Since learning that Rong Xun is not in the barracks, Tie Qinglan's heart has been in anxiety.

At the moment when he saw that Rong Jin had wiped out the 100,000 troops of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tie Qinglan knew that in this battle with the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xi Yue would definitely win, and would never lose!

She also hesitated for a long time between the female general and Rong Xun.

If you leave at this moment, I'm afraid she and the female general will never get married again!

Just because after this battle, maybe while she was alive, there would be no chance to fight again!

Although Rong Jin and Rong Xun's purpose had never been told to her, she faintly guessed their purpose.

Unify the nations and return the people to a unified country!

Just thinking about it, she felt passionate!

However, Rong Xun is not here.

But if she doesn't leave, I'm afraid she will regret it all her life.

Maybe, she and Rong Xun might not be at all!

Between the female general and Rong Xun, she finally chose Rong Xun.

This shows that in Tie Qinglan's heart, Rong Xun has surpassed the others.

After figuring this out, Tie Qinglan was relieved instead.

Rong Xun was the man she liked. After so many years, she really fell in love with a man. What if he runs away?

It's her own, she has to stare at it herself!

He turned on his horse neatly. After returning, he interrogated her father General Tie. General Tie was unwilling to say anything, but Tie Qinglan said directly, "If you want your son-in-law, you can tell the whereabouts of Rong Xun immediately. Otherwise, you Just wait to raise your daughter until she is old."

General Tie Blew his beard and stared, but finally told Tie Qinglan where Rong Xun was going. After all, although General Tie had been saying that he would smash the bones and ashes of his daughter who caused trouble every day, no one knew that he was very fond of his daughter.

Who wants them to be a boy in the Tie Family, just such a girl!

Since the daughter is happy, let her go.

I have to say that Tie Qinglan's lawless temper was often spoiled by General Tie.

Knowing Rong Xun's whereabouts from General Tie, he immediately went to look for his husband regardless of him.

But looking at the secret guards following her, Tie Qinglan couldn't help but laugh. Yun Xiao was loyal enough to know how to send someone to protect her.

All the way through the pass, from the remote woods to the direction of the capital, regardless of the terrain, rain, or occasionally pretending to be a beggar, or falling into the swamp, Tie Qinglan never cried out. This perseverance made the guards who followed her nod secretly.

It took only eight days for a few people to sleep endlessly and finally arrived in the capital.

But after arriving in the capital, even though Tie Qinglan wanted to find Rong Xun, they inquired about it and they had not heard of the fact that there was an army in Beijing.

Rong Xun came with 20,000 people. Although the number is not large, there are so many people, so you won't be able to hear anything.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Tie Qinglan had to pretend to be a refugee in the refugee camp.

Because of a drought in the Eastern Jin Dynasty before, there were a large number of refugees outside the capital. It was easy for them to want to mix in. After all, they were on the road without stopping, and they didn’t clean up well, and they were no different from beggars. How many.

Looking at the many refugees, Tie Qinglan’s eyes suddenly brightened. When she asked for the news before, she heard that there were many such shelters for refugees in the four gates of the capital. At first, someone gave them some food. Later, there was less and less food. In addition, it was already winter, and the people were going to disperse when they saw that there was no hope. But at this moment, I heard that there was a family named Zhao in the capital who was offering porridge, and most of the refugees rushed. I went inside the capital, and now the gates of this city are full of people who are ill and driven out from the capital, sitting and waiting to die.

Earlier, because there were too many refugees entering the capital, some chaos occurred in the capital. Later, only some people were allowed to enter the capital every day.

Since he can stay in the capital, Rong Xun must have also entered the capital in the refugee camp?

In this way, they only need to wait until tomorrow when they are released into the capital.

In the refugee camp, Tie Qinglan was separated from the dark guards and assigned to a simple thatched hut. After entering the hut, he saw a person lying on the floor of the house.

Tie Qinglan didn't care at first, she slept directly on the side of the haystack, and hurried on the road without sleep for eight consecutive days. Her iron body couldn't support it either.

Tie Qinglan fell asleep soon, and when she woke up, when she woke up, the sky was already dark.

She opened her eyes and found that the person lying in the thatched hut was still holding a posture. Under doubt in her heart, she walked in, and looked at the moonlight to see that the man's face was flushed, and the air in and out of air had become too much.

Obviously he has developed a high fever.

Tie Qinglan frowned, let her watch such a person die in front of her, or when she opened her eyes, there was a dead person next to her, how weird this thing was.

Tie Qinglan took out a few pills from her arms, stuffed the man into his mouth, and checked the man's body, only to find that the man had many wounds, and each of these wounds looked terrifying.

It takes so much hatred to hurt people like this.

However, Tie Qinglan admired this man, who was still alive after suffering such a serious injury.

After treating the wound on his body, he heard that someone outside was making porridge. Tie Qinglan hurriedly ran out to receive the porridge, saying it was porridge. In fact, it was just a bowl of clear water that could see the bottom.

