Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 260: For eternal life!

260 For immortality!

The answer is simple.

Because of thirty years of memory, because of the shadow empire, because of the carbon-based life alliance.

If the shadow empire arrives as scheduled in 2018... Don't say anything, don't think about anything, honestly call for the Carbon-Based Life Alliance.

However, there is no free dinner in the world. Just like World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union assisted China in defeating Japan. This is certainly an excellent thing, but China has paid a heavy price for it. Calling for the carbon-based life alliance is equivalent to entrusting the future of the earth to the carbon-based life alliance. No matter how the carbon-based life alliance views the seven billion people on the earth, the earth must unconditionally follow their will. Wei Dongsheng is unwilling to be controlled by others. If he is not a last resort, he will never call for help from the Carbon-based Life Alliance.

However, considering that the Earth did not have the Wenchuan Earthquake in the past life, the universe in this life and the universe in the past life are very likely to be different time-space planes. Perhaps, until 2018, until 2118, this world will not usher in the shadow empire.

If there is no shadow empire on earth in this world...

It would be great!

In that case, Wei Dongsheng has more time to climb the tree of science and technology, and more time to practice his ideals, so that the earth in this world will move toward a better future faster. After the Wenchuan Earthquake, Wei Dongsheng began to make two-handed preparations. If the Shadow Empire arrives as scheduled, he must have originally planned to save the Carbon-based Life Alliance; if the Shadow Empire fails to make an appointment, Wei Dongsheng will gradually seize power and lead the earth to the sea of ​​stars.

The second way requires a lot of time to complete basic science.

If Wei Dongsheng develops in China step by step, he will not see the hope of immortality until death.


Yes, it means immortality.

Wei Dongsheng's ultimate goal of usurping the powerless country is to lead the life sciences of immortality.

The Shadow Empire told Wei Dongsheng that longevity and even immortality is a very simple matter.

Thirty years of memory tells Wei Dongsheng that there are countless civilizations in the universe, ranging from weak to strong and divided into first-class civilization, second-class civilization, third-class civilization, fourth-class civilization, and fifth-class civilization. The Carbon-based Life Alliance is a three-level civilization, which regards the universe as a cosmic village. They spend time and energy from one end of the universe to the other. It is almost as if the earth humans fly a plane from the South Pole to the North Pole, and from China Yanjing to New York, USA ; The shadow empire that defeated the earth in three seconds is a second-level civilization. Their territories exist across galaxies. The difficulty of destroying the galaxy is roughly equivalent to the destruction of a city by humans on earth with nuclear weapons.

Of course, this is just a simple summary of the force value.

The shadow empire is strong enough to destroy the galaxy, so it is a secondary civilization; but this is not a sufficient and necessary condition, and it is not strong enough to destroy the galaxy to be a secondary civilization. In practice, the division of civilization levels is very vague. Especially for the top-level second-level civilization and the weakest third-level civilization, which are in a hierarchical transition, different civilization perspectives often draw different conclusions, or one of them is a third-level civilization, or both are third-level civilizations, or Neither of them is a third-level civilization, etc.

The earth is a first-class civilization.

There is an important criterion for the level of civilization from level one to level two civilization: life transition!

Life transition is also known as smashing the shackles of natural life.

Primitive intelligent life has its own limitations. For example, human beings, one of the carbon-based life, are no matter how majestic and brilliant, and no matter how clever they are, they will be a loess after a hundred years. Breaking the shackles of life means that intelligent life uses scientific power to recognize the limitations of carbon-based life and understand the source of carbon-based life, and then strengthen the transformation on the basis of the original carbon-based life structure, thereby transcending the natural law of death at a hundred years old. The five-level civilization system examines earth civilization. Before earth civilization smashes the shackles of life, whether the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and the Electrical Age belong to the category of first-class civilization.

The citizens of the Shadow Empire are immortal, and can even live from the birth of the star to the extinguishment of the star.

When the Shadow Empire collapsed and retreated, the New Era Human Political Group was lucky enough to obtain some basic scientific data of the Shadow Empire, some of which were the scientific research data of the Shadow Empire against the human beings on earth. For the collapse of the Shadow Empire, these materials may be boring leisure time. However, in the eyes of the political group in the new era, the collapse of the Shadow Empire undoubtedly points out a shortcut to immortality for the earth humans.

In 30 years of memory, Wei Dongsheng had the honor to read this information.

Although he doesn't know how to achieve each step, Wei Dongsheng knows the correct scientific research direction. In a general analogy, it is probably like a liberal arts graduate who traveled before World War I. He may not understand how the atomic bomb was made, but he certainly understood that it can be made, and the atomic bomb is worth investing in massive resources. Just as liberal arts graduates saw the power of nuclear weapons ahead of time in 1910, Wei Dongsheng also saw the power of life sciences ahead of time in 2010.

However, the immortal technology tree cannot come out of thin air.

In order to illuminate immortality, life sciences requires a large amount of key experimental data in addition to the constant efforts of millions of scientific researchers for decades. To be precise, a large number of human experiments and a large number of unethical experiments must be conducted during this period. In public opinion, human experimentation is inhumane, and no one wants to be a victim of human experimentation; certain cutting-edge life sciences also violate moral and ethical taboos.

