Rise of Rurik

Chapter 204 Radical, conservative, infighting and violent

In the big tent, Ragnar collected the broken sword on the ground, and solemnly put forward his opinion to Hafgen: "Lord, I think we should continue to go north, we should continue to raid Melalen. We now have three thousand People, when we win another victory, we will withdraw immediately, and we will be able to hit the enemy hard."

However, Ragnar's proposal was indifferent to everyone.

At this moment, no one made a statement on his proposal, and even showed rejection in his eyes.

The leader of the alliance, Hafgen, felt that his strategic goal had been achieved, that is, the decision to withdraw from the army now will definitely make this young man angry or disadvantageous to himself.

Hafgen deliberately asked left and right: "Everyone, what do you think? Do you continue to attack?"

Seeing that everyone was still indifferent, Hafgen further asked: "Didn't you loot a lot of cattle and sheep? You see, this brave Ragnar has defeated the enemy's elite, and he will definitely be able to defeat even more powerful enemies. With him there, we can continue to win. You put the captured cattle and sheep here, and I will send someone to watch it for you. In this way, the army can go north with confidence. "

Originally, according to tradition, tribes participating in joint operations needed to hand over part of the spoils to the leader, because this was the power of the leader.

It's good now, if we continue to expand the results of the battle, the large amount of loot that was obtained before will be kept by the leader of the alliance. Will the leader of the commander return it? He will never return it.

Many allies are short-sighted, or rather, they are not so ambitious. They looked at the meaning of the leader with the most troops.

The Gotlanders, who had the second most troops, were actually a group of family-organized joint troops, and the people inside them also had their own thoughts.

It seems that only Ragnar is resolutely shouting to continue to go north to expand the victory, and the rest are all uncooperative.

Finally, after estimating the attitude of the leader, everyone began to express their opinions.

"Oh! Continue north, forget it! In case the Melarens organize an army, we will win, and many will die."

"Leader, now is not the time for a decisive battle. You should understand that the Melarens can organize ten thousand people. If you choose a decisive battle, we should act in March next year and organize troops throughout the winter."

Some of the Gotlanders also said: "This is indeed the wrong time. It is the trade period of the Northern Alliance. If you attack them at this time, you will declare war on all northern tribes. They will be more united than ever, and they will destroy our island first. "

As for the Osloites, they have no idea of ​​a new enemy: "Our employment relationship is over. We will not fight for you any more,

We just want to go home. "

The Oslo mercenaries were the first to ask directly to withdraw. With this first, many allied commanders immediately announced their withdrawal.

Allies are announced one after another, and only Ragnar is still insisting.

"Are you guys cowards?" Ragnar bared his teeth. "Did they organize 10,000 people, or are we rushing over now? Remember, we have 3,000 people!"

A strong man with a beard stepped forward and shook his head: "We are not cowards. And you are not the leader of the alliance. Why must we continue to go north?"

"We can obviously get greater wealth and greater honor."

"Forget it, young man. It's your business if you want to keep fighting and get honor. Now I just want to take back what we got."

"No, you are cowards." Ragnar saw that they were unwilling to cooperate, what else could he do but curse?

But his words really angered many tribal commanders.

Another shouted: "Hey! Son of Sigurd. Instead of attacking the Mellarens, think about your own. We don't have yours yet!"

"You?" Ragnar stepped forward, the chainmail on his chest was already touching the man's leather armor. "Oh, I know you, bunch of cowards."

"Coward? Maybe we should have another fight."

Ragnar was not at all cowardly in the face of this provocation: "Okay, the new leader who told you, come and fight me one-on-one. No matter who you replace, I can cut off that person's head. You, all A bunch of cowards." After that, Ragnar turned his head and spat. Another shout: "Coward!"

"You! Damn."

Suddenly, Ragnar was shoved. After he reacted, his fist smashed up.

The provocateur was immediately beaten with nosebleeds, and then, there was a mess.

The people who gathered in this makeshift tent, although they belonged to the Danes confederation, were never a single piece of steel inside. The most powerful Robard tribes used force and economic means to force each tribe to respect itself as the head, and to avoid internal disputes as much as possible under its governance.

