It didn't take long for Chen Feng's pace to be stopped by a metal iron door.

Chen Feng stopped.

"Automatic door?".

Now the train does not have any power supply, and of course the automatic doors cannot be used.

Chen Feng's gaze turned to the corner on the side.

Lying the corpse of a waiter with a key in his hand.

"It's a good thing this guy didn't die somewhere else, otherwise it would have been a lot of trouble!".

Although the waiter did not become a zombie in the game, Chen Feng still pulled the trigger to be on the safe side.


A shot shot the waiter's body in the head.

I saw that the waiter's corpse convulsed violently, and blood burst out.


Chen Feng gasped.

Luckily, I shot myself!

Although bullets are expensive, where bullets should not be saved, there must be no hesitation!

Taking out the key from the corpse, Chen Feng also prepared to return to the carriage.

Everywhere he went, the zombies had been cleared, so the return trip was quick.

In the carriage, Rebecca was absentmindedly fiddling with the radio.

Billy looked at him with a pair of panda eyes and a look of resentment.

"Chen Feng!".

Rebecca spotted Chen Feng's figure for the first time, and quickly stood up, with a little joy and worry on her face.

"You're not hurt, are you?".

Chen Feng nodded, his expression soft.

"Don't worry, those zombies won't bother me. "

"By the way, that guy didn't make any mess, did he?"

Rebecca nodded.

"Well, he's honest. "


If you're honest, how did Billy's panda eyes come about?

Chen Feng felt that Rebecca was hiding something.

After all, Billy didn't have the panda eyes he had before he left.

But why is this guy looking at me a little resentful?

Blame disgusting people!

If Billy knew Chen Feng's thoughts, he would definitely vomit blood on the spot.

Do you know how much the old man has been wronged for you?

No, Chen Feng, you don't know at all!

The most aggrieved thing is that the grievances in Billy's heart can't be spoken.

Otherwise, Chen Feng found out that he was not honest, so he had to stuff his mouth?

If you encounter a zombie, you can't call for help, isn't he cold and transparent?

A man of one meter and eight years wants to cry aggrieved at the moment.



barking of dogs suddenly sounded around the train.

Terrible, piercing!

Zombie Dogs!

Chen Feng, Billy's face changed instantly.

"Rebecca, get ready to fight!".

"Hey, hey, Chen Feng, hurry up and get me a gun!!".

Billy, who has seen the horror of zombie dogs, where can he still take care of grievances?

He was in a hurry,

and he had to keep his voice as low as possible so that the zombie dogs would not find out their location so quickly, but he was in a hurry.


Chen Feng hesitated.

Imagine someone handing over a weapon that could kill them to the enemy?

But ......

Outside the window, the terrifying dogs barked one after another.

He knew that the zombie dogs he faced this time were obviously not two or three in the game.

With the terrifying speed of a zombie dog, with sharp teeth and claws, even if his marksmanship is unparalleled in the world, what about Rebecca on the side?

Seeing Chen Feng fall into the devil Billy, where can you wait?

The roar outside the window is getting closer!

"Rebecca, say something!"

Billy was anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

He knew that if he didn't get the gun again, he would really have to wait for death!

Looking at Billy's plea for help, his anxious look, the hope in his eyes.

Rebecca opened her mouth, but closed her mouth again.

She shouldn't have influenced Chen Feng's judgment.

As a special unit, a squad cannot have a second voice, this is discipline!

Of course, as a doctor, Rebecca hopes that Chen Feng can put human life first.

No matter how sinful Billy is, he should be punished by the law.

Seeing that Rebecca didn't speak, Billy despaired.

He knew that his ploy against Rebecca had not been successful.

Billy said to the end.

Chen Feng didn't trust him from the beginning, let alone give him a gun, or untie the handcuffs, it's all a fool's dream!


The zombie dog is already ramming the train, trying to break in.

I don't know how many zombie dogs there are, but this carriage was actually hit and swayed from side to side!


Billy's eyes were filled with despair.

With a bitter smile, he closed his eyes painfully and leaned back in his seat.

Forget it......

This is the end of this life......

The train was swaying from side to side by the impact, and the powerful Rebecca, who didn't know the zombie dog, was also pale.

Damn, people always have to make so many choices!

Chen Feng knew that he couldn't be indecisive.

Bet on it!


The handcuffs were opened.

Billy snapped his eyes open.

"Chen Feng!".

Chen Feng actually uncuffed him, this guy who had been on guard from beginning to end ......


TMD, it's clear that I'm the victim, but why am I so touched!

Billy feels a little cheap, but he just can't suppress the sour nose!

Fortunately, the light is not good, and I can't see his demeanor clearly.

Chen Feng threw the pistol he had confiscated to Billy.

"Ugly words ahead, even if you and I are dead...... Rebecca can't get hurt a bit!".

Chen Feng's thoughts have nothing to do with beauty, they are quite simple.

Men should protect women until the last moment!

And a girl like Rebecca who is kind and unique in medicine deserves to live!


Rebecca was shocked.

Is this a confession?!

"Chen Feng!".

Billy Marie took the pistol.

"As a fighter, I don't have a habit of letting girls get in front of me!".

Chen Feng could hear the sincerity in Billy's words.

He gave Billy a deep look as he began to check his gear.

Hopefully I'm not wrong.

Rebecca's voice sounded, very gentle: "Chen Feng!"

Chen Feng looked at Rebecca.

"We're going to survive!".

There was tenderness and firmness on the baby's face.

Chen Feng smiled brightly when he heard this, and gave Rebecca a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I'll be able to survive with me!"

Billy looked at the two and didn't say anything, but his eyes became more determined, and his hand holding the gun tightened a little.

The sound of broken windows.

A zombie dog, it jumped out of the window in a hurry, and actually broke in directly, stepping on the seat and letting out a terrifying roar.

"Roar !!".

"Fire !!


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