This is the training center restaurant.

At the large dining table, four plague reptiles were lying on a zombie and eating its flesh.

While he was being eaten, the zombie kept opening its mouth to bite the reptilian legs.

The plague reptile craves flesh, and so does it!

Even if the plague reptile is covered in bone armor, it can smell food.

But the zombie's bite force that can bite out white marks on steel, if it is on the leg of the plague reptile, the end is just that the zombie's teeth are broken one by one.

The plague reptile flicked its feet, and the zombie's head left its body and was thrown to Chen Feng's feet.

Chen Feng was sick to his stomach for a while!

No one can stand the stench and horror!

He never imagined that this was a place where he was a restaurant to be cultivated, but now it became a good place for these monsters to feast!

Billy and Rebecca are so frightened that they recoil.

As if smelling the smell of fresh food, the reptiles invariably raised their heads to look at Chen Feng and the others.

Flesh and blood, fresh!

Without roaring, the reptiles quickly crawled towards the trio, their armor rubbing against each other with a terrifying 'brush' sound.

It's not much slower than a human run!


Chen Feng shot at the reptilian eye.

It was the

only place on the body of the plague reptile that was not protected by bone armor.

But even with reptile eyes, 9mm bullets are difficult to penetrate!

Most of Rebecca and Billy's bullets hit the Plague Reptiles, protected by a skeleton, and the 9mm bullets had little effect, barely stopping them from crawling.

That's not the way to go!

Billy had opened the door to cover the two of them.

But right now.


A loud knock on the door rang out.


Four black monkeys rushed towards the trio.

It's extremely fast, more than twice as fast as the Plague Crawler!

Their frantic screams were piercing and piercing, their eyes blood-red, as if they had fallen into madness.

The sound of gunfire stimulates them, coupled with the sudden discovery of flesh and blood in a hurry, how can they not be crazy?!

The trio's hearts were half cold, and Billy quickly turned the head of the gun to stop the monkey's footsteps.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

The pressure on the trio doubled.

The plague reptiles have left them helpless, and now there are four monkeys?!

Looking at the desperate situation of the three of them, Marcus looked indifferent.

"It seems that even a well-trained human can only go so far in front of the B.O.W. "

"Being caught between plague reptiles and mutant monkeys at the same time, wouldn't the specifications of this funeral be too high?"

Marcus stroked one of the leeches in his hand.

Its eyes were full of joy.

Chen Feng, the three murderers, killed so many cute zombie babies in me, and finally got the punishment they deserved?

For Chen Feng and the three of them, Marcus has decided to let them fight for their lives and deaths.

However, at the moment when he released all the monsters in the cultivation center and opened all the decryption doors, his mind may have been clear

Rather than using the three of them to

take revenge on Ambrera, he is still more inclined to kill these three bastards here and avenge the baby leech who died at the hands of the three of them!

"It's a pity, I also cracked all the decryption games for you in order to let you find more evidence materials. "

"If you survive, you can easily get all the supplies, don't fight. "

Marcus' strange voice echoed in the monitoring room.

In the picture, Chen Feng and the three of them kept shooting back and forth with their guns, but it was useless.

There are too many monsters!

It's not a way to go on like this, you have to break through!

Chen Feng is very decisive.

"Break forward, the plague crawler is slower than the monkey!".


Rebecca chose to believe Chen Feng without hesitation, and followed Chen Feng while shooting at the monkey to delay his footsteps.

Billy looked at the not-so-spacious space in front of him with an embarrassed expression.

The speed of the monkey behind him is too fast to break through, but in such a small space, even if the speed of the plague reptile is slow, it should not be underestimated!

Gotta get through it as fast as you can in your life!

Chen Feng kept shooting at the plague reptiles.

Maybe it was because he kept shooting at the eyes of the plague reptile, and a plague reptile was actually exploded by Chen Feng!

Cerebral plasma blood burst out, and some blood splashed on Chen Feng's face, a little warm.

Like a shark attracted by the smell of blood, the plague reptile gave up on Chen Feng and the others, and turned his head to frantically nibble on his partner who was killed by Chen Feng.

What's the situation?

The three of them didn't understand that they didn't have time to stay, and there were no plague reptiles blocking the way, and under the leadership of Chen Feng, they entered the boiler room.

There were also monkeys behind them, and the three of them did not dare to linger and hurried through.

Flesh and blood!


smell of blood also irritated the four monkeys, who were even more furious.

Ignoring the three

Chen Feng who fled, they wanted to snatch the corpse of the plague reptile with the remaining three plague reptiles.

As B.O.W., although they are failed works, the reason for their failure is that they have too strong a desire to attack.

Seeing the monkey

coming to grab food, the plague reptile could not agree, and opened its mouth to bite the fastest monkey.

Not fresh blood gurgling out, the smell of blood is the best stimulant for them.


monsters on both sides became more and more excited, and the battle became more and more violent and bloody.

The terrible cries of monkeys, the bone armor of plague reptiles rubbing against ......

All kinds of voices echo in the cultivation center.

In a panic, the three of them hid in the kitchen.

Rebecca's face turned pale and she was panting heavily.

Billy was a little better, and was already loading bullets in the magazine dismantling, but his trembling hand made it difficult for him to press a bullet into the magazine.

The number of life-and-death crises is almost uncountable.

But no one gets used to this fear of death.

Chen Feng's chest was also rising and falling wildly at the moment, and his brain was congested.

But don't panic now.

You have to load your bullets as soon as possible and be ready for battle.

When the fight outside is almost over, even if the surviving monsters target them again, they will not panic.

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