Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

The 141st chapter gives birth to a son and goes to the university town again

The birth of Sudan Hong was relatively smooth. She went in at about nine in the morning, and she gave birth before noon.

gave birth to a fat boy of five pounds and eight taels.

At this time, Ji's mother and Su's mother who got the news have already rushed over, and there is already Renren in front, so whether this child is a son or a daughter, it doesn't matter to Ji's mother, as long as the mother and child are safe.

But still, who would think that there are too many sons?

So Ji's mother was very happy when she heard that she was a big fat grandson, and smiled at Su's mother: "My mother, Dan Hong is a blessing!"

Mother Su also felt that her face was particularly long, and smiled: "This is also Jianyun's ability."

Both relatives are in a good mood now.

After everything was sorted out, the child was already lying beside his mother. Sultan Hong was the second child. The birth was relatively smooth, and the person was in good spirits, feeling full of energy.

But when she saw her son's red face sleeping beside her, she slowly calmed down, and then the drowsiness slowly hit, and she fell asleep.

This time, she slept until after five o'clock in the afternoon, and was woken up by hunger, but she has a mother-in-law and a mother, so naturally she can't be hungry.

But now I want to eat light food, just a little white porridge to pad my stomach, and the rest is not edible.

This time she also breastfeeds faster, and the second child eats it quickly.

Compared with the original Renren, this kid is obviously more imposing. He sucks and eats very vigorously. It's good that he hasn't grown teeth yet.

So Sudan Hong immediately decided to quit breastfeeding as soon as possible!

The second child doesn't know this, because he was too hungry to act, so he told his mother to be on guard like this.

The news that Sudan Hong had a second child spread quickly, and Ji Jianyun went to pay a fine of 400 yuan.

This gave the account of the second child.

The name of the second child, they have already thought about it, the son is called Ji Qi, and the daughter is called Ji Xin.

Now the second child is a handle, so it is called Ji Qi.

Sudan Hong's second child was born in the hospital, but on the third day after giving birth, it was wrapped tightly and taken home by Ji Jianyun to take care of it.

Ji's mother is now busy with the strawberry field and watermelon seedlings on the mountain, and there are Renren and Yan'er to take care of, so Ji Jianyun invited her mother-in-law over.

"Mom, you can help take care of Dan Hong for a while, and when her confinement is finished, you can go back," Ji Jianyun said.

Mother Su is really busy now. Sister Su takes care of all the chickens at home. Mother Su promised her that as long as she takes good care of her, she will not hide or eat secretly, and she will come here to work and earn money in the future. She could not take half of the money.

This sister-in-law Su was so overjoyed that she hurriedly agreed. When she was really drowsy, someone brought a pillow.

So I patted my chest and assured her that she could rest assured, and asked her eldest son to take a workbook for her to write down how many eggs the hens lay and how much they ate every day, and then added, subtracted, multiplied and divided the rest, and the second uncle planted the rest to sell. .

Hearing what she said, Mother Su rarely gave her a high look: "If you can be so good, then I can rest assured that I will hand over the house to you temporarily, but if you do not satisfy me, then you will never think about it. It's time to take power again."

"Mom, don't worry, I'm a mother of three children, how can I understand this? You can just take care of my sister-in-law. When the time comes, the uncle will be generous, and you will definitely benefit from you, mother. Yes." Sister Su said.

"That's my own daughter. I should take care of it. What's good or bad?" Mother Su said angrily.

"Yes, yes, I said left." Sister Su said quickly.

In this way, Mother Su came to Lao Ji's house. Except for Lao Ji's house, everything else was handed over to Mrs. Su.

With Mother Su here, Ji Jianyun was indeed relieved.

The work at home is also busy and orderly, Ji's mother is responsible for taking care of Yan'er and Renren, Su's mother takes care of Sudan Hong, and Ji Jianyun himself can do other things with confidence.

The chickens on the mountain were raised during the winter last year. Now they have grown into adult chickens. There are nearly 500 chickens. Although the business of the Su Jindang in the town is good, the chickens sold every day, There are only four or five eggs, and more eggs are sold, two or three baskets a day.

The business on Lao Qin's side is also good, but once every three days, there are a dozen or twenty chickens carried each time, which is not too much.

Behind the more than 500 chickens, there is another batch of chicks. After all, this is a big income, and it is good to raise more. As long as you mainly go to the hospital to sell disinfectant and come back, you can pay attention to hygiene.

So on this day, Ji Jianyun decided to take a carload of live chickens to sell in the university town. After all, raising so many chickens is a huge daily expense, even though they are fed with rice bran and sweet potatoes. vines, and alfalfa.

But in order to increase their dietary output, Ji Mu also specially planted a lot of vegetables, and just planted them next to the chicken shed.

So this day Ji Jianyun arranged the work at home. Early the next morning, Ji Jianyun took Ji's father, and the father and son went directly to the university town, carrying a whole carload of live chickens.

I haven't come to the university town to sell goods, so Father Ji didn't know, I was a little worried before coming, would it be too much?

This whole carload of live chickens contained four or five chickens in each pens, and there were 15 pens in total, about 60 or 70 chickens.

So much, it's not a good sale.

So Ji's father said: "If it's not easy to sell, then it's cheaper."

"Dad, you don't have to worry, our chickens are of good quality and can't be cheap, and if you go to the city, if you sell them too cheap, then everyone can think that your goods are not good. How spirited are our chickens? There is a lot of meat. Fragrance?" Ji Jianyun smiled.

Father Ji didn't speak.

Then I went to the market, and Ji's father saw the purchasing power of a group of old men and women in this university town.

Especially the one or two, seeing how familiar his son is.

"Young man, why are you only here now? How long have we been waiting for you?" an old man said with a smile.

"No, I bought those mutton and eggs last year and ate them all," said another.

"Don't talk about those eggs and meat, it is honey, and I have to drink two tablespoons a day. By the way, is there honey this time?" an old lady asked.


The scene was very lively.

Obviously, some of these people have already bought vegetables. When they saw Ji Jianyun coming, they came over immediately, obviously wanting to buy them.

"Today we only sell live chickens, but if you believe me, aunt and uncle, then buy it back and cook it to see if it can be replenished." Ji Jianyun said with a smile.

"How can I not believe it? It's not like I haven't bought this live chicken before. The meat is very delicious. I only bought two last year. My eldest grandson wanted to eat it when he ate it. He bought it from another place, and he disliked it. ” said an old lady.

"That chicken is really delicious."

"How much is this chicken now?"


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