Hundreds of years of blood vendetta, how can it be eliminated because Hafgen became the leader of the alliance. To put it bluntly, Denmark is still in the period of tribal alliance, and everyone is highly united only when they are unanimous.

Carrying their own hatred, the commanders of the two armies scuffled in front of the leader of the alliance.

Ragnar relied on his youth and vigour, and when he separated from others, he had already made a lot of money.

At this moment, the commander who suffered a loss had blood on his face, and he blushed and shouted: "I will tell my master that you are blatantly provoking. You are the one who started the war, and you tear up the truce treaty. Wait to die."

"Okay!" Ragnar was even more dissatisfied, "We have all cut down those Frankish cavalry, are we afraid of you?"

Hafgen, the leader of the chaotic scene, was very uncomfortable.

"Shut up!"

With a roar of a lion from Hafgen, the tumultuous crowd finally quieted down.

Obviously, the current Ragnar has been isolated because of his own intentions and his bloody fist.

Hafgen saw the young man's dissatisfaction, and he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "At this point, we shouldn't have infighting. Since most of you are determined to retreat, I can't say anything. ."

Saying that, Hafgen deliberately looked into Ragnar's eyes: "Son of Sigurd, calm down. In fact, I am willing to continue to attack the north."

"Really? You ordered now, we continue to fight. I really can't figure out, the people here are satisfied because they have captured some cattle." Ragnar said with a suffocated breath.

"Hehe, how can things be so simple." Hafgen deliberately made a strategic smile and began to explain a very realistic thing.

The so-called if the 3,000-strong Danish coalition continued to fight, the time when the army and the enemy fought would be the beginning of June.

The Danish army launched a surprise attack and may have won a big victory. Wouldn't the enemy gather a crowd to counterattack?

Can the battle be over in a short period of time?

Certainly not.

The battle is likely to be delayed by a massive Northern Alliance counterattack, and if the war is not declared over by July, the result will be disastrous.

Early August is the wheat harvest season in Jutland. Once the wheat harvest is disturbed, many people will not be able to survive the long winter.

Even the so-called powerful Robard clan did not have a reserve of food for the entire clan to eat for a year without working.

"Ragnar, do you really think the Northern Alliance is weak? As long as we attack the Merallons, we must be prepared to fight the entire Northern Alliance, and the war may last for months. Did your father Sigurd Will you be allowed to bet on the clan’s food next year and fight here for your honor? Be realistic! We are just revenge this time, and we have succeeded. We will rest here for two days at most, and our main force will retreat before the enemy tries to counterattack. Let's go. Listen, if the Northern Alliance is really determined to take revenge, we'll fight them at the door. When that happens, it's them who will suffer..."

Hafgen said a lot, and he didn't know if Ragnar understood.

This continues to face everyone: "Brothers, my decision will not change. I order you to rest now, take another day off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, we will withdraw. Now, you can leave."

Ragnar didn't say any further, he shook his head and left the tent first with a taut mouth.

Maybe there is some truth to what the leader of the alliance said. When he returned to his followers, all he could think about was to expand the victory. He even imagined that if he killed the leader of the Melalen with his own hands, would it cause the collapse of the Northern Alliance?

If this is the case, people will remember that the Danish "hair pants" Ragnar is the first warrior in the north.

He returned with resentment, and saw that his followers were already making temporary couples with the small group of captured women.

Seeing his subordinates happily pressing down on the woman, hearing the joyful laughter of his subordinates, and the crying and wailing of the woman, Ragnar was not angry.

He walked over in person, kicked away the stubborn people, and almost got a whip to beat.

After all, he even shouted: "I thought you were all old soldiers. You don't want to continue fighting, you are already playing with your new slaves. Today, don't let me see you again."

It was late at night, and the beach was full of bonfires. The Ostara tribe occupied by the Danish army, the pervasive fire does not know when to go out.

In the crackling of the flames, there was the joyous wailing of a group of men, and the cries of the captives.

And all the killed Ostarans were piled up by the servants of Gotland's army, and then piled on wood and burned in a fire, which was regarded as "merciful cremation".

In addition, many cattle and sheep were dragged to the seaside, the bay was stained with blood, the cowhide and sheepskin were collected as much as possible, and the fresh meat was used as food for the army.

