Rise of Rurik

Chapter 196 Gould and Guard Chief Yevro

The mere 80,000 pounds of grain is just the beginning. The grain trade itself is also the largest trade item in the entire thinking sub-tribe alliance, and even in the entire sea area. Gould just wanted to gather more grain and ship it all to Roseburg. He couldn't help but speculate that if he emptied out the grain he had collected in August, Rurik wouldn't have enough money to buy it!

This isn't a problem either.

food! It's eaten, it's also used to make wine, and it can be hoarded for years without spoiling.

Gould reckoned that he could build a new home in Roseburg and a large granary. In this way, Rurik can slowly buy food from his own hands. At that time, it is estimated that not only Rurik, but the entire Ross tribe will also buy food from themselves.

After all, the population of the Ross clan settled in Roseburg today is not much smaller than the core settlement of Melalen. The leader of the Rus people is now keen to marry Novgorod in the east, so that the future Rus tribe should be able to surpass the Meralen tribe. Gould could not make an accurate estimate of whether the Russ could become the new leader. The only thing he could be sure of was that he could get the development dividends of the Russ.

There is a better market for the Rus, and because of the growing close relationship with the local chief, this relationship will lead to a better future for the family. By then, it's not just more money.

Gould began to fantasize, and the more he fancied, the more he wanted to touch his cargo and indulge in happiness.

It was late at night, and the mercenaries smoothed out the ruts that the wheat-pulling carts had left on the empty field, and they fell asleep one after another.

Gould didn't linger with the two maids anymore, didn't even have time to talk to his other five wives, and didn't want to talk to the children.

Alone, with an oil lamp, he caressed the large amount of wheat he bought during the day in his warehouse.

A figure crept into him.

"Yavlo, you haven't rested yet?"

The mercenary captain Yevluo said hurriedly and respectfully, "Oh, my lord, I am your servant. I must guard your goods closely. I am here for a routine inspection."

"Your loyalty reassures me. Now, let's sit down and talk."

They were all his own, and Gould didn't think the burlap bag was dirty at all, so he found a burlap bag and sat down at random.

He put the oil lamp on the ground, and patted the seat on the right: "Yavlo, sit next to me."

"Sir, is this okay?"

"It will be over soon if you come here!"

"As ordered.


Young Yevluo is the only strong man. He is a Finn. Although he has not grown into the heroic bearing of a traditional Viking like a bear, he has mastered many flexible fighting skills when fighting.

He wears a leather armor at all times, always has his saber hanging from his waist, and a hemp rope ties his forehead to restrain his short curly hair.

Yevro sat down with a cautious air.

"Sir, is there a new order?"

Hearing, Gould sighed: "Let's not talk about this. Look!" Gould pointed to his own goods: "These are all wheat, all the wheat they plundered from the tribal farmers. These wheat, I'm going to ship it to Roseburg and sell it to the people of Rose."


He pointed to another pile of goods: "It's full of soupa, a brimstone babe that washes away all dirt. It was invented by Rurik of Ross, and I'll sell them clean and earn A huge fortune."

"There's another pile of furs," Yeflo added.

"The furs are also made by the Rus. But this year, I can make a fortune just by selling all the soupa. In the fall, when we ship the wheat to the Rus, the Rurik will pay me a fortune. At that time, I can import another batch of soupa, and I will be richer next year.”

Yevlo listened carefully, and it sounded that the one who could bring wealth to the master was "Rurik of Ross".

"Rurik? Was that a merchant?"

"Businessman?" Gould smiled, and his big hand slapped Yevro's muscular back. "My boy, that Rurik is a businessman, but not a businessman either."

"So, who is he?"

"Oh, of course the next leader of the Rus. He's a man of God blessed by the gods, though Rurik is only an eight-year-old."

"What? That Rurik, only eight years old?! Only eight years old? Master, then those soupa..."

