Rise of Rurik

Chapter 280 Brothers! I am back

Early in the morning, the noise of the tribe woke the sleeping child.

The sun has risen, and it is entirely due to habit. As the commander of the "Valkyrie Legion", Carlota is naturally subject to the precise biological clock, and her awakening also drives Rurik to slowly sit up with a drowsy body. .

Carlotta looked intimate, approached Rurik and said in a coquettish tone: "My leader, it's time to go to training. In fact, everyone has been waiting for you to come back for a long time."

"Really? Oh, yes! Have a good meeting with them, and I have something to say." Rurik patted his face hard, and when he woke up, he finally realized that everything was not a dream, everything was real , lying on his own bed, and his mother is looking at him with tender eyes.

Nia pretended to be angry and said, "Your father simply forgot where his home was in order to revel. Don't worry about him, I'll prepare a meal for you now."

It was said that Nia went to prepare it herself, but in fact, she had the servants cook the meal herself.

Remember those five poor Britton women that Rurik had bought from Gould?

The five women had strange beliefs in the eyes of the local people, and many people saw them worshipping some wooden sticks bound with twine, and it is said that the Franks did the same.

Gould knew that his two pregnant Brittany slaves had the same problem, and he didn't care if he believed in gold coins and silver coins, but some of his servants had a somewhat disdainful view of it.

Gould understands a lot. For example, as long as they have the opportunity to do some "sacrificial" activities, people will become more at ease and will go to work.

After all, they were Rurik's slaves. No, it was really worthwhile to be recruited by Niya as a full-time cook. The price was to ensure that they would not starve to death.

Niya just gave them some verbal instructions, such as cooking porridge, milling flour with a stone-grinding stick, baking bread in a clay oven, or doing laundry (soap is naturally used). Live a life of some hardships but never go hungry.

Nia did not interfere with the fact that they knelt down and prayed to the strangely intertwined wooden sticks every morning.

Rurik had noticed from the beginning that those women were "Lambs of the Lord" and maybe they could be better used, but not now.

He thought that he still had a parchment book "Exodus" in his hand, maybe they would feel dreamy.

The leather curtain was pulled open,

Rurik knocked on the wooden wall very casually, awakening the sleeping Taravis brothers and sisters, and also awakening Rumia and her coveted "sister".

"How long are you two going to sleep? Come out to eat."

This scene is like the eldest son of the family calling for his brothers and sisters to get up. Rurik thinks it is very reasonable and should be an ordinary thing. For Telavis and Cypolova, it is a kind of magic .

The brothers and sisters stepped barefoot into their rudimentary boots, but Rurik directly threw brand new linen-lined clothing and brand new leather jackets.

Rurik smiled: "Put on these clothes, you will all wear them in the future. You will be Russ from now on."

Rurik actually said casually, "You will be Russ in the future", which made them tremble. Because his master didn't see the outside world at all, this warm gesture made Telavis suddenly uncomfortable.

What makes the brothers and sisters even more incomprehensible is that they need a clear understanding of what is underwear, what is long johns, what is leather outer pants, and even leather jackets with a little tight-fitting style.

Rurik just took into account the existing tailoring level of the Ross tribe, organized a group of women with good skills, paid wages and asked them to make a batch of clothes of the same style, so as to ensure that his children had uniform dress. . He really knew that a uniform uniform had an unexpected magic power for a group to maintain cohesion.

It was the first time that the siblings wore trousers. Under Rurik's personal guidance, they put on clothes that were quite similar to Rurik's, and finally changed into slightly crude high-top leather boots. They even put on Socks stitched from finer linen.

In fact, in order to toss out this kind of "modern" dress, Rurik paid a lot of money. Due to this strange order demand, the tailoring skills of the women recruited have improved in practice.

The clothes worn by the brothers and sisters were all made by the tribe's tailors with their industrious hands in the two months that Rurik left.

So much so that all Rurik's men wore similar attire. Even the warm and comfortable clothing is a reward from the "big brother", loyalty is not