Resurrection Empire

[July 2021 Reward Speech and God’s Question Press Conference]

Bros! Sisters!

It’s time for the annual grand ceremony again, and it’s time for the reward speech!

Ask for votes first! It is currently the last day for double monthly passes, please double monthly passes! There is no shop like this after passing this village! My last monthly vote last month was 7,500 votes. Before the double opening, it was 5,000 votes. If my brothers and sisters had all registered in these two days, it would have been 10,000 votes now, cough cough.

Please, the competition for monthly tickets is really fierce now. I originally wanted to be in the top ten, but I went to find out more about the situation. I was so confused by the involution that I could only ask for votes!

Let me briefly summarize it first.

Last month, "Resurrection Empire" still completed a total update volume of 307,700 words, basically achieving 10,000 daily updates, and the average subscription is also growing steadily.

Everything is developing for the better.

Although I feel that I have tried my best to maintain the quality, in fact, when I look back, I still feel that I have not done well enough, and I still feel guilty for a long time.

In fact, writing a book is a very delicate matter, especially when we online writers write serialized articles. Basically, we can only plan in advance. There is not much room for regret. It must be completed at once to ensure quality and quantity.

Some people may say that if you feel that your writing is not good, you can change it.

But in fact, it cannot be changed. Serialization is very demanding on the feel and status.

Looking at the entire industry, almost no book has achieved a double reversal in popularity and reputation after completing a major overhaul. A major overhaul basically means the end, and the popularity and reputation have plummeted.

So we really can't make mistakes.

This is the person we eat, so during the writing process, if we want to maintain some personal pursuits, we have been very nervous, and it can be said that we are walking on thin ice.

In short, thank you all for your support and understanding, and for tolerating my various minor problems, such as untimely updates and so on.

In this reward speech, I have added a section where God asks questions. Ahem, let’s start answering.

Twilight Watch asks:

The relationship between the Source Star and the Earth? Is there a big BOSS in the company? Is Zheng Tian the only protagonist? How many female partners are there? Is the resurrection of Ren Zhong a product of advanced civilization?

Answer from Huozhongwu: The source star is not directly related to the earth. have. Zheng Tian is no longer the only one in the protagonist group. The number of female partners is undetermined. In fact, when I was writing specifically, I didn’t deliberately consider this issue, and I didn’t even think much about gender. The relationship between the characters in this book is more like that of like-minded comrades-in-arms. Some readers are disgusted by the appearance of a female character. In fact, I was quite confused. I looked at my character card and thought that there were slightly more male characters and not all of them were female. Alas, it would be great if humans were self-reproducing asexual organisms, and naturally we would not have this trouble. The answer to the last question, no.

The fallen leaves are fluttering and the flowers are fragrant. Question:

Will the worldview develop into a multiverse?

Huozhongwu replied: No.

Dawn of Heaven asked:

Is there only a cryogenic chamber on the Origin Star where the protagonist is revived?

Huozhongwu answered: Yes.

You can also ask a shortcut question after a moment:

1. After each death, is the timeline reset retrospectively or is it just transferred to a parallel space in between? In other words, if the timeline is reset retrospectively, the original world will disappear when the protagonist dies, but if it is transferred, it will just return to the parallel space of the previous timeline. In space, things in the original world will continue to happen, which means that one world can be saved in the end, but other worlds will still go on as usual.

2. Are there pure humans on this Source Star? That is, the descendants of humans born on Earth. I feel that these people are just experimental subjects or livestock, and they are not like native humans.

3. Is the protagonist’s brother or parents the current high-level alien source world? There may be countless of these current source stars? Or there are only a few. Is there a younger brother or even parents of the protagonist in the high-level officials of the source world, or perhaps the earth? ?

4. Is the current Yuanxing a real game that has stopped passing away and left the protagonist with a personal life? It means that his parents or younger brother created a planet that allows him to go back infinitely. This planet may be real or virtual, but it is like a Just like a game that has been digitized, retroactive rebirth is just a rewind, and then to achieve some purpose, such as letting the protagonist learn skills, practice fighting ability in order to be resurrected, etc.

