Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 460: Female house

No. 460 Women's Home

Neither Mao Jiuzhong nor Jiang Zhongwei was Wei Dongsheng's target.

After the seventh life, Wei Dongsheng still wants to continue the unfinished business of the sixth life and continue to promote the construction of the education system. After obtaining the Guozijian fame and breaking the shackles of the civilian class, Wei Dongsheng did not hesitate to abandon the road of officialdom again, and returned to Weihe College in Qingdao with the fame and fame of Guozijian Scholars, and systematically seized the dominance of Weihe College.

To be honest, the goal is not easy.

Wei Dongsheng's advantage lies in experience, but experience and wisdom are always two different things, and no one can survive by relying on experience. On the contrary, many interesting changes in the world have come from young people who are not constrained by ancient experience. The old people monopolize resources with experience and accumulation, and the young people create brilliance with wisdom and courage. This is the historical trend.

Wei Dongsheng is not an omniscient saint.

Taking Jiang Zhongwei as an example, Wei Dongsheng got him wrong.

Wei Dongsheng originally thought that even if Jiang Zhongwei could not be compared with Mao Jiuzhong, he would still be a great hero. Unexpectedly, during the period when Wei Dongsheng rushed back to Weihe Academy from Jinan Prefecture, the victory of Yan Fan to regain Jinzhou Prefecture and Fuzhou Prefecture came from the north. Victory and defeat are commonplace, and Jiang Zhongwei cannot be blamed for it. Wei Dongsheng underestimated Jiang Zhongwei because Jiang Zhongwei ignored the strategic significance of Yan Fan’s regaining Jinzhou and Fuzhou prefectures, and even naively wanted to return Gaizhou and part of Haizhou prefectures in exchange for him. Fan re-signed a peace treaty with Sanchahe as the boundary.

Jiang Zhongwei's idea is very simple, and Yan Fan has countless terrible things, and it is difficult to merge at one time. Instead of spending time and effort with Yan Fan in the quagmire, it is better to concentrate on defeating Zhao Fan first and make an immortal contribution. But no one in the northern vassal kingdoms is blind, how can they tolerate Wei Fan's annexation of Zhao Fan?

Compared with Mao Jiuzhong, who has won many battles but is willing to retreat to Central Asia, Jiang Zhong and Wei Xun's naivety is ridiculous.

In Wei Dongsheng's view, Jiang Zhongwei's strategy of abandoning Yan Fan and attacking Zhao Fan's southward strategy had already decided that Wei Fan would win first and then lose, and finally ended sadly.

Subsequent development proved that Jiang Zhongwei's profit and intelligence exceeded Wei Dongsheng's imagination. At the critical moment when the Yan Fan regained the lost ground and Zhao Fan’s stable line, Jiang Zhongwei actually forced Mao Siyu to abdicate and pushed his son Jiang Weimu to the throne of the Wei Fan Duke. From then on, Mao Wei became Jiang Wei, known as Jiang’s generation of Wei. . The royal family likes to see the weakening of Mao’s four vassals. Under the influence of the royal family, the condemnations against Jiang Zhongwei are often mere formalities and have little impact. However, the three Mao’s outside the Central Plains, namely Shengmeng Fan, Anxi Fan, and Luo Fan The vassal state expressed strong opposition, especially the Shengmeng vassal bordering Wei Fan, and even sent troops to invade the Western Regions, forcing Jiang Zhongwei to separate some forces to block the armed interference of the Shengmeng vassal.

Wei Dongsheng misread Jiang Zhongwei's affairs, so let's stop here.

Take Wei He College as an example. After Wei Dongsheng and his successors continue to cultivate, countless outstanding people have been born over the years. In 1643, between Wei Dongsheng's sixth-generation experience and the seventh-generation experience, the three laws of mechanics were suddenly organized into a book by the Department of Physics of Wei He College, declaring that classical physics took shape. As it happens, Newton happened to be born in 1643 in the real world. In this time and space where Newton was just born, Wei He College took the lead in summarizing the three laws of mechanics, and then built a classic physics framework without Newton's logo.

