Several people returned to the hall.

First, Chris's life and death were uncertain, and then Wesker was missing, and now it is discovered that there is a monster ...... zombies in the Western-style mansion that is an excellent shelter

The atmosphere was heavy for a while, reminding Chen Feng of the atmosphere when he was on the Bravo squad plane when he first crossed.


Barry, who was older, was the first to speak.

"We will split up and search in the hall, Chen Feng, you ......


Barry saw the bandage on Chen Feng's left shoulder and canceled the decision to team up with Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, you and Jill and Rebecca are together!"

Even if Chen Feng is injured in his left shoulder, Barry believes that with Rebecca and Jill by his side, Chen Feng will not become the second Joseph.

Jill looked at Chen Feng and Rebecca's slightly ragged clothes and nodded.

"We can do it. "

Chen Feng didn't care, as long as he was with Rebecca, a genius in medical chemistry, he was at ease.

Hearing that she could continue to stay with Chen Feng, Rebecca naturally did not object, she couldn't ask for it.

"Well, by the way, Jill has this for you. "

Barry handed Jill a string of things.

"You gave it to me last month, and now it's time for it to come in handy. "

Jill couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when he took it.

"Lock pick?!".

This is what she gave to Barry for safekeeping last month, but she didn't expect Barry to carry it with her!

"So...... Chen Feng, pay attention to the ammunition. "

Seeing that Barry was about to leave, Chen Feng nodded.

"You too, watch behind you. "

Barry thought that Chen Feng was telling him to pay attention to the zombie sneak attack, and smiled slightly.

Soon there was the sound of the door opening and closing, but fortunately there were no gunshots.

Jill breathed a sigh of relief.

At least for now, it seems that Barry has not encountered these terrifying monsters.

When I put the lock pick in my backpack, I heard a strange noise.

Jill was stunned for a moment.

It was the tiny computer that Trant gave me!

Jill was stunned, and Chen Feng had already taken Rebecca to the door on the west side of the hall.

Rebecca twisted it without unscrewing it, and Chen Feng on the side turned around to greet Jill.

"It's time for Jill to put on a show. "

"Oh...... Oh! right away!".

Jill put away his thoughts and showed a wave of locks in front of the two!

This is what her father, who was imprisoned, forced her to learn...... Although her father now regrets making this decision in the first place.

This hand, even Chen Feng praised it again and again.

The professional is different!

Of course, Jill is a professional in unlocking, and the next decryption will depend on him.

Chen Feng didn't want to go around in circles after Jill.

The moment Jill opened the door, Chen Feng and Rebecca had already raised their guns and aimed.

The two have a clear division of labor, one is afraid that a zombie will crawl over in seconds, and the other is afraid that the zombie will rush to the door.

This neat gesture surprised Jill a little.

Chen Feng's ability to act seems to be sharper than that of his 'old bird'.

Obviously, Chen Feng and Rebecca are just rookie ...... who are on a mission for the first time

It seems that what Rebecca said before is only more terrifying than imagined, otherwise the two of them would not have grown up so quickly.

This made Jill a little more vigilant about danger.


Even though the three of them were so vigilant, as soon as they pushed the door in, the zombies quickly pounced on them with lightning speed.

"Bang Bang!".

Chen Feng was faster, and three shots in a row hit the zombie in the eye.


At this moment, Jill, who was almost bitten by a zombie, gasped.

Even Rebecca couldn't help but ask Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, this zombie can actually run!".

"Indeed, I think I'm even starting to miss those 'snail' zombies that only move slowly. "

Chen Feng said and lit the lighter and saw the corpse on the ground.

The rotting flesh had fallen off a lot, revealing red muscles, the fingernails had turned into a sharp and unusual bone spur-shape, and the fangs in the mouth were even more terrifying.

Berserk Zombies!

In the Resident Evil 1 game, after the zombie is killed, there is a certain probability that it will be resurrected in the middle and late stages, and then it will evolve and become a rampaging zombie!

I didn't expect to be met by myself at the beginning!

It took three shots to kill him.

Chen Feng withdrew from the magazine, looked at the ten bullets inside, and loaded them again.

Only then did Jill speak quietly.

"If it weren't for Chen Feng, I would be miserable!".

Even Rebecca could hear the joy and fear in Jill's words.

She could understand Jill's feelings, after all, she had come over like this.

Chen Feng shook his head.

"No one is going to watch their teammates die. "

Jill nodded and didn't say anything more.

She admired Chen Feng a little, obviously he was abandoned by Enrique and them before, but he was still able to unswervingly implement the creed of protecting his teammates.

"Don't waste any time, keep exploring. "

Chen Feng could no longer hear Barry opening and closing the door.

This shows that their progress has been slowed down by much.

I really can't figure it out, Barry's guy opened and closed the door wide, why didn't he meet zombies all the time?

It's really unscientific!

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