After five days in the hospital, Sultan Hong was taken home by Ji Jianyun for confinement.

In fact, Sudan Hong didn't want to stay after three days, but Ji Jianyun refused to let it go, so it was only delayed until five days.

Her mother came to serve her confinement. In fact, Mother Ji also wanted to help, but now the mountains are busy, and Mother Su has no chickens this year, so she raised three hens to lay eggs for her own food, which is very It's easy to take care of, just leave it to Mrs. Su.

Sultan Hong eats bland food because she is still breastfeeding her baby, but she is used to it. Fortunately, her mother's craftsmanship is decent, and she can finally sit the confinement well.

Many people in the village came over with gifts, and the news that Ji Jianyun had another son in the past few days has also spread in the village.

Many people from the older generation have to be convinced. This girl from the old Su family is really capable. These three consecutive sons are all sons?

Calling those who want sons and grandsons is really envious, and many people even go to Ji's mother to ask for the secret recipe.

Ji's mother said no, and they came to find Su's mother.

How did Mother Su know about this, but it couldn't hide the fact that she wanted to show off. She also had the same idea. The more sons, the better. With so many industries in Jianyun, how can he keep a few sons?

So she humbly said that it would be good to have a son and a daughter, but in a new society, who cares so much? All the same.

But he couldn't hide the happy look on his face.

People pouted a little when they saw it, but there was nothing they could do. Who told people that their daughters should be good at it and have a belly?

However, after continuing the topic of the secret recipe for giving birth to a son, we began to discuss how much Ji Jianyun will be fined this time.

Every time you give birth to one more child, you need to pay ten times the fine. The last time he gave birth to his second child, it was said to be 400 yuan. This time, it was 4,000 yuan!

As soon as the 4,000 yuan came out, everyone in the village exploded.

How much money is this? Money is not as valuable as it used to be, but even if it is 4,000 yuan, it can turn a house into a building in their village!

Even now, how many families save for a lifetime, the less likely they have this kind of money!

This will cost 4,000 yuan in fines, so don't you have to pay with your life?

The village director was still a bit difficult to be a man. Some elderly people in the village who received Ji Jianyun's benefits called him accommodating. Now times are different, raising children can cost money, and the 4,000 yuan is really too much.

So the village director is in trouble. He also knows that the money is too much, and his family's family conditions are very good in the village, but his family's wealth is only this amount now, and he is reluctant to hand it over. what.

But this rule is not set by him.

However, in the past few years, the economic conditions of the village have really been led by Ji Jianyun across several steps forward. Now there are very few people in the village who can't eat enough, because no matter how bad it is, you can still go there. The sweet potatoes were grown by Ji Jianyun, and the price was a little higher than that from other villages.

This is the welfare he gives to the people in the village, and none of the other villages have it.

There are other aspects, such as the long-term workers under him, how many people's livelihood problems have been solved? Even if people from other villages saw him as the village director, they would say hello.

How good is he when he goes out?

So hesitating again and again, the village director still intends to help Ji Jianyun to talk about love, see if there is less.

But Ji Jianyun came to find him specially, and that's what he said.

"No, I will find a way to repay the money this year. There are still so many pigs, so I can raise them and sell them." Ji Jianyun said.

"I'll go and ask you, it's really too much money," said the village director.

"I guess I will have a fourth child later, so don't go to intercede." Ji Jianyun's words frightened the village director.

"It's already three sons, you still think it's not enough, do you still want to have a baby?" said the village director.

"Don't I want a daughter?" Ji Jianyun said with a smile.

"If you follow the rules, you have to pay 40,000 yuan for the fourth child!" The village director stared.

"Then I'll try my best to earn it." Ji Jianyun said.

"I see that you have spent all your money on having children after so many years. With such a large sum of money, what are you doing wrong?" said the village director.

If you want a daughter, then when you get married, it is someone else's, and you have to pay a large amount of dowry. If you add the 40,000 yuan fine for overbirth, how precious is this daughter?

"Earn the money slowly, the third child is not in a hurry to register, and when the money is enough, I will come over to the director to report to you." Ji Jianyun said.

I went back after saying that.

The village director shook his head speechlessly: "This kid, I'm afraid I'm going crazy thinking about my daughter."

"What do you want to be crazy about?" Sister Xu heard this when she came back: "I just ran into Jianyun, has he come to sit?"

The village director repeated what Ji Jianyun said.

Sister Xu was stunned for a moment. It was her, and she felt that Ji Jianyun was a bit of a demon. The 40,000 yuan fine for overbirth is a huge sum of money. Just wanting a girl?

Originally, the third child was fined 4,000 yuan, so she also felt that this son was precious enough. Looking at it now, this daughter in the future is more precious than her brothers in front of her combined.

But no matter what, Ji Jianyun intends to have a daughter.

Sultan Hong said quietly that day: "My belly is a bit like my mother. What if I have a full-fledged girl and finally have a daughter like your sister?"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Jianyun was stunned, and then he shook his head and said, "Our daughter will never look like Ji Yunyun no matter how long she grows."

But I have to say that his daughter-in-law's words also reminded him. If he spoils his daughter too much and develops her aunt's temperament in the future, then he will not be so miserable?

Sultan Hong watched him ponder, and then he kissed the third sleeping next to him, then closed his eyes and went to sleep. He no longer had to look at the man's expression of regret at his son, why he was not a girl.

Sitting in this confinement to cook very leisurely, Sultan Hong doesn't have to do anything, just enjoy the meals brought by her mother like Lafayette every day, and then she will nurse her third child.

Sudan Hong has learned the skills of female medicine, and after coming here, she has read a lot of books on pregnant women, knowing that she should start taking care of the child when it is in the womb, otherwise the birth will be very troublesome.

She was basically never angry during her pregnancy. Ji Jianyun would only make her happy and not make her anxious.

She also pays special attention to what she eats. Fruits are essential and can be eaten in different ways, as well as other fish and meat, as well as fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The whole pregnancy went very smoothly, so the third child was not disturbed at all. He ate and slept, woke up and pulled, and then ate after pulling, and then went back to sleep.

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