Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 656: Tear up the gods by hand, and mediate again forever

Red Dead Redemption Chapter 656

In the deep space, the body of the gods does not appear petite compared to the earth.

Although the outer layer of dark red armor outlines a human shape, the three groups of six light spots on the head have clearly indicated that it is impossible to look like a human under the armor.

It turned its back to the sun, the light was completely blocked, and a thin layer of thin light was attached to the periphery of its head, making it more sacred.

In front of such a huge body, in addition to the earth itself, any creatures living on this planet have practical reasons to be afraid of it.

Arisham, a more accurate name should be: Inquisitor.

There are many Celestials in the universe, some of them have titles and powers, and some are just ordinary existences.

Inquisitor Arisom is undoubtedly the well-deserved leader among the many celestial groups.

The definition of a judge is roughly as follows: Arisam can judge whether a planet is eligible to have life, and whether a race is eligible to continue to survive and reproduce.

Similarly, there are searchers, eradicators, collectors, measurers, analyzers, and so on.

They each have different cosmic functions.

Sometimes, Hong Fei has to think that the structure of the Marvel Universe looks extremely weird from top to bottom. On the whole, there are too many beings in the upper layers, which are completely inconsistent with the pyramid-shaped structure. It can make the universe tremble, and such an environment has been maintained peacefully from the birth of the universe to the present.

The strength of the Celestial Gods has no clear upper limit, their lives are immortal, and time has no meaning to them.

But they are not immune to death.

Otherwise, there would not be a "place of nothingness" developed with the head of the **** group as the core in the universe.

In short, the Celestials have great strength and amazing cosmic powers.

At the same time, to put it in layman's terms, in every deity group, there are treasures all over the body.

For example, the head of the gods in the void, there are still mines that are mining day and night.

Therefore, if the humans on earth at this time saw a creature that was more terrifying than a celestial body, then what Hong Fei saw was a human-shaped mineral vein full of treasures.

When he got up, Hong Fei suddenly turned into a golden red light and jumped up. In the blink of an eye, he had broken through the atmosphere. In the blink of an eye, the blue planet had been thrown far behind him.

The golden-red light was like a sharp sword that pierced through time and space, rushing towards Arisom at high speed.

Suddenly, a strong ray of light condensed in one of Arisam's eyes and burst out in an instant, causing the light and shadow of the surrounding vacuum to shake violently.

The two rays of light collided instantly, and clearly visible energy waves swayed away one after another.

At this time, three light spots suddenly lit up on the surface of the earth, and then they were connected to each other, forming an extremely stable magical defense layer.

This is apparently derived from the movements of Kama Taj.

And in the dazzling light that suddenly erupted, a dragon roar that shook the universe in an instant finally burst out.

Under the gaze of countless bright or dark eyes.

A dragon's head that was obviously larger than the earth in the background quickly protruded out of the space, and the ferocious dragon's horn cut two obvious cracks in the space.

Afterwards, the splendid dragon mane, golden and red dragon scales, sharp-edged dragon claws, and overall vigorous posture appeared one by one.

When the dragon floated in space and faced Arisom.

People suddenly discovered that the terrifying giant **** just now looked nothing more than that.

The volume of the earth is equal to the body of a **** and the head of a dragon.

However, Shenlong has a slender body, and the proportion of its head occupying the entire body is not high.

Therefore, Arisom suddenly became petite in front of the dragon.

Hong Fei looked down at Arisam, and his power became more solemn.

However, before Hong Fei spoke, Arisem spoke first.

Its voice is loud, without any fluctuations in its tone, and it sounds very neutral: "The Eternals are the creations of the Celestials, they bear the heavy responsibility granted by the Celestials, and they are born with the right to perform tasks in any area of ​​the universe. You kill Eight Eternals were destroyed, and the items that established the connection between the Celestials and the Eternals were destroyed. Your actions will be regarded as provocations to the Celestials."

The golden dragon boy expanded slightly, and the splendid organizational structure inside looked like a piece of fast-moving cosmic galaxies.

Hong Fei asked, "So?"

"You need to stand trial. This has nothing to do with Earth, and you don't have to worry about implicated anyone."

"Then, you can let Thiam be born smoothly, and when I come back, only to find that the earth is gone?"

This is to expose Arisam's goal without thinking, but the other party seems to be unaffected by saying: "Every once in a while, a new group of gods must be born. This is the law of the universe, the law that does not change... "

"Okay, I don't want to listen to these truths, and I don't care if they are really reasonable. Your presence only means one thing to me, that is, you are provoking me, and as a result, you are going to die here today."

"Human, all your words and deeds will be recorded, and all of this will affect the subsequent judgment of the earth and the entire human race..."

"The threat is ineffective. One question, are you beyond a single universe?"


"Then how dare you come today?!"

Before he finished speaking, Shenlong gently swayed its tail, causing a violent energy storm in the starry sky.

The space surrounding Arisham suddenly sank inward and collapsed.

Arisham's huge palm swayed gently, and a reversal force suddenly confronted him.

But in the next moment, a huge dragon claw suddenly appeared in the curved space surrounding Arisom, it appeared behind Arisam, and directly pinched Arisom's neck with lightning speed. The claws covered in golden scales stretched from the back of Arisham's head directly to the fore-neck, and then they were clamped tightly together.

