Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 214: It's Wei Dongsheng's turn to recruit

During the 214th round of Wei Dongsheng's recruitment for the Olympics, some people have already suggested that the senior executives of various subsidiaries will "go to Wei Dong to biochemical" alone. Especially the online game sector and mobile game sector regarded by Wei Dongsheng as a cash cow. Chang Mingxia, who is in charge of the online game business, and Jiang Hongxing, who is in charge of Zhiyu Technology, have recently been frequently visited by interested people. No need to ask why. Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts. If there is a chance to kill pigs for the New Year, no one will miss it. Online games have made billions of huge profits at every turn, and smartphones have sold more than tens of millions of dollars. These years have attracted many jealous red eyes. At the same time, Wei Dongsheng's age and family background are full of weaknesses. If Wei Dongsheng can be beaten to death with a stick, it is definitely good news for everyone to smile. However, Wei Dongsheng is not a pure little white sheep who just walked out of the ivory tower. Wei Dongsheng considered these issues at the beginning of his business. Even the first pot of gold obtained by using legal blanks, he would have wiped out the traces by apologizing to Shengda Dao and paying compensation to Shanda. After Wei Dongsheng's career expanded, he took advantage of the business cooperation and signed an in-depth understanding agreement with Shanda to completely remove the first pot of gold legacy a few years ago. Shanda can no longer sue Wei Dongsheng. In addition to public opinion scolding Wei Dongsheng twice for hanging dogs and private servers, now no matter what the gray pot of gold is pursued, there is no way to convict Wei Dongsheng. Wei Dongsheng understands his own strengths and weaknesses, and he usually strictly restricts his subordinate companies to expand their business rules and regulations, and pay taxes in accordance with the law without leaving a stain. Although not perfect, Wei Dongsheng's way of starting a family is very innocent. Compared with other rich people in China's rich list, Wei Dongsheng is like a pure white lotus. Without a family background or a foundation, a self-made man will always face talent dilemma. If a large number of relatives and classmates with low comprehensive ability are hired by family bonds, it will be difficult for the company to move forward efficiently; if you open your mind to recruit talents from all over the world, these talents who come for money may go for money at any time. This is an unavoidable defect for self-made people. However, Wei Dongsheng skillfully used the characteristics of thinking control and integrated his own three-view concept to turn pure scientific thinking control into a new thinking control system of three-point culture, three-point private goods, and four-point science. Those who agree with or incline to Wei Dongsheng's ideas can quickly get started and take control of their thinking. From then on, they will step quickly, step by step, and become stronger and stronger. Finally, they will give priority to the top management of the three companies. After six years of accumulation, most of the senior executives of companies such as Chunqiu, Zhiyu, Zhixing, and Zhuwei have been subconsciously influenced by the concept of thinking control and integration. In the hearts of Chang Mingxia and Jiang Hongxing, Wei Dongsheng is not only a leader who brings them material wealth, but also a leader who brings them spiritual wealth. Therefore, despite the short start time, Wei Dongsheng's family business is ten times more stable than outsiders think. Those forces that underestimated Wei Dongsheng's desire to kill pigs soon received decisive rejections directly or indirectly from senior executives such as Chang Mingxia and Jiang Hongxing. Three-year-olds, holding gold in the busy market, are easily coveted; and if it is not three-year-olds, but a group of concentric soldiers, even the noble princes and nobles, they must weigh the risks of snatching gold. This world always bullies the weak and fears the hard. The softer you are, the more you bully you; the stronger you are, the less bully you are. Even if you are stronger than you, you always tend to bully the weaker and weaker. Certain forces, based on the principle of "cheap, not taking advantage of the waste", after the setbacks, the rebel executives have increasingly admired Wei Dongsheng's ability to control several companies, and his attitude has changed from slaughtering pigs for the New Year to watching the changes or giving away charity in need. The various forces are still gambling, and the result is not yet clear. Wei Dongsheng ignored Gong Qiuqiu's explanation and asked about Gong Qixing's movement: "Your uncle is also here in Yanjing?" Gong Qixing now governs a province. After attending the opening ceremony of the Yanjing Olympics, he originally returned to Fengjiang to preside over government affairs. Unexpectedly, just a few days after returning home, Gong Qixing had to rush back to Yanjing to meet frequently with the cabinet elders and elders. Returning to the topic of Gong Qixing, Gong Qiuqiu's cheeks floated with a hint of apology: "Uncle is implicated by me." Wei Dongsheng: "How do you say?" Gong Qiuqiu slowly explained: "When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were on the verge of bankruptcy, the US side Constantly talking with China, accusing China of deliberately shorting the United States. Although the Rose Fund is not a national capital, my existence has given the United States many excuses for accusations. Before meeting with you, US Secretary of the Treasury Paulson had already represented the United States to the fourth generation. And the cabinet’s chief assistants put pressure on them. As the crisis of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac became more and more serious, the pressure on the cabinet was increasing." "As you know, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac involve investments from countries around the world. , If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac go bankrupt, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Spain, Brazil, India, South Korea, Mexico and other economic powers will suffer huge losses. China’s bankruptcy and collapse is blamed on China, which has caused China’s recent diplomacy to be very passive. In fact, leaders of various countries have frequently called on the United States to urge the Chinese cabinet to shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the world economy." Staying in Yenching is also because of this." "If the country decides to completely abandon the Rose Fund, we need to face the pressure of the countries alone. If we fail to deal with it at that time, China will also rush to kill the Rose Fund. My uncle said that at the national level, it is only for the Rose Fund, not you. The original collective opinion of the old cabinet, if the results are good, let us continue to develop the Rose Fund; if the results are poor and international influence It’s bad, I hope you stay away from the financial market and concentrate on developing manufacturing and the Internet.” Wei Dongsheng said with a smile: “It turns out that there is a background in international gaming, so no one told me.” Gong Qiuqiu jokingly said, “Because No need." Wei Dongsheng sighed. Wei Dongsheng understood what Gong Qiuqiu meant. The nine cabinet members are always the peak of the power of the Chinese system. They don't care about the life of the Rose Fund, let alone Wei Dongsheng's opinions. The cabinet’s attitude towards the Rose Fund depends only on the development of the international situation. If the Rose Fund survives, it will support the Rose Fund’s survival; if it is judged that the Rose Fund affects the interests of China, the Rose Fund will undoubtedly die. Perhaps when the final result comes out, the cabinet chief or Gong Qixing will come forward to appease Wei Dongsheng's emotions. Gong Qiuqiu went on to explain: "Externally, there are countries in the world putting pressure on you, and the cabinet veteran criticizes you for being young and arrogant and reckless. Certain political forces that hate you, me, and Chunqiu are waiting for opportunities to expand. It also stigmatizes the normal investment behavior of the Rose China Fund from July 2006 to August 2007, accusing the Rose China Fund of exiting the stock market as the culprit of the stock market plummet, accusing the Rose China Fund of shorting both the United States and China The country is simply heinous." Wei Dongsheng shrugged: "It seems that the Rose Fund has caused a lot of trouble." Gong Qiuqiu: "Who makes the financial crisis worse. When I was in the vacancy loan market the year before, I thought I could make more than one billion US dollars. It’s amazing. How can you think of going all the way, from the US mortgage market to the financial market, as if dominoes are falling all the way, Bear Stearns is overturned, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers are also on the verge of bankruptcy. I can’t even dream of it, but there is a chance. Destroy the notorious five major investment banks. Know? When my uncle called me, he praised me in the first sentence, "Twenty years ago, I knew you must belong to finance."" Wei Dongsheng initially asked Gong Qiuqiu to do the vacancy loan market. One of the original intentions was to dig a hole for Gong Qixing. Speaking of Gong Qixing at this moment, Wei Dongsheng couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "Your uncle didn't blame you?" Gong Qiuqiu argued for Gong Qixing, "My uncle is not that kind of character. Although the Rose Fund matter made him very passive, even though he suffered from it in the cabinet. He was under great pressure, but he gritted his teeth firmly on the platform for the Rose Fund. Uncle highly praised the Rose Fund’s short-selling politically, saying that the United States and China are still confrontational and competitive in nature, and any low-cost speculation that weakens the United States is worthy of recognition. The longer the United States has been in the quagmire of the economic crisis, the more time China will prepare for its rise. Perhaps before the United States emerges from the financial crisis, China’s GDP will surpass Japan.” Wei Dongsheng is not surprised by Gong Qixing’s response. Reasons can’t resolve the disputes between nations, just like Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, what if they can’t be found? The same applies to the US accusing China of short-selling. Even if the Chinese cabinet desperately defended themselves and even bundled Wei Dongsheng and Gong Qiuqiu and sent them to the US, how should the US blame it? In this context, the most appropriate strategy is equally unreasonable, resolutely denying the deliberate short-selling of the United States, and insisting on characterizing the Rose Fund as a free private behavior in a market economy. The struggle between cabinets is similar. Gong Qixing apologized to the cabinet for his lack of strict discipline over Gong Qiuqiu. Not only was he unable to obtain everyone's understanding as scheduled, he would ruin his career. A more appropriate strategy is to criticize Gong Qiuqiu in a small place, and to affirm Gong Qiuqiu's ability and contribution in the big place, and stand for the short-selling behavior of the Rose Fund. After all, Gong Qiuqiu's source of funds is legal, and short selling is also legal. Wei Dongsheng already knew about the conflicts that Gong Qiuqiu reported. Wei Dongsheng also knows that after the U.S. Federal Government announced the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, countries around the world, including China, have a basic guarantee for nearly trillion US dollars in investment. Everyone's money bag was stabilized, and the accusation voices naturally weakened. The elders of the Chinese cabinet let out a sigh of relief. Only then did Gong Qixing have the mood to make Gong Qiuqiu convey the good news to Wei Dongsheng. However, the cabinet has the strategy of the cabinet, Gong Qixing has the strategy of Gong Qixing, and Wei Dongsheng has the strategy of Wei Dongsheng. Now, it is Wei Dongsheng's turn to move.

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