The thing in the fire answered:

1. This question is actually quite spoiler-y, but I have actually written it out in Chapter 2. It is the return of Poincaré, which is a retrospective reset in a sense.

2. There are no pure humans on the Source Star.

3. No.

4. No, this book is not a brain in a vat setting.

Questions about what vegetables should be fried:

Does this book follow part of the Savior's setting? Or does it simply have the same names and creatures?

Answer from Objects in the Fire: The setting of the savior is not used. The creature with the same name is a link between the old and new books in my bad taste. It will not affect readers who only read the new books alone.

Ershimin asked:

Is there reproductive isolation between Ren Zhong and ordinary desert people?

Huozhongwu replied: Currently there are no plans to make plans in this direction.

Danqing Hua Qinglong questions:

According to the plot, the protagonist should be level 4 versus level 5, defeating the Cold-Blooded Butcher, the Demonic Eagle and even the Legion Beast. I wonder if there will be a tutorial by then. As the protagonist grows up, there will be level 5. Tutorials for playing level 6, etc. It took Sid Meier three years. I feel that based on the protagonist's deeds, he should be able to become famous in advance. By then, the protagonist will have a group of fans. After all, the Internet is the fastest way to increase popularity. But the protagonist will probably offend the three major companies that Lin Wang is cooperating with. Will these three companies block the news? And then quietly deal with the protagonist? I want to know how these will be dealt with then?

Answer from Huozhongwu: The relevant plot has gradually come out. Ren Zhong is currently acting like a madman, so it will not cause much backlash.

The egret returned to the boat and asked:

Are there other plants in this world besides the red fruits at the beginning (laughs)? Is there any agriculture in this world? If not, will it all rely on synthetic technology? The smoke from the chimneys in the county shows that there are food and other things, so where do they come from? Furthermore, since there are living creatures in this world, are there animals? Do things similar to insects exist? Why are virtual beasts the size of humans?

Answer: There are plants, agriculture and natural food. Small-sized beasts have already appeared.

People from Yan and Huang asked:

Is the Void Beast an intelligent machine developed by the top rulers to rule the people at the lower level? Is the human brain the raw material for making the Void Beast?

Huozhongwu’s answer: This involves serious spoilers, so I can’t answer it.

I sincerely don’t have a name to ask:

Are there any of the current nine major companies that have any sexual orientation before or now? A heavy responsibility.

Objects in the Fire Answer: None.

Book friend 20180225103106976 asked:

1. The resurrection cycle should not be fixed to one month. It will also change. I guess it is narrowing the range?

2. Source Star should be just a remote planet in this story. The so-called advanced civilization is the real human imperial society in this book, right?

The thing in the fire answered:

1. It is not a completely fixed month. It will only be narrowed due to premature death, not enlarged.

2. Source Star is indeed just a remote planet, but the empire has another meaning.

Little Q’s little question:

The surveillance of Yuanxing is simply pervasive, so how to break the surveillance cage? It seems that there is no chance of dying together through violence, so is it necessary to implant some kind of program and reverse control?

Huo Zhongwu replied: Show me, old man, I don’t dare to answer, I don’t dare to answer, it’s a spoiler.

Book friend 20200914202135172 asked:

Why is the freezer warehouse located on the outskirts of Source Star?

Answer from Huozhongwu: The relevant plot will be explained clearly in the mid-term, so no spoilers can be given now.

Passing Dust asked:

Is there still a chance for Ren Zhong to meet his family? Didn’t his parents leave a message before that he also has a younger brother? Is it possible that the younger brother founded the family, and this family is in a world of advanced civilization?

Huozhongwu answered: According to my original plan, it is basically impossible.

Ordinary CS questions:

All the important equipment is provided by this world. How to break through the technological blockade?

Answer from Huozhongwu: For details, please refer to my country’s Four Modernizations since 1949, ahem.

Mr. Tanxin asked:

Will there be a plot about fighting aliens?

The thing in the fire answered: Yes.

The book contains questions:

How far will the worldview be upgraded, and will it transcend the galaxy?

Huozhongwu replied: Yes.

