Resurrection Empire

Chapter 685 Zheluo’s invitation to peace, deterrence of destruction, and the birth of the Xu clan

Corresponding to the title of the zeroing weapon, Ren Zhong named the quantum particle he created using the Grand Unification Formula the Annihilation Weapon.

Assuming that the observable universe is really a jellyfish, then in a sense, the role of the zeroing weapon is to repair the star system as a cell, which is a healing process. The meaning of the existence of Nirvana weapons is destruction.

Then, a good cell suddenly disappears and is converted into water. The jellyfish can actually feel the pain and may mount an immune response.

Of course, in fact, the observable universe may actually be just a cell, and the destruction weapon only destroys one of the mitochondria, or even just an amino acid molecule. The jellyfish will not respond to this small change.

In fact, before the disappearance of Whirlpool Three, Ren Zhong had no idea that this galaxy would be the unlucky one. Otherwise, he would not have deliberately sent a small fleet to Whirlpool Three using outdated warping and voyage technology, and deliberately left traces as a cover. .

Originally, Ren Zhong really planned to send this fleet to Whirlpool 3 to serve as an outpost for the Red Front Legion and try to get out of the Gupan Galaxy. But now, it is better that the target has to be temporarily changed.

In short, the disappearance of Whirlpool Three officially announced that Ren Zhong and mankind in the Gupan Galaxy have entered a new stage.

But Ren Zhong does not think that he has eliminated all Zheluo.

After all, it is an ancient civilization that can sail across the observable universe. It has also been operating in the observable universe for trillions of years. It is impossible for Whirlpool Three to be the only place to live.

So, this is an end in a sense, but it also represents a new beginning.

A little later, the four races of the Gupan Galaxy also noticed the anomaly of Whirlpool Three, which caused some commotion in the academic circles of the four races. However, at this time, the war between the four races had entered a white-hot stage, and they had no time to pay attention to it.

As early as a thousand years ago, when the Mechanical Empire was forced to retreat to the core star area, the alliance between the three tribes' coalition forces had already collapsed, and the demon army had been born. They had just taken advantage of the strategic gap after the alliance alliance collapsed to break out of the core of the Mechanical Empire. The numerous encirclements in the outer layer of the star area were broken into pieces, scattered in all directions, and scattered to kill everywhere.

Compared with the past reincarnations of destruction, in this reincarnation, due to the emergence of Ren Zhong and the Red Front Legion, the situation within the Mechanical Empire has changed slightly.

Although Ren Zhong led the Red Front Legion to leave the empire early, he left behind a lot of technology and scientific research thinking. He also left a lot of skilled people in the Nanxiang Star Cluster and even the Far Frontier Star Region who had learned the behavioral patterns of the Red Front Legion. work. When the empire was fully shrinking, the people in the Far Frontier Star Territory were taken away in advance as important assets.

Therefore, although today's Demon Legion has not fully mastered free jump voyages and continuous jumps, it has reduced the accident rate after continuous jumps to 60% by relying on the next best thing, such as strengthening the hull. It's particularly useful for performing scalpel-style tactical raids.

The overall performance of the Demon Legion's ships and even the overall combat qualities of its soldiers are much stronger than in the past reincarnation of destruction.

This is another new situation.

Therefore, no one cares about the changes in other star systems. It has nothing to do with them anyway. Only some researchers on the fringe will participate in related projects out of curiosity.

No one connected the matter of Whirlpool Three with the Gupan Galaxy.

However, the four races of the Gupan Galaxy soon noticed the changes.

Their space station located near the Gupan Black Hole was controlled by force almost at the same time.

The person who took action was none other than Zhong Ren, the director of the Mechanical Empire Space Station.

The person who helped him was the Red Front Legion, which was once extremely active, but then disappeared out of thin air twice in a row.

After the previous turmoil, the four tribes had slightly strengthened the security of the space station, but when faced with the Red Front Legion, they had no power to resist.

Forget about the space station of the Mechanical Empire. The stationmaster who had the highest authority took the lead in causing chaos, so it was natural for him to be caught off guard. However, the space stations of the other three tribes were not much better. When he realized that something was wrong, Chi Feng An army of soldiers has marched into the space station swaggeringly.

The Pilgrim's Wise Man defense system was ineffective and completely taken over.

The Ascended Mother's Space Station was tampered with the loyalty from the genetic information, and "recognized the thief as the father" on the spot.

