"All the team members, scattered to search this area. Kevin stayed here, and the others kept in touch, searching the neighborhood. "

"I'm going to make sure it's safe around here!"

Captain Enrique stepped forward and said loudly.


When Chen Feng heard the captain's words, he shouted that it was not good, and hurriedly stood up.

"I don't know what kind of enemy I will face this time, and if I disperse, will it be unsafe!".

There may be hell hounds, zombies and even other monsters all around, and it is too risky to disperse.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to directly oppose the captain's orders.

This kind of behavior is in the team, and it will never be allowed!

He can only give advice, which is the maximum right he can have as a rookie!

If it were someone else, Enrique would have kicked it over.

It's a pity that Chen Feng's performance today made him quite satisfied, and this time there was a sense of military training, so he didn't extinguish Chen Feng's passion.

"Haha, Chen Feng, I thought you wouldn't be afraid. "

Captain Enrique laughed.

"However, it doesn't matter if that guy doesn't come out, as long as he dares to come out, we will definitely make them regret coming to this world!"

"yes, we can't let the old guys in Team Alpha look down, we need to do something before they come!"

A few other old birds are also eager to try.

Having just survived a plane crash, they desperately need a mission to deflect the pressure.

Enrique didn't change his opinion, but he didn't seem to be worried about Rebecca alone.

So let Chen Feng, who performed well, and Rebecca form a team.

The team members scattered in all directions, and Chen Feng and Rebecca could only set off.

Chen Feng sighed helplessly.

Rebecca asked softly, "What's wrong, angry with the captain?".

"Sort of. Chen Feng nodded, "I always feel that this forest is extremely dangerous. "

"Actually, you should trust the captain in their strength. "Even though they're retired, they're still seasoned veterans." "

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but interrupt Rebecca.

"Rebecca. "

"On the battlefield, those who feel that they are experienced and can deal with all kinds of emergencies often die miserably!"

Maybe Chen Feng's attitude was a little tougher.

Seeing Rebecca pulling at the corners of her clothes, her big eyes were covered with a layer of mist.

Chen Feng couldn't help but be dumbfounded when he saw Rebecca's aggrieved and tearful appearance.


Did you say anything excessive?

Besides, Rebecca, as a member of S.T.A.R.S., should have a good psychological quality, why is she about to cry when she says a word?

Offending no one can offend a doctor.

And he's the only doctor in this wilderness!

Chen Feng hurriedly apologized cautiously.

"That...... I'm sorry, I seem to have said the wrong thing. "

"Something is wrong!".

Rebecca is a bit stubborn.

But these words blinded Chen Feng.

Chen Feng, who really didn't know what he was wrong, could only helplessly reach out and scratch the back of his head.

Chen Feng is a big man of more than 1.8 meters, but he is a little at a loss at this time.

As everyone knows, this stupid appearance made Rebecca's grievances dissipate.

"Poof, forgive me!".


Chen Feng didn't know why, and his mind was full of black question marks.

Forgive me?

Sure enough, women are really hard to understand.

"Chen Feng, come back to your senses, we still have a task to do!"

At this time, Rebecca spoke with vigilance, and had already entered the mission state.


Chen Feng nodded, vigilantly advancing slowly.

The progress did not go well, and he found that he did not have a flashlight!

Because of this, he almost fell a few times.

But every time she watched Chen Feng almost wrestle, Rebecca seemed to be a lot happier.

Although the mentality is very good, Chen Feng, a big man, is stupid and not perfect.

At least he surpassed Chen Feng in one aspect.

This made Rebecca quite happy.

Because of the

pursuit of perfection to complete the first task, she unconsciously regarded Chen Feng, who was also a newcomer but performed well, as a goal to surpass.

Soon Chen Feng and Rebecca found a jeep!

Chen Feng and Rebecca glanced at each other and hurriedly called the captain.

"Captain, come and see!".

At this point, the team was not far apart, and the other members quickly came to this side.

As soon as he came over, his teammates saw Chen Feng with a serious expression, holding a rifle on guard.

Their brows furrowed.

There is a smell of rotting corpses in the air!

After seeing the scene clearly, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

A jeep that was smashed to shreds.

Of the two deceased, one was thrown out of the jeep a few meters away.

One half of his body was still pressed under the jeep.

Two corpses, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones were already exposed.

The stench of corpses rushed into the nose, making people dizzy and nauseous.

Rebecca was frowning, holding her breath examining the body.

The corpse was still dressed in the same uniform as the gendarmerie.

Then Rebecca discovers Navy Captain Billy Cohen's sentencing book, and the team members are indignant and put all the on Billy Cohen's head.

Captain Enrique found that Chen Feng was not on guard, but checked the traces around him, and couldn't help asking.

"Chen Feng, do you have any new discoveries?"

"Definitely. Chen Feng pointed to the rut marks under his feet, "This accident probably happened a few hours ago!"

Although it is a crossing, he loves military affairs, and he is still a little cautious in reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

"What, how could it be!".

Rebecca was shocked.

"With the degree of decay of the corpse, it is definitely more than two weeks of death to achieve!".

"Chen Feng, now is not the time to joke!".

Captain Enrique was also a little angry.

"See for yourselves!"

Chen Feng gave up his position and made a gesture of please.

Captain Enrique snorted coldly.

"Let the teacher teach you today, what is the king of scouting!".

Captain Enrique crouched down and looked closely, and soon his face darkened and he stood up.

"How's the captain?".

Seeing the captain stand up, Rebecca hurriedly stepped forward to ask, not wanting to make a mistake in the mission because of her mistake.

"The rut mark is indeed recent, most likely within two hours ......".

Before Captain Enrique could finish his words, Rebecca was shocked.

"How is that possible, and how can these two corpses explain ......".

Her area of expertise was challenged, and Rebecca couldn't accept it.

"Maybe it's

a second throwing of corpses, or maybe it's ......."

Captain Enrique didn't finish.

He'd heard some kind of rumor that everything that happened here was actually the result of biological weapons.

Someone even said after drinking that he had witnessed someone who was attacked by a monster and quickly rotted and then resurrected.

The word 'zombie' has even been coined to refer to these victims.

Captain Enrique never saw the man again.

He used to scoff at this man's remarks, but now he was a little hairy in his heart.

Now whether it's the dangerous murderer Billy Cohen, or anything else is seriously threatening the safety of the team.

Chen Feng: "Captain, do you want to go back to the helicopter next?"

"No!" Captain Enrique decisively refused, "We need to clean up the surroundings as soon as possible and make sure there is no threat around!".

Chen Feng had a toothache, he wanted to be content with the status quo, but he knew that the captain's idea was correct.

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