"It's him! And the sword I sold, it's a divine sword that can cut through everything, and it was forged by Rurik's wisdom given to the local blacksmith. As for you..." Gould turned to the side. The head looked into the eyes of the loyal servant, and his hand gradually squeezed Yevlo's neck.

"Sir, is there... any orders? I am your sword, and I will do anything for you."

"My sword?" Gould shook his head with a wry smile, then raised his head and looked up at the beams of the warehouse, his empty eyes looking at the shadows on the roof swaying under the weak flames of the oil lamps.

Gould's thoughts could not help but return to a long time ago. "Yavlo, you were a child at that time. I gave you the possibility to live, and you did a lot for me. I raised you, I raised you as a warrior. You are like My son, you are not my son."

"grown ups……"

"How I wish my sons had a physique like you, but they are more keen to eat and drink, and they will eventually be fat like me. Now, I have taught my sons how to do business, and business depends on Their self-struggle. I made a pact with Rurik in the Rus, our time in Unkrath is over, and our family will be blessed by the Rus.

I'm old, maybe my life will come to an end soon, whether my sons can carry forward the family property that I have accumulated throughout my life is their business. And you! "

"My lord?" Yevlo said alertly.

"You are the token of my agreement with Rurik. Yevro, you have to leave my side, and you have to serve a new master."

Hearing this, Yevro's heart seemed to be pierced by a sword.

Yevro got up hastily, half-kneeled in front of Gould, and nearly kicked the oil lamp over.

"My lord, is it because of my poor service?"

"No. If you were my son, I would be very happy, but unfortunately you are not. Since you want to be my sword, that's fine. I will give you to Rurik, and you will be Rurik's sword, Serve him, be loyal to him."

"Sir!" Yevluo raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of regret and puzzlement.

More than ten years have passed, and Yevlo has forgotten the faces of his biological parents. He was kidnapped by a group of pirates when he was young, and he was sent to the Melalen market. Or because of his rebelliousness, he does not have a buyer.

Only Gould, this man is not taboo about anything.

Gould, what he needed in those days was not a "talking animal", but a loyal and loyal soldier. Because of this demand, Gould gave Yevlo some love, but he didn't give much but just right.

From Gould, Yevro has acquired a considerable amount of wealth over the years, and has also developed a martial art that can fight ten one at a time.

Today, Gould is located in the home of the Ankras tribe, and the commander-in-chief of the mercenary guards is his Yevlo.

This trust and love has completely surpassed the relationship between master and servant.

In Yevlo's heart, Gould has become a near-father-like being.

Gould will never be the real father, times have really changed...

"Are you upset?" Gould asked deliberately.

"No, it's your order, I will do it well."

"Your voice is a little low, and you are still depressed. Yevro, you are twenty-five years old, and many men have two children by this time. Are you going to give everything for me? When I die of old age, You still want to die for me? Don't be stupid!"

"I...I want to."

"Shut up!" Gould's big hand slammed over Yevro's fluffy head, "you should have a better piety, I can't give it to you, but Rurik can. It's a possibility with infinite possibilities His child is also a very reasonable child. Rurik is not only a person blessed by God, but also a virtuous and good person. And you, just be his captain of the guard and protect his safety. I have been with Ross People have made an agreement that when the autumn arrives in Roseburg, I will no longer be your master."

Gould said it to death, and these words also spoke to Yevro's heart.

Rurik? Is that a magical kid? Yevluo was puzzled by the hype that the child said, and looking at the warehouse full of goods, it was obvious that the owner was serious.

Tonight's night talk made Yevlo's mind very confused. He went back to his own small house, lying on his own leather cushion, with his hands resting on his head and sleeping all night.

In Unkrath, as Gould's mercenary captain, Yevro wielded great power from a young age.

For example, Yevluo is responsible for the security of the entire "Wooden Castle". Since he was 20 years old, he has held this power by defeating other mercenaries under Gould's command by internal combat.

To be the servant of Rurik the Rus? The future is full of unknowns.

Time passed in peace.

In ancient rural areas, life was always extremely slow-paced.

