Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 891: The Power of Orangutans (Part 1)

"Is this possible?"

Several experts and professors had a heated discussion. The news from California was so informative that it exploded, and it was the kind of nuclear explosion.

It detonated suddenly when it was close to the ground, and it blew up everyone in a mess, which was more shocking to the upper class of the United States than the nuclear explosion over Mexico.

The nuclear explosion was nothing more than an apology, allowing the following people to appear on the stage, a huge political storm, but the information revealed by Kanbara Feisho was a howling wind that cared about life.

"Do you think Hitoshi Kanbara is lying?"

" shouldn't be. What's the point of deceiving us with such an important matter? Could it be that you want to make a joke before you die? Besides, it's still early before April Fool's Day, it's just this method that can transfer the soul to the body, too, It's too incredible." An expert in biological science was very frantic, and the things he had studied for decades were ruthlessly crushed by extraordinary forces.

If this method of direct soul transfer can be popularized, no, let alone popularized, even if it costs a lot of money, only a very small number of people can use it, it is enough to cause a serious blow to the global pharmaceutical market.

Even in the long run, human medical science will be completely changed.

After all, all medicines and treatment methods, a major premise is that these methods directly act on the patient's body, rather than being used by the patient's family and friends. The ultimate goal is to eliminate the virus and make the patient's body as healthy as possible. possible return to the original level of fitness.

This method of transferring the soul directly draws out the fire from the bottom of the pot. Since there is something wrong with my body, shouldn't I just replace the body? It doesn't matter how much money, resources and materials need to be spent, only a small group of people have mastered most of the means of production of all human beings, and the worst thing they have is something worth fighting for in the eyes of ordinary people.

Apart from money, the remaining resistance is moral condemnation.

"But this method is too evil. It must deprive another person of his right to life..."

"This is not something we need to consider. If this method can only be used by a few people, the search for the body needs to be done underground. If this method can be popularized, even without the help of big shots, I believe the voters will Let the transfer of souls become legal, and the cloning company will also come to the stage... I will buy the stock of the biological company after a while!"

An expert had a "beautiful" scientific imagination. If the ancients thousands of years ago were allowed to travel to the present, they would be shocked by the fact that modern medicine dissects the human body from time to time.

"I am coming too!"

"But does Smith's strange healing ability come from the heart? Otherwise, why did he specify that his heart is needed, but after such a long period of observation and research, it seems that there is nothing unusual about Smith's heart... It seems that the source of extraordinary power, It’s not linked to the organs and tissues of our human body, hey, what’s going on here.”

"If we can't even do the most basic observations, any research is just a dream. Now it seems that we are asking us to observe the world of microorganisms with the naked eye."

"I'll talk about buying stocks later. Haven't you seen the request made by Feixiang Kanbara later? Smith's one-fifth heart!"

"He is a precious experimental subject. There is only such a case, and there is only such a case in the world. What should we do if something goes wrong? We haven't taken action on Smith's heart organ yet. Who knows if a rash change will lead to Smith's death? .”



Everyone understood this crucial point, but strangely, no one raised any objections.

Because all experts and professors understand that the final decision on this matter is not in their hands, and no matter how high the risk assessment is, it will not be able to change the fiery hearts of the top figures.

Smith is now just a 'waste' that consumes base resources. The top scientific research teams in the United States have not received much valuable feedback from him. Is it too late to regret after death? Who knows if Yaodao will reveal the method of transferring souls.

A bird in hand is worse than a hundred birds in the forest. What's more, not only is Kamhara Hitoshi dying, but there are also some politicians and capitalists who have half a foot in the coffin in the upper class of Amelika.

Time is precious to everyone.

"But without this opportunity, we would never have had the opportunity to open Smith's heart."

"I understand. Then we must prepare for the worst. If Smith dies unfortunately during the experiment..."

"The laboratory is already cloning a new Smith, but it's still only in the embryonic state, but I don't think these clones will have Smith's power. It is obvious that his extraordinary power has nothing to do with his own flesh and blood."

What scientific ethics and morality have always been a piece of waste paper in front of a real country. In order to keep soldiers in a state of fear of death during war, many countries choose to inject illegal drugs into soldiers. Moreover, the will of this country is only controlled by a small part Controlled by people, if ordinary people are not allowed to know about these horrible and unethical things, Amelika's 300 million citizens will be kept in the dark for the rest of their lives.

"The question now is, do you need to tell Smith about the split heart? After all, this is taking tissues and organs from his body and risking his life."

"No, according to the feedback of the mental model, telling Smith about this will only arouse resistance, and he will never agree to have a knife in his heart. Execute it directly, no need to ask."




base, basketball court.

"Strike." Smith knocked the ball into the box, fisted his hands and slapped his chest.

"Papa papa."

The two players on the basketball court clapped their hands together.

They are not actors who cooperate with the performance, and perhaps they planned to give up some points at the beginning, but even if the immortal body is an auxiliary ninjutsu, the transformation of the human body is so strong that ordinary humans will never be able to reach the limit.

Smith's basketball skills are not outstanding among the basketball fans at the base, but his strong physical fitness makes up for this gap, and he can really lose ten points in one effort.

Regardless of speed, durability or jumping ability, no one can catch up to one-third of Smith's. After all, he can touch the ceiling when he jumps in place. Smith and the chimpanzee collided with each other to determine which orangutan flew.

There is no sense of frustration playing basketball with this monster, because the only thing there is deep despair.

"Smith, I have something nice to tell you."

The assistant waved his arms at Smith from the edge of the basketball court, with a sincere smile on his face.

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