Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Vol 2 Chapter 511: Modifying Human Weaknesses

Metal Transformer? Let me see. " Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and then jumped over after an abyss teleportation.


The purple mist immediately covered the reformed man who seemed to be a member of the Baphomet cult, with a machete in his hand, and the equipment on the other body looked very miscellaneous, but he was wearing a mage robe on the outside, which seemed to be It's the mercenary spellcaster shrouded in it.

No response.

"The pain sensation has been shielded, and it is no longer a normal creature. It can already be classified as a flesh and blood construct." Lin Yun said with a frown.

"Yuan Zao Strike." Lin Yun thought for a while, but then he pulled out the glow, and then slashed through with a sword.

"D20+9+3+14-4+5+3+1-4=39, hit."


Brown and golden rays of light slashed at the body of the caster's reformer. Lin Yun frowned slightly when he heard the crisp voice coming from the other party.

"Sure enough, the skeleton inside is all metal. It should be the fine gold weapon that breaks the damage reduction ability. I have paid attention to it." Lin Yun said, but it was already.



Pulled out the rebellion.

Because rebellion is a legendary weapon that has been replaced with an adamantine weapon.

This is also the main reason why Lin Yun tried to use the aura that is now made of cold iron to attack first.

"Mercury Wave." Lin Yun glared, and then slashed at the spell caster to transform him with a sword.

Because the distance was too close, even the sword aura hadn't left Lin Yun's rebellion, it was directly mixed with the sword aura and slashed heavily on the body of the caster's reformer.

"D20+9+3+14-4+5+3+1=50, hit."


With a sharp blow, the body of the caster-reformed person was completely cut in half, and a lot of blood sprayed out from the body of the caster-reformed person.

But Lin Yun frowned, because Lin Yun also smelled the smell of engine oil.

And most importantly.

After it was completely split open, Lin Yun could see that the skeletons on this guy's body were basically transformed into metallization. After being split open like this, there were even bursts of electric sparks, which looked very weird and feeling of terror.

"It seems that if you want to kill, you need a fine gold weapon to destroy it." Lin Yun frowned slightly.

"I feel like it's more appropriate.



Rainbow jet. "Sedum approached a reformed man who looked like a crusader at close range, and then shouted.

A ring of colorful gems could be seen shining in Sedum's hand.

At that time, Lin Yun was at Battle Bliss, the one he had forgotten who it was, the one he got from Fatty Horrors, it was amazing, it could trigger 7 kinds of effects on the person being hit, instead of being like normal That way there is only one kind of rainbow jet that can only trigger two effects at most.

Because Lin Yun didn't really need to use spells, Lin Yun gave this to Sedum.

But now, it is just right.

Because the rainbow light spray has the effect of damage to almost all elemental attributes except ice damage, it is the most suitable for testing.

A rainbow-like light flashed across the crusader reformer.

The first is the flame, which seems to have an average effect and hardly has much impact.

It looks like it has fire resistance.

Then came the strong acid damage, which had a certain impact on the equipment of this crusader reformer, but it still didn't seem to have any special effects.

But the surprise is.

Lightning damage for highest elemental damage.

"Effective, very effective." A large amount of black smoke could be seen coming out of the crusader's reformed body, and his movements became a little sluggish.

In addition to this, there are poison, psychic and petrification effects.

But it seems that the toxin seems to be okay, but the spirit and petrification effects seem to have no effect.

"I probably understand that lightning damage is the key point. It should even be said that lightning is the weakness." With a confident smile, Sedum said.

"Wow." While Jing Tian was analyzing consciously, he saw that the reformer of the Crusaders set his target on Sedum, and then rushed towards Sedum.

But at this moment, "Don't try to get close to brother, ah." I saw Solanum nigrum stretching out its upper body from Sedum's magic sword, followed by a roar that seemed to be screaming.

The green sonic shock wave sprayed towards the reformed crusaders rushing towards the opposite side.

The crusader reformer didn't seem to have the consciousness to dodge, but he continued to walk forward against the seemingly aggressive sound wave shock wave.

"Very good, if you know the damage of lightning, then it will be much easier, element coordination, electricity." Leon on the other side had already shown a smile at this time.

Because if we talk about the previous words, then he is probably the one who is most restricted.

Possesses a lot of resistance, in addition, because of the metal skeleton, his damage will probably be further reduced.

It can be said that it was also for this reason that Lyon did not directly make a move.

