Rise of Rurik

Chapter 210 A true warrior cannot be bound

Fodgen remembered these two names immediately, and he pinched his beard and tasted it: "Carlotta, Ella, a very nice name, just like the faces of the two of you, very delicate. Even if your faces It's all mud, I can see your view. Carlotta, you have a gentle name, but you're a wild little wolf, and I love it. Oh, Carlotta, Ella, You are saved. Now, take this corbel, and soon, my people will heal you."

The oily barbecue was placed in front of the girl Carlotta. At this moment, what reason had been forgotten!

She began to nibble wantonly, wishing to fill her entire stomach.

But deep down in her soul, she never accepted that she and her sister would have such a fate - to be a concubine for an ordinary businessman.

Carlotta, an ancient word from Old Germanic, is a feminine word for strong men, although it is used to describe girls who are virtuous and gentle.

But as her sister, Carlotta, she knew that she could no longer be a woman who would focus on family life in the future.

Her parents and brothers died, but now she can rely on each other's younger sister Ella.

Ella, another good name, is the name of a goddess, which symbolizes the arrival of winter when the ice melts and the snow melts.

The younger sister has this name precisely because she was indeed born in winter. I have to say that my sister's beautiful eyes and her docile personality really make people feel comfortable, just like the goddess "El" who named her.

It seems that the two sisters have been rescued. Out of the pursuit of profit, Fodgen intends to rescue more people.

Then, the last bit of money on the refugees is swept away, and the last one is the refugees themselves.

Sell ​​yourself to live?

In difficult times, many mothers pray to Fodgen to save their young children, no matter what.

Fodgen answered in the affirmative. He collected more than 40 children of about six or seven years old among the refugees, both male and female.

It seems that these children are going to be reduced to Fodgen's slaves? Not so.

He felt that a group of children was of little use value. In the final analysis, he was seeking money, so he naturally found a way to use a group of reliable labor at a near-low price.

A group of women bought beef and sternly rejected Fodgen's decision.

There are many more women who are willing to give everything just to live.

Fodgen selected nearly 30 women who seemed to have some strength,

And these people, along with their own children, would work as leather workers, but Fodgen would only pay for food that would never starve.

As for the more than forty children, they are all one kind of cargo.

Isn't that guy Gould trying to find a way to collect all kinds of people in the Mellaren market to transport to the Russ as slaves? All these children were thrown at him, and he could still get a sum of money. Perhaps in doing so, Verdegen doesn't think his losses will be much this year.

A large group of refugees nibbled at the little beef in their hands.

A pile of poor corpses was thrown into the woods and no one was buried.

There is another group of refugees who have been completely abandoned.

Sitting by the crackling campfire, Fodgan couldn't help but think of the thrilling events of the day. He looked at the grass not far away, where the little bonfire was the camp of the Granites.

After he finished eating the meat, he scolded the stinginess of the Granites, hugged the leather water bag happily, and happily filled the ale.

He was a little drunk, calling the youngest girl here.

"Ella, come here for me."

The girl just looked at Fodgen, and then her eyes were fixed on her sister.

"Ella, be obedient, come here for me. How can you not be obedient?"

After all, Fodgen is not a big villain. He is now thinking of playing the role of a father, holding a cute gadget to soothe his thrilling heart.

However, Ella, who was full, hurried to her sister's side.

"Sister, I'm a little scared of that guy."

"Don't be afraid." Carlotta turned his face sideways and whispered, "We still have to seize the opportunity to escape."

At this time, Fodgen walked over unexpectedly, making Ella shiver and hug her sister's arm tightly.

A fat guy crouched down and looked at the frightened sisters.

"You call me my lord, why do you still think I'm a villain. Both of you are mine. Carlotta, are you resting?" Fodgen looked concerned.

"I..." The girl thought for a while, "I'm fine, my lord."

"Very good." Saying that, Fodgen lifted the girl's heavily damaged skirt slightly, showing her injured knee. "It's time to heal you. Carlotta, bear with me."

Then he shouted: "Where's my mercenary captain?! Oaks, come here for me!"

"I'm here." Soon, a strong man in leather armor came with a half-chomped corbel.

Fodgen immediately pointed to the girl's injured leg: "Look, it's very dangerous. Osk, it's your time to work."

"My lord, let me heal her? Oh, you know, my methods will be severe. I'm afraid your canary will die."

"It doesn't matter. This child has been walking with such injuries for many days. God must have given her to me. She will not die." After speaking, Fodgen smiled and looked at Carlotta: "You can endure all the pain. ,Right."

The girl did not answer, not answering is the default.

"Get ready, my captain."

Strong mercenary captains have their own set of methods for treating trauma.

