Chen Feng looked at the diary in his hand and frowned slightly.

Marcus's diary appeared here, which Chen Feng did not expect.

Along the way, he's also used to the fact that things are different from the game, but that doesn't mean he likes it.

Obviously, after others crossed, they relied on the foresight of the plot to control everything, and pushed all the way.

As soon as it comes to ...... to yourself

It's hard to put into words!

Although Rebecca was searching for the map, her mind kept looking up at Chen Feng from time to time, wanting to help Chen Feng as soon as he needed it.

didn't wait for the opportunity to help reverse the situation that he had almost no effect all the way, but found that Chen Feng had not moved for a long time.

Oh no, could it be that even the map has been found by Chen Feng?

Rebecca asked, holding back the frustration in her heart.

"Chen Feng, did you find any maps?"

Chen Feng shook his head and raised the diary in his hand.

"I didn't find the map, but I found Marcus's diary. "

"Haven't found a map yet, just Marcus's diary?".

Rebecca couldn't help but be overjoyed when she heard this, which meant that she still had a chance to express herself!



Rebecca's reaction was unknown to Chen Feng.

What's so nice about not finding a map? You can't get out of here without a map!

Because of the various changes along the way, Chen Feng didn't dare to say that the terrain of this cadre training center was exactly the same as in the game.

Otherwise, with his experience of clearing the highest difficulty N times, he still needs to find a map here bitterly?

Rebecca also knew that she had said the wrong thing, and her pretty face instantly turned red, and her eyes rolled twice before she thought of an excuse.

"I ...... I don't think there will be more in Marcus's diary that can help us reveal to the world the evidence that Ambrera has researched chemical weapons!".

As a genius who graduated from college at the age of eighteen and was even admitted to S.T.A.R.S., he thought of the bottom of the stairs in an instant.

Chen Feng felt that there was nothing wrong with this explanation.

First, Rebecca is a girl with a strong sense of justice, otherwise she wouldn't have joined S.T.A.R.S

Second, Rebecca, as a medical chemistry major, must have hated Ambrera, who developed biological and chemical weapons.

So Rebecca's excitement Chen Feng can also understand.

"What about flipping through it?".

"Well, I can't ask for it!".

Rebecca's words weren't just to hide her embarrassment.

As a chemologist, she knows exactly what a terrible impact Ambrera can have on Raccoon City and the world if she is allowed to continue her research into the virus.

Chen Feng and Rebecca just got together, flipping through Marcus's diary page by page.


diary records Marcus' daily trivia and his growing dissatisfaction with Ambrera's higher-ups.

At the same time, it also revealed the research process of leech virus, as well as the T infected variant Tyrant (tyrant) created by Marcus in order to disguise his research results.

There's even some Wesker vs. William stuff on it.

Seeing Wesker's name, Rebecca couldn't help but exclaim.


She looked at Chen Feng, "This name ......."

"Team Alpha Captain is also named by that name. Chen Feng said, "He recruited you into the team at the beginning." "

"That's right......" Rebecca didn't say anything more.

Chen Feng did not say that Wesker was Ambrera's spy.

After all, here Marcus only wrote a surname, not a first name.

He wasn't even sure if Wesker would still be a spy like he was in the game.

However, until there is no evidence that Wesker is a good person, Chen Feng's muzzle will always be aimed at Wesker's head.


just don't know if I have a chance to see the light of day again.

Chen Feng felt a pain when he thought of the pitiful few bullets in his backpack and the various terrifying zombies roaming around here.

When Chen Feng was thinking, Rebecca was still reading the diary, she was reading it very seriously, but it was always Marcus's various praises for leeches and complaints about Ambrera's high-level who only cared about interests, which made her feel relaxed.

Until turning the page, Rebecca is frightened.


The sound alarmed the crows who were perched outside the window waiting for their prey.

For them, sound means food, and they can't afford not to get excited.

"Quack quack ......


The crows quacked, their eyes blood-red and their mouths hung with carrion, and they fluttered their wings when they were attracted by Rebecca's voice.

Every time the wings were flipped up, flesh-and-blood feathers fell from the wings.

Still, they staggered and flew.

After acclimatizing to flight, they are fast and rush in the direction where the sound is emitted.

Chen Feng thought there were zombies, so he hurriedly raised his gun and looked around.

There were no zombies, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened to Rebecca?".

Rebecca still had a look of horror on her face and pointed to the photo taped to her diary.

"Marcus's Subject ......


Chen Feng looked at the humanoid creature wrapped in leeches and white arm bones at his feet.

“...... ...... with living people as nourishment".

Chen Feng intuitively felt the wind blowing behind him, his back was cold, and his scalp was numb.

This is something that cannot be felt at all in the game.

Before they had time to mourn for the unlucky bastard, the sound of a broken window behind them sounded, and the two of them hurriedly turned around with guns on guard.

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