Arisham's response was not slow at all. His dark red armor with no bright spots suddenly lit up, and the surrounding light trembled, and a black hole was formed in his body in an instant, and he was swallowed up from the inside out.

Sensing such a change, Shenlong's body swung, and the body larger than the celestial body jumped into space instantly, but there was no fluctuation.

Another dragon claw slid into Arisam's belly.

The claws wrapped in the rich golden-red light fell on the armor and immediately sparked a dazzling spark. Although I don't know what material the armor of the Tianshen group was made of, it was still penetrated and cut by Hong Zhili smoothly.

When the first crack opened, the dragon's claws slid into Arisam's belly.

Hong Zhili roared and poured in, which made Arisom's entire chest suddenly light up strangely.

After a while, the dragon claws were pulled out, holding a black hole that had already formed in the palm of his hand.

"Anything else?" Hong Fei asked, crushing it and disappearing.

"Your actions have seriously violated the laws of the universe, and the human race will be wiped out."

The dragon opened its mouth, and the ultimate ray burst out.

As a unique entropy force, the omega effect does not force the release from the eyes, it can be used with fingers, and even some indescribable parts are not impossible.

But when the dark red rays were about to hit Arisham.

The space-time between the ray and Arisam suddenly annihilated, just like a rushing river, suddenly disappeared in the river without a sound and without a place to return.

Beside the two of them, the starry sky ripples.

A silhouette mixed with starlight was projected in the darkness.

Eternity has come again.

"Arisham is the judge of the universe. It is closely related to the balance of the universe and is the basis for maintaining the universe..."


The huge earthquake that suddenly erupted caused Xinghai to tremble.

Hong Fei's sudden movements looked extremely wonderful. He gathered the strength of his entire body and mobilized his power to the maximum extent, almost completely infusing the bones and flesh under his body into a state of energy, which was instantly conveyed to the tail through the crest without any hindrance. The twisting body prompted the dragon's tail to slam into the face of Eternity and fall.

The dragon swings its tail!

In an instant, the aftermath of the dragon's tail swiping through space almost collapsed the entire solar system.

And when his tail slammed into Eternal's face, the remnants of the burst of energy seemed to make the entire universe let out a whimper in an instant.

If Hong Fei didn't use the power of modifying reality to prevent the aftermath from erupting into the distance in time, I'm afraid this simple but extreme, ordinary and pure blow would have caused a deep crack in the universe.

The eternal figure swayed violently in the smash, and then continued to act with the power of Hong that was constantly eroding like the gangrene of the tarsal bones. After a few seconds, his figure suddenly began to collapse, and the body constructed by darkness and starlight turned into a body. Pieces of debris rustled and fell, and then the normal time dimension immediately filled the vacancy.

On the other hand, the ultimate ray that has long been aimed at Arisom will not disappear.

Even across the multiverse, it will continue to pursue its established goals.

Therefore, when the eternal figure disappeared, the ultimate ray that should have appeared just now erupted in a more intense situation.

Arisham's head was instantly pierced.

The two dragon claws clasped Arisom's neck and torso respectively, and ripped it with force.

The head was immediately separated from the body.

Afterwards, Hong Fei tore off Arisham's limbs step by step.

However, Arisham's head was destroyed, but it was not really dead.

It made a voice with its torso: "Judgment: Earth is unqualified as a living planet, eradicate it immediately!"

Shenlong's eyes suddenly burst with unprecedented fierceness. It opened its mouth and swallowed Arisom's torso directly into its belly.

I saw that the dragon's abdomen continued to burst with abnormal light, but after several squirming, the light was completely Hong Fei also really eliminated this mighty judge from the source.

The remaining head and limbs were scattered in space, looking terrifying in an instant.

But in the next moment, Hong Fei suddenly turned around.

I saw near the earth behind me, and the space turned waves again.

The ray of light surged until it subsided, and another **** group came.


Its shape is completely different from that of the Inquisitor, it is smaller, its shape is yellow and black, and it looks more like a fat man.

But no matter how small the **** group is, it is still a behemoth that cannot be underestimated in front of human beings.

The next moment, thunder flashed in the void, and a silver giant axe wrapped in thunder pulp suddenly appeared, it rolled quickly, and it killed the eradicator with a mighty power.

At the moment of impending collision, a muscular arm suddenly grabbed the Thunder Axe.

Thor's entire body was completely turned into lightning, and he accelerated with the axe!


In the muffled sound, the storm axe cut the armor of the eradicator, and the thunder violently invaded inward.

The Eradicator staggered in the air and quickly regained his footing. He reached out and brushed it, and Thorton was thrown to the distant spark.

When the eradicator raises his arms facing the earth.

When Hong Fei was about to eat the Eradicators too.

The entire universe suddenly and completely stopped, and all the matter and energy reactions that were supposed to run were condensed at this moment.

Eternity has come again.

But this time, what he came was obviously not the projection that was smashed by Hong Fei just now, at least it was the real conceptual incarnation of this universe, and it might even connect the real eternity of the multiverse. +Bookmark+

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