As for the psychic demons, when faced with the Red Edge warriors wearing new combat uniforms that could absolutely block psychic interference, they behaved as unbearably as primitive people.

After that, the Chifeng Empire officially announced to the outside world that it required the four tribes to immediately stop the war and accept their rule.

Today's Red Front Army has changed its name to the Red Front Empire when contacting external parties.

This change of name officially indicates the heavy responsibility. The fifth force in the Gupan Galaxy broke through its disguise and participated in the competition to compete in the world.

At first, all four tribes dismissed the announcement of the Chifeng Empire.

In particular, the Machinery Empire, which has now been renamed the Demon Legion, has sent a stern letter of accountability, demanding that Ren Zhong immediately return to the imperial system with the Red Front Legion.

But Ren Zhong did two things next.

First, announce the truth of everything he has seen so far, including of course the reason why the three spiral galaxies disappeared out of thin air.

Second, let Heihe, Jin Shi, Ma Xiaoling, and Yu Jin Huyang each lead a small but elite force to appear in various parts of the Gupan galaxy with hyperspace jump maneuvers at a thousand times the speed of light. , they did not carry out sabotage, but simply left traces of their visit here, and then detonated a small silence bomb with a coverage of "only" a two-light-year radius as a military exercise.

This whole process lasted a hundred years. This time, the four tribes sobered up a lot and immediately declared a truce and agreed to send envoys to the Chifeng Empire.

Afterwards, the Red Front Legion went out to let the envoys of the four tribes see what it meant to travel at a thousand times the speed of light.

But they failed to see the burden.

At this moment, Ren Zhong had already traveled far alone, choosing a direction aimlessly and heading into the deep space of the universe.

He is waiting for negotiations from Zerro.

Sure enough, fifty years later, the Chifeng Empire, which had completed the integration of the Gupan Galaxy as quickly as possible, released an indiscriminate advertisement in the universe, officially announcing that Zheluo took the initiative to lift the veil and engage in a true battle with mankind. touch.

Zheluo proposed that they have recognized human beings' abilities, announced that from today onwards they will treat human beings as equals, and are willing to spend a lot of money to continue to purchase cosmic hashes from human beings.

The people who stayed behind in the Chifeng Empire carried out their heavy-duty orders in full, rejected Zheluo's proposal, and announced that they would break off diplomatic relations with Zheluo, and they would not interfere with each other in the future.

When replying to these words, Ju Qingmeng, who was responsible for leading the military and political power of the Chifeng Empire, felt a little uneasy, fearing to anger the other party.

But she firmly believed in the judgment of responsibility.

Ren Zhong believes that the evaporation of the three spiral galaxies out of thin air is enough to severely shock Zheluo.

The other party is a civilization that is old enough and mature enough, and has already been defeated and fled once. It knows how to identify risks, and will not take any drastic action until the other party deciphers the working principle of the extermination weapon.

What's more, Ren Zhong is now completely invisible in the universe driving the Starry Sky Scarlet Armor. As long as he doesn't die, his Starry Sky Scarlet Armor is not found, and the frozen embryos on his spaceship still exist, humans will have the power to fight back. .

Ren Zhong said to Ju Qingmeng, "In the ancient times of mankind on earth, that is, around the 21st century when I grew up, mankind once maintained a world structure called the era of nuclear deterrence for a long time. Now our opponents have changed. , but the philosophy of civilization's survival is the same. We already have the ability to carry out nuclear deterrence against Zerro. So it is naturally impossible for them to take the initiative to press the attack button before they are completely sure."

Ju Qingmeng heard a hint of farewell from his tone. He only looked back at Ma Xiaoling and Chen Hanyu behind him, and said slowly: "So, will you come back in the future?"

Ren Zhong thought for a moment and said, "Of course. But at that time, we were ready to eliminate Zheluo."

Ju Qingmeng asked: "Why? Is it true that we can't coexist peacefully?"

Ren Zhongzai smiled and said: "Of course not. An observable universe can only accommodate one top-level civilization. When Zheluo entered our universe and did not completely eliminate us, it was already destined that sooner or later there would be one War. This is inevitable. The current nuclear deterrence only delays the outbreak of war. But one day, we will take the initiative to start a new war."

Ju Qingmeng: "Can you win?"

