Red Soviet Union

Chapter 84: October Revolutionary Parade

The October Revolution, a baptism before the establishment of the great Soviet! Every year on November 7, an unstoppable military parade is held.

And this year's military parade will show the huge national strength of the Soviet Union!

On this day, the flag of the sickle and the hammer fluttered high on the Red Square, and all the troops under review were quietly waiting for that moment to come.

"Great Russia, a permanent union; an independent republic, freely united. The will of the nations, the Soviet Union established, united and powerful, for thousands of years! Free motherland, you are incomparably brilliant: a strong fortress of friendship among the nations! The Soviet red flag , the red flag of the people, leading from victory to victory!"

"The sun of liberty shines upon us; the great Lenin points out the future. Stalin taught to be loyal to the people; and inspires us to build merits. Free motherland, you are exceedingly brilliant: the strong fortress of the happiness of all nations! The Soviet red flag, The red flag of the people leads from victory to victory!"

"Growing up in the war, our Red Army, when the enemy invades, will be wiped out. The fate of generations is decided in the struggle, and guide my motherland to glory! Free motherland, you are incomparably brilliant: the strong fortress of the glory of all nations! Soviet The red flag, the red flag of the people, leads from victory to victory!"

With the sky above the Red Square, high-pitched singing, unbreakable alliance, the military parade officially began!

The phalanx that came up first, holding Lenin's head high, passed through the Red Square, no other sound could be heard, only the sound of footsteps in unison.

On the reviewing stand above Lenin's tomb, the top leaders of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev and others, were all waving to the incoming parade team.

When Lenin's tomb was built, it was remodeled several times and had the function of inspection.

The bottom of the shape of Lenin's tomb is a stable stone pedestal, followed by steps, which are gradually reduced upwards, on which is the flat seat leading to the stone stage of the review platform; and then there are five steps of different heights and 36 pillars. The colonnade; the top is a two-step flat roof, here is the review platform, where the parade and the armed forces are reviewed during the national festival.

The review platform is flanked by an auditorium made of grey marble. At this time, in a corner of the viewing platform, the tall Andre watched the military parade outside through the gap between the heads of others.

Magnificent, spectacular! The military parade in the Soviet era is more majestic than the Chinese military parade in later generations!

To be able to come here to watch a military parade is a lifetime honor for a Soviet citizen! And Andre, now getting such an opportunity, makes him very excited.

"Ulla, Ulla!" The party under review shouted, and the voice resounded through the sky. This is the great Soviet, an unbreakable alliance!

When the infantry team passed by, the armored team was also approaching. Watching the T-72 tanks rumbled over, Andre seemed to see the rolling torrent of armor, flattening the scene of the entire Europe, and making capitalism all over the place. Go to hell!

The military parade during the day was still swaying in front of him. Andre was in a state of extreme excitement all day long. The national anthem was still echoing in his ears. That unique melody could inspire generations of people.

And on that night, in the Kremlin, another grand banquet was held.

At this time, Brezhnev was not like the terminally ill old man in the early 1980s. He was in good spirits. It was as if the Soviet Union was in full swing.

"Come, cheers!" In the Georgiev Hall of the Kremlin, the audience in the stands who participated in the military parade during the day was celebrating the 58th anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution in this hall.

As a Soviet person, vodka is always my favorite, and only on this day, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates, just hold a wine glass and find someone to do it.

Brezhnev also liked such occasions very much. Now, he is at the helm of this great country, and he is the leader of the Soviet Union!

Andre is hiding in a corner. The people here are all high-ranking people. It is a great honor for me, a little lieutenant colonel, to be here. Dropov's family talked like that.

He was silently observing, almost all the people present were over 60 years old, the real old age politics.

Look at the one over there, the gray-haired one is Chernenko, this guy, who was once Andropov's nemesis, had been competing with Andropov all the time, trying in vain after Brezhnev's death , to be at the helm of the Soviet Union. Fortunately, life gave him a chance. He lived 13 months longer than Andropov and was also the general secretary of the Soviet Union for 13 months.

This guy, now holding the wine glass, his hands are trembling, he is toasting the general secretary?

Andre turned his eyes to other places, and saw one after another familiar faces in later generations.

Ustinov, Gromyko, Tikhonov...

"Andre, are you here too?" At this moment, a voice came from his ear.

Andrei raised his head and saw a slightly excited face: "Comrade Simonov?"

As an outstanding representative of the military industry Sukhoi Design Bureau also has a place in the stands. It was originally planned to be reserved for Sukhoi himself. Unfortunately, Pavel Osipovich Suho Yi, the outstanding designer of the Soviet aviation industry, died a few days ago, and Simonov, the deputy chief designer, came here to participate in the celebration.

Andrei did not expect that Simonov's memory is so good. He only met the famous designer once at the Sokolovka base, and the other party remembered him!

"Andrei, you piloted a fighter plane, shot down the American Blackbird reconnaissance plane with two missiles, and protected the airspace of our motherland. It is really something that our entire Soviet Union should be proud of, and it is also a tribute to the October Revolution military parade. !" Simonov said: "Pravda has already reported all your deeds, and you have brought glory to our Soviet aviation community!"

Andrei shook his head involuntarily: "Comrade Simonov, do you think our missile performance can shoot down a plane three times the speed of sound?"

Andre has also read Pravda, which reported that Andre was shot down with two advanced medium-range missiles. The vivid descriptions above made Andre admire the editor's imagination.

What confuses Americans, Andre knows that the way for Americans to get inside information about the Soviet Union is through the newspapers, magazines, etc. issued by the Soviet Union.

If it is to others, it must be kept strictly confidential, but the person in front of you is different, the person in front of you is an aircraft designer! He is also the deputy chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. He has the full right to know how to shoot down enemy Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users please go to read.

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