Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 295: Desperate Letters (Large

"What kind of devilish muscular man is this?" Nero's expression became distorted.

"Does he have companions?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Companion? A guy like that won't have a companion." Turning his face away, Jestaka didn't look at Lin Yun's face.

"D20+10+5=31, the Sense Motive test is successful."

He didn't lie, he just felt bad.

"By the way, do you know about this key?" Lin Yun continued to ask.

"I don't know, I just know it's probably very important, and then that coward has been following us like this." Jestaka said directly.

"D20+10+5=29, the Sense Motive test is successful."

. . . . . Is it really worthy of being a savage? Really straight.

However, this guy doesn't even know. It seems that he can only listen to Ellesha's words.

"Hey, do you want mercenaries? I want to live and avenge my tribe." Jestaka looked at Lin Yun and said.

"You mean, you want to join us, and then find a chance to kill our enemies?" Lin Yun was a little amused.

"No, as an enemy, fighting with you and then dying is nothing, and it can be regarded as a kind of glory, but being killed by a partner is different. Although that guy probably didn't regard us as a partner, I know that Brave Front should It is placed in the newly built dungeon in the fortress. I have been there. Also, Staunton’s brother, Jolan, is a very powerful blacksmith. He forged my adamantine greatsword. And most importantly, the reason why he is here is to persuade his brother Staunton to turn back." Lin Yun was a little surprised that Jestaka actually said such a thing.

It can be seen that Jestaka gritted his teeth slightly at this time, as if he really wanted to kill Virgil.

Everything seems to be taken for granted, and then it seems that there is really no big problem. What should I do, because this guy seems to be at a loss if he lacks an adamantine giant sword, cough cough cough.

However, the information provided by the other party is very good, at least it has said something that Eluresha did not say.

"I will slowly confirm what you said. Only when I confirm that you are valuable can I trust you. The handcuffs can be temporarily lifted, but other words can only be temporarily. Of course, you can also object, and I also They will send you back to the barracks, and then they will confirm and interrogate your situation, if you can be used by us, then there will be no problem." Lin Yun tilted his head, and finally said.

"At least give me a weapon." Gritting his teeth, Jestaka said.

"Impossible." Lin Yun shook his head slightly.

This is a barbarian who knows martial arts. He is so honest now, mainly because of the state of exhaustion and the confinement of the whole body. But once the time of exhaustion passes, it may not be so simple.

Although at present, there is no way to see what this guy is thinking, but it is better for Lin Yun to be cautious as much as possible.

Just like what Nero said just now, if it wasn't for him, other people would probably really want to kill him, such as Sedum, Sedum, Sedum and so on.

Under the original battle situation, with the combination of martial arts, I am afraid that Sedum would be killed in one blow.

So it's better to be as safe as possible.

"In this case, then kill me quickly." Jestaka said angrily.

"It seems that you are not willing to cooperate, so let's talk about it next time." Lin Yun shook his head slightly, and then said to Xiao Jin, "Xiao Jin, ask your coal to find some people to push this guy back. "Lin Yun turned around and looked at Xiao Jin.

"Oh, okay, okay, coal please." With a sweet smile, Xiao Jin said.

"It feels very troublesome." Coal complained, and then said.

"Okay, let's find now... Oh, let's go out first." Lin Yun thought for a while, and then said.

"Okay." The others also reacted. After all, Jestaka is here. Although the other party seems to really not know the existence of the key, it is better not to disclose too much information if possible.

But at this moment, Jing Tian said, "I remember that there should be a place where the pastors lived behind this church, shouldn't we go in?"

Lin Yun subconsciously glanced at Jestaka, she didn't seem to have much reaction, was there nothing inside, or simply didn't care?

I don't know, but Lin Yun thought it would be embarrassing to at least prevent the Caylides who might still be here, and then help Jestaka to untie the shackles.

Although she was in a state of exhaustion, if she hid in a corner and then attacked the Devil May Cry Army after recovering, it would be a troublesome situation.

Lin Yun still said, "Alright then, go in and see what's good."

With that said, Lin Yun and the others went around, there was a door on the left side of the statue, and that door could lead to the back.

After turning around a corner, Lin Yun and the others soon came to the edge of a corridor.