Among the troops participating in the battle, Ragnar's men later brought an additional batch of rations. The rations for the rest of the people are generally only enough for three or four days, especially those mercenaries from Oslo, who have almost no rations and are waiting to eat the spoils of war after the battle.

The lack of rations was indeed a major factor hindering the Danish coalition's northward expansion of the victory. The army took advantage of the Ostara tribe. If they could not continue to obtain a large amount of food on the new battlefield, of course, they would not be able to fight on an empty stomach.

It is said that now, the army slaughtering cattle and sheep is a kind of crazy luxury.

They're doing this precisely because it doesn't seem like they really have to eat beef and mutton.

Having said that, ordinary warriors rarely eat meat on weekdays. In Nordic culture, meat refers to "red meat", typically beef and mutton. Fish is not meat.

Everyone knows that barbecued beef and mutton is a delicacy. Ordinary warriors can eat a piece of herring with a large piece of roast beef on weekdays, but it is extremely rare.

They ate beef, drank milk, and served captive women.

Many fighters, for the first time in their lives, had such a joyous experience.

Unlike those wild guys, Hafgen also wanted to learn after hearing about the luxurious lifestyle of the Frankish aristocracy. Even on the battlefield where the flames of war have not yet been extinguished, he wants to be more gentle to show that he is a noble person.

He took off his helmet and changed into a sable robe stitched by more than a dozen ferrets in his seaside tent.

There was no table in the tent, but on a leather cushion there was a silver plate on which was an oily roast leg of lamb.

He owns a natural crystal glass that has passed into his hands several times and is now full of wine.

For the time being, he just wants to be alone, and has no intention of mixing with his large group of crazy subordinates.

Suddenly, a general burst into the tent with a look of excitement and rudeness.

"What's the matter? I told you I wanted to be alone."

The subordinate said with a blushing face: "Oh, my lord. Brothers are afraid of your loneliness, that's not it." With that, the subordinate in the shape of a strong bull pushed a crying young woman into the tent. "Sir, please enjoy."

The woman sat directly on the ground, then put her hands on the ground and prayed for forgiveness.

Hafgen looked at the woman with contempt, "Your men have all died in battle, and according to tradition you should have been martyred. Are you actually begging me for mercy?"

After that, he looked at his generals regretfully: "You want me to have fun? I'm afraid you have already enjoyed it."

The general denied it: "My lord, I will take care of this woman when I capture it. I only want to dedicate her to you."

Hafgen looked at the woman again. Under the dim oil lamp, the woman was indeed pretty. He didn't believe the commander's words, otherwise how could this woman cry so miserably.

"Forget it. You're not a priest, I don't believe you can really restrain yourself!" Hafgen waved his hand.

The general's eyes revealed embarrassment. "Sir, you really don't want it?"

"What an idiot you are. I am the lord of Denmark, and my woman must be noble. Take this woman away and do as you please. Before we set off, all the captives will be put to death."

As soon as she heard "execution", the woman lay on the ground directly, wailing for her life, and saying that she was willing to be a slave.

Hafgen licked his ears: "It's annoying, take her away, don't disturb my peace."

And that director couldn't help but ask boldly: "Sir, are you serious about your decision? We have captured a lot of women, and we should take them back."

"Get out of here!" Hafgen snorted, picked up the leg of lamb on his plate and smashed it, then roared: "That's an order! Before I set off, I gave an order, my battle is revenge! They killed them. My friend Oxon, who killed me, stole my money. It's all my money! Ever heard of tit-for-tat? Ostara's captives don't deserve to live! This is my revenge! Revenge! You know what? ?!"

Hafgen opened his bloody mouth, even showing his gold-encrusted teeth.

Seeing this, the general will just stand there and don't know what to say.

In fact, Hafgen's anger was also mixed with anger and jealousy towards the young Ragnar. The biggest honor was actually stolen by that kid! Somehow, Hafgen felt that the kid was a future threat.

His anger was also vented. Hafgen looked at the empty plate and said calmly, "You, bring me another roast leg of lamb. Get this woman out of here."

"As ordered." After that, the general grabbed the woman's feet and dragged her out like a dead dog.

After a while, a brand new sizzling and oily roast lamb shank was delivered to Hafgen again.

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