In just two days, the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen spread widely.

Today, Zhao Yazhi is just a young actor who has acted in a few plays, and he is far from being as popular as after "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" and "Shanghai Beach" were broadcast. There are two main reasons why the scandal between her and Huang Yuanshen became so hot:

1. Huang Yuanshen, who has acted in more than a dozen plays, is a popular niche in TVB, and most of the roles he plays are upright and positive characters. Therefore, many people naturally pay attention to the negative gossip about him.

2. Both Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen have families—Rufang, although the social atmosphere in Xiangjiang is very open compared to the mainland and Taiwan, the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen involves Extramarital affairs have risen to the moral level, which makes the public a little unacceptable, so there are so many media criticizing them.

Under such pressure from public opinion, Zhao Yazhi would probably have collapsed if Xu Cun hadn't been there to comfort him every day.

Xu Cun knows that just enlightening and comforting cannot completely solve Zhao Yazhi's troubles.

Therefore, while enlightening and comforting Zhao Ya, Xu Cun was also discussing with Xu Jixin, the editor-in-chief of "Oriental Daily", about repackaging Zhao Yazhi.

Xu Cun, who has been in the entertainment industry for decades, has seen too many scandals, has seen many celebrities ruined by scandals, and has seen many celebrities become more popular through scandals.

In Xu Cun's view, Zhao Yazhi's scandal is not necessarily a bad thing. He can use this scandal to make Zhao Yazhi a synonym for elegance, virtuousness, and gentleness, and cultivate a large number of brain-dead fans for Zhao Yazhi.


"Oriental Weekly" is an entertainment magazine under the "Oriental Daily".

At this moment, in the studio of "Oriental Weekly", Xu Cun is making Zhao Yazhi an image of an elegant lady with curly hair, a black evening dress, and a few jewels—this image is exactly what Xu Cun did in his previous life. One of the classic images of Zhao Yazhi seen online.

After Xu Cun finished, everyone in the studio was shocked by Zhao Yazhi's beauty, and they also admired Xu Cun's modeling skills.

After Zhao Yazhi saw his new image, he was not only shocked by his beauty, but also convinced that Xu Cun could solve his troubles.

After looking Zhao Yazhi up and down, Xu Cun began to direct the lighting engineer of "Oriental Weekly" to set up the background board and light, and then he took a group of photos for Zhao Yazhi himself.

After that, Xu Cun took three sets of photos of Zhao Yazhi, home furnishing, professional suit, and cheongsam—these three images are also the classic images of Zhao Yazhi that Xu Cun saw on the Internet in his previous life.


The fourth day after the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen came out.

"Oriental Daily" suddenly appeared a bold headline in the most eye-catching position of the supplement: Actress married into a rich family, really fly to the branch to become a phoenix?

This article describes the grievances Zhao Yazhi suffered after marriage, and listed the unfortunate marriages of other celebrities after they married into wealthy families, and then discussed whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for female stars to marry into wealthy families. What details should be paid attention to later...

The starting point of this article is different from other media reports, and it also revealed many unknown painful experiences of Zhao Yazhi after her marriage, which really attracted the attention of many people.

The vast majority of people have sympathy - after reading this article, many people are thinking: It turns out that Zhao Yazhi has suffered so much in the Wang family, no wonder she cheated, Wang Hanwei and his mother also It's not something...


The fifth day since the rumors of Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen's scandal came out.

"Dongfang Daily" was still in yesterday's position. An article detailed the whole story of Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen's scandal.

The article also cited many testimonials, proving that Huang Yuanshen was unrequitedly in love with Zhao Yazhi, and Zhao Yazhi only regarded Huang Yuanshen as an ordinary friend.

In addition, Xu Cun personally gave "false testimony" to prove that Huang Yuanshen entrusted him to hand over the bracelet and love letter to Zhao Yazhi. Moreover, Xu Cun's testimony also emphasized that Zhao Yazhi did not want to accept Huang Yuanshen's bracelet and love letter at all. Reluctantly accepted Huang Yuanshen's bracelet and love letter.

As soon as this article came out, the media that criticized Zhao Yazhi lost their voices collectively. They all chose to wait and see - they all wanted to see if anyone jumped out to refute the report of "Oriental Daily".

But the result of everyone's waiting was that not only did no media jump out, even the parties Huang Yuanshen and Huang Hanwei didn't stand up and say that the report of "Oriental Daily" was not true.

In this way, Zhao Yazhi is an innocent and good woman, Huang Yuanshen is a toad who wants to eat swan meat, and Huang Hanwei is a narrow-minded and incompetent husband.

Then, the media all pointed their finger at Huang Yuanshen and Huang Hanwei, Huang Yuanshen was completely hacked, Huang Hanwei became a typical example of the worst husband, and poor Zhao Yazhi's negative image was completely reversed.


The sixth day after the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen came out.

The public who were waiting to read the follow-up report on the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen discovered that four large characters appeared in the place where the two articles were published by "Oriental Daily" - "Oriental Fashion".

After seeing these four characters, everyone thought that the "Oriental Daily" had made a mistake.

Some media who have animosity with "Oriental Daily" also ridiculed "Oriental Daily" for being unprofessional.


The seventh day since the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen came out.

The place where the two articles were published, there are five more small words under "Oriental Fashion" - what is fashion?

This time, finally no one thought that the "Oriental Daily" made a low-level mistake, and everyone guessed that "Oriental Daily" did it on purpose.

However, it is not surprising that the public reacted slowly—although suspense advertisements were rare and common decades later, in the late 1970s, this was a pioneering form of advertisement. It made full use of people's curiosity, set suspense, and attracted people public attention.


The eighth day since the rumors of Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen's scandal came out.

The public finally figured it out—it turned out that "Oriental Weekly" was going to be renamed "Oriental Fashion" to create the first fashion magazine in Hong Kong.


The ninth day since the scandal between Zhao Yazhi and Huang Yuanshen came out.

The page that had attracted the public's attention for nearly a week suddenly became the cover of a magazine, and the title changed from "Oriental Fashion"—congratulations to the official launch of Hong Kong's first fashion magazine "Oriental Fashion"!

However, although the headline was very eye-catching, no one looked at the headline, because everyone's eyes were attracted by Zhao Yazhi wearing a black evening dress on the cover of the magazine.


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