A-like Furukawa asked:

Is there something similar to the Revolutionary Army on this planet? Since there are desert tribes in the wild and shielded signals. Then there must be a well-established organization.

Huozhongwu replied: Currently there is none. There was once, like the Nameless City, and then there was no more.

Brother Yu asked:

Will there be tauren?

The object in the fire replied: Brother, there is something wrong with you, no! None of my books have that!

by Annan asked:

Will Ren Zhong return to Earth in the future? If he does, hundreds of years have passed, will there be news about his parents or proof of their existence? (The truth about Earth will definitely be answered by Ren Zhong, so I won’t ask. )

Answer from Huozhongwu: I once had a planned finale where I would return to Earth in a big way, but now I am not sure whether I will continue along this line. In addition, the time span is not just a few hundred years, but far more than that.

Questions from Lianghuahua of Culture and Sports:

Are the Ruins beasts a biological weapon created by people on Earth?

Huozhongwu’s answer: It involves spoilers.

Lu Zhe asked:

Ju Qingmeng/Chen Hanyu/Ma Xiaoling/Zheng Tian/Ma Dafu's measurements.

The object in the fire replied: Ah this! Something is wrong with you. I didn't plan this carefully.

The Undefeated Immortal King asked:

What level of citizen was Brother Sun?

Huozhongwu’s answer: It’s definitely higher than level 4, but it’s just not specifically designed.

Yangjian asked:

Will there be a girlfriend after Renzhong? Is there a female protagonist? If there is a female protagonist, will the female protagonist appear?

Will he be able to meet the descendants of his brother/sister after he is recognized?

If Ren Zhong dies and loses resurrection, will he sleep forever?

Will being serious become "bad"?

Will there be a single female protagonist or multiple female protagonists?

Will Ren Zhong have any descendants? After Ren Zhong has descendants, will he lose his resurrection and sleep forever after his death?

If there was a possibility of reversing time and space, would Ren Zhong choose to "reverse time and space" and start it all over again?

What does Ren Zhong want?

Will Ren Zhong "die"? The kind of death that will not wake up, the kind of death that will not be resurrected

The thing in the fire answered:

1. It is temporarily undecided.

2. There have been similar questions before and they have been answered.

3. I haven’t thought about this either.

4. It has become "bad" once.

5. I really haven’t thought about the issue of female protagonist or not.

6. This is too detailed and I haven’t thought about it.

7. I don’t quite understand this question.

8. I want to live a normal life as before.

9. I won’t know it before I finish the book.

Just call Luo Yu and ask:

Many questions will be revealed slowly in the process of writing the book. It doesn’t make much sense to ask them in advance. So why don’t you ask if there is a female protagonist?

Answer from Huozhongwu: I haven’t thought about it yet, but based on my writing habits, I should have it.

Lu Sansi asked:

How did Brother Sun develop his artistic fonts? What’s the reason?

The thing in the fire answered:

Brother Sun's language art is inherited from Zu'an, and his calligraphy art is simply not good at writing with chicken feet.

CLV Orange asked:

If you don’t understand, just ask, what is the source of inspiration for Huohuo science fiction?

The thing in the fire answered: Just imagine? Ahem, it seems that I haven’t particularly deliberately looked for inspiration. This is my second science fiction book! When I finish writing ten books, ahem, will I ask this again?

Dawn of Heaven asked:

Why do popular science fiction novels contain elements of saving humanity?

Answer from Huozhongwu: Because actually, I am essentially a pessimist about the distant future.

A loyal follower of the Poor God asks:

The hidden danger of deceiving Mayor Ma (saying he has a team) in the last timeline broke out in this timeline. If Xiao Ma didn't find him, would he have concealed it until the end of this timeline? I want to know why the author chose to handle it this way? And this kind of hidden danger that was planted several timelines ago will always exist in future plots. Will similar hidden dangers be dealt with in this way all the time?

Huozhongwu's answer: Actually, I have described Ren Zhong's mentality in detail. His thoughts are constantly changing. If Pony doesn't look for him, he will still return to Spark Town to try to kill the demon baby after thorough preparation.

