Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 512: BVS (below)

The loud noise from the shore shook the sky, and the rapidly expanding sound waves made the two cities tremble instantly.


Countless people looked up and looked at them with different expressions.


Ordinary people are curious and surprised, fearful and suspicious.


As the initiators, Luther and the Joker had similar reactions. They laughed frantically and let the real first-line images come after the drone took off.


Superman was suppressed, or in other words, Superman was suppressed!


This is a battle situation that many outsiders could not have predicted in advance.


Even Superman himself never imagined that after he and Batman started, it would be a bad start, and the subsequent battles were seized by Bruce everywhere, even if he endured the pain caused by the green gas and temporarily escaped Bruce. At the mercy of him, he would always be induced to fall into his fighting rhythm by Bruce step by step.


However, if the scope is narrowed down to the authorities, only Superman would have missed it.


Bruce is very confident in his preparations and deductions, especially after the Zhenjin armor showed the ability to absorb energy and transform and release it, he became more bold and aggressive, or in other words, more able to let go of his hands and feet.


And Luther, the discoverer and searcher of kryptonite, is also the first-hand owner.


He understands the effect of kryptonite on Kryptonians and the habits of Gotham bats, so he is not surprised.


The Joker learned about the existence of kryptonite through Luthor. Although he has not been able to read the complete and detailed information, he believes in Batman! So he was not surprised.


Superman: After so long, I'm the only one who doesn't know?


Two entangled figures lifted off from the ground.


Superman restrained Bruce's hands in reverse, wishing to wrap his legs around him to limit his movements.


But at the same time, he didn't dare to use too much force, because the battle armor had accumulated a faint blue light, and the color of its fluctuating flow looked very eye-catching.


Superman has come to understand that Bruce's armor is very unusual. The power he exerts on the armor will not only be absorbed, but Bruce can also re-release it as a means of attack.


Heat Sight, Frozen Breath, and Super Strength are all absorbed.


However, it seems that the external force absorbed by the battle armor can only be released after reaching a certain limit.


So, Superman is very careful.


"Bruce, is this the armor you prepared for me?" Superman said with a complicated expression, sticking behind Bruce.


Bruce: No, Hong Fei prepared it for you.


Before that, he only knew that the defensive power of the armor that Hong Fei took once had suddenly increased, but he didn't expect to have such a unique ability, probably because he and Alfred were doing the armor test. It has never taken energy and power comparable to superhuman attack power at all.


Bruce was silent, he rarely spoke during the battle, maybe he knew very well the allusions to the villain's death by talking too much.


The next moment, the sturdy shell of the armor moved slightly, and then a thick green mist quickly leaked from the back of Bruce's neck, shooting Superman directly in the face.


In the uncontrollable and violent cough, Superman's hands softened, and the whole person fell to the ground again.


Bruce retracted his arms, adjusted his flying attitude immediately, turned his head and rushed towards Superman again.


During the flight, he still did not forget to stretch out his hands, and the pulse cannon crushed the abandoned building where Superman fell to the ground.


The floor cracked and collapsed, and the two fell from the roof to the dark underground garage.


There are no vehicles here at this time, only the weeds overgrown by the cracking ground and piles of rubble ruins, and the air is filled with an extremely pungent rotten smell.


With a bang, the heavy armor fell to Superman's side.


Just as Superman tried to get up, Bruce punched him directly in the side face.


The power of the body of steel was no longer showing, and Clark flew to the wall like a sandbag being hammered.


The heavy crash and the sound of the landing kicked up a large cloud of dust.


Superman lay on the ground with a face full of pain.


Bruce stepped forward and kicked him over.


Finally, he realized the picture that appeared in his countless deductions - looking down at this alien who once flew high in the sky with the attitude of a winner.


Superman looked at Bruce. After losing his superpowers, he couldn't see Bruce's expression through perspective, but the action of this bat armor and the boundless white eyes made him feel a completely different meaning.


It is difficult for him to imagine and understand.


"You... are you going to kill me?"


