Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 284: : Desiree, King of Martial Arts

"It seems that it is appropriate to call Xiaohei!"

Nan Tian smiled.

At every critical moment, Xiaohei, the treasure hunter, always plays a key role.

"Mali blasts!"

Nan Tian read a word and summoned Xiao Hei from the realm of life.

Xiaohei was originally in the realm of life, and the dog elves built by the fire elves were asleep!

Suddenly, he was summoned by Nantian and fell to the ground.

Little Black, scratching his face with dog paws, very dissatisfied, called twice.

"Wang Wang!"

Little Black, venting his dissatisfaction.

Nantian grabbed Xiaohei and grabbed it.

"Xiaohei, be more excited! It's your turn again!"

Nan Tian laughed.

Xiao Hei sighed, "Master, what are you doing, and ask me for help? I'm sleeping without seeing me!"

Strange to say, Xiao Hei's ability is getting bigger and bigger, but Xiao Hei is getting lazier.

Nothing to do, Xiaohei liked it, lying in the doghouse, and fell asleep!

In Xiaohe's own words, this is called "more sleep"!

Since it is already very powerful, take a good rest!

"Wake up! Little black, why sleep when you live, and sleep forever after death!"

Nantian felt a word.

"Hurry up and get up, I need you now!"

Nan Tian said.

Little black is a very obedient little black dog.

See Nan Tian really encountered, difficult.

Xiao Hei was also excited immediately.

"Well, let's talk! Master, what problem are you having?"

Asked Xiao Hei.

"I just felt a familiar breath around here, but I turned back and forth, but I couldn't find the source of the breath. I just want you, help me find it!"

Nan Tian said slowly.

"Well, this little thing! Master, can you elaborate on the specific feeling of that breath?"

"Oh, you don't have to describe it, Master! Xiao Hei, I have also sensed that there is indeed something interesting near here!"

Little black suddenly came to the spirit, like a hungry man rushing on the bread!

Or, like a young man who hasn't been able to work for a long time, he saw a group of beautiful girls who took off their hair.

Nan Tian sighed: "Can make Xiaohei react so! It seems that the source of this breath should be a treasure! Still a valuable baby! 】

"I have basically determined the location of the source of the breath! Follow me, master! Followme!"

This guy, Xiaohei, didn't know when he followed Nantian. He learned a few words from him. Western languages ​​are now showing their way!

Nantian, can't help but be funny!

However, Nantian also admired Xiaohei quite.

Xiao Hei's ability is really not blowing.

Nan Tian turned back and forth, searching for a long time, but did not find the source of the breath.

As soon as Xiao Hei appeared, he locked the source.

This gap is difficult to measure.

[Perhaps, this is what people often say, the profession has specialization! ] Nantian Xindao.

Following Xiaohei, Nantian traveled all the way, very fast!

Xiaohei's nose is very sensitive, and her ears are very easy to use.

Following Xiaohei, Nantian hardly took a detour.

Going round and round, walking in the virgin forest for nearly half an hour.

The little black belt Nantian came to one, in front of the towering giant tree.

"The source of breath is in this tree!"

Little black nun mouth.

"But there is nothing special about this tree!"

Nantian laughed.

Little Black waved the dog's paw.

"This, you don't know! Master, look at me!"

After all, Xiaohei walked near the trunk of the big tree, and banged.

The technique used by Xiao Hei, if you look closely, you will find that this technique is very special. In the dark, you can arouse some mysterious things in the world.

Nan Tian lamented: "Xiaohei, you deserve it, the descendants of the swollen Tianquan family in the age of Shenwu!"

In a certain way, the crocodile dog family is so blessed!

Under Xiaohei's beating, the torso of this towering giant tree began to slowly crack a gap.

This gap is not big, just right, can accommodate Nantian and Nantian through.


Cried little black.

"This is amazing!"

Follow Xiaohei and enter the trunk of the giant tree.

This giant tree is so huge, there are dozens of adults on the trunk, the size of the embrace, the age of the tree is more than ten thousand years!

Entering the trunk of the giant tree is another scenery.

More than half of the trunk of the giant tree had been hollowed out. On the side of the trunk, there was a hole, and the outside of the hole gleamed with light.

Xiaohei's footsteps didn't stop, he jumped directly into the hole.

Nantian followed suit.

Through the hole, the space suddenly became bigger.

This is one side, a huge stone cave.

I don't know, for any reason, this stone cave is still not bright all year round, but it still has light.

Upon entering, Nantian instinctively felt in the cave, and there was a hint of warmth that flooded into the heart.

Inside the cave, the layout is very simple.

In the center of the cave, there is a table.

On the table, there is a black box.

The source of the breath was released from the white box.

Nantian was very excited and was about to open the white box.

Xiao He couldn't wait any longer, jumped up, and the dog's paws had rushed to the white box.

However, this time, Xiao Hei, the "treasure hunter", was deflated!

"Puff", White Box, didn't know what prohibition on it, even let Xiaohei bounce back.

Little Black fell heavily on the ground.

Xiao Hei, "Wang Wang" called a few times!

Xiaohei won't be so simple, just lose!

Xiao Hei jumped again and again and jumped out several times.

However, without exception, Xiaohei failed!

Little Black couldn't touch it at all, this white box.

"It's really weird!"

Xiao Hei grumbled, very unwilling!

Seeing that the baby is right in front of him, Xiaohe can't get it. This mood is very uncomfortable!

Nan Tian felt inexplicably felt the call of the white box!

"It feels familiar! Really familiar! Warm!"

Nan Tian couldn't help it any longer, stepped forward and reached for the white box.

Surprisingly, this white box did not rebound Nantian.

Nan Tian opened the white box.

The dazzling light dazzled the entire cave.

For a long time, the light was gone.

In the white box, there is a dark red relic.

"This is, the ancestor of my previous life-Zhenwu Xianzong, one of the three treasures of Zhenzong-the Buddha relic!

Nantian was very surprised!

As the most outstanding disciple of Zhenwu Xianzong in the ancient Wu era, Nantian naturally saw the treasure of Zhenzong!

"I didn't expect to see you again after so many years! Buddha Sari!"

It is also strange to say that this Buddha relic was held by Nantian in the palm of his hand and suddenly integrated into Nantian's body.

Nantian's body was rapidly transformed.

Nantian also fell asleep comfortably.

For a long time, a burst of colorful light landed on Nantian.

Nan Tian's eyes suddenly opened, and the momentum was pressing!

Open the Wushen system again, Nantian's property panel has now become like this:

Host: Nantian

Identity: The third baron of the Galaxy Alliance, the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: 1 million galaxy contribution points + 1000 meritorious service points + 10 billion galaxy coins

Physical fitness: 39.99 (42.99)

Mental Strength: 45

Vitality: 39.99 (42.99)

Strength: 39.99 (42.99)

Agility: 39.999 (42.99)

Comprehensive combat power: 40.999 (42.99)

Main Class: Mech Warrior / Nine Grade Mech Warrior

First Vice Profession: Ancient Warrior / Nine Pins

Second Vice Profession: Accountant / Accountant Practitioner

Talent level: Virtual Dao

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin ~ ~ Take Li Leyin out of Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the main position of Tianyin Pavilion! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"King Wu, my Nantian has become King Wu again!"

Nantian, waving his hands excitedly! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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