Don’t ask, don’t even know how to ask:

Will the later resurrection time be moved forward? After all, the timeline will definitely be lengthened later, and one month of preparation time may not be enough.

Huozhongwu answered: In the current plan, no.

The fallen leaves are fluttering and the flowers are fragrant. Question:

1. For every death Ren Zhong experiences, is the world in which he lives independent and always existing? Even if the protagonist dies, he will always exist.

2. Ren Zhong, is the world after rebirth one of the parallel worlds?

3. Are countless possibilities and countless worlds unified? Can what the protagonist has gone through and done be considered the most successful path selected from countless possibilities? Just like the theory of fate. The specific manifestation is that the Women's Federation's Doctor Magic has more than 10 million possibilities.

Answer from Huozhongwu: I feel like similar questions have been answered before.

Don’t ask, I don’t even know how to ask:

Both this book and the previous one are about the theme of resurrection. Do you have a preference for such themes?

Answer from Huozhongwu: Actually, it’s not a preference, but in the process of writing this book, I became deeply aware of the disadvantages of the thousand-year span. Leng Buding realized that there is another way to play time, so I gave it a try.

Lin in late autumn asked:

It was so uncomfortable at the beginning of V. There were no disciples at all

(Ye Feng Translation: Update faster and with more pressure):P

Huozhongwu replied: It should be there now! Thanks for the support!

Lu Zhe asked:

When will the novice village be released? With such a slow pace, it is easy to persuade people to quit. Will the tempo speed up when the novice village is released?

Answer from Huozhongwu: Actually, in my plan, there is really no concept of novice village. I feel like my rhythm is very fast.

Ordinary CS questions:

Will there be resurrection restrictions like the previous book?

Huozhongwu replied: There is no current plan.

Half a clear song is too heartless to ask:

Here comes the anti-fan. Isn’t this book a eunuch?

(Ye Feng: This reader has been helping to vote monthly)

Huo Zhongwu’s answer: I am dedicated and I will accompany you until you grow old. It's impossible to be a eunuch or something.

Finally, let’s talk about the issue of unlimited rollback within 30 days.

For example, Ren Zhong's resurrection point this time is on the 60th day. If he dies unexpectedly on the 65th day, he will return to the 60th day. This setting will be completed later with the plot, and there is no possibility of continuous suicide and continuous rollback.

Finally, below is the reward list, with the amount in brackets, thank you for your support!

If you don't like reading this, you can just click on the next chapter to skip it (after I update it "on time").

Howling Wolf Shanghai(1000)

Crocodile of (630)

Planty1029, Qidian Reading iOS (250)

Hate to have a screen name (240)

DesWong, Qidian Reading iOS (200)

Bookworm Ashin(166)

Qilin'er, Jiang Wei (119)

Ling Luling(110)

The moon when it rains (108)

race079 (100)


Mount Hibi(100)


Candy Tin Box(100)

A family that copies knives (81)

How to sell Tianjiao (80)

Laughter in indifference (75.22)

Brave and Fearless(67)


Leaves fall with the wind (65)

Candle Dream(53)

copop (46)

Mr. Talking (40)

The salty fish-like ancient river (38)


Super free and unrestrained (31.4)

Warm you (31)

Beichuan Jing, Qidian Reading iOS (30.04)

CLV Orange(30)

MarkDAD (30)

Fantasy_q (30)


Agouti 123, Qidian Reading iOS (30)

Cuscuta Sai (30)

galaxyjump (25)

Book Friends 20170722131145304, Qidian Reading iOS (25)

Mysterious Brook (25)

Zi Gen, Qidian Reading iOS (22)

Stealing books from all over the world (20.33)

Book Friends 20190817221605422 (20)

After adding soy sauce, add vinegar (20)

He’s always the same 1 (20)


Gao Shengjian(15.12)


mydien (15)

Book Friends 20170819114757806 (15)

Book Friends 20190310172859340 (15)

Book Friends 20200428213908492 (15)

God, you are a black rose (15)


The setting sun immediately (15)

Free Pickup(15)

Pure milk MT (15)

Lin Yuqi(15)

Lin Bingling(15)

Lin Senmu(15)

Through Heaven(15)