The two were not far away, and the drones surrounded them as if no one was there.


Behind the camera, Luthermore stood up with his watch on, murmuring silently, with expectations and excitement as well as disappointment in his eyes.


Joker, he pulled Louise to stand in front of the TV, forcing the female reporter, who was crying out of breath, to open her eyes to see everything clearly.


In another place, Ms. Martha, who was **** and gagged, looked at the big screen in front of her and burst into tears. She was struggling all the time, and her hands were rubbed and bleeding.




On the other hand, entrusted by Bruce, Arthur conveyed his overall plan to Harry and White Dragon who were together.


After listening, Bai Long raised his eyebrows.


Seeing this, Harry took the initiative to ask, "Do you think there is a problem?"


Bai Long nodded solemnly: "Of course there is a problem, and it's a big problem."


"Huh?" Harry's eyes were full of curiosity.


"He asked us for help, right?"




"Then why didn't he say what he would pay for it from the beginning to the end?"




"Is this hard to think of? Giving equals gain, and no effort equals no gain."


Harry frowned and said strangely, "Then what do you want from him?"


"It doesn't depend on me, but on what he is willing to pay for it, or what he has that can impress us."


Harry blinked quickly.


She looked at the white dragon in front of her, listened to her words, and suddenly appeared in front of her eyes the figure that once freed her from the cage and now haunts her.


Harry's eyes gradually lost focus, and then she reached out to stroke Bai Long's profile, and muttered, "You really do."


Bai Long frowned suddenly, knocked off Harry's palm with a slap, and moved his body away, and then said, "Don't say that to me with this kind of eyes and this tone of voice, it makes me feel It's like being a substitute for someone."


Harry laughed and shook his head: "I didn't mean that, and no one can replace him."


Bai Long rolled his eyes: "Then stop that expression and tone, you know? You gave me another feeling just now, that he is dead, and you, as a widow, are stroking another person. His face misses him."


Hearing this, Harry was stunned for a moment, and then almost rolled over with laughter.


Seeing this, Bai Long couldn't help laughing loudly.


After a while, Harley straightened up, stumbling over her unstoppable laughter and said, "I...haha...I'll tell him what happened today, hahaha, I'll tell him everything without a word."

Bai Long's laughter stopped abruptly.


"What are you kidding me, I'm going to die!"


Harry kept smiling: "But you had a good time laughing just now?"


"Playing for fun, trouble for trouble, don't make fun of him, he's cruel, think when I was a young dragon, he threatened to kill me more than once. And you know, he even I often tease and test Arthur, and I suspect that if Arthur has the idea of ​​destroying the world, even just a little bit, he will not hesitate to clear Arthur." After speaking, she simply raised her head and called: " Arthur, you say, did I lie?"


Arthur responded responsively: "Ma'am, I'm very sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm just a stupid artificial intelligence."


Bai Long was immediately stunned.


As a bystander, Harry was about to laugh stupidly.


Bai Long crossed his arms and muttered in a low voice. Even Harry, who was close at hand, couldn't hear what she was saying, but he probably wouldn't have anything good to say.


After a while, the movement caused by Batman and Superman for the first time against the waves resounded like a dull thunder on a sunny day, followed by a bright beam of light.


Both of them turned their heads to look at the window at the same time.


Harley took a sip of water to suppress her shock, and then rubbed her face with a stiff smile: "Let's get serious, they seem to have already started a fight?"


Bai Long nodded: "Yes."


"Then it's time for us to act, don't you really want to take action?"


"How is that possible? Although I can't guess why the boss wants them to fight, but now that the boss's goal has been achieved, if the two cities are finally destroyed because of our idyll, the boss... must be very happy, right?"


Halle: ? ? ?


Seeing her expression, Bai Long immediately raised his chest confidently: "Harry, don't you think the boss is a simple good person?"


Harry naturally shook his head firmly. She is not a good person herself, so how can Hong Fei be a good person? If Hong Fei was a good person, he wouldn't have given her a Zhenjin Hengdao that she had used before, and then encouraged her to go to the street and chop people.


