Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 797: Press conference

   Chapter 797 Press Conference

  Hang Seng Bank Tower

   After listening to Zheng Hiquan's report, Yang Chen held a press conference in person. The main purpose of this press conference was to announce to the citizens of Xiangjiang that Boss Yang had won the controlling stake in Landmark.

  Maybe people outside of Xiangjiang would not understand Yang Chen's behavior. Although Landmark is a powerful company, it is only a subsidiary of Jardine Group in name.

   Not long ago, Yang Chen won the British Aerospace Corporation, which is a very important thing in the eyes of the outside world.

   However, Boss Yang, who was in London at the time, did not hold a press conference in person to announce the good news to the media, but only made his company issue an unsalted statement.

   Based on this, most of the invited media reporters did not think that they would have the chance to see Yang Chen at the press conference.

   However, the facts are often unexpected.

   Yang Chen not only showed up this time, but also personally hosted this press conference.

   Actually, there is a reason why Yang Chen appeared to host the press conference.

  Land Land Company, as a subsidiary of Jardine Matheson, is on a par with Jardine Matheson, a British-owned company with stronger overall strength than Jardine Matheson, and being able to win it may not be as important to Yang Chen as outsiders imagined.

   However, this is a very proud thing for the people of Xiangjiang.

   Seven or eight years ago, that is, before the reform and opening up of the interior, the people of Hong Kong had been living under British rule, not only military security, but also economic development was controlled by the British.

  The major consortia of British capital in Heung Kong, Jardine, Hutchison Whampoa, Wheelock, Swire Pacific, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank and a series of British companies, they control the economic lifeline of the whole Heung Kong.

   Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all-encompassing. Almost all industries are monopolized by British consortiums.

Even in the 1970s, the Chinese capital gradually rose, but under the rule of the British, under the suppression of the major British financial groups, when facing the British pressure, the Chinese capital only had the power to defend, but not to fight back. Power.

  Before the charter king and Yihe competed for the Wharf, no matter how well the Chinese company developed, it was just a dish on the lips of the British consortium. You can eat it whenever you want.

   Watching the company founded by the Chinese being acquired by the British consortium and defeated by the British consortium again and again, the Chinese in Hong Kong, whether they are in the business world or the people at the bottom, feel a sense of anger in their hearts.

   It is precisely because of the anger in everyone's heart that after the charter king seized the Wharf and Li Chaoren settled in Hutchison Whampoa, it caused a violent response from the public.

   For both of them, whether it is the elite or the people at the bottom, they all give thumbs up.

   Yang Chen's ambition is so big that he can see the whole of Asia as his future back garden.

   But there is a saying that is good

A thousand miles begins with a single step

  The high-rise building starts from the ground

   This foundation is very important

   And what is the so-called foundation?

   Nothing but people!

   In this world, what can be done without people? If someone supports you, you can do things with half the effort.

   Yang Chen has no intention of breaking the impression of the charter king and Li Chaoren in the hearts of the people of Hong Kong.

   He just didn't want to see the two of them specializing in beauty and influence. No one would think that it was too little, especially a rich man like him.

   In this era, low-key is useless, the more low-key you are, the more restraint you will be.

   On the contrary, the more high-profile you are, the more people see your strength, and most of them will consciously retreat when their strength is not as good as yours.

   In this way, the **** will be less and less.

   The later Li Chaoren is also the richest Chinese man who has been the richest man in China for 20 years. He has a solid foundation and a profound background, and then he slowly started to keep a low profile.

  In the early days, the more shallow the background, the more high-profile it is.

  Xiangjiang is not inland. Capital society is all about money. No matter how great the power is, sometimes you have to bend over in front of money.

   The richer you are, the greater your influence in the capitalist society. The greater your influence, the average person will not dare to arbitrarily hit your mind.

  Especially those who are young, the three religions and nine-class people, the last thing they want is to provoke rich people.

  The Zhang Dahan bandit that everyone is familiar with in later generations, many people think that the Li family was too rich and too high-profile, which led to the Zhang Dahan bandit being remembered.

   It is undeniable that the reason why Zhang Dahan is concerned about the Li family is indeed because the Li family is too rich.

   There is a saying, those who are stupefied are afraid of being stunned, those who are terrified are afraid of dying, and those who do not want to die, they also have people who are afraid, who are they afraid of?

  Without him, lunatic.

   It is not difficult to see from the deeds of Zhang Dahan and a group of bandits that they are a group of downright lunatic.

   A group of madmen with brains and no reason.

   Turn around and take a look, were there few rich people who were remembered by Zhang Dahan?

   After taking the money, how many people went home safely?

   As we all know, one of them is a fool, and he was invited to drink tea one after another by Brother Hao. After drinking it several times, he finally evaporated from the world.

  Although Li Chaoren was cheated by Zhang Dahan bandits at the time, no one in the Li family was harmed, and Zhang Dahan bandits did not care about the Li family since then.

why is that?

  Don't tell me that the Li family knew the lesson and hired a group of bodyguards. The younger brothers of Zhang Dahan are not good enough, so they can't do it?

   As for what promises, character and the like, don't say anything.

   Talking about character and commitment to a gangster is like making an international joke.

  In Yang Chen's opinion, there is only one reason why the bandit Zhang Dahan swindled Li Chaoren for a sum of money and stopped attacking the Li family. That is, Li Chaoren's influence is too great.

  Compared with other tycoons, the Li family's every move is in the public eye. You do it once and no one pays attention, and you succeed.

   But, think about it for the second time, it's impossible, once the police catch the evidence, you will have to squat until your hair is gray.

  Influence is very important in the capital society. He has always regarded Xiangjiang as his foundation. Naturally, Yang Chen will not miss any opportunity to strengthen his influence in front of the public.

Boss Yang personally presided over the press conference. The effect is self-evident. You can think about how the media reporters will use their pens to write and speak for Boss Yang after the press conference is over. blow.

   As for the main contributors this time, Zheng Hiquan and others became foils from beginning to end. Even though Zheng Hiquan himself was standing beside Yang Chen, he was completely ignored by everyone.

   Fortunately, Zheng Hiquan doesn't care about these falsehoods. This time he was able to successfully win the Landmark Company. In addition to the opportunity, Yang Chen was willing to give him power and give him the opportunity to display his abilities.

   Compared with these, the others are not important to him.


   (end of this chapter)

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