Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 952: Arms trade

Although the First Army signed an agreement with the Resistance Army.

But that agreement didn't mean anything. They couldn't force what the First Army didn't want to sell.

At this time, Shu Dongdong, with a pensive face, said: "Any thoughts are superfluous now. The only thing we can do is to try our best in tomorrow's negotiations."

Regarding Shu Dongdong's words, Monday Leopard and Ma Donglin couldn't comment.

Indeed, "fighting" is the only thing they can do tomorrow.

As the topic ended, the hall gradually became quiet.

Although it was still early in a strange place, the three of them had no idea of ​​going out for a walk.

The only thing they want to do is to stay in the villa and wait for tomorrow.

Today, Qingcheng is as calm as ever.

In the passage of time, night fell.

When the light faded, it also announced the end of the day.

No words...

Early the next morning, as the door of the villa was knocked, the three people waiting in the villa were taken to a business building.

This is the temporary reception place of the First Army.

As expected by the three, it was not the "young man" who came to meet them, but a certain military officer.

He wears a dark green armor, just like the soldiers outside. From the outside, it is difficult to distinguish the difference from ordinary soldiers.

Entering the conference room, Jacob sat down at one end of the square table.

This transaction task was taken over by him.

As the only senior sergeant in the Suville camp who stayed on Nanlin Island, his status was very suitable for this mission.

Without saying too many scenes, Jacob went straight to the subject.

Looking at the three of them, Jacob said: "I know what you are here for, let's talk about it, what do you need? As long as it doesn't exceed the scope of my rights, I can call the shots."

When sound enters the ears of three people through the speakers, there is something mechanical.

Fortunately, the three of them have become accustomed to the common mechanical sound of the First Corps soldiers.

With a slight expression, Ma Donglin said: "Bullets, shells, ADK-45 rifle parts, this time we need a lot of quantity, for the upcoming battle, we need to make some reserves."

"Just say "quantity."

Jacob Robb emphasized.

Jacob's emphasis is undoubtedly Ma Donglin breathed a sigh of relief.

This shows that the First Army has a large reserve in the armaments needed by the resistance army, otherwise the words will not be so hard.

That being the case, Ma Donglin could only speak straight.

Looking at Jacob Rob in the main position, Ma Donglin said: "30,000 ADK-45 rifles, 200 million rounds of ammunition, 5 85mm towed howitzers, 10,000 high explosive rounds and 85mm towed cannons used. 5 doors, 5,000 rounds of armor-piercing bullets and 5,000 high-explosive bullets each, and 100,000 sets of various parts."

The number is really a lot...

Just 200 million bullets will cost a lot of coins.

This whole set will cost no less than 50 million yuan.

Although the last arms deal was executed by General Tan Ya.

Except for the ADK-45 rifle, the arms sold are all allied equipment, and they know the weapon model Jacobs sold.

Jacob remembered Ma Donglin's words in his heart and calculated it on the screen.

An ADK-45 rifle is 45 coins, thirty thousand 1.35 million coins.

Ten bullets 1 coin, 200 million rounds of 20 million coin.

One 85mm towed howitzer is 100,000 coins, and five 500,000 coins.

One 85mm towed cannon is 100,000 coins and five cannons are 500,000 coins.

High-explosive rounds, armor-piercing bullets are 1,000 coins per round, and 20,000 rounds are 20 million coins.

One set of 100 crystal coins for parts and one hundred thousand sets of 10 million crystal coins.

A total of 52.35 million crystal coins.

After obtaining the calculation result, Jacob said to the three of them: "This batch of arms requires 52.35 million Hongjing coins. You can pay now. If you need the transportation of the First Army, you can also pay on delivery. However, the freight needs to add 10,000 Hongjing. currency."

Sea transportation is full of risks.

There are also inland rivers, which are also in crisis.

It is only natural to charge freight.

"Then there will be an expensive army."

Of course, this batch of weapons was to be transported by the First Army, and the small sea-going ship they boarded was not capable of swallowing such a large shipment.

To this question, Ma Donglin answered Jacob Robb without even thinking about it.

That's cash on delivery...

Jacob made a note in the data terminal.

So far, for Jacob Rob, his task can be said to have been completed.

The rest is left to the transportation staff.

"It will take two days for the munitions to be loaded on the ship. After three days, the ships carrying the munitions will depart from the port and will arrive in the marsh ruins in about five days."

After speaking, Jacob planned to end the transaction.

Just as Jacob was about to stand up, Ma Donglin's voice rang again.

"Your Excellency! I wonder if your army can provide a weapon?"

Ma Donglin asked this sentence very carefully, looking forward to Jacob's eyes.

Because of Ma Donglin's words, Jacob's eyes turned to Ma Donglin.


Although there is only one word, it represents the attitude of Jacob Robb.

Ma Donglin hurriedly said: "I wonder if your army can sell the second-generation "guard" to the rebel army? Of course, the price is easy to negotiate."

Regarding this arms deal, Ma Donglin is least worried about the financial issues.

Because before leaving, the instructor said to the three of them that there is no shortage of money, but weapons. As long as the "guard" can be bought, no amount of money is worth spending.

They know where the instructor's confidence comes from.

Because a few months ago, the instructor received the support of a certain "noble person". Since then, the living supplies sent to the ruins of the swamp can be said to have been endless.

Life is better, not to be trapped by hunger or cold. In the past few months, the development of the Resistance has been very rapid, and it is unbelievable.

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