
Chen Feng's pistol bullets have been loaded.

There is nothing superfluous.

The situation was critical just now, and even his ammunition was empty.

Listening to the outside, the sound of fighting seems to be gone.

Chen Feng wanted to check the situation outside through the crack in the door.

Turning her head, she noticed that Rebecca didn't seem to have recovered from the shock.

"Rebecca, Rebecca!".

Chen Feng softly called Rebecca's name.

As if she had come to her senses, Rebecca burst into tears.

Chen ...... Chen Feng!".

Rebecca hugged Chen Feng and sobbed softly.

"I ...... I thought we were going to die!".

Chen Feng gently hugged Rebecca's shoulder with his left hand, and carefully touched Rebecca's little head with his right hand and comforted him softly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!".

Chen Feng couldn't say anything too pretty.

But when there is such an escape from death and the danger is still there, this kind of simple and to the point is more effective than any bells and whistles.

Seeing that Chen Feng was comforting Rebecca, Billy didn't let him go to the door to guard, lest those monsters suddenly rush in and kill them by surprise.


Rebecca finally relented.

“...... I'm sorry, Chen Feng, I'm dragging my feet again......".

"You don't have to be so presumptuous. Chen Feng let go of Rebecca and cupped her little face, "You are the bravest and strongest girl I have ever met!"

"Really...... Really?".

Rebecca couldn't believe that Chen Feng actually commented on her like this.

Does this mean that Chen Feng recognized her?

But I haven't done anything yet, and I haven't been able to help!

"If it weren't for your bravery, how could you have shot decisively in that situation, and how could you have kept up with our movements accurately and quickly?"

At that time, Chen Feng let the gun open, and even Billy was half a beat slower, only Rebecca had already fired at the same time as he shot.

And Rebecca is also working hard to repel the plague reptiles and mutant monkeys who want to break through.

Such a dangerous situation can be achieved to such a point, and it is difficult for Chen Feng not to approve of Rebecca.

As long as you show your self-worth in the battle and don't drop the chain to pit your teammates at critical times, you are a good teammate!

Billy always felt that the horror atmosphere here had been ruined by these two rookies.

At this time, he heard that there seemed to be no sound outside, and quickly interrupted the two who were still talking.

“...... You two can stop for a while, there's no movement outside!".

Chen Feng let go of Rebecca and helped her wipe away her tears: "You can do it!".

Rebecca nodded emphatically, "Well, with you, I can do it!"

"OK!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Rebecca recover, "You can get the bullet on at a good speed, I'll go to Billy's side to have a look!"

When Chen Feng arrived at his side, Billy lowered his voice.

"Tsk, you two are making rapid progress!".

"What's the progress?" Chen Feng was stunned, "Don't talk nonsense, what's going on outside!".

"Cut and fill with garlic!".

Billy pursed his lips, he couldn't do anything about Chen Feng's honest character.

"There were still gasping for breath just now, but now it's gone, and the movement of the fight is gone. "

With that, Billy asked, "Take a look at the cracks?"

Chen Feng nodded, opened the gun safe, and checked that there was no fault.

"That's what I mean!"

Billy couldn't help but nod when he saw Chen Feng's movements.

Excessive caution!

This kind of caution gives Chen Feng an indescribable sense of security.

Gently opening a crack, Chen Feng saw that there were many corpses lying outside.

Monkey hair, plague reptile legs, tables, chairs, bench debris damaged by the battle, ......

Looking at the leopard, the intensity of the battle just now can be seen.

Chen Feng closed the door gently.

"The table was knocked over, I couldn't see if there was anyone alive behind me, I didn't hear the sound of chewing, and there was a high probability that they were all dead!".

Rebecca leaned over with her pistol in her hand: "My bullets are ready, what do I do next?".

"Good. Chen Feng nodded, "Let's go over and check it out?"

Billy nodded, "Okay, listen to you!".

The three cautiously walked out of the kitchen.

In order to withdraw in time for the accident, Rebecca also took a cutting board and pressed the kitchen door against it.

Chen Feng didn't expect this.

I couldn't help but give Rebecca a thumbs up.

When the three of them were relaxed, the sound of bone armor rubbing sounded behind the table they turned over.

"Huh...... ......


The voice was so abrupt that half of the souls of the three people were frightened.

Chen Feng was the first to come back to his senses, he was a master of art, he was bold, he was good at marksmanship, and he was proficient in using cold weapons, and he explored in the direction where the sound came from.

It was a plague reptile with only its left hind leg left.

The head has moved, and the dead can't die anymore.

The sound of the leg automatically contracting due to muscle memory, or some other reason, causes the remaining leg to contract automatically.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't dare to be presumptuous, and they were always vigilant.


floor was covered with colorful entrails, warm and disgusting.


The three of them endured the discomfort and carefully probed, and made sure that the four monkeys and the four plague locusts were all cold here before they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to you, Chen Feng!".

Billy patted Chen Feng on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"If you hadn't killed that plague locust, they wouldn't have fought among themselves, and our intestines would have flowed all over the ground!"

Hearing Billy praising Chen Feng, Rebecca said proudly.

"This man, you can always believe it!".

Someone praised Chen Feng, and Rebecca felt happier than praising herself.

"Nope. Chen Feng shook his head, "This is the result of the three of us working together!"

Rebecca and Billy felt that Chen Feng was modest.

But Chen Feng knew that without the cooperation of Rebecca and Billy to drag the monsters on both sides, everything would be empty talk.

And Chen Feng finally collected his prejudices against Billy.

After living and dying together for so long, Billy had countless opportunities to let go of the cold gun, but he didn't.

On the contrary, he has been clinging to Billy's past, but he has broken the relationship between him and Billy that has become closer.

After inspecting the restaurant, the three went to other rooms to search.

Chen Feng consciously paid attention to the props that opened the secret passages everywhere, but he found nothing, but found many traces of leech activity.

Fortunately, all the secret doors have been opened, and there is no need to decrypt them, which saves a lot of trouble.

Quickly swept all corners of the first floor, got the shotgun and howitzer in hand, and didn't meet a single zombie in the process.

Chen Feng's zombies are estimated to have been eaten by plague reptiles and monkeys.

There was no electricity underground, and the trio didn't venture down.

Now you're ready to explore the third floor!

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