Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 370: Don't talk about feelings, just talk about money, the prison robbery begins!

Hearing this sentence, Hong Fei's sword eyebrows moved slightly.

Constantine stared at his expression, his eyes moved when he saw this, but as time passed, he couldn't help frowning in confusion.

"Why didn't you ask me?"

"You won't say it yourself?"

Constantine was silent for a while, and said with a sigh: "After we met for the first time, I did two things in total. First, I returned to the scene of the car accident. After my inspection and judgment, I found the environment there. It doesn't make any of the seven dead become ghosts, you know, ordinary people go to **** or heaven when they die, and there is basically no chance of turning into the weird thing you see, so this is very problematic. Then I started doing the second thing, tracking your breath, I went against the direction of New York and found where your breath first appeared, guess what I found?"

Hong Fei looked at him indifferently.

Constantine pouted, took out a ball of toilet paper from his arms, carefully peeled it off, and put it on the table. A small amount of black dust accumulated on the white paper.

Hong Fei glanced at it and frowned slightly. .

Constantine looked at his frowning eyebrows and smiled: "This is what the demons leave behind when they pass by, the unique magic material left after the fire from **** burns. Since you know that I can magic, Then you should know that I'm not mistaken about this thing."

Hong Fei nodded.

"Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know, this is beyond my ability, I can only tell you that there is a hole where you appeared, I guess the movement at that time must be not small, maybe this just caught the devil's attention, and then He's been staring at you secretly, but what I don't understand is why he didn't attack you directly, let me guess again, it should be related to your method of destroying that thing?"

Hong Fei didn't answer, but closed his eyes and recalled the situation quickly in his mind.

Constantine added: "According to the time calculation, it should be late at night when you appeared, and the demons at that time did not need too many scruples, so this is the first doubt, I followed your breath and walked your way again. , you climbed to the top of the mountain and suddenly turned around and walked back, then walked all the way, and picked up a suit of the male host near a ranch, which not only made me sure that you were not from here, but also made me think that you did not know You will come here all of a sudden. Then, you should meet the dead in the car accident, and I mean when they were alive, and then you meet the scene of their car accident, and you should also see the body, knowing that the most interesting of them is that what?"

Hong Fei shook his head, the corners of his mouth twitched: "You should be a police officer, are you interested, Officer Constantine?"

Constantine ignored his deeply sarcastic words and continued: "It's a demon, it must follow you all the way, otherwise there will be no ghosts. But since he is interested in you, why not do it yourself, but waste time To create a ghost to harass you?"

Hong Fei responded directly: "Try."

"Yes, I also think it's a temptation. He is interested in you, but he has no absolute confidence in you." Constantine suddenly leaned forward: "So, who are you?"

Hong Fei rolled his eyes at him, then thought to himself.

Constantine may be right.

If the demon didn't make a move, it might be because he sensed the unusualness under his seal, but the power of the seal came from Odin, and not just any demon could feel it. If it could sense something, then it should know that Hong Fei is now The state will not be his opponent.

Then conversely, if the opponent is weak, then it may be afraid of the Sif sword in his bag at that time, because this is the real sword.

In addition, it is also possible that Superman was not far away at the time.

He also met Clark the next day, proving that the other party had been coming in the direction of Wang Hongfei. If the devil made a move, then it would be hard to guarantee that Clark would not suddenly change clothes and fly over to beat him up as Dad.

But if it is a very weak demon, how can it follow him around the clock, black and white, without causing any abnormality?

Hong Fei glanced at Constantine.

Putting aside the question for a while, he said with a chuckle, "You've been trying your best to avoid making me pay attention to you, and even disguised yourself as a person who regards money as your life, why have you suddenly changed your temper and deliberately showed it in front of me? Smart?"

Constantine didn't refute, but just smiled: "It's very simple, I always think that if you want to make friends with others, you must show your own value, even if it is the simplest use, it can also become the birth of friendship. Starting point. In addition, I have to correct one thing, I am not pretending, I really like money, especially the way you throw gold bars at me. "

Hong Fei's smile suddenly disappeared: "Sorry, I don't want to be friends with you. It's enough for us to maintain the simplest and cleanest employment relationship."

