Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 331: : Pursuing the Blood Count Nicholas

"Sir Yan Lian, sir He! You stop, Nantian is my good friend. Even if he committed a crime, he did not need a few sirs, so he sent him to the military court so anxiously!

Wu Na stopped in the middle of the road and said straightforwardly.

He Dawei froze.

As a lieutenant of Yan Lian, a powerful assistant.

He Wei is very familiar with all aspects of the Xingluo base.

He Dawei has a vague impression of Wu Na.

Wu Na was able to come to Xingluo base and join the internal organization of the Galaxy Army, thanks to the strong recommendation of a munitions director at Xingluo base.

Afterwards, Captain He checked the detailed resumes of Wu Na and her family.

The investigation found that Wu Na's father, a general and a military commander at the Xingluo base prepared by the Galactic Army, used to be the brother of the bastard.

The Director of Quartermasters at Xingluo Base is also considered an intermediate cadre.

The Director of Quartermaster strongly recommends Wu Na to be recommended.

Captain He also took a light snack.

However, Wu Na's words frowned.

What is it, what is it!

The donkey head is not right!

Captain He screamed sharply: "Wu Na, what do you say!"

"What, military court! And, Lieutenant Colonel Nantian, is this you girl film, can you call it at will?"

He Dawei reprimanded.

Yan Lian also stopped and looked at Wu Na with interest.

Nan Tian smiled, in fact, Nan Tian had already seen Wu Na.

However, there was nothing to talk about when thinking about the two.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

The past let him go, become a cloud, like a stranger.

However, Wu Na's behavior of "courageous" actually made Nantian look at each other!

This little girl, did not save the mistake before!

During the "crisis", I also knew to stand up for myself.

Not bad!

Nan Tian secretly praised Wu Na in his heart.

Where did Wu Na know about Nantian?

In addition, Wu Na did not return to the Tianqixingluo base while performing her mission outside.

The news is somewhat blocked.

Wu Na was even more startled, her expression shocked.

When he heard that, Captain He said the words "Lieutenant Colonel Nantian".

Wu Na's legs shook instinctively.

"What, Chief He! Are you kidding? Now, is this Nantian, Lieutenant Colonel Nantian? Not, Sergeant Nantian?"

Wu Na asked back.

Wu Na worked hard, worked hard in Xingluo base, and a director of the quartermaster secretly made recommendations.

Wu Na is only a second lieutenant within the Galactic Army.

Wu Na believes that Nantian has no power and power, and there are some cyanosis, and there is no backstage. From the sea blue star, his vision is not very great. Even if Nantian has a wonderful talent, he is a sergeant !

But unexpectedly, Captain He opened a "Lieutenant Colonel Nantian!"

Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Yan Lian, is nothing but the rank of Lieutenant Colonel!

Wu Na took a breath in her heart.

At the same time, Wu Na's heart completely set off a violent storm.

For a long time, Wu Na could not be quiet.

He Xiaowei frowned: "Sergeant Nantian! Lieutenant Wu Na, you are insulting Nantian again! Officer Nantian recently won the black market big martial arts championship, and was promoted by the Intermediate Inspector in a row. Lieutenant Colonel! This is a very glorious thing for our Star Luo base. Please pay attention to your words in the future. If you dare to insult the Nantian prince again, I will immediately send you to the base military law department for direct military law disposal! "

He Dawei, said coldly.

At this time, Wu Na realized that everything is true!

Nantian is really a lieutenant colonel!

How did he do that?

From a small sergeant who has just joined the Galaxy Army and is unknown and unknown, to an equal position with the chief of the military base.

Maybe, you are really a legend!

[Nantian, I have underestimated you before! 】

Wu Na felt very much in her heart.

Nan Tian waved his hand to stop He Wei from training.

Nan Tian walked to Wu Na and smiled slightly: "Hello, Miss Wu Na, I haven't seen you for a long time! Last time, the zombies fought together. Have a great time."

Wu Na froze for a long time, and whispered to Nantian: "Nantian, I ask you, are you really a lieutenant colonel officer in the Galaxy Army?"

Nan Tian laughed: "If I were not an officer in the rank of lieutenant colonel, would there be such a grand welcome ceremony in the base now? How could it be possible, Captain He, call me sir?"

Wu Na stared at the boss, patting her chest: "Wow! I didn't expect that all this is true!"

"Nantian, you are so powerful!"

"I admire you so much!"

Wu Na said heartily.

Nantian smiled faintly: "I'm not bad!"

Wu Na pouted and whispered: "Narcissism!"

Nantian also responded in a low voice: "Da Bomei! You should be a g-cup!"

To be honest, the two little white rabbits on Wu Na's chest are really dazzling.

The big girl in the class before Nantian, Ba Pingping, couldn't compete with a mature-woman like Wu Na.

"What are you talking about? Wretched man?"

Wu Na is also feminine, and she wants to grab Nan Tian's ear when she comes up.

However, halfway through her hand, Wu Na stopped.

"Chief Nantian, you are now a lieutenant colonel officer. In our internal establishment of the Galaxy Army, it is also a heroic party, can you be more solemn!"

Wu Na threw her tongue out.

Nan Tian laughed and whispered to Wu Na's ear: "I will try my best! How about it, beauties, are you interested? Drink tea in the afternoon and talk about life ideals ...

Wu Na shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Chief Nantian, you are still busy with your military affairs! I dare not delay the afternoon break of the chief!"

Nan Tian chuckled and threw the huge crystal of Canghai that he had previously obtained from Canghai National Park from the boundary of life to Wu Na.

"When you're free, put this back in the park."

"Lest you keep saying that I am greedy for money and profits, haha!"

Nan Tian said nothing, and was surrounded by senior officials such as Yan Lian, He Wei, and other star Luo bases.

Looking at Nan Tian's back, Wu Na was holding the huge crystal of the blue sea in her hand, and she was full of thoughts.

"Yeah, we are already people of two worlds! Chief Nan Tian, ​​I wish you all the way to Huang Tengda and achieve a wonderful life!"

Wu Na wholeheartedly blessed ~ ~ After a break, Nantian thought that there was a big enemy-Nicholas Blood Count, did not deal with it!

Seeing that, in another period of time, Nantian is going to the vast protagonist millions of light years away!

Nantian decided to act immediately!

The spy chief of the dark dynasty expedition has dispelled the **** enmity with Nantian.

Otherwise, Nantian is protected by True Fire Spirit Liquid.

Nantian had already died.

Whether it is for personal, or for the stability and stability of the Galaxy Alliance!

Now that Nantian has enough strength, Nantian must chase down the blood Count Nicholas!

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