"Crossing the sea bullet, Armstrong's charged bullet, fusion element vortex." With a confident smile, Leon directly fired a blue bullet, as if it was completely formed by lightning, and then shot at the holy church that was about to approach Sedum The army transforms people.

Almost at the moment of hitting, as if struck by lightning, a huge amount of lightning burst out.

Even the blue light made Sedum subconsciously block it with her hands.

Because it is indeed too dazzling.

Rongsu vortex, Rongsu Liu level 5 martial arts.

The standard Rongsu Liu martial arts can have different effects according to the type of element.

When this maneuver hits, it deals an additional +8d6 energy damage equal to your active element and applies one of the following effects depending on your active element.

Chi: If the target is wearing metal armor, wielding a metal shield, or a weapon consisting primarily of metal, you and allies with this maneuver gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against the target for 6 seconds, regardless of whether the maneuver hits or not.

Earth: If the attack hits, you can attempt a trip combat maneuver that does not provoke attacks of opportunity and gains a bonus equal to your martial arts modifier.

Fire: If the attack hits, the target must pass a Reflex save or be on fire for about 12 to 48 seconds, and be sick from pain during the fire.

Water: If the attack hits, the target must pass the Fortitude saving throw, otherwise the entanglement martial arts adjustment will take about X6 seconds.

Then, like the lightning damage used now, it actually belongs to the Qi attribute.

Then the crusader reformer also obviously has metal armor on his body, so it is naturally effective.

Although Lyon doesn't really need this.

The sea-crossing bullets superimposed 8D6 lightning damage, and when it hit the crusader reformer, bursts of lightning burst out immediately, and then was submerged by it, followed by bursts of black smoke, and then fell to the ground.

On the other side, the barbarian reformer of Sakori also went berserk, trying to push away Nero's ghostly hand.

"Hey, hey, this power is a bit strong, is this the power of science?" Nero made a slightly dull voice, but it can be seen that Nero's ghost hand is indeed moving more powerfully.

But it still didn't look like he was able to break the ghost hand apart forcibly. Sure enough, Nero's ghost hand grapple ability was the most outrageous, and he was worthy of Nero's extreme grapple.

And at this moment, the reformed cultist on the other side also waved the machete in his hand and chopped towards Lin Yun.

It's just, "Yin Yaohui."

Lin Yun slashed at it with a rebellious backhand.

"D20+9+3+14-4+5+3+1=52, the confrontation was successful."


The silver rebellion with a touch of blood almost instantly pressed the machete over, and then tore a huge crack in the cultist's reformed body, and a large amount of liquid with engine oil and blood spewed out, and then Splashed on Lin Yun's body.

"I hate this smell." Lin Yun frowned slightly.

However, the power of the transformed person gave Lin Yun some headaches, because even such a powerful attack would more or less react to normal creatures.

However, this cultist's reformation seemed to have no effect at all. Under the pressure of Lin Yun's rebellion, he quickly regained his posture and slashed at Lin Yun again and again.



. Lin Yun looked at this unpretentious slash and calmed down, but waved the rebellion in his hand to block them one by one.

And the most important thing is that at this time, Bao'er has come to the back of this cultist's transformation of people.

"Dragon tooth." The indifferent voice was accompanied by two bang bangs, an incomparably strong sound, hitting the cultist's reformed person, making a resounding sound.

It's a pity that neither the big wine glass nor the dragon tooth has the effect of overcoming the damage reduction ability.

So the effect of these two strokes is a little bit.


. Less obvious feeling.

It even gives people a feeling that this guy is really hard.

And soon, Arles also rushed forward, brandishing that Icefury, and slashed at the body of the cultist's reformer.

"It doesn't seem to work at all. Ice is not an effective elemental damage, and it really only looks like lightning." Lin Yun looked at Arles' attack and nodded slightly.

But it seems that Arles' power after berserk is not weak, plus the fury effect of Icefury.

"Indeed, I have tried all four elements~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then there is only lightning. In other words, I should just watch." Hun Yuan folded his arms and looked around. On both sides, there are very huge devices, almost as big as arcade machines, even.


. It seems to be able to see something called a "screen".

"Wait, RYSN, speaking of it, can you feel the life fluctuations in these people?" Hun Yuan said, looking at the plague bird.

"Well, there is no doubt that although these guys are weird and their life characteristics are also very strange, they still belong to the category of creatures." The plague bird seemed very unhappy.

Looks like it really doesn't like these cyborgs.

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