Constantine closed his mouth and pretended to be embarrassed. He rolled his eyes and took out a new business card and handed it to Hong Fei: "Well, if you need help, you can call me at any time, and I will give it to Hong Fei. You get 20% off."

When Hong Fei saw it, he just crossed out the phone number on the original business card and wrote a new number. He turned his hands and threw the business card into the trash can with precision, put down his legs and sat up straight: "Why don't you do it another way."

"What?" Constantine's eyes moved.

Hong Fei smiled again: "You, do things for me when I need them, no matter the time, you can't refuse, pay half before and after, at least 20,000 at a time, and there is no ceiling according to the difficulty. Just talk about money."

Constantine raised his eyebrows immediately: "Officer Hong, this is too harsh, it's okay to take time, why can't you refuse, in case you let me commit suicide?"

"You can rest assured, I won't let you kill."

"That's not easy to say. I don't kill people, and there are a lot of things I can't do, such as breaking the law or committing crimes..." As he spoke, he watched Hong Fei's expression from time to time.

Hearing this, Hong Fei directly pointed to the door: "You can go."

"Hey, don't worry, we can talk, and we can negotiate again!"

Hong Fei shook his head: "The conditions are as simple as that. Promise, I will have your business to do in the future. You don't need to worry about money anymore, let alone come to this kind of place every day. If you like the lively atmosphere, you can go to a more advanced place. , if you want to accumulate virtue and do good deeds to go to heaven, there are enough funds for you to help others; if you don’t agree, get up and walk out of this door, and give you gold bars as a cover fee. Don't come to me."

After saying that, Hong Fei leaned back again, spread his arms on the back of the sofa: "Choose it!"

Constantine was stunned: "Anyway, I invited you to drink, you are too domineering..."

"Forgot to tell you, I never drink." Hong Fei remained unmoved.


After a long time, Constantine lit a cigarette again and inhaled sullenly, and suddenly said, "I can still guess that you are a person who is bound to do great things."


"You've only been here a few days, and suddenly you've changed from a gun-toting terrorist to a New York police officer. You must have big plans..."

"...Don't talk about these useless things, this will only make me want to cut a hole in your forehead, be direct, you are not a mother-in-law, don't waste your own time, let alone mine. time."

Constantine looked up at him resentfully.

"I do."

Hong Fei got up and stretched out his hand: "Now, it's barely a partnership."

"I know, only talk about money, not about feelings." Constantine also got up and stretched out his hand.

A second before shaking hands, Hong Fei suddenly stopped: "Forget it, I don't know how many waterways and dry roads your hands have traveled through. Next time you wash your hands and come back. Don't forget the information I want, as soon as possible." Said He turned around and walked directly to the door.

Constantine was stunned for a second, looked at his hands, and shouted at Hong Fei's back: "Hey! I washed my hands! I wash my hands when I go to the toilet!"

It's a pity that the door was already opened by Hong Fei at this time, and the deafening music suppressed all his words.

He turned around and picked up Hong Fei's coat and tie. After thinking about it, he grabbed two bottles of wine on the table and stuffed them into his trench coat before turning around and chasing out. By the time he returned to the dark alley, Hong Fei was nowhere to be seen.

With a sigh, he took out his cigarette and lit it. The fire lit up the trash can beside him. He immediately put down the lighter and stepped forward to take a look.

"Don't waste trousers and shoes. It's estimated to cost tens of thousands of dollars. Socks are nothing. But, shouldn't he run outside in underwear? Tsk, seems to have discovered the special hobby of this mysterious and unreasonable guy. now..."

On the other end, Hong Fei was running between the city buildings in black and gold armor.

"Sir, I sent an invitation to Miss Harleen in the name of psychological counseling, and she has accepted it. The time is set for the afternoon the day after tomorrow, and the address is in Gotham City."

"Is she not coming out?"

"Yes, she checked a lot of papers and other materials for that patient and racked her brains."

"Looks like she's getting obsessed, we have to hurry up."

