Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 954: Wang Weiwei

Looking into the city, one can only see a huge steel structure, which is far away from the quantum signal tower in the city, but only an unfinished steel body is already much larger than the "quantum signal tower". From a distance, one can think of its magnificence after its completion.

The construction of the Crystal Palace is somewhat extravagant.

But this is necessary, for a long-term plan, and also for the First Army to have a core, a political center.

In the early morning, the mist had just dispersed, and there was still a layer of moisture on the ground in the courtyard of the medical center.

It is very peaceful away from the noise of the city.

Although it was early, in the courtyard, one could also see two and three patients in white medical gowns. They were talking and laughing, sitting on the benches by the road and chatting.

At first glance, among the patients chatting, although there are elderly people, most of them are pregnant women with big bellies.

In this world, due to the existence of pollutants, the birth rate of human babies has always been very low. They are either stillborn or died due to physical weakness, causing a lot of sorrow.

Since the First Army occupied Qingcheng, increasing the survival rate of infants has become the top priority of the First Army.

The medical center also appeared in haste.

A few months ago, the medical center was officially put into use.

According to the law of the First Legion, all pregnant women under the treatment of the First Legion can receive medical treatment for free and receive care in the hospital.

As soon as this law came out, on the day the medical center was put into use, a lot of pregnant women swarmed into the medical center.

In these few months, more than 300 lucky pregnant women gave birth to healthy babies.

With advanced medical equipment and superb medical skills, this has increased a lot of public opinion for the First Army.

In the corridor of the courtyard, two figures were walking slowly.

One person has a big belly and is wearing a loose medical gown, and beside her is a slim figure in a short brown leather skirt.

"My sister doesn't have to come to see me every day. Here, I am living well, and the nurses can also take good care of me. My sister shouldn't delay her business for me."

Caressing the round belly, Wang Weiwei whispered to Chen Nannan next to him.

Some apologies appeared on his face.

In the past few months, thanks to the help of this sister around her, her industries have been able to function normally.

With a slight smile, Chen Nannan shook his head and said: "It's not a problem, you are pregnant with a big belly, who can help you if I don't help you, don't be too polite between you and me."

Looking at Wang Weiwei's round belly, Chen Nannan said curiously: "I said sister, you are not far from giving birth, right."

With a faint smile, stroking the round belly, Wang Weiwei said softly: "Yes! The doctor said, just these few days."

"This can't work, it's better for my sister to move less, so as not to get fetal gas."

Chen Nannan was shocked, and quickly helped Wang Weiwei and sat down on the bench by the road.

Seeing Chen Nannan's nervousness, Wang Weiwei comforted: "It doesn't matter, I'm tired of staying in bed these few days. My sister came out and just came out to let the air through."

"This can't be careless."

Chen Nannan was still very worried and a little nervous.

With a slight smile, Wang Weiwei turned the subject away.

"Sister! My employees didn't embarrass you, did they?"


Chen Nannan smiled slightly and said confidently: "Sister, don't underestimate me. After all, I am a martial artist. There is no problem dealing with those employees. Don't worry, sister, you can raise your baby with peace of mind and leave the outside affairs to me. "

Of course, Wang Weiwei can rest assured of Chen Nannan.

In the past few months, Wang Weiwei also knows that her sister seems to be bold, but it is not without scheming.

The predecessor of the pirate, whether it is insight or courage, is unquestionable, and she can't be troubled by business matters.

However, Wang Weiwei believed her, because the past few months of getting along, let her know that her sister is a good person.

At first, it could be said that it was because of kindness to help him, but now it is the friendship between the two.

"The nearest shipyard is okay, have the sister's ships been sold?"

Although in the hospital, Wang Weiwei is still very worried about the outside affairs.

If you want to seize "wealth," this opportunity cannot be let go.

"Fortunately, although my sea-going ships are not sold out yet, the second-hand market is good because they are cheap. Now Qingcheng is setting off a wave of "sea trade". There is a huge gap in sea-going ships, and ships will be sold sooner or later. Finished."

In Congliang a few months ago, there were too many ships, fifty or sixty ships.

It is not a matter of a short while that these sea ships want to sell.

"Sister! Is Haimao really making money? Don't those businessmen know the risks involved?"

Only on this point, Wang Weiwei was a little confused.

After all, her husband also died on the way to "sea trade".

This made her very incomprehensible, knowing that Haimao is full of dangers, but there are still so many people clamoring.

"I don't know?"

Chen Nannan smiled and said, "Why don't you know, but the products made by Soul Language are so good. Anything, even basic daily necessities, can be sold at a good price outside, and there are other kinds of You don’t know the pollution-free food. In the past few months, you don’t know how much sensation the surrounding countries have caused. The merchant ships leaving from Nanlin Island will be robbed of them once they dock. I should know."

Wang Weiwei was silent.

How tempting the huge profits are, how can she not know?

Even she has thought about getting a few ships and hiring some people to conduct maritime trade.

But in the end, she gave up.

If you don't go there in person, you can't believe it.

The benefits of a ship of cargo are amazing. Under this kind of "temptation", wherever you go, you can survive well, so why return to Nanlin Island?

Those merchants who trade at sea are basically themselves ship owners and go to sea to experience risks.

This is too dangerous. For Wang Weiwei, this kind of danger is unacceptable to her.

In addition to her being a female inconvenient merchant ship, there are also children in her stomach, so she can't take risks.

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