A soldier always faces various traumas. In the era of no antibiotics, if the trauma is not treated in time, death is inevitable. In this era, there is no concept of bacteria, and there is no concept of alcohol sterilization. As for alcohol, it was very difficult for the Vikings to craft the ale to ten degrees.

The mercenary captain, the old guy with the tip of his knife licking blood, has a variety of wounds under his leather armor, and several wounds have very serious flaky scars.

The man broke a branch, stripped the bark, and threw it to the girl.

"Child, don't want to bite your tongue, just bite it with your teeth."

Carlotta guessed the man's intention, hurriedly grabbed the wooden stick and stuffed it into his mouth, but closed his eyes tightly.

Under Fodgen's gaze, the mercenary captain skillfully pulled out his own meat-cutting dagger, then grabbed the girl's slender calf with his left hand. He rubbed the blade hard against his leather armor a few times, and then the tip of the blade carefully touched the girl's heavy wound.

"Child, it will hurt a lot next, be careful not to bite your tongue."

Before Carlotta could react, the mercenary completely removed the lump on the girl's knee.

At this time, Carlotta screamed in pain, her body was shaking desperately, and her left leg kept kicking.

Seeing this, the mercenary hurriedly shouted: "Sir, hold her left foot."

After all, Fodgen was not a warrior. After he was startled, he hurriedly held down the girl's leg.

There are no narcotics, not even soothing herbs, and no disinfectants.

The mercenary was using the simplest and crudest means to drain the girl's abscess. Such an operation mercenary feels that a real man should not change his face. It is a miracle that she did not faint from the pain when it happened to a child.

The mercenary cut off the abscess completely, and he tried his best to scrape the pus and blood from it with the blade.

until the pale tissue inside is exposed to the dim light of a campfire.

Fodgen's heart continued to beat wildly: "It's all done?"

"No, my lord. You see, thanks for the mercy of God, it looks like the child was just a bad bruise, she didn't have any deeper wounds."

"Oh, so she's been rescued? No more feverish illnesses?"

The mercenary shook his head vigorously, then looked at the gold master: "My lord, I'm sorry that your canary will have a scar that will last her life, and even make her walk a little crooked in the future. But if I don't do this, she will Or die of fever."

"Do it quickly, I want her to live." At this point, Fodgen had no other choice.

After a while, the mercenary came with his red-hot sword, and then it stuck to the girl's rotting wound.

When the hot sword touched the knee, there was a terrible creaking sound, and the girl's almost uncontrollable trembling.

The grieving sister Ella hugged her sister tightly and howled, and Carlotta almost bit the log into crumbs.

The only way the mercenary could think of was this. His purpose was to prevent the girl from dying of fever. Actually? The hot sword scorched the rotting tissue, which is equivalent to burning the bacteria, so that the blood does not get dirty, and the person does not die of sepsis.

Under the scorched flesh were bright red tissues, and the mercenary felt that the matter was done, so he stuck his sword on the mud.

"Sir, it's all right. Next, wash her legs and wrap them in a cloth."

"Is this all right?" Fodgen, who was in a state of shock, didn't react.

"Yes my lord. Your canary is in the best of luck."

Fodgen patted his belly and breathed a long sigh of relief. "Oh! Maybe I should go to the Gran Tribe opposite and invite their priest over here and ask the priest to do a prayer for her."

"Forget it! Don't ask other people's priests, you should face the moon now and pay homage to the Valkyrie in the sky." The mercenary shook his head vigorously, and then looked at the girl who was still full of tears despite her face. The mercenary reached out and took the wooden stick out of the girl's mouth and showed it to his gold master.

"Look, she bit the stick like this, and she can still look straight at us. My lord, I think something is wrong. Are you just planning to raise her to be your wife and concubine?"

"Otherwise?" Fodgen looked strange.

"My lord, maybe you can train her to be a female warrior. In the final analysis, you saved her life, and maybe she will be loyal to you."

Female soldiers as guards? Fodgen never thought about it. He immediately took out a gold coin very generously from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of the mercenary captain, which was really startling.

"My lord, your kindness touched me."

"Take it, this is your reward."

Carlotta's wound has been bandaged. It's a very miraculous thing. The pain that he had endured before has now weakened a lot. Although it is still painful, he no longer has to suffer.

All night, in Verdegen's tent, the sisters huddled up on a piece of cowhide, and they were also covered with a piece of leather.

What is the future like? Is it really safe to travel to Melalen?

Or, to be this man's wife and concubine?

For a moment, Carlotta's spirit was also shaken. But at the thought of burning Ostara, she was still swayed by the pain in her heart.

revenge! I want revenge!

A businessman's wife and concubine can't take revenge, and even...

Carlotta estimated that the businessman was very old, and she thought of some very terrible things.

