Return of the Swallow

Chapter 449 Yang County

Qin Yining wore a simple light green muslin jacket and a black gauze curtain hat, dressed up like an ordinary woman. With four silver-faced spies including Bingtang, Jiyun and Jingzhe, she stood there Not far from the street corner.

Jingzhe asked in a low voice: "Madam, do you want to continue to spread the news?"

They were afraid of exposing their identity outside, so they all called Qin Yining "Madam."

Qin Yining nodded and said: "Continue. We can't let the master always take the blame. He himself is unwilling to publicize it, but we can."

Dahan said in a low voice: "I'm just worried that the person above can't stand the master's achievements, and then he will be so upset again."

Dahan is the most experienced among the four silver-faced spies who follow Qin Yining, and he is also the best at analyzing the situation.

Qin Yining was so amused by what he said that he couldn't help but laugh, "That person wants to use the policy of obscuring the people to make everyone blind and deaf, otherwise it will be difficult to rule. But he doesn't think about it, no one is really a fool. , Isn’t it difficult to distinguish who is really good to you and who is hypocritical? To judge how a person is, you only need to look at what he has done, not what he said. To judge how a superior person is, you only need to look at What the people eat and what they wear.”

Having said this, Qin Yining turned around and led a group of people to the government office. He continued in a low voice: "Now everyone is hungry, homeless, and worried every day, but a certain person is still struggling with the treasure..."

These are her confidants, and even if they don't know everything about these things, they still know a lot about them.

Xiao Man sighed: "That's why there is a saying, 'In prosperity, people suffer, in times of death, people suffer.' At times like these, the most unlucky ones are always ordinary people."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a low voice, feeling desolate in their hearts.

All of them, none of them have experienced hardships, and Bingtang was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, his family was also persecuted by the foolish king, and in the end he became homeless, and his fate changed from the eldest lady to a maidservant.

Not to mention Qin Yining, who has never enjoyed a good life since childhood.

Therefore, they can best understand the sufferings of the people. You can best understand their mood.

Many times, ordinary people don't even care about whose jurisdiction they are under. All they care about is whether they can have enough food and clothing. Can we not be disturbed by the war?

It's a pity that these are troubled times,

Especially the land of the Great Yan Dynasty seemed to be half cursed, with disasters happening one after another. Sometimes even the most basic food and clothing are a luxury for them.

The group of people returned to the Yamen gate with a heavy heart. Pang Xiao and Gong You were already preparing horses with their men.

Because the roads were severely damaged and often blocked by landslides, they were unable to go out by car and could only ride horses.

"Your Majesty, the road in Yang County is difficult. We may need to climb over piles of rocks on the way. The princess is weak, can we follow her?"

Pang Xiao smiled and said: "She's fine. Even though she looks delicate and weak, she has a heart that is not inferior to our men. There is also Zhuangzi who is his dowry in Yang County. She wants to see it. Wouldn't it be great if we could raise food?" ?”

Gong You nodded with a smile and said: "How can a woman who is worthy of the prince be simple? By the way, was the princess from the Yan Dynasty before?"

At this time, Qin Yining had already approached. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Gong, my father used to be the prime minister of the Yan Dynasty. He was later named the prince and grand master and became the Marquis of Anping. Later, the Yan Dynasty became chaotic and decadent, and my father surrendered. Your Majesty."

"Ah! I know, I know! Your Majesty is the one who was the Minister of Qin at that time and was known as Zhi Pan'an. Isn't that right, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Yining smiled and nodded.

"I see, it turns out that the princess comes from a famous family. No wonder her demeanor is different from that of ordinary women. So the dowry and money donated this time were sold to the house, and it was also Qin Shangshu..."

Qin Yining smiled and said: "It would be great if I can help. My father means that he doesn't want to be public."

When a group of officers heard this, they became grateful again.

Even the casual Jinghu Guards and Long Xiangjun admired Prince Zhongshun and Lord Qin at this time. They all understand why they are not prepared to publicize their achievements. They just want to do something for the people, they don't want to take away anyone's reputation, and they don't want to get burned.

It is this simple way of doing practical things for the people that makes people even more moved.

Pang Xiao led a docile maroon mare, and Pang Xiao's black horse followed suit and nuzzled Qin Yining with its long face.

Qin Yining was amused and couldn't help but stretched out her slender fingers to touch the horse's mane. Her white hands looked as white as snow under the dark clouds of hair.

Pang Xiao handed the reins of the mare to Qin Yining and said: "My Wuyun has a bad temper. Although he likes you very much, it would be dangerous if he takes you running wildly when he is happy. This horse has good endurance. , and docile, just ride it.”

Qin Yining took the reins and said with a smile: "Okay, but you don't have to worry. My riding skills are not bad. I have ridden wild horses outside before and lived with a herd of wild horses for a while."

As Qin Yining said that, he put on his curtain hat, stepped on the stirrup, and then turned over and mounted the horse in a graceful manner.

She was wearing a short gown today, and the long skirt on her lower body was a pleated skirt. When she got on the horse, the skirt of the skirt flew up, like a butterfly spreading its wings. People watching could not take their eyes away, and the way she sat on the horse with her back straight really gave people a sense of valiant and heroic posture.

Pang Xiao's eyes lit up when he saw it, he patted Qin Yining's hand, turned around and jumped onto the back of Wu Yun.

