Getting on the rickety bus again, Feng Hao and Zhao Guanxiang each bought a large bag of things. They not only added clothes, but also bought a lot of cooking things, and each brought half a roast duck.

When they were in the Internet cafe before, Liang Yating and others were surprised to see how Feng Hao became a consultant, and he was a highly paid consultant. As soon as he left the Internet cafe, they tortured Feng Hao.

Even Shi Xuelan and Liang Yating looked at him with some changes. Talented boys are always slightly glamorous.

In the face of everyone's torture, Feng Hao used the reason that he happened to have read this kind of book and happened to be familiar with this kind of Trojan horse.

Fortunately, you don't have to get to the bottom of things, and you take it seriously.

Forty or fifty minutes later, at 4:30 in the afternoon, the bus stopped at Feng Hao and Zhao Guanxiang's village.

The two of them dragged a large bag of things to their respective homes. Fortunately, the Liang Rao homes were not far from the village brigade, and they would be home in three or five minutes.

Along the way, Feng Hao saw that the uncles and aunts greeted them warmly, and that they had not been with people from their hometown for a long time. He felt different about everything in his hometown.

After a while, Feng Hao rushed home, but he didn't see his parents, but the house was burning firewood and water.

Feng Hao knew that his parents might be feeding pigs. Dad Feng and Mom Feng usually work in a lumber factory. They farm during busy times, and they also raise some pigs and chickens in moderation. This is the income of Feng Hao's family.

Looking at the dilapidated half-tile house again, Feng Hao had mixed feelings.

In the last life, my parents had been busy for most of their lives and had no time to relax. They also had to worry about the lives of my sister and Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's sister Feng Hui has been working in a mobile phone after-sales company after graduating from South China University of Science and Technology in her previous life, and she could not get a good job until she got married.

Feng Hui's marriage in the last life was not very good. She often quarreled. Her mother-in-law was not very good to her and disliked her for not earning much money.

However, Feng Hui was very kind to Feng Hao, his younger brother. During college, he often subsidized living expenses, and even gave a big red envelope when he got married.

Thinking of his sister, Feng Hao not only misses, but is more grateful.

When Feng Hao recalled, he heard the voice of Feng's father and Feng's mother talking, and the two of them were rushing home.

Looking at the slowly opening door, Feng Hao became more and more excited. He saw his parents came in with a pair of buckets.

"Dad, Mom, you are back, are you going to feed the pigs?"

Seeing the much younger Feng's father and Feng's mother, Feng Hao's eyes became rosy,

But he was afraid of being found abnormal by his parents, so he held back abruptly.

"Yes, I just finished feeding the pigs. Where are you going crazy now? No one is there."

When Feng Ma saw Feng Hao coming back, she also put the burden away, and then said to Feng Hao.

"Hey, mom, didn't I go shopping with Xiangzi to buy what the university needed?"

Hearing Feng Ma's familiar sound of wailing, Feng Hao also explained to Feng Ma with a half-smile.

Pointing to the cupboard, Feng Hao said as if taking credit: "We went to play in the county town today, Mom, I bought half a roast duck and kept it in the cupboard."

"You kid, you're wasting money again, don't you have a lot of leftovers at home?"

As Rao Feng's mother in the countryside, she has always been very frugal, and she usually does not throw away any leftovers at home. She also accuses Feng Hao of wasting money.

Yesterday, there were more than 10 tables for the university banquet, and there were a lot of meat and vegetables left, and now Feng Hao bought roast duck, Feng Ma felt a little unhappy.

"You, don't be ho, buy it as soon as you buy it, put it in the refrigerator, you can cook it tomorrow morning and eat it."

Seeing that Feng's mother was still talking, Dad Feng couldn't understand it. Although Feng Hao's family was poor, they also bought a refrigerator.

"Just a moment, what's the matter? It's not money."

Seeing Dad Feng's appearance, Mom Feng immediately turned her attention to Dad Feng.

"Yes, yes, you are right."

In front of Feng's mother, Feng's father's family status is particularly low, even if he is afraid of women's mercy, the men in Rongcheng can be regarded as raking ears.

"Okay, leave it for now and cook it tomorrow morning."

Feng's father and Feng's mother chatted without a word while preparing food.

Feng Hao wanted to help, but Feng's mother disliked him and asked him to take a bath first. Feng Hao could only obediently take a bath.

By the time Feng Hao had finished taking a bath and washing his clothes, half an hour had passed, and his parents had already prepared the meal.

At the dinner table, Feng Hao saw three dishes, one leftover from the banquet, a plate of pork belly, and a plate of water spinach.

It was a very ordinary home-cooked dish, but Feng Hao was very happy to eat it, and his appetite was wide open, all of which were familiar flavors.

Feng Hao felt very lucky to be able to live a new life. Maybe it was the blessing of helping the old grandma cross the road. This old man did not treat him badly.

Looking at his young parents, Feng Hao couldn't help but make up his mind that he must work hard to make money, achieve financial freedom, and marry a virtuous daughter-in-law for his parents, so that parents don't have to work so hard in this life.

You must make money, and you can't make my mother so tired.

In the last life, Feng Ma's health was not good. When Feng Hao and Feng Hui were in high school and college, they did a lot of heavy physical work, which led to the accumulation of problems.

Before Feng Hao's rebirth, Feng Ma had to take medicine from time to time, and sometimes had to go to the hospital for treatment.

Feng Ma sighed: "Old Feng, is your board factory dying? It seems that you have less work recently. In the past, all the people were called, but now they are all the people who called half, Lao Xu and the others. They are resting."

Neither does Dad Feng

I was surprised, and apparently found some signs of the board factory: "It's really not good. Although there is a lot of wood in the surrounding area, the materials obtained cannot be sold."

"Yes, this horse factory manager is quite good, and the salary is not less than ours. Why don't we let him make some money. I'm afraid that the factory can't support it, so what should we do?"

After Feng Ma finished, she sighed with emotion about the fate of the factory, and at the same time was a little worried about her livelihood.

The factory didn't talk, and Feng's father and Feng's mother had to find a way again.

"Let's take a look. It's really not good. Let's go to the county to find some casual jobs, or a variety of fields. The two of us have hands and feet, and we will definitely be able to earn enough for Hui Hehao's tuition and living expenses."

If the factory was going to close down, Dad Feng didn't solve it, and could only think about the ways to make a living in the future.

"Hey, it's fine if you don't do this college wine. It cost more than 2,000 yuan."

Feng Ma thought of yesterday's college banquet, and felt a little bit of a loss, which made the family who was a little strapped at first, even worse.

"How can this be done, Hui Hehao, they are both rare college students in the village, and they are still key undergraduate schools. It must be done."

Dad Feng suddenly became unhappy. Although he was a bastard, he still refuted Mommy Feng when it came to the university banquet.

Feng's mother also knew that Feng's father's resentment towards the university, Feng's father did not reach the score line for a book because he lost a few points. The family was poor and could not go to the second college, so I regretted it for a long time.

Dad Feng pinned his hopes on his children. He strictly demanded Feng Hao and Feng Hui, even if they were poor, let them study hard, and only two undergraduates from key universities came out.

Now that Feng Hao and Feng Hao are both admitted to university, Dad Feng must have a banquet, on the one hand to make up for his regrets, and on the other hand to save face.

"Come on, eat, eat."

Feng Ma saw that after discussing these words, everyone was in no mood to eat, so she ended the topic.

"Come on, Hao, how long do you need to eat this pork belly?"

Feng Ma put a half-thin piece of pork into Feng Hao's bowl, aside.

Feng Hao ate while eating the pork belly brought by his mother, "Got it, mother."

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