"Sir, according to your description, she is not crazy at present. If you need a crazy Harley Quinn, I suggest you don't meet her, so as not to affect your actual needs."

"Huh? You can actually think?"

"...Sir, I always will."

"But it's only limited to meeting. Her madness is indeed influenced and created, but I prefer to believe that she has such potential in herself, not everyone can become Harley Quinn, otherwise the current Gotham There should already be quite a few clown men or clown women in the city."

Arthur paused for a while, then suddenly said, "Sir, you mean, you want to make her fit your personal needs? Like training?"

"This... you're a bit over the top, catalyzing and promoting at best."

"Sorry, sir."

If you follow the clown and call it Harley Quinn, will you be called Xiaolongnv after you follow me?

What about the white dragon?

Speaking of Bai Long, she is still in my body and hasn't woken up, shouldn't she be hurt too badly? Then didn't I pick up a dragon's body for nothing?

"Book a ticket for me. I'll go to Louisiana tomorrow night and fly directly to Gotham in the morning. Well, I need two cars."


The next day, early morning.

Hong Fei walked side by side with Cora in the police uniform.

"Did you see those people?" Cora pointed to a small group of people gathered not far across the street. They were black and white, and most of them were in their twenties. A thick and exaggerated necklace hangs inside, and the crotch of the lower body jeans is eager to fall directly to the ground.

"I see."

"If you're sure, you can always ask them to show their ID, and if they don't, put them on the wall and get checked."

Hong Fei's eyebrows twitched: "Grasp? Evidence?"

"Of course not." Cora retorted in amazement. "I mean, if you can beat them all, or if you're not afraid of them suddenly pulling a pistol out of you."

Hong Fei nodded: Long posture again.

After thinking about it, Hong Fei wondered: "Will they have guns?"

"Yes, but it's very unlikely that they will be carried around unless they are repeat offenders or traffickers."

Two police officers passed by, and the other party cast a glance. Cora glanced at them coldly, then looked ahead and said, "They are fine."

"How did you judge?"

"Experience, of course, is mainly eyes and movements. I know that you are a master of psychology. You should understand what special behaviors a person will have when he is guilty, and I think you should have also studied or read books on criminal psychology. , I've seen it too, and it's very useful."

Cora walked forward as she spoke, but then there was no response for a few seconds. She frowned and asked again, "Have you learned?"

Still no response.

Looking back, I saw that Hong Fei had walked to the center of the street, and it was the group of street runners.

Hong Fei's eyes were placed on one of the white men, his hands were just outside his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were deliberately raised upwards.

Seeing this, Cora raised her eyebrows.

Without thinking twice, she quickly looked at the vehicles at both ends of the street, followed with a quick trot towards Hong Fei, put her right hand on the gun, and pointed at the person on the opposite side.

Seeing this, a group of young people's expressions froze, some were stunned, and some looked left and right as if they wanted to escape.

The white young man who made the provocative action was stunned for a moment, then put down his hand and simply lay down on the ground neatly.

With him taking the lead, the others immediately followed suit.

Cora sighed in relief.

Hong Fei was disappointed.

"You are too impulsive." Cora came to Hong Fei and whispered.

"I'm sure." Hong Fei moved his lips.

One of these people counts as one, and even if they are served together, they can't make up a dish.

Cora quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and suddenly said: "There is no surveillance in the alley on the left front."

Hong Fei turned back and stared at her.

"Don't look at me like that, you can tell he's a repeat offender by looking at his actions, so he needs to learn a lesson. But it's best not to leave a mark, or you might get in trouble."

Well, this white girl can handle it.

After Cora finished speaking, he stepped forward and picked up the other party's collar to lift him to the alley on the left, but the white youth seemed to know his intention and kept struggling.

Cora didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the gun.

The white youth no longer resisted, and was kicked into the alley by Cora.

Cora turned around and gave Hong Fei a look.

Hong Fei stepped forward directly.

Standing at the entrance of the alley, Hong Fei looked at the other person who was sitting on the ground and shivering, frowning and said, "He is too weak."