Besides, the treatment for my leg injury is the mercenary, what does it have to do with the merchant?

Carlotta, even though she slept in Fodgen's tent, holding her emaciated younger sister, was planning to run away.

It's finally dawn!

Even in May, the lowest temperatures at night in northern Europe are terrifying.

This night, some hungry refugees did not get up after they lay down.

Morning came, and some bonfires were lit at Verdegen's camp.

The two reinvigorated girls were indeed a treat for them by Fodgen. For example, gift them to eat wheat cakes and beef.

As for the other refugees who were collected, each one had only a small amount of beef, or even the guts of a cow, to satisfy their hunger.

The Granites were already tearing down tents and putting out campfires, and they were about to continue on their way.

Fodgen walked straight to the camp over there with a few mercenaries.

He found the chief of the Gran, but the chief was not very friendly to the uninvited guest.

Because, everyone in Granville saw what happened yesterday evening.

The leader said bluntly: "You criticized me for not being really kind, and so do you. I saw your people openly killing those refugees." After that, the leader also spit.

Fodgen had to smile awkwardly: "My friend, people eat dirt when they are extremely hungry! If I didn't use force last night, those guys could bite me alive!"

"Oh, that's good. Your fat is just right to save those refugees, so you are really kind."

The irony of the leader was really piercing, and Fodgen smiled embarrassedly: "Yesterday's affairs are over. My friend, I'm still here to buy your cattle. Don't worry, I'm still at yesterday's price, just, I hope you can Looking at past friendships, give me some fat cows."

"What are you going to do?" The leader became alarmed.

"Buy your cow, and I'll bring the money!"

The leader's attitude was the same as yesterday, claiming that this time he would give Fodgen three old cows, and Fodgen's blue veins came out of trouble.

"Looking at the past relationship, I will only accept fifty silver coins. I am kind." The leader boasted.

"Okay. I gathered a group of refugees, and I can send them to the Melalen tribe. What about you? My friend? You are sure to go to the Yermalen people and be neighbors with them."

"Otherwise? Do I have a better choice?" The leader sighed towards the north: "At least our ancestors came from Yermalen. The Mellarens, maybe they don't like us as neighbors, Fred. As you know, that guy announced that a large area is Melalen's territory."

"Yes! I know. It's Olegin. That's a greedy man. I can only build a stronghold on the island."

"Do you trust him?" the leader asked deliberately.

"Me? I don't know, I didn't even deal with that man."

The leader continued to ask: "Do you think Olegin will come forward for the Ostarans?"

"Huh? Your question is very strange. Olegin is our leader, he will definitely..."

"Forget it!" the leader said bluntly: "For so many years, it is our tribes who have been fighting the Gotlanders who landed in Gotaland. Since that Olekin became the leader of the alliance, the Melaren people have been helpless. Over us. Ferdgen, think with your wise head, are my words true?"

For Degen thought, this is indeed the truth.

The Mellarens did not help any more, and the Ostarans became an active force in expansion and defense as a result. Perhaps this is the reason that brought destruction to Ostara.

The leader continued: "We have a very small population of Granites. In the past, there were Ostarans, and we were not very worried. Now we have lost our backing, and we have realized the true strength of the Danes, and the Melarens are again Greed lacks credibility. We have no choice but to take refuge with the Yermalen people, at least they won't declare the entire lake theirs. When we settle down, you are welcome to continue to do business with our tribe."

Listening to the leader's heartfelt words, Fo Degen really sighed that he was indeed not a leader. In this case, if the other party throws goodwill, let's continue to be a businessman.

Fodgen returned with three old cows. While the Grans were driving the herd and swaying, Fodgen also tried his best to place the refugees he had gathered on his own carriage for the sake of speed. Click to keep up with the Gran team.

Fodgen sat in the best carriage, and he personally escorted his most precious possession, which was a box full of gold and silver. Now, this box contains two crystal balls of amber.

What about the original owner of Amber?

Carlotta and Ella, the two children, also sat on this carriage, specifically on a pile of cowhide.

By now, Fodgen has believed that he has conquered the two children, and the rest is a few years of training.

"Gould, in a few years, when you see two beautiful canaries by my side, you will be envious!"

Fo Degen has endless fantasies, and this is what he pursues. With a considerable wealth and the company of two beautiful women, what else is there to pursue in life?

He really intends to raise the two children into concubines, not servants.

He didn't give them any restraints at all.

There are no handcuffs and fetters, and there is no rope binding. The two children were physically free because Fodgen believed he had completely conquered their hearts.

Fodgen, that's what he thought.

It's just that he made the problem simple.

As the mercenary captain said, Carlota is not a canary, she is like a natural warrior, and a real warrior cannot be bound.

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