For example, in July 2006, US President Bush used the presidential veto power to veto the proposal to "increase research funding for human embryonic stem cells" on the grounds that embryonic stem cell research crossed the moral bottom line that society should respect. This is not a special case of life science research. Another example is the genetic modification of human embryos. Today's technology has no obstacles, but the academic community criticizes that such research involves ethical and moral issues. Another example is the study of human cloning. The ethical and moral taboos are greater than the technical threshold. Governments and governments in various countries have legislated to prohibit the production of human cloning, copying, and chimera, forbidding the modification of human genetic characteristics, and prohibiting state funding for human cloning research.

and many more.

Chunqiu Group has no power to challenge scientific research ethics.

As long as someone exposes that Wei Dongsheng is doing human experiments and human cloning research, not only will the world accuse Wei Dongsheng with unanimous voices, but also domestic interest groups that are greedy in the Spring and Autumn industry will take the opportunity to kill him.

This is a paradox.

If we do not speed up the progress of life science experiments that violate scientific research ethics, Wei Dong will not break the chains of life until his death.

If life science experiments that violate scientific research ethics are used to speed up the progress, Wei Dongsheng will instantly stand on the opposite side of human beings on the earth.

Moreover, even if life science experiments that violate scientific research ethics are used to speed up the progress, Wei Dongsheng will have to work hard for 30 to 50 years to see the prototype of immortality. The high risk and long payback period prevented Wei Dongsheng from using immortality as a bait to persuade senior executives from all over the world to support his research on immortality. A more likely scenario is that senior officials from all over the world feel that Wei Dongsheng is crazy and immediately draw a line with Wei Dongsheng.

Wei Dongsheng can only personally promote the progress of life sciences.

There is no state, or that there is no state or government, or it can be a scapegoat for Wei Dongsheng. At that time, Wei Dongsheng will place basic research that does not violate scientific research ethics in China, the United States and other parts of the world, and put controversial life science experiments that violate scientific research ethics in the dark. Even if accidentally exposed, Wuyouguo's vest scientific research institute and Wuyouguo government-government can also promptly and decisively carry the scapegoat for Wei Dongsheng and Chunqiu. The notoriety for violating scientific research ethics is assumed by Wu Youguo, and the companies of the Spring and Autumn Department continue to collect money through smart phones and other businesses.

Who would have thought that Wei Dongsheng was preparing to usurp power in a ruthless country?

Who would have thought that Wei Dongsheng was going to illuminate the life sciences of immortality?

Who would have thought that Wei Dongsheng usurped Wuyouguo to circumvent the taboos of scientific research ethics?

Who would have thought that Wei Dongsheng’s obsession with immortality was not Qin Shihuang’s delusion, but a real path to immortality that was determined by the Shadow Empire’s collapse and the Carbon-based Life Alliance to determine the feasibility?

They could not guess Wei Dongsheng's purpose, and of course they could not understand Wei Dongsheng's choice.

Going back to the group of hackers in the white hats of You Jin Liang, they realized that the purpose of Bitcoin extortion virus is by no means pure, but they never imagined that Wei Dongsheng's ultimate purpose of creating a global virus crisis was for immortality. The white-hat hacker group guessed Wei Dongsheng’s ambitions with the heart of a bird: “It’s Bitcoin auction again and Bitcoin extortion. The Avengers should be trying to hype Bitcoin!”

White hat hacker B agreed: "It's possible."

The White Hat Hacker A also listed detailed data: "Before the Avengers announced the hacker toolkit, a bitcoin was exchanged for US$0.12; when the Avengers announced the hacker toolkit for the second time, Bitcoin had risen to US$0.19; Bitcoin Less than a day after the emergence of the ransomware, Bitcoin skyrocketed to $0.27."

White hat hacker C disagrees with the judgments of A and B, and said in a joke: "The Bitcoin limit is 21 million, priced at 0.12 US dollars, and the total is 2.52 million US dollars; at 0.27 US dollars, the total is 5.67 million US dollars. Do not say the Avengers It is impossible to cross the algorithm to hold 21 million bitcoins. Even if 21 million bitcoins are in the hands of the Avengers at the moment, how much money is there in total? If the Avengers really want to make money, why isn't it better than hyping bitcoins?"

White hat hacker first: "It can't be counted like that. The Avengers organization can completely blackmail and sell, even if the total number of bitcoins it holds is only 5 million or less, it can still play the effect of 21 million. Moreover, this This is the first day of the Bitcoin ransomware outbreak. If the hype continues, Bitcoin may not be able to double again to $0.54."

White hat hacker B added evidence: "Bitcoin started on January 3, 2009. For a long time, it was not worth a penny. In November 2009, even though a single Bitcoin on the Internet could be exchanged for $0.0025 at that time , But an American programmer contributed 10,000 bitcoins, but he could not buy a real thing for $10 in the real world, because no one would recognize the value of bitcoin. Until November 17, 2009, the first bitcoin trading platform was established , Bitcoin and the U.S. dollar have a fair exchange rate."

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