At the end of April, an expedition of the Rus attacked Gotland. However, the news of Gotland's attack has reached the area around Lake Mälaren in May!

It was in late May when a traveling merchant from the Melalen tribe set up a stall under a big tree while selling iron farm tools, and chatted with the boring farmers about stories from afar. Gotland has been attacked! Some traveling merchants claimed that the Melalen tribe did it. After all, only the Melalen tribe could organize a powerful force to avenge the previous fights.

And more travel merchants insisted that it was the Rus who did it.

The news reached the Gould family, and the public opinion of the entire family was moved by the righteous deeds of the Rus.

Because, those Gotlanders are traitors to the Alliance, they actually took refuge with the Danes!

Only Gould was happy to see the Rus win the battle. Everyone also knows that the Gotlanders are very rich, and it is in order to obtain more wealth that they will take the initiative to collude with the Danes.

Gould astutely estimated that the victory of the Rus people must have captured a lot of spoils, such as a lot of silver coins and gold coins.

It can be said that after learning this good news, the entire Ankras tribe fell into joy.

The majority of the tribe's residents are already facing the dilemma of insufficient food. They know that the landlords forcibly bought the surplus food from their own hands, and they are verbally angry about this, and that's all.

You can't, just throw the farmland and leave your hometown! Like going to the Melalen tribe as a coolie? It would be better to continue to be a farmer in his hometown.

The Ankras tribes living in the inland areas cannot, like their other tribes, enjoy their grudges on the sea, or just rely on sea fishing to obtain food throughout the year. The peasants are itchy, they have never seen the appearance of the Rus, in short, those people are their allies.

For the sake of storytelling, the traveling merchants deliberately exaggerated the actions of the Rus in Gotland.

Some traveling merchants even claimed irresponsibly that the Rus army completely wiped out the entire Gotland.

The clansmen felt the splendid power of their allies, and they couldn't help itching, imagining that they were also part of the army that attacked the Gotlanders. This will not only avenge the alliance, but also get a lot of loot.

The good news greatly eased the hungry stomachs of the Unkrath people, and the good news seemed to be spiritual food.

And here Gould, he hoarded 80,000 pounds of dry oats, plus his own surplus grain, the total amount was as high as 100,000 pounds.

In Gould's house, no one knew what it was like to be hungry. Even the mercenaries had two pounds of wheat for their daily meals, and they basically had fish and meat for their meals. The energy these mercenaries get from their meals every day is close to the level of heavy infantry after more than a thousand years. After eating so much food, they are not only fat and strong, but also spend a lot of time in combat training every day.

The mercenaries are all sighing that their financial master is really rare and generous! If you stop training and still eat this kind of food, in less than half a year, you will become a fat seal.

And those ordinary farmers are too thin, especially the children of farmers, the ribs are clearly visible.

The farmers were timid just seeing Gould's burly mercenaries.

Gould has no intention of selling wheat to his own clan again, and these grains will continue to be stored until August.

He just sits and watches the people go hungry, because it has nothing to do with him.

What's more, the big chief Ungriff encouraged the hungry farmers to go to the streams and lakes to catch fish to satisfy their hunger, and a businessman cared so much about what to do.

Gould only cared about whether he could make a fortune at the Melalen Market. He counted the days and finally set a departure time.

The time has come to May 30, and Gould has stayed in his hometown for more than 30 days!

It was also during these thirty-odd days that he determined two other things.

It was the two Brittan women that I bought by my side. They had no menstrual period in May of the Julian calendar.

What that means couldn't be clearer.

In his own house, Gould threw a delightful feast, and then rewarded the two women with beautiful clothes, and some jewelry made of silver, as the last three of his five wives did.

The identities of the two maids have been upgraded! It's just that in order to be promoted to wives, they must give birth to a son for Gould. Gould has always been very trustworthy and responsible in this matter. Even if they gave birth to a daughter a year later, Gould would not dislike it, but asked the two maids to speak again as soon as possible until a son was born.

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