Reader 1242422539860848640, Qidian Reading iOS (15)

Reader 1421378131028729856 (15)

Wei Lian, Chen Xi (15)

Ah, this, this fierce man is frightened (15)


Liang Qisheng(15)

Where is Zixia丨, Qidian Reading iOS (15)

☆Night Breeze☆(14.66)

Half a clear song is too heartless (12.8)

Chong Chong Tianshi (11.66)

Book Friends 20210728033928802 (10)

Ming coc Ming(10)

Attack on the Tiger King(9)

PreferenceJX (7.66)

The most dazzling country (7.08)

Miss ten yuan (7)


The cows are trapped and the people are hungry. The sun is getting high (6.63)

Book Friends 20200105210127309 (6)

Wenqing Zhao Qingshan, Qidian Reading iOS (6)

Shi Lai 616 (6)

Famous scammer, Qidian Reading iOS (6)


North and South 1 (5.07)


789qi (5)

Sisyphus_Y, Qidiandu iOS (5)

Us121001, Qidiandu iOS (5)

Trumpet Yuzhen(5)

restless fish(5)

Invincible Virtuous Man (5)

Book Friends 20171218185001578 (5)

Book Friends 20200217011850432 (5)

Book Friends 20200301172108001 (5)

Book Friends 20201103213409686 (5)

Book Friends 20210517163257246, Qidian Reading iOS (5)

None-hugh (5)

Arrodes without lower limit(5)

Nothing to say丨No words (5)

Feng Yuye(5)

Yifeng of Han and Tang Dynasties (5)

There is a musical instrument and a feeling of forgetfulness (5)

All the names I wanted to choose were taken away (5)

Bu Wu ( 5 )

Ruan Haoming(5)

Ichthyosaurus, Qidian Reading iOS (5)

Wan Ying Lan Court (5)

The fallen leaves are fluttering and the flowers are full of fragrance (5)

PassingXBoy (4.69)

Book Friends 160708133215478 (4)

Codename Shadow 0 (4)

Sili Xiaowei is guarding someone (3.5)

54d handsome b (3)

AdamBlack (3)

Niler (3)

Book Friends 20210519233057191 (3)

The little kid who washes dishes (3)

Mosquito Swarm, Qidian Reading iOS (3)

Fallen Fox(3)

Tiantian’s breasts are so small (3)

Zero Emperor OL (3)

Book Friends 20210702115033241 (2.33)

Character Meow, Qidian Reading iOS (2.33)


Feicun Little Snake (2.06)


GYZ Shura(2)

Three Gold and Eighteen Plates (2)

Light snow is coming(2)

If you don’t cultivate immortality, you will die (2)

Book Friends 20170518114337644 (2)

Book Friends 20200501103821277 (2)

Canopy Star 88 (2)

Weak in liberal arts (2)

Egret returns to the boat(2)

Old otaku bookworm (2)

Renamed Kai(2)

Jingyu smoke(2)

Nagging Stone 123 (2)

Reader 1407645160590868480 (2)

The Book Thief Zero-One (2)

Chaos is empty and soulless (2)

Elbow fan (1.56)

Dawn of the Sky (1.44)

Book Friends 20200223172303883 (1.16)

Book Friends 20170803172914509 (1.15)

It’s a valley (1.08)

Book Friends 20180126103936421 (1.06)

The Book-Eating Insect (1.06)

Wen Dao G (1.04)

Guan Shulang (1.04)

Still the bright moon (1.04)


AlexMrW, Qidian Reading iOS (1)


CoreFStar, starting point for reading iOS (1)

d0 Liang Maotuo, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

GOD Nightmare(1)

iIt's a pleasure to meet you (1)

Nice original width(1)

runker (1)

videojet68, starting point reading iOS (1)

VIP丶Angel’s Tears (1)

Weeland (1)

Cut in half with one knife (1)

A handsome boy, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Ten years of headaches (1)

Three thousand years old, (1)

Thirty-Six Strategies of the Great Book Desolation (1)

Small quick frozen(1)

corpse (1)


There is no gold or beauty in the book (1)

Book Friends 100518162308046, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Book Friends 150920073915882 (1)