Inferior products are forbidden to spread natural sciences and social sciences. Wei Dongsheng denies the scientific achievements of the real world because of this, and has never inspired any student or teacher to study the three laws of mechanics. Wei Dongsheng’s contribution to Wei Fan’s education was merely to selflessly build the platform of Wei He College and indirectly support some amateur scientists to pursue their studies with peace of mind. The present life of the three laws of space-time mechanics is entirely attributed to the wisdom of the professors of the Department of Geology of Wei He College.

Being able to build the framework of classical physics on the ground, the wisdom of professors in the Department of Geology of Wei He College might be on the same level as Newton.

It is true that Wei Dongsheng understands the three laws of mechanics, but this understanding is only the result of learning and accumulation, and Wei Dongsheng's wisdom is not enough to discover new theories. At least, Wei Dongsheng does not have the wisdom to explain everything about quantum mechanics, nor does he have the wisdom to subvert quantum mechanics. His creative ability is far inferior to that of professors at Newton and Wei He College.

Wei Dongsheng is thousands of miles away from omniscience and omnipotence.

In front of the inferior Tomorrow Ring, Wei Dongsheng is even just a stupid child who hangs out in the kindergarten.

The more he knows the vastness of the universe, the more he knows his own insignificance. Wei Dongsheng sincerely appreciates the outstanding people in this time and space.

Of course, Wei Dongsheng also has advantages that those outstanding people don't possess. When confrontation is needed, Wei Dongsheng will naturally use his own strengths to attack his son's shortcomings.

For example, the plan to compete for the leadership of Weihe Academy.

When Wei Dongsheng died in the sixth century, he selflessly donated 39% of the shares of Wei He Business Group to Wei He College, indirectly making Wei He College the largest shareholder of Wei He Business Group. Because of these backgrounds, Weihe College has never been a pure university. It not only has intricate relationships with Weihe Five Chambers of Commerce, Qingdao Stock Exchange, Hesheng Chamber of Commerce and other institutions, but also the partners of Weihe Business Group always pay attention to Weihe College. Attribution. In the face of these forces, Guozijian's talented scholars are not a fart.

Wei Dongsheng avoids the sensitive Wei He Academy, and instead regards Wei He Affiliated Juxue with a weak sense of existence as the first target of erosion.

Similar to Wu Fan Guozijian, Lu Fan Guozijian Jiabang talents can climb to Zhengqipin County, which is equivalent to the real-world Huaguo County Party Committee Secretary, after four years. On the other hand, Weihe Affiliated Juxue's status is only equivalent to that of a key middle school. As long as Wei Dongsheng is willing to work hard, he can gain the leading power of Weihe's Affiliated Juxue in a very short time.

When the time came to 1661, Wei He Affiliated Juxue had become Wei Dongsheng's possession.

Eight years later, when Wei Dongsheng visited Xiao's printing workshop again, the slow-paced printing workshop was the same as before.

The owner of Xiao Fang is also the owner of Xiao Fang, and he leads his daughter and son-in-law to run the printing workshop patiently.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng stayed in Xiao's printing workshop. It is said that he was trusted by the owner of Xiao Fang, and his salary was ranked among the top ten printing workshop employees. Cheng Feng is married and has children. His wife is not Xiao Ruonan, who was eager to lead the red line, but a native of Qingdao who is similar to his family. Cheng Feng is now working for Xiao Fangzhu with a conservative mentality, and privately, a part-time private school teacher rigorously teaches the eldest son who has just turned six, hoping that the child can realize his dream of the year.

Xiao Ruonan is 23 years old this year. Wei Xia divided the imperial society and the public opinion environment advocated early marriage and early childbearing, as early as 16 and late at 20. Women would marry and have children to raise the next generation. A twenty-three-year-old young woman like Xiao Ruonan is an old girl or older in the eyes of the world. Young women. Think about it, Xiao Ruonan's three-year-old sister is already married, and at the moment when Xiao Ruonan's second sister is four or five months pregnant, she is happily waiting for the child to arrive.

Xiao Ruonan was not reconciled. She was not reconciled to the mediocre marriage and childbirth. She was not reconciled to drowning in family chores.

Xiao Ruonan resisted Xiao Fang's urge to marry, and even ran away from home for a time to show his determination. Master Xiao Fang resented her daughter for reluctance to start a family, but was afraid that Xiao Ruonan would beg to die extremely, so he had no alternative but to make three chapters with Xiao Ruonan. The owner of Xiao Fang deprived Xiao Ruonan of her inheritance rights and decided to pass on the Xiao's printing workshop to her second daughter and son-in-law; the owner of Xiao Fang compensated Xiao Ruonan's 1,500 silver dollars for her property and allowed her to start her own business by relying on the printing workshop.

