Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 475 Summer vacation routine

"Although you don't need to pay too much attention to appearance, we don't protect our appearance for others to see, mainly because we see it for ourselves, don't you know?" Sudan Hong said.

Yan'er was taught very well and would not be too surprised, but she felt that as a girl, she should pay attention.

The inner beauty is very beautiful, but the outer one should also pay attention to it. If the outer appearance is too unsightly, no matter how beautiful the inner beauty is, no one will come to understand your inner beauty and will directly squeeze you out. .

Walking outside and working in the unit is a bonus.

"I know, this jade paste is really comfortable." Yan'er said.

It's cool and refreshing to the touch.

As a girl, she naturally also loves beauty, but one of her classmates has grown too, and then she squeezed it, and in the end, it was completely out of shape, and it grew more and more.

"This jade paste was made with care by San Niangniang. Can you please use it this summer vacation. After the summer vacation, the pimples on your face should be gone, so you can bring two boxes back for future use." Sudan Red said.

"Okay." Yan'er nodded.

At this time, the grapes in the backyard are about to ripen, and the clusters of purple grapes are almost drooling.

"Mom, it will take a few days for the grapes to ripen. I think they are almost ready to eat." Xiangxiang said.

"There are still seven days." Sudan Hong said.

This year's grapes are growing very well. The grapes planted in the backyard are very harvested, and the bunches are very gratifying.

The grapes on the mountain are also growing very well, very vigorous, but probably because of the first year, they are still relatively thin, but this is only compared with the few trees in the backyard at home. In fact, the vineyards over there are growing. , that's a really good harvest.

There are about five or six bunches of grapes in one grape, which can’t be compared with the ones at home. The ones at home are too high-yielding. Who is going to ask Sudan red to be okay, just go down with a scoop of spiritual spring water?

Although the people on the mountain often pour water from the spiritual spring, they are not as good as those in the backyard.

But a tree with five or six bunches is very good. After all, there are more than forty grape vines planted on the mountain.

"My brother and they can't eat it." Xiangxiang said.

It will be ripe in seven days, and he still remembers this grape. It will not be stored for long, and it must be eaten fresh.

"Yeah, they can't eat the grapes this year." Sudan Hong said.

"Put it in the refrigerator." Yuanyuan said.

It can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

"I can't let it go. Renren and the others have to wait until school starts soon. The grapes won't be free for that long." Yan'er said.

"Fortunately, I didn't go with them, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat." Xiangxiang said happily.

You must know that grapes are extremely delicious. He ate them last year, and he still remembers them this year. It shows how delicious they are!

Sudan Hong is quite leisurely now, although the sun is not too small, but if it is not too small, it will not be able to dry her. The grapes in the backyard are all strung on the grape rack, and they are sitting under the grape rack, and there is a battery next to it. Fan, blowing leisurely, not to mention cooler.

Sudan Hong will also make some iced mung bean soup and drink it next to it. Even Xiangxiang, the monkey boy, will come back and stay for a while. By the way, he will go to the swing that Ji Jianyun made for her to play for a while.

"San Niangniang, your life is really comfortable." Yan'er said with a smile while drinking the mung bean soup.

She felt that her San Niangniang's life was really excellent, it was easy.

"I'm just a little more comfortable now. You don't know how many of you took care of your younger brother and the others when you were young. It's called a chicken and a dog, and one can be more troublesome than the other." Sultan Hong said.

"When did I make trouble?" Xiangxiang said immediately dissatisfied.

Sultan Hongxin said when did you stop making trouble, and he still said softly: "I didn't say anything about you, you were the best-behaved among your brothers when you were young."

No, the most obedient one is Renren. Among the three sons, Renren is the most sensible.

Later, he worked with his godfather, and even more so, because of his godfather's rendering, Sudan Hong basically didn't have to worry about it.

Qiqi is still not good, Xiangxiang is even worse. The two Sudanese in the back have a lot of headaches and make a lot of noise, and each of them will talk back more than the other. There are a lot of reasons. .

Hearing this, Xiangxiang was satisfied and continued to drink his mung bean soup.

Yan'er saw the contemptuous look in her San Niangniang's eyes, she pursed her lips and smiled, Yuanyuan was also smiling there, the little girl smiled and her eyes were crooked, she was very good-looking.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to go with my sister to water the grapes?" Yan'er asked.

"Okay." Yuanyuan came over with her to water the vines, using the spring water.

Yan'er's favorite place to run every day is the backyard, and Yuanyuan is the same, because the backyard at this time can be said to be colorful, and these flowers are in full bloom, especially those roses, which are extremely beautiful.

Seven or eight pots of chrysanthemums are also in buds, and there are those orchids. This backyard is full of all kinds of flowers.

As girls, the sisters have no reason not to like them.

As for Xiangxiang, he would come to see it several times a day, but this kid didn't care about those flowers and plants at all, so he focused on the grapes.

"Yuanyuan, do you want to paint this living rose tomorrow?" Yan'er asked.

"If I don't paint this tomorrow, I will go up the mountain to paint Xiaohong tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, the flower rose." Yuanyuan said.

"Did Grandpa Zhang teach you? You are so good at drawing now. When I saw you before, you were so young, and you always followed San Niangniang. Wherever Sanniangniang went, you followed. I can always eat a piece of cake in my hand." Yan'er said with a small height comparison.

Yuanyuan smiled shyly.

"Aren't you the same when you were young? You two have similar tastes. You both like to eat sesame cakes. You have to eat some every day." Sudan Hong said.

"That's San Niangniang, your craftsmanship is so good that a child can't resist it." Yan'er said.

"Little sycophants." Sultan Hong laughed and scolded, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Eat what you want, don't be picky." Yan'er said.

"I want to eat pork ribs, and I want to eat lotus root soup. By the way, Mom, you can stew some more potatoes with big bones." Xiangxiang said.

"What does Yuanyuan want to eat?" Sudan Hong asked.

"Lotus root soup." Yuanyuan said.

If it was before, that Yuanyuan wouldn't say it, but now that she's grown up and her personality is more cheerful, she will say it.

"That's fine." Sudan Hong nodded.

Dinner was prepared very richly, lotus root big bone soup, steamed pork ribs, a sea bass and a plate of boiled shrimp, the shrimp themselves peeled and dipped in the sauce, very sweet.

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