Tie Qinglan wanted to give the man in the house a bowl, but the person who sent the porridge did not give it. Tie Qinglan had to return and pour the bowl of water into the man, and said coldly, "I did everything this girl can do, yes Death is alive, it's up to you." Anyway, she has a clear conscience.

At night, when she slept until midnight, Tie Qinglan suddenly felt that someone had pinched her neck. She quickly opened her eyes and saw that the person she had saved before was staring at her with a terrifying expression. The strength in her hands was amazing.

Reflexively, Tie Qinglan kicked out directly, kicking the man far away.

After taking a few big breaths, Tie Qinglan looked embarrassed. She saved him somehow, so she gave her back, "I don't know the kind of people, I saved you, and you dealt with me like this!"

The man frowned. Although he was downcast and his body was covered with blood, he still couldn't hide the nobleness that the man shed from his bones. He coughed and coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood. He raised his hand and wiped it clean. , Looked at Tie Qinglan warily, "You are not from West Vietnam!"

The words are affirmative, not interrogative.

Tie Qinglan was stunned for a moment, a sharp look flashed in her eyes.

Needless to say, there are already a few more shadows in the straw shed.

These black shadows arrived in the straw shed without any sound. After seeing the Tie Qinglan in good condition, they said, "Is the Iron Girl okay?"

Tie Qinglan nodded, she was fine, and her martial arts was not for nothing.

The person who was kicked to the ground by Tie Qinglan frowned at this meeting. He looked at the other person in disbelief and said, "Who is Tie Jingfeng?"

Tie Qinglan didn't dare to look down upon the man opposite at this time. Tie Jingfeng was her father, but how could people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty call her father's name? Moreover, they were recognized before they had even said a few words, which felt bad.

Tie Qinglan stared at him warily, "Who are you?"

This time, the man on the opposite side had not spoken yet, and the man in black on one side had already said, "Iron girl, he is the seventh prince of the Eastern Jin Dynasty." When the former emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty died, the scene was very chaotic. It is said that during the sacrifice to heaven, It was executed by the Seventh Prince, so he was executed, but he didn't expect that the Seventh Prince didn't die.

The man in black was sent by Rong Jin to protect Yun Xiao before, and naturally he had met Zhou Jingrui.

Zhou Jingrui was named by others, and he was not afraid. He was a person who had died once. What's more terrifying, "What are you doing in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?"

Tie Qinglan looked at Zhou Jingrui vigilantly, and said with a smile, "If I said to play, you would definitely not believe it."

Zhou Jingrui suddenly lowered his head. After a long time, he said, "If you want to enter the capital, I can help you."

Tie Qinglan and others did not speak, there is no unearned pies in this world.

Zhou Jingyan was not annoyed, and just said coldly, "I am already a dead person in the eyes of everyone, do you think I can count you? Or, you can all enter the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and you are afraid of someone who is about to enter the coffin? "

Tie Qinglan thought, it is indeed the case, and if this person wants to expose them, he only needs to shout, believing that with the defense of the soldiers on the gate of the capital, they will soon be caught, "You want what?"

"I want to ruin the capital!" Zhou Jingrui said coldly. Today's capital is not the same capital he grew up in. His father was killed and all his brothers died. Zhou Jingyan persecuted him everywhere, killing him into what he is now.

He is now alive for revenge. Since Zhou Jingyan cares about the throne so much, he has destroyed the capital.

After listening to him, Tie Qinglan was silent for a while, looked at the guard beside him, and nodded when he saw him, then said, "Okay, then tell us how to enter the capital?"

Originally, she was still thinking about waiting to enter the capital again tomorrow, but she didn't expect that someone would lead the way tonight. This luck was not ordinary.

What's more, her eyelids have been jumping, always feeling that something is going to happen tonight.

At this moment, another figure entered the straw shed, "Iron Girl, just got news from her subordinates, the son has already started."

Tie Qinglan was slightly startled, Rong Xun had already started, and she couldn't wait to enter the capital.

Her life's dream is to be a female general, but now for Rong Xun, she has to temporarily give up her dream, but that doesn't mean she won't feel regretful!

At this time, there is a chance to try her skills and do meritorious service. How could Tie Qinglan let it go?

She grabbed Zhou Jingrui by the collar, and said coldly, "Bring us into the capital!"

Zhou Jingrui didn't ask Tie Qinglan who the so-called son was, what they were going to do, just let Tie Qinglan let him go.

I was kicked just now, coupled with the whole body injury, and was mentioned by Tie Qinglan, a sweetness gushing from his heart, if it weren't for his amazing self-control, I'm afraid that Tie Qinglan would have been vomited.

Seeing him pale, Tie Qinglan put him down and let one of the guards look at Zhou Jingrui.

Zhou Jingrui didn't care, but just said, "I only remember that there is an underpass that leads from the palace to here. As long as you follow this underpass, you can enter the palace of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. As for the future, it depends on you."

The palace belonged to those two people. Although those two were not there now, Zhou Jingrui knew that the palace was absolutely guarded.

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