"I'm afraid I'll kill him with one punch."

"Hey, you are quite bragging, don't you dare to do it? Would you like me to teach you?"


Cora shook her head and sighed and walked in: "You see."

After saying that, she leaned over and pressed the other person to the ground, turned her hand and pulled out the baton, and threw it out.

A shrill scream full of pain suddenly rose.

Hong Fei swore that at least for this second, he was really dumbfounded.

That's enough, Cora got up and put away the baton and put it back, letting the other party lie on the ground and roll with tears while covering his butt.

"It's a unique skill, there is no secret injury, but you have to pay attention, you can't really stab in it, it may kill people, and it will be more troublesome than shooting at that time."

Hong Fei sincerely gave her a thumbs up.

Afterwards, Cora waited for the other party to howl, put handcuffs on him, and after scolding the others to disperse them, Xiang Hongfei said: "I'll send the people back, you continue to patrol, remember, don't be impulsive, Don't be afraid to shoot, and don't shoot casually."


After Cora left, Hong Fei continued to patrol.



"You understand again?"

"Sir, learning on the Internet has made me grow up quickly. Combined with the backed up past data, I probably know what you want to do."


"I will arrange a car accident for him, life and death."

"Well, what car are you going to use then?"

"Fully loaded truck."

"Pretty! You are more suitable for being a gangster brother than me."


Cora did not return until the afternoon.

Hong Fei felt that she was deliberately skipping work to avoid patrolling, but there was no evidence yet.

The next itinerary was very boring. The only thing worth mentioning was that a group of children caught the basketball between the basket and the backboard. Hong Fei did a favor by jumping in place, and his physical fitness improved... Forget it.

In the evening, go back to get off work.

Cora: "Today's performance was okay, but you were a little impulsive."

"I'm sure." Hong Fei said stubbornly.

Cora raised her eyebrows: "Do you think you are good at fighting?"

Hong Fei nodded: "I'm really good at fighting!"

Cora's eyes moved from his face to his chest like a probe, all the way down, and finally said with a smile: "Well, let me see it later."

Where would you like to meet? ——Hong Fei said for Constantine.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, then the night shift, you can come later."

"it is good."

Put on a new set of casual clothes and head out for a taxi to the airport.

Louisiana State.

Named in honor of King Louis XIV of France, um, he is the grandfather of Louis XVI who died under the guillotine designed by himself.

It is located in the southern United States, along the Gulf of Mexico, about 2,000 kilometers from New York City.

Three hours later, Hong Fei landed.

After leaving the airport, I went straight to the nearby warehouse according to Arthur's arrangement. After a while, a new car that had just been licensed for a short time drove out, with an ordinary horizontal knife, two revolvers and a few bullets in the co-pilot's seat.

"Do you still have money?"

"Yes, $1031.74 left."

"How did you arrange to buy the license plate? And these weapons?"

"Using the Internet, borrowing personal identity, stealing call routes, disguising similar voice lines, and entrusting acquaintances to handle it."

"Did it cost a lot?"

"If you want, I can..."

"No, that's too untechnical. I prefer to rely on my own hands. You might as well arrange a server for yourself."

"I have used it from the beginning, but in order to avoid being discovered, it can only occupy a small part of the idle resources, and it will thin my computing power. I prefer the ones that have not been used and do not need to worry about being discovered."

"You... made me think of something else."

"Cheat, steal..."

"Stop! I admit you're really smart."

"Thank you, sir."

More than an hour later, Hong Fei came to the vicinity of the destination.

Standing on the hill, you can see the prison in the center of the plain swamp area in the distance.

4.44 km.

Not very lucky, Hong Fei walked more than 100 meters forward.

Covered in battle armor, two revolvers were inserted into the waist, and the horizontal knife was drawn, and the blade reflected the moonlight.

"Looks okay."

Arthur: "From China."

"very good."

With the knife on his back, Hong Fei took one step forward, his body suddenly sprang out like an arrow from a string, and the inclination between his body and the ground was extremely small.

Under the night sky, a blurry black shadow quickly shuttled between the bushes and the grass.

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