At this time, Huzi also helped Bingtang get on the horse, and he couldn't help joking: "Fortunately, I taught you the basics earlier, otherwise wouldn't you be able to keep up with us now?"

Bingtang rolled her eyes at him and said, "Madam taught me, not you."


/\u003e "Hey! How can you be ungrateful?" "Who is ungrateful? Drive!" Bingtang shook the reins and rode his horse to Qin Yining's side. Huzi had no choice but to touch his nose and get on the horse. Gong You, along with Master Lu and four young officers, also got on their horses and walked alongside Pang Xiao and his entourage. The remaining elite tiger guards and silver-faced spies were mixed with the horses of Long Xiang's army. The group of people left the capital and headed all the way to Yang County. Yang County is far from the old capital and can be reached in half a day without stopping. But that was back when the roads were good. Most of the roads to Yang County are mountain roads. This resulted in landslides and boulders rolling down after the earth dragon turned over, and the road to Yang County was so tortuous that there was no place where the horses could gallop. There are even no roads in some places, and they need to lead their horses over stones and cracked mounds of earth. Gong You was a little worried at first. After all, it is not uncommon for ladies to learn riding skills. Few women can bear such a journey. He said what he said when he came, hoping that Pang Xiao would give up taking the woman on the road, but Pang Xiao wouldn't listen, and he had no other way. But when they finally reached the mountain road, Gong You, Master Lu and the four guards really had their eyes opened. Qin Yining is extremely dexterous, bold and careful. For example, on this section of the road now, a big rock rolled down from the mountain and blocked the entire way, leaving only a small narrow road that can only be passed by one person in a day. However, this narrow road has huge rocks on one side and an abyss on the other side. Even horses Neither wanted to move forward. Qin Yining held her bay-red horse close to the side and persuaded the bay-red horse to go over. This really makes everyone sit up and take notice. There were even some who were timid and didn’t dare to leave. Seeing such a powerful woman, they all gathered up the courage and walked over without hesitation. The group of people really traveled through mountains and rivers, and they didn’t arrive until dark after half a day’s journey. The situation in Yang County is not much better than that in the old capital. The only good thing is that Yang County doesn't have as many buildings as the old capital, and the ruins don't look so tragic. There are still many refugees on the streets. Seeing this large group of people leading horses, including soldiers among them, the refugees became even more afraid to avoid them. Gong You took a group of people to the county government office. The wall of the county government office collapsed in half due to the earthquake. Standing outside the wall, you could see tents set up in the yard, with many refugees crowded inside. Gong You handed the horse over to the guard, and entered the yard with Pang Xiao, Qin Yining and several guards. They shuttled between the simple tents to the guard room in front. "Where are you Magistrate Li?" "Ah? You are Magistrate Gong! Why are you here in person? The magistrate has just entered the house, I will call you right away!" The person who replied had seen Gong You, and he was already talking as he spoke He ran away without a trace. Gong You explained to Pang Xiao, "That's Li Zhixian's entourage." Pang Xiao nodded and stood in the courtyard waiting. Qin Yining looked at the surrounding tents. Most of the people living there were homeless people whose houses were destroyed. Some families lived in one tent. There are also some that share a room with several men, or several women with their children. It seems that the magistrate of Yang County loves the people like his own children. It’s just that Qin Yining has some doubts that the treasure will come to Yang County. She felt that Li Qitian's spies might be investigating something wrong. Because the mountain road they came from was too difficult to walk. Especially the mountain near Yang County, the mountain road was blocked by huge rocks, so she walked there with fear while holding the horse. Where can the convoy of that treasure pass smoothly? Unless there is another way to Laiyang County. While he was deep in thought, Li Zhixian came out quickly with his entourage. When he saw Gong You, he stopped being polite and asked, "Master Gong! Where is the food? Has the rice relief from the Holy Emperor arrived?" Li Zhixian is a man who is nearly three years old. He is a ten-year-old, white-faced, beardless man with regular facial features and thick black eyebrows. At first glance, he is straight-tempered. Gong You coughed and said, "Let's go in first." Li Zhixian then realized that there were people on the side. He touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry. I was really too anxious to lose my composure. Let's talk inside first." " Pang Xiao smiled and waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and followed Qin Yining and his entourage into the house. Gong You then introduced: "Li Zhixian, this is the disaster relief ambassador sent by the Holy Emperor, Prince Zhongshun and the Grand Bachelor of Wuying Palace." Although this introduction was comprehensive, it seemed a bit nondescript. But when Li Zhixian heard this, his eyes gleamed and he hurriedly saluted Pang Xiao: "It's the prince! It's really rude, so rude." Pang Xiao smiled and returned the salute and said: "Is there many victims in the hospital? Li Zhixian Have you kept them in the courtyard?" "Yes, their house was destroyed. I was afraid that they would get close to the ruins and contract some disease, so they would be under my nose. It's just that, Your Majesty, the rice relief from the Holy Spirit has not been released yet. Are you there? I opened a warehouse to give out porridge. Even the thinnest porridge won't last long." "I know this situation. But I was also ordered to do so at the critical moment. The Holy Emperor's disaster relief money and food must be delayed for a while. "Tao." As soon as Pang Xiao finished speaking, Li Zhixian frowned in frustration. It was Gong You who pulled the person aside and told Pang Xiao what he had done since he arrived, as well as how much he had donated.

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