You can see a row of rooms on the left side of the corridor.

First of all, the first room on the opposite side. Lin Yun walked in and took a look. It was a very standard single room. Although it looked very dilapidated due to lack of maintenance and years of disrepair, those beds, wardrobes Ah, anything can be used.

Instead, there was a destroyed prayer table thrown into the corner.

This is the kind of prayer table where you put the magic book on the shelf during the morning class, and then perform the morning ceremony.

But it seems that those Kelid people don't care at all.

"Let me see if you are healthy or not." Here Sedum looked at the only box in the room with a different smile.

But when he opened the box, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Lin Yun took a look, and saw that there were some figurines that looked like figurines, which looked like five kittens, and then there was nothing left. . . . . .

In this way, Lin Yun and the others raided ten rooms one after another, one of which was directly collapsed because of the top.

It seems that just as Jestaka said, there should have been about 20 Kelides here.

It's a pity that all of them are dead. In the last room, you can see a large number of Kailid-style equipment and weapons.

Almost all of them are +2 level equipment, so rich?

This reminded Lin Yun of what Jestaka had just said about Staunton's brother, Jolan. Could this guy be a dwarf exclusive priest and a blacksmith master?

Literally, it is a dwarf priest who is very good at forging.

But it seems that it really deserves to be a Kelleder?

Among these rooms, Lin Yun couldn't even tell which room might be Jestaka's room.

And there is no question that decent people who keep diaries.

Jestaka is even more of a savage, much less a diary.

Therefore, Lin Yun and the others naturally had no way to get more information.

After searching these rooms, in addition to the large pile of equipment ready to be received by the Devil May Cry Soldiers, there was an extra scroll of the Blade of Heavy Pressure, a scroll of removal of fear, and a bunch of sundries.

If there is only one small consolation, it is 296 gold coins. . . . .

Of course, if you really want to say, if those sundries can be sold, it will cost more than 296 gold coins, but the problem is. . . . . .

This also means that there will probably be no merchants in a short period of time.

Seeing that the corridor has come to an end, there is no way behind.

Doesn't this church even have a kitchen? Or do you mean eating a big pot of rice?

"Wait, the length is wrong." At this moment, Leon came out and said.

"What's wrong with the length?" Lin Yun asked suspiciously.

"As far as the length of this corridor is concerned, this church should be rectangular, but the length here is completely different from the length on the other side of the chapel." Leon said again.

"Then there is only one answer, Saya." Lin Yun looked at the almighty hole-digging robot.

I saw Saya nodded slightly, then stretched over, and a hole really corroded out.

I saw a pile of dry food and water piled up in the corner, which should be used during the emergency, but what caught Lin Yun's attention more was the skeleton lying on the ground.

It can be seen that he is wearing a breastplate, with a dagger and a statue of a triceratops that looks like emerald in his hand, and what looks like a letter.

"It looks like he should have killed himself." Leon raised his head and said, half kneeling on the ground, looking at the blood that had dried up for a long time.

"It seems that this guy is very desperate. He should be the crusader at that time." Lin Yun shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Obviously there is enough food and water, and he can live for at least a month, but it seems that he is completely desperate." Hun Yuan also said on this side.

At this moment, Lin Yun picked up the envelope.

Ms. Godfrey, Junzawa City has fallen.

The city has fallen, and may you be cursed for it.

Cursed be you for sending us here for not telling us that death is not the worst of fates for not protecting us from monsters as you promised to protect your 'sacred banner' .

Because you are not with us.

Where were you when the dying squad of the Knights of the Laughing didn't cry out for mercy, but clung to that pathetic lane leading to the temple?

Where were you when our blood filled the ditches and mixed with the sewage?

Where were you when our wills and our spirits were crushed, shattered, weeping like dock girls?

Your throne rests on the corpses of naive fools and glory-hungry adventurers.

I didn't realize this until the demons took Commander Vestl to the plaza, threw him into Shanenri's Healing Fountain, and lit a fire under the fountain.

The Commander was boiled alive for three days, and Shan Enri's once benevolent but now cruel blessing hung his life.

His skin was covered in blisters, peeling away from the flesh.

We stood on the square and watched, letting the cold wind whip our naked bodies.

