Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 386: : Save the princess

In the distance, Princess Xiang also found this big eagle.

The majestic eagle was in awe, and there was a turmoil in the whole primitive forest.

It is not easy for human warriors to practice in the realm of kings!

What's more, it's a beast!

It is very difficult for aliens to learn, and there is no one that can practice.

Able to achieve, holy-level monsters, all are the top of the monsters!

Not only are they extremely talented, but they also have great perseverance and mentality!

Princess Xiang, looking at the majestic eagle carving, could not help but sigh: "The king of the beast, it is estimated that no hunter can hunt it in the world! Perhaps, only it can hunt humans!"

The maid beside Princess Xiang also nodded in amazement.

"The princess said very much that if there are really gods and men who can shoot this big eagle down, I will immediately marry him!"

The maid said a little bit of spring.

"Look at you, beautiful!"

"This great eagle is really powerful! Who can shoot it? If it does, it's not your turn, the little wave-hoof-zi, to marry the hero!"

Princess Xiang chuckled.

The maid blushed: "Yes! That super master, of course, is Her Royal Highness. The slave, will not compete with Her Royal Highness!"

Princess Xiang, with her tongue out, "Forget it, what are we talking about now! Oops, shame!"

"Your Highness, what's so shy about? It's a big boy to be married, a big girl to be married! If there is a hero hero, Your Royal Highness, you have to seize the opportunity!"

Madam, twitter said.

Princess Xiang is silent, pretty face, ashamed as red apple.

The master of Princess Xiang, the head of the Xiangchun Palace, the beautiful woman, had a period of love with Wang Wen, but after all, because of various problems, she could not be combined with Wen Wang.

For this reason, the beautiful woman regretted her life.

As the master of the master, naturally I do not want my female apprentice to step into my own footsteps.

The glamorous woman, once, told Princess Xiang more than once, to let Princess Xiang ,, while still young and beautiful, get married early.

If it weren't for Han Gongzi's poor conduct, the head of the Xiangchun Palace would have to go to the Han family to raise relatives, and he wouldn't even charge the Han's gift money.

"Gai Shi Yinghao, where is it so easy to find?"

Princess Xiang shook her head and sighed.


The big eagle in the sky raised his head high and looked down at the "ants" on the ground.

Perhaps it was Princess Xiang and her group of beautiful girls whose clothes were too beautiful.

Attracted the attention of the big eagle.

The big eagle fluttered its wings and flew fiercely towards here.

This can frighten Princess Xiang, these beautiful girls.

Princess Xiang's cultivation practice, that is, has just reached the first grade Wu Zun.

Where is the opponent of the holy monster?

"Princess! I'm so scared! I don't want to die! I'm still young!"

Some maidservants cried in horror.

However, the big eagle can ignore these.


A huge tornado has already hovered over the ground, watching the big eagles open their mouths and eat them all.


On the other side, Nantian has already bowed his arrow!

That's right, Nantian uses all kinds of bows and arrows.

"Hundreds of steps through the bottom, Hou Yi shoots the sun! Today, I am coming from the sky to shoot the big eagle!"

"Just use these bows and arrows!"

As soon as Nantian's voice fell, his arms were full of power.

Arrows wrapped narrowly, surging power, swept through the storm-like true air, shot towards the sky.

This arrow, in the sky, dragged out a long ray of light.


The arrow created by that iron actually hit the big eagle.

Because Arrow was infused with Nantian, he was infused with the true spirit of the Nine Heavens Dragon.


Arrows go deeper!

Then, it suddenly penetrated the head of the big eagle.

Covering the sky and covering the sun, the holy-class beast-the cover of the sky is just like this!

In the arrows of the southern sky, the true spirit of the Nine Heavens Dragon, contained in it, was already in the head of the big eagle.

Otherwise, no one, with ordinary bows and arrows, can kill the sacred monster!

When the beast reaches the sacred level, the vitality in the body is particularly vigorous. Sometimes, even if the head is lost, it can be regenerated!

However, no matter how strong the vitality is, it is in vain to meet the domineering nine days of true dragons and true energy!

The big eagle carving, the huge body, also quickly, began to land.


The eagle covered the sky and fell to the ground, which caused a very severe earthquake.

Astonished, Princess Xiang and others, don't know yet, what happened!

[Is this big vulture ready to attack us? Why, suddenly, he was shot and killed? ]

Princess Xiang, very puzzled in her heart.

As for those maids, they are happy.

Finally, don't die!

Han Gongzi and other family sons were also shocked.

In comparison, the frightened Princess Xiang Xiang et al.

Han Gongzi and others witnessed the whole process of the shooting of the big eagle.

Han Gongzi and others saw it, an arrow, swept through the fierce true energy, simply and decisively, shot into the body of the big eagle.

Then the big eagle dies!

"It's terrifying! This is simply the arrow of the gods. I didn't expect that there will be people who can shoot such a big eagle in this world! But that's a real holy beast! I think even if it's King Wen Not necessarily guaranteed, take this big eagle! "

Han Gongzi sighed.

After a long time, Princess Xiang and they also reacted.

In the heart of Princess Xiang, the deer bumped into each other.

"Just now, I was talking with my sisters about the big eagle. This big eagle came to attack us, and then there was an alien arrow that shot the fierce big eagle and saved our lives! , Or fate? "

Princess Xiang thought for a while, her face was already red, just like a red apple, the young girl's breath, full of vitality, let the man see, could not help but want to take a bite.

The beauty of Princess Xiang is very worthy of her princess title.

As the saying goes, fragrant flower vanilla, with a beautiful woman, says: vanilla beauty!

Nan Tian, ​​who is a party of ~ ~, is the same as the unaffected person.

Nantian is free and easy.

It's like doing something that is easy.

"Oh, by the way, I'm participating in autumn hunting! This holy monster is a big guy, all baby, I can't waste it!"

Thinking of this, Nantian hurried over to the place where the big eagle fell, and then the big eagle was included in the realm of life.

The big eagle is a holy monster after all!

People like Han Gongzi and others also want to join in and pick up a benefit, but they are worried that the big eagle is not dead and has no action.

Wait again, Han Gongzi and others rushed over.

The big eagle is already, there is not even one hair left!

Nantian has already left! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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