Chapter 354 Impossible conditions

   Sure enough, when the final bid was made, a representative from Umbrella arrived at the scene, which immediately caused a burst of whispering.

  The bidding for the water system in Mexico this time is not purely for the highest bidder, but requires detailed planning and commitment.

   At the same time limit the water price ceiling.

  Previous water companies could directly convert the original contract and existing assets as the basis for bidding.

  Several water companies in Mexico have also been briefed and informed in advance at this time, and have met to reach a certain consensus.

   It is necessary to fight, but Umbrella is not easy to offend. Most of the first quotations and plans are tentative, and there will be a lot of leeway, and a second negotiation will be given.

   Until then, just meet and tally up.

  Anyway, it is the interests of the Mexican people here to be squeezed, whoever earns is earning, and you can’t lose money, right...

  The preparation materials of all parties are very complete, and the same is true for the quotation.

  Because it has been in operation for so many years, it can be said that the first set of plans put forward by these water oligarchs are similar.

   All have cut prices and made profits to a certain extent, and displayed their own technical advantages, factory advantages, employee advantages, etc.

   And find out the reason for the high water price.

   "It's not that we want to maintain this water price, but that the environment in Mexico is deteriorating and the cost is rising. We have to do this. The calculation of the specific cost is also in the data..."

  Kaury said to a reporter who came in at the scene in a regretful and helpless tone.

  This time the impact was too great, and such a big move was made. Naturally, reporters were allowed to enter, and some representatives of the demonstration were also here.

   After all, to some extent, the Mexican government forcibly interfered with the original contract, and they had to find a reasonable excuse.

   Safety, people's livelihood, and the representatives present can share enough pressure for them.

   "Then what does President Kaury think about Umbrella's entry? You can see that many representatives at the scene were very excited and seemed to believe in Umbrella."

  Reporters don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, but they just ask intense questions.

   This made Kao Rui say with a smile while scolding his mother in his heart

   "Umbrella is a great company. The current law and order our company enjoys is all related to Umbrella. We all like them."

   praised first, then continued

"However, they specialize in technology. Umbrella has no experience in water affairs at all. If they want to enter the game, it may be better to start with some simple places. The environment in Mexico is seriously degraded and water resources are exhausted. Groundwater pollution is very difficult and challenging. This kind of technical threshold cannot be achieved in a short time. Even if they finally buy our factory buildings, water pipes, and machines, they can't do better than us..."

  Because the target is Umbrella, Kauri's words are quite restrained and polite.

  If this was another little Karami, I’m afraid he would just sneer in front of the camera.

  Do you know what you are facing?

  The world's top water company!

  We are the professionals in the water-scarce environment of Mexico!

   This time it can be said that the whole process was broadcast live, and what Kauri said reached the ears of many people.

  Although many people in Mexico have a sense of blind admiration for Umbrella, what Kauri said here is indeed the reality!

  The earth is a planet covered by water, and the country of Mexico is also surrounded by seas, but the fresh water that can be used is quite scarce.

   Yes, there are means of seawater desalination.

   But even those oil guys in the Middle East cannot rely on desalination to maintain water sources! Both cost and efficiency are here!

  If it is a person, relying on some distillation equipment or something, it is possible to maintain a small desalination device by yourself.

  However, for the consumption of a country, this kind of production capacity, this kind of quantity, the overall cost and demand are too high.

   Fortunately, the environment in Mexico is much better than that in the Middle East, and it still has lakes and reservoirs.

  But in recent years, due to the deterioration of the environment, these water resources are also rapidly depleted.

   In addition, the sewage that the water company deliberately did not treat polluted the groundwater, making the already tense water source even more scarce!

   Some slums have no water supply, especially during the drought period. They can only rely on water trucks to transport some yellow water to make ends meet.

  However, some of their beverage manufacturers own private wells and rely on higher technology to occupy clean groundwater.

  The same is true for some companies controlled by Western capital.

   Moreover, they are indeed more experienced in all aspects of water source scheduling and arrangement.

   Unless Umbrella completely spends money and takes all their private resources, it is impossible to maintain the operation, and even the supply will not be as good as it is now!

  The number of resources itself is placed here, you can't appear out of thin air, it doesn't mean that it will be useful if you just spend money.

   Even if you subsidize money to reduce the water price to one cent, so what? Where did you get so much water?

   At that time, the humanitarian crisis caused by water shortage is no joke!

  This is why they are confident.

   Forcibly repossessing their private well?

   Not to mention how bad it is to do this, it’s really urgent, the well has ‘collapsed’, and the water price will continue to skyrocket!

   At that time, it will not be a question of their pricing, but that people who have no water to drink will raise the price until they can't afford it...

   It's not like they haven't done this before, this is a game of capital!

  For example, the Akka Continental Group in Mexico is the second largest producer and distributor of Coca-Cola in Latin America, and it also has a large number of private wells.

   But even in the face of a drought, when the Mexican government called on the beverage factory to stop production, they remained indifferent and would never share the water from their private wells. If you want water, you can just buy our Coke!

  This is the price at which resources related to people's livelihood are completely controlled by capital.

  The bitter fruit swallowed after being fooled and lame.

  Even when encountering this kind of drought and natural disasters, it is the time of capital carnival harvesting, merging with the ancient land, no difference at all.

  Under the sun, there is nothing new, some are just reprints with a different layer of skin.

  The more natural and man-made disasters occur, the more likely the capital of the top players will expand reversely and faster...

  But then, Mexican officials successively released many promises and quotations from several major companies.

  The previous established companies did have a certain degree of price reduction and some promises, and their quotations were all backed by their previous shares in the contract.

   It is equivalent to purely reducing some profits and unit prices to give an explanation for this turmoil.

  If it is normal, this is actually enough.

   After all, the facts are here, and there is nothing to do with them!

   But with the subsequent announcement of Umbrella's announcement.

  There was a sudden uproar at the scene!

   Promise that residents of Mexico City will use 15 pesos per ton of water!

  Water quality guarantees drinking water level, enough!

   Convert it, the price is less than one dollar!

   And ensure that the production is gradually increased, and in half a year, it can be supplied in sufficient quantities, even including industrial water!

  Because of water shortage in Mexico, there is a quota for factory water use, and if the water is exceeded, it will not be given.

  What a big promise! Not even practical!

"This is impossible!"

   "It will definitely lose money."

   "And how could there be so much production? Water can't just appear out of thin air!"

   "So much polluted groundwater, how do you pump it!"

Even if Mexico, the parallel world next door, bought back its own water service in the early 2000s, the national average water price is US$0.007 per gallon due to the overall harsh environment, which is equivalent to nearly US$2 per ton, which is considered average and has government subsidies in the case of!

  In this world where private companies are still making profits, the price of water is naturally much higher.

  In some water-scarce areas, the cost is far more than that, plus transportation, scheduling, and operation. Isn’t it how much you lose when you sell it?

   And the question is where does the water come from?

   Sea water desalination? Can the desalination efficiency keep up with the needs of such a large population in Mexico!


   Second update~



  (end of this chapter)

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