinese and the aborigines was not deliberately created by the Chinese or the aborigines.

   This is mainly related to the policy implemented by the Netherlands in Indonesia at the beginning. In the early days of the Netherlands, in order to manage Indonesia better and more conveniently, the Dutch authorities adopted indirect rule and divide and rule.

  What is indirect rule and divide and rule?

   This point needs to be well said.

   First of all, the indirect rule is that the Dutch government selects some relatively influential upper-level Chinese in various regions of Indonesia, and then gives them certain internal management power.

   Under this system, the Dutch state contracted part of the tax to the Chinese, and at the same time formulated high taxes, allowing the Chinese to collect taxes on behalf of the Dutch government.

  This indirect rule system has passed on the dissatisfaction of the local people very well. It is the Chinese who collect taxes. Naturally, the emotions of the aborigines are all vented to the Chinese, while the Netherlands does not need to bear any negative influence.

   In addition, in order to prevent the Chinese from collaborating with the locals, the Dutch adopted a divide-and-rule approach and implemented the "pass system" and "residence area system" for the Chinese.

   In this way, the freedom of movement of the Chinese is completely restricted, and the normal communication between the Chinese and the aborigines is isolated. At the same time, in terms of business, it also greatly restricts the increase of the economic power of the Chinese.

  Based on the ruling policy left over from the Dutch state earlier, the Indonesian aborigines have a very hostile impression of the Chinese, and the anti-hua sentiment is also very serious.

  Under this deformed social contradiction, a series of tragedies of Indonesian Chinese have been caused.

   Paihua has now become a common method used by the Indonesian authorities to transfer domestic conflicts. Even in the legal system, the Indonesian president can only be held by aborigines. The Indonesian government has also promulgated a series of laws and regulations specifically targeting Chinese Indonesians.

   In the face of such a country, as long as a Chinese with a normal mind will not give money to feed a group of butchers, let alone help them carry out construction.

   In Yang Chen's mind, if he finds a chance, he will stab them in the back without hesitation.

   Of course, in the face of a big country with a population of nearly 200 million, Yang Chen still maintains a certain sense of reason, and he will not do it with his head up when an egg hits a stone.

   During this period, Indonesia was very powerful in Southeast Asia, both in terms of military and economic aspects.

  In the late 1960s, Indonesia dominated ASEAN with Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

  In many Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia is one of the most influential members. What really hit Indonesia hard in later generations was the Asian financial crisis dominated by the West in 1997.

  The Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 had a comprehensive impact on Indonesia, and the turbulent situation caused it to destroy all of Indonesia's accumulation of more than 30 years in the past.

   Just like the island country in the 1980s, when it threatened the western countries, the western countries led by the United States began to cut wool.

   The only thing that can truly resist the economic impact of the United States and Europe in future generations can only become the world's factory and China, which has a comprehensive economic rise, can compete with it.

   But then again, if the Asian financial crisis in 1997 hadn't restrained the development of Southeast Asian countries, the inland economy would not have risen so fast.

   The rise of the inland economy will inevitably hit the neighboring Asian countries first, followed by the western developed countries in Europe and the United States.

  The Asian financial crisis in 1997, although it interrupted the economic development of Southeast Asian countries, it helped the inland solve the troubles in the first stage.

   You must know that Asia is a region with two-thirds of the world's population, and here, there has never been a shortage of cheap labor.

  Without the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the inland country would not be able to occupy the global manufacturing industry in a short period of time with the advantages of high quality and low price.

   It can be said that the ultimate beneficiary of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 was not the West, but the inland who had been silently bowing their heads and working hard.

  Except Indonesia, other ASEAN countries are Yang Chen's next key investment targets. At least before 1997, ASEAN countries were the best investment areas.

   After 1997, the inland will become the best investment gathering place in the world.


   (end of this chapter)

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