Why don't you know?


Can you know what the two of them said in bed?


Bai Long continued: "Well, speaking of the past, the boss would usually do a good thing immediately after doing a bad thing."


Harry wondered, "Why?"


"I don't know, no one can understand why he does this." Bai Long shook his head: "However, I may be trying to balance something we don't know. After all, if he is a good person, he will not be busy doing bad things, I said. It's the real bad thing, not the kind of good thing that is bad on the surface, but actually has a mystery inside, in short, the kind that is completely broken from the inside out... Wait a minute, what is this? Why do you have a With a recorder or something like that?!!"


Harry tucked the tape recorder back out of his pocket, and said without wavering, "You read it wrong."


"Ah this... you might as well say I'm blind!"


"Then you're blind."


Bai Long savagely gouged out her eyes a few times, and the words that just came to his mouth suddenly stopped, then he quickly considered it, and when he spoke again, he suddenly became very serious.


"Bruce's plan is not a plan at all, to be honest, it is to find foreign aid to forcefully break the game. It is equivalent to a child being bullied by his classmates today, and he is forcibly charged for protection. Parents, along with teachers, principals and police chiefs, called in to block the bully."


Harry thought about it, and sure enough, Bai Long's description is indeed appropriate.


Compared with Luther and the Joker, the strength of Bai Long and Harley is really explosive. Just imagine, they both have Hong Fei's blessing, which is equivalent to two Dragon Kings, even without them, there are still A witch who is proficient in magic and teleportation, and the younger brother who has not yet appeared in public.


The only question is: where is Martha?


After solving this question, Luther and the Joker are gone.


The poisonous gas and bombs that destroy the city are useless. The White Dragon, Harley and the Witch can keep them from dispersing and blowing up.


"Arthur?" Harry called softly.


Arthur responded immediately: "Ms. Martha is still in the freighter on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean, and that freighter will self-destruct in twenty-seven minutes."


When Bai Long heard the words, he immediately asked, "How did you find out? Or did you always know?"


"Through data analysis, Lex Luthor is very careful about network monitoring and information shielding and erasing. I have just found clues from Lex Group's past accounts and operating rules, and finally located this ship. freighter."


Bai Long looked suspicious.


Arthur's explanation did not dispel her suspicion, but made her more and more sure of her conjecture: Hong Fei must have done it on purpose!


Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidental opportunity for Arthur to find the target, and there are only more than twenty minutes left before the explosion.


If Arthur finds clues after the explosion, then Bai Long may really believe it.


Superman: Are you **** polite?


Harry looked at the white dragon's lips with burning eyes, and seemed to be very much looking forward to her next exciting things.


Bai Long swallowed his saliva and said sternly, "Then let's do it, one of us will go to Martha, and the other will go to Louise..."


"Wait a minute, I have a problem." Harry raised his hand like a schoolboy.


"you say."


"Don't we inform others? We are a but this operation is just the two of us?"


Bai Long pouted: "Okay, Harry, don't be like this, your eyes and expressions have already betrayed you. If you didn't act so excited and impatient, I might believe the 'team' you said!"


"Haha!!" Harley stood up directly, clenched her fists and waved fiercely: "Okay, just the two of us!"


"Well, I'll go to Martha, you go to Louise, but remember, don't show up too early, let the two of them fight for a while, it's best to decide the winner and then we'll officially save the people."


"Why is this?"


"I don't know, maybe it's because the boss likes it?"


"He likes watching men fight?"


"Yeah, something like that..."


"Indeed, something like that..."


The two looked at each other silently for a few seconds, and then looked away at the same time in tacit understanding.


Bai Long suggested: "Then... let's go?"


Harry agreed: "Yeah! Let's go!"


In the space, a dense brilliance was wrapped in suspension, the top, bottom, left, and right ovals were like chickens, but the inside was pure and flawless deep black.


In the darkness, Hong Fei sneezed several times inexplicably and intermittently.


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