It is a pity that Xiao Ruonan has a bit of an eye and a low hand, and the road to entrepreneurship is quite unsuccessful. He actually lost four or five hundred silver dollars in two or three years.

Not reconciled to marrying and having children, but having no entrepreneurial talents, Xiao Ruonan is very confused at the moment.

Wei Dongsheng took pity on Xiao Ruonan's situation and extended a helping hand appropriately: "Are you still willing to study?"

Xiao Ruonan knew that Wei Dongsheng had already succeeded, but did not understand what Wei Dongsheng meant: "The principal (the head of Wei Heju) said...?"

Wei Dongsheng explained: "I also supervise the four schools of Weiheju School, Weihe Nv School, Heshu School, and Heshu Female School. If you still want to study, I can run you to Weihe Nv School. Or Heshu Women’s College. If you have excellent grades, you will be able to successfully attend Weihe Women’s College next year if you pass the independent enrollment examination at Weihe Women’s College."

Xiao Ruonan jumped up in surprise: "I am willing!"

Wei Dongsheng: "Wei He Women's Examination and Heshu Women's Examination, which one do you want to go to?"

Xiao Ruonan did not hesitate to make a choice: "Of course it is Wei and the women's exercise."

Wei Dongsheng nodded: "Go get ready. Report to Weihe Women's Examinations on October 1st. I will help you arrange your school status."

Xiao Fangzhu was pleasantly surprised by the blessing from the sky, and wanted to be greedy to expand the results: "Principal, can the second sister Ruonan and the third sister Ruonan go to Weihe Women's Academy to study?"

Wei Dongsheng understood Xiao Fangzhu's greed.

Although there is serious discrimination between men and women in Lu Fan's education field, the social status of Wei He Women's Academy is significantly higher than that of Wei He Academy. This is because, after Wei He College’s management deliberately alienated, Wei He Women’s College has gradually become a social circle of celebrities rather than a pure school. The local small powers in Qingdao and even aristocratic families with the vision of Lu Fan have liked to send their daughters to Wei Heju in recent years. Xue, Wei and the college study, do not ask them to really learn any insights, but ask their daughters to make friends of the same age, and even establish a social network that can return to the family early.

The reputation of Weihe College is second to that of Lu Fan Guozijian, Guozihaijian, Luoyang Supervision, Weihai Supervision, Qingdao Supervision and other five national supervision schools. It can barely be called the sixth supervision school of Lu Fan. In the area of ​​women’s studies, because Lu Fan and even the state supervising schools of other vassal states in Wei Xia collectively rejected female students and neglected female education, indirectly led to Wei He’s lame being promoted to Lu Fan’s first female school and even as a general. The first female school in Weixia Empire.

There are countless ladies in the Weihe Women's Academy, and Xiao Ruonan is fortunate enough to ingratiate herself with any noble girl, and she will be rich.

Even the Heshu Nursing House, which is slightly second to Weihe Nursing House, is also very good.

The Weihe Women’s Academy focuses on political influence and tends to recruit daughters of nobles, daughters of aristocratic families, and bureaucrats to maintain its reputation. At the same time, Weihe Women’s Academy will deliberately recruit a few extremely smart girls to make up for the daughters of officials. The quality is lacking and the threshold is so high that Xiao Ruonan can only look up. Wealthy businessmen or capitalists without political influence can only send their daughters to Heshu Women's Academy to learn some business knowledge and establish social networks with her rich daughter.

The Xiao Printing Workshop is just a small workshop, and it can't even reach the threshold of Heshu Women's Academy, let alone Weihe Women's Academy?

The threshold for Weihe Women’s Academy and Heshu Women’s Academy is extremely high. The thresholds of Weihe Women’s Academy and Heshu Women’s Academy that can directly connect to the two women’s academies are naturally so high that the owner of Xiaofang cannot expect it. If there is no family background, the admission score for Wei Heju is assumed to be 80 points, and the admission score for Wei Heju is at least 95 points. A threshold called family history blocked the three daughters of Xiao Fangzhu from Wei Henv's door.

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