Book Friends 161025010006540 ​​(1)

Book Friends 161110123354932 (1)

Book Friends 180704091828108 (1)

Book Friends 20170329081122791 (1)

Book Friends 20170819082703685 (1)

Book Friends 20170823050754985 (1)

Book Friends 20170908131849487 (1)

Book Friends 20171016114426224 (1)

Book Friends 20171105174120318 (1)

Book Friends 20171214224818503 (1)

Book Friends 20180731152826456 (1)

Book Friends 20180801115124959 (1)

Book Friends 20180816205358862 (1)

Book Friends 20190218202208072 (1)

Book Friends 20190323192012637 (1)

Book Friends 20200125221622789, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Book Friends 20200126232218861 (1)

Book Friends 20200301193305972 (1)

Book Friends 20200307013955861 (1)

Book Friends 20200701010044944 (1)

Book Friends 20200805000610403 (1)

Book Friends 20200908005338021 (1)

Book Friends 20200917090110579 (1)

Book Friends 20201127150321672 (1)

Book Friends 20210222103927813 (1)

Book Friends 2021030110144764 (1)

Book Friends 20210301105353911942 (1)

Book Friends 20210304193406408 (1)

Book Friends 20210413073443780 (1)

Book Friends 20210705112049601, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Book about Buddhism and Taoism, starting point for reading iOS (1)

A gift from heaven fff ( 1 )

Spiritual Belief(1)

Headless Ghost (1)

Listening to music with nothing to do (1)

Dancing under the Moon (1)

Yuelao, the paint on your red line has peeled off (1)

Mao's phagocytosis (1)

The wind has no destination丿(1)

I will walk through the snowy sky (1)

Ye Fanzj (1)

Ningshui Melody, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Brother Pingtian(1)

It's raining (1)

Nephalem-san, who will never become a salary (1)


Dragonfly vs. Fifty Treemen, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Just slept(1)

Yu Yu and Yu (1)

She stole my chance (1)

Win the hearts of girls (1)

Holding the sword and bravely marching to the end of the world (1)

robotxw (1)

100 give(1)

RBC 2002 (1)

Lao Tuo 1 ( 1 )

Go to the flowing water (1)

Don’t ask, I don’t know (1)

Cen Fu, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Happy Salted Duck King(1)

I take a journey with the world (1)

time dip(1)

Those passing years, unforgiving (1)

The sun is very shallow (1)

Rabbit flicks its tail, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Zhuo Yichen(1)

The wooden talisman of the night diver (1)

Like new clothes (1)

Kunlun Iron Cavalry(1)

Hao writer(1)

Lin Zi_Haoxi(1)

Summer is like snow (1)


Program cough cough cough (1)



Ah Tun, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

Chen Hansheng Ollie (1)

Tsing Yi (1)

Earn some royalties to buy a pack of cigarettes (1)

Lemon dreams of Mingmeng (1)

Pedestrians under the stream of light (1)

Ruo Jing Hong Ying (1)

Eggplant Bear 2 (1)

Rain marks (1)


Kanna Moon God in the Moon (1)

Pen drop equation (1)

Reader 1413028628598423552 (1)

Reader HW (1)

Only Loli is good, start reading iOS (1)

Dream Langsheng(1)

Dreaming about a moonlit night (1)

The increasingly omnipotent cat (1)

Sweet Tooth Nine-Tailed Demon Yuu-chan (1)


Mingzi92 (1)

The one in control bwgt ( 1 )

Slag Thirty Six (1)

Purple Smoke Dream (1)

black cabin(1)

Diligent Gabriel (1)

Slight morning fog (1)

Number combination 123456, Qidian Reading iOS (1)

New Suliu Nian(1)

A boat full of stars and a dream boat (1)

Falling petals know autumn (1)

The tomb is empty (1)



Mirror Mirror(1)


Devil DJ (1)

Book Friends 20171022185457796 (0.46)

God of War Proud Heart(0.44)

bug(*_*)( 0.4 )

? miku?のMy wife(0.32)

Peak Pigeon Pigeon(0.32)

Wolf scattered (0.3)