Ren Zhong: "When I destroyed the three spiral galaxies, the outcome was already doomed. Of course, Zheluo may continue to escape and go to the next observable universe of others. It doesn't matter, we will find them. We will be eternal. Pursue them all the way to the end of time and space."

"Next, humans in the Gupan Galaxy will slowly leave the Gupan Galaxy and live in star systems without the interference of the icosahedron. By then, you will know how important emotions are to humans."

"Revenge is also one of the most fundamental emotions that supports human beings. Without revenge as a driving force, the original primitive people would not have exhausted their wisdom to invent traps and weapons to hunt large carnivores. If they just wanted to get food, just eat Grass animals are enough to meet human needs. Another meaning of revenge is to kill all those around you who may threaten or have threatened your own survival."

Ren Zhong's words were an understatement, but they actually set the tone for the development of the Chifeng Empire for the next hundreds of millions of years.

Just like when he left Source Star, this time, he temporarily left the Gupan Galaxy for different reasons and with different moods.

This time, he was traveling more completely alone.

There was nothing he could do.

His specially modified Starry Sky Chifeng Armor doesn't even have an intelligent brain device composed of human brains. It's all ultra-large-scale silicon-based chips that he designed himself.

The reason is simple. Among all the humans in the Gupan Galaxy, he is the only one whose thinking is different and is completely unaffected by Zheluo. Zheluo is also unable to track his location by retrieving the brain's information flow.

As long as he has anyone with him, there may be clues about his actions.

Of course, Ren Zhong was only lonely in behavior. He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes again.

Then he slowly fell asleep, his consciousness began to sink, and he walked casually in the wilderness of his subconscious.

Then, he appeared in front of an ancient city.

Previously, through a series of complex operations, he successfully received messages from the Nameless City.

Now, after mastering the Grand Unification Formula for a long time, he can already use special information flow hypnosis to let his active consciousness sink into the depths of his subconscious and reach the nameless city.

The city lord made a mistake in his judgment.

He once said that unless he died, he would not be able to enter the Nameless City and come into contact with people like him.

But later, Ren Zhong completely broke the city lord's prediction.

Ren Zhong proved once again that only he can predict others, and no one can predict his behavior.

In the crowded square of the Nameless City, Ren Zhong stood on a high platform, looked sideways at the city lord, and said slowly: "Thank you, and thank you, you guys. Anyway, we have actually done it. Humanity has gone through After learning so much, we also obtained the ultimate weapon. Regardless of whether this process was inevitable in history, or it was just a one-in-a-trillion chance in the vast and infinite universe, we have finally touched the edge of the universe. So, next Naturally, we have no chance of defeat."

The hundred thousand residents of the nameless city were all silent.

Their bodies at this time were very real, but they only looked that way.

In a sense, they are all spirits.

So, they had no tears.

But many people gradually began to make twitching and choking sounds, and some people squatted on the ground holding their heads and began to cry loudly.

After a long time, the city lord slowly said: "We should be the ones thanking you. You are our last chance, carrying the greatest expectations of mankind in trillions of years. Frankly speaking, until you actually do it, we only hold on to your expectations. I just try to do these things and pray secretly, but I don't dare to have even a little bit of coveting in my heart."

"It is you who, through your persistence, hard work, and your ability, have turned the delusions that are infinitely close to zero in our eyes into reality. It is you who make the existence of us people meaningful. Just imagine, If you also fail. Then in the future universe, no one will ever know that there is such a group of people who have struggled in obscurity for trillions of years, endured trillions of years of torture, and will continue to live in this unknown world. It exists until the end of the true universe."

"Just thinking about that kind of future makes people despair. But now, although we still can't contact the outside world, at least people outside already know our names and the true origin of mankind. With this As a result, we have the courage to continue to persevere and face the infinite future."

Ren Zhong said again: "You said that after my death, I will come here, right?"

City Lord: "Yes."

Ren Zhong thought for a while, "Then we can no longer be called humans. Real humans should not have an afterlife."

The city lord nodded, "Yes. Therefore, we hope that you will give our race a real name."

Ren Zhong began to worry.

The city lord added: "Two psychic demons once accidentally broke into this place before. One of them, a man named Taihong, made a proposal. Later, in order to help you contact us, the two psychic demons, Taihong and Zhinu, His descendants died."

Ren Zhong: "What did Taihong say?"

City Lord: "He proposed to call them Xu Clan, what do you think?"

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