Our blood flowed from our wounds, as if trying to escape this horrible place.

We had no water to drink and our throats were cracked and bleeding. There is no food to eat, and the stomach is shriveled and atrophied.

The commander didn't die for three whole days.

His flesh turned gray and smelled so delicious it made me hate myself for wanting to taste it.

Commander Westall stopped barking by the first midnight. When daylight came, all he could do was grunt. On the morning of the third day, the stern man who showed no mercy to himself or his enemies cried like a child. His tears were endless, literally tears filled his eyes!

Then, finally, the fountain burst and he died.

The new ruler of Junzawa City, the female demon Aponaviches feasted on his flesh. But she is not greedy.

Each of our starving prisoners was given a piece of the Commander's meat. You know what it smells like to be boiled alive for three days, Godfrey?

Writing this letter makes me miserable. A horrible bug stung my hand during the battle, and it's now swollen to twice its size and the color of carpaccio.

My skin is cracking and the heat is melting my body and soul. But I'll finish the letter so you know all about it.

Because if you can understand what happened to us because of you, this matter will be at least a little fair. After I finish writing, the demon will use the last magically controlled pigeon you gave to Commander Vestor to send you the letter. The rest were eaten by them. This letter can win me a chance.

I will crawl to their feet and beg for forgiveness. I'd swear anything for it.

Because I just can't take it anymore.

Let's call it a day. May you be cursed.

No longer your loyal servant, Knight Dermon.

"Obviously this letter was not sent in the end, conscience found out?" Hun Yuan said a little strangely.

"Then I don't know. It's also possible that he didn't really want to write this letter at all. It's just a way to delay the attack. When the devil relaxes, he might escape." Lin Yun half-closed his eyes and sighed. .

"This can't be seen by my dear cousin, she will definitely blame herself, I don't like to see her like that." Dai Lan sighed, and then looked at Lin Yun seriously, not at all the time when she complained about Queen Gao Furui in the past energy.

"I know." Lin Yun nodded, and then thought for a while, "I said, if Saya gives you the power similar to a lich in the future and can resurrect dead bodies, why don't you try using Stau How about Dun's body?" Lin Yun said with a bright smile.

Saya looked a little silent, but still nodded the head of the son of the black goat.

"What's the situation, that kind of wonderful statue that can become a living thing?" Lin Yun looked at the triceratops statue in Sedum's hand, and said.

"It's almost the same, but strictly speaking, it's an upgraded version of the Wonderful Statue. It's a bit... Well, how should I put it, it feels a bit weird." Sedum said with a strange face.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yun blinked.

"Because, strictly speaking, a wonderful wither is just an activated wither, which grows bigger and then becomes an activated wither. There is a time limit and there is no growth potential." Sedum rubbed the corners of her eyes.

"You won't tell me that this thing can grow together like Drew Yin's animal companion." Lin Yun's eyes twitched slightly.

"Bingo, that's it, and it's not just that. Under normal circumstances, if a wonderful wither is destroyed after being deformed, it is really destroyed. After all, that wither itself has been activated, but this, Strictly speaking, it is to summon the Triceratops, once a day, and re-summon after death." Sedum's expression was extremely strange.

Because from a certain point of view, it is too strong.

"I seem to have heard of such a little thing. It seems to be the dwarf warlock Bantam Benris. After he visited the Garund continent, he liked the dinosaurs there very much and decided to raise one himself. Unfortunately, the powerful Dinosaurs are not suitable for pets, so he decided to make a supernatural statue in the shape of a dinosaur as a substitute. When researching the method of making statues, he found that no statue can truly restore the appearance of a dinosaur. The way to get a dinosaur as a pet is faster than he imagined. It is much more difficult. Bantam made at least three small wyvern statues as first drafts, and those three small things sold for a lot of money. It is also because of this that the dwarf has the funds to continue the production. It seems that this should be the last work, I didn't expect it to be here, speaking of it, there seems to be a small statue of a wyvern in my cousin's treasure house, which I used to play with when I was young." With a smile as if the seriousness just now was just an illusion, Dai Lan said.

"So who wants this thing." Sedum looked at the others.

"Is there a condition for using this thing?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Well, there are, first of all, you need to be a spellcaster, and then you can't have animal companions or magic pets." Sedum's face became distorted all of a sudden. ,

Because nightshade belongs to his magic pet from a certain point of view.

That is. . . . . He can't use it. . . . . . awful.

"Spellcaster, so only Dylan can use it?" Nero looked around, and then looked at Dylan.

After all, there are only a few spellcasters, Sedum is nightshade, Hunyuan is a plague bird, Xiaojin is a crow, and Dai Lan is gone.

"Although it's very ghostly, strictly speaking, Saya and I can also be regarded as spellcasters." Lin Yun said with an expression of interest.

Yes, even technically Saya is a spellcaster.

It's just that Saya is a spellcaster who can only release transformation, while Lin Yun is a spellcaster who can only release acceleration.

Caster level is no problem Exactly the same as level, it's not a problem.

But Saya already has that little devil.

Most of the time, this little devil hides and stays around Saya, so it doesn't look very conspicuous.

Anyway, Saya has blindsight and has a contract, so he can know the existence of the little devil at any time, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about this guy sneaking away to inform you when he doesn't know, or making trouble.

In short, under such circumstances, only Dai Lan and Lin Yun are left.

"Well, it seems that the commander wants it very much, but it's okay. I am limited to being a pet for creatures like Triceratops, and as a knight commander, I have an unusual mount, which can increase your recognition. "Dylan said casually.

"Very good, thank you very much." Lin Yun smiled, and got the new toy as he wished.

Lin Yun twisted the head of the Triceratops, and then an emerald-green Triceratops about the size of Wuling Hongguang appeared in front of him.

"Is your name Bi? Please give me your advice in the future." Lin Yun touched Bi Bi's body and said with a smile.

It can be clearly felt that it is really amazing. The skin on this Triceratops is like those real dinosaurs, um, the Velociraptor of the Velociraptor Knight, but it looks rougher.

And most importantly, to be able to feel body temperature, just like a real creature, what kind of black technology or black magic is this.

Lin Yun secretly smacked his lips.

Similar to most non-Druyin variants that can get animal companions, the level of this Triceratops as an animal companion is Lin Yun's level -4, which is equivalent to a level 6 Druyin's animal companion.

However, even though it is said so.

But Lin Yun can see the attributes of Triceratops here, which is not low.

HP 54, AC 25

Strength 20, Dexterity 16, Constitution 13, Intelligence 4, Wisdom 14, Charisma 9

Possess specialties, attack violently, strengthen natural defense, and strengthen natural weapons.

The main attack method is collision, that is, using three horns to push against people, and the damage is 3D6. . . . .

If Lin Yun remembers correctly, Triceratops should be at level 7 before it can grow into a larger Triceratops, but now, compared to the Triceratops of Triceratops Knight, this thing can already be said to be a template of giantization and evolution Triceratops animal companion too.

However, considering that the wild Triceratops is super large, is this an extreme restoration?

"Huh." To Lin Yun's surprise, Bi sniffed but rubbed against Lin Yun. Whether it felt like a real animal, or in terms of its habits and temperament, it also looked like a real animal. ?

Is this the real master?

However, it may be that the dwarf warlock really just intends to treat bismuth as a pet, so he didn't prepare a saddle, which looks very primitive.

Shouldn't I have to prepare a saddle every time I call this guy in the future? . . . . .

Put the bismuth back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, in such a narrow place, it doesn't change its shape at will like Saya, so don't embarrass him too much.

"Okay, it's time for us to go out." Lin Yun still had the smile full of surprise and joy on his face, and then said.

"It's really time to go. I've been here for a long time." Ellesha also nodded.

Just like that, Lin Yun and the others walked out of the church, and Jestaka seemed to have been taken away by the Devil May Cry Army.

Looking from this side through a place like a market, the three armies have basically converged at this time, and only a small part of the Hill Demon's troops are left, and then there are those throwing objects and shooting arrows on the roof. The heretics, demon descendants and others are gone.

-----Off Topic-----

(Stupid little triangle, hehe, but let me explain, because there are too many characters, so in most cases, the little triangle can only be used as a mount. In the future, it will be used to break into the battlefield at most, and then... Lin Yun Just run away with one teleportation, after all, the teleportation distance is a bit short.)

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