The little god of death in class 2 (0.18)

Demon Angel 232 (0.16)

Overlooking time and space (0.12)

Bujiale, Qidian Reading iOS (0.1)

Homing pigeon falls (0.1)

There is winter snow between the eyebrows (0.1)

Yang Xiaomou’s Xiaoyang (0.08)

Give it your all! (0.08)


yuanzihao (0.06)

Book Friends 160501200744247 (0.06)

Book Friends 20180306213117773 (0.06)

Yearning (0.06)

Wenhua Road Xiaohuihui (0.06)

Express dissatisfaction with your idea (0.06)

I really want to eat bait (0.06)

Wait silently for auditory hallucinations (0.06)

Tears of Nine Souls (0.04)

Chicken Poppy(0.04)

Book Friends 20190607091128663 (0.04)

Book Friends 20190817013359605 (0.04)

Book Friends 20191114195650381 (0.04)

Book Friends 20201121211601288 (0.04)

Book Friends 20210729093927994 (0.04)

Qi deserves to be punished (0.04)

My heart is confused (0.04)

Mao Zheji, Qidian Reading iOS (0.04)

Death is coming hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (0.04)

Grass on the tomb (0.04)

Pure white dome (0.04)

The hook is too straight and the bait is too salty (0.04)

Tu Mengyao (0.04)

Gu Mumu(0.04)

Wet Core Willow(0.04)

Drowning Sail(0.04)


Xin Miao 1 ( 0.04 )


Civet (0.02)



RichardHou (0.02)

sherch6695, starting point reading iOS (0.02)


V wind misty (0.02)

A Sardine, Qidian Reading iOS (0.02)

A dreaming fish (0.02)

Two per night (0.02)

How can anyone wander around the world without getting stabbed (0.02)

Dreams in the world are nothing but bubbles (0.02)

Small Q Small (0.02)

Xiaolang Muxin(0.02)

The dark night beyond the mountain (0.02)

Book Friends 160410082121049 (0.02)

Book Friends 160423202233024 (0.02)

Book Friends 160531233522574, Qidian Reading iOS (0.02)

Book Friends 190521044951591 (0.02)

Book Friends 20161230223915789 (0.02)

Book Friends 20171011012315956, Qidian Reading iOS (0.02)

Book Friends 20171029145630651 (0.02)

Book Friends 20181119195643277 (0.02)

Book Friends 20181122102421635 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190103004457685 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190128233300045 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190221003651906 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190422174916181 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190904130217687 (0.02)

Book Friends 20190928185641808 (0.02)

Book Friends 20200105075840581 (0.02)

Book Friends 20200530170222262 (0.02)

Book Friends 20210618223500430 (0.02)

Book Friends 20210724155520978 (0.02)

Book Friends 33021209819497 (0.02)

Sad (0.02)

Bored Squidward(0.02)

Float and sink underwater (0.02)

Shui Zhaoyang(0.02)

Naruto mobile game is free of charge (0.02)

There is a difference if you hit twenty planes (0.02)

Jiangyanyuhuo (0.02)

Chi Yuedong(0.02)


Bleeding Edge (0.02)

Let me give you a particle (0.02)

I'll take you to fight together (0.02)

Time nine(0.02)

Just do whatever you want when you are bored (0.02)

Zhou Chengyu(0.02)

The Hero of the Country(0.02)

Fruit Weng(0.02)

Mr. Fox is unparalleled in the world (0.02)

Nanchang Wei Wuzu (0.02)

Stars and Stars (0.02)

Yesterday's Psalm(0.02)

The fleeting time v is fleeting (0.02)

Jue Maochen(0.02)

Sudi Three Thousand Miles (0.02)

Reader 1344098490092072960 (0.02)

Time on the road (0.02)

The Saint of the East River (0.02)

MT of Iron Wall (0.02)

Snowy Night_Gucheng (0.02)

Knight brand talcum powder (0.02)

Meowth (0.02)

Warm light and slightly cool (0.02)

Mo Xi(0.02)

The cherry blossoms have fallen and she cannot be seen (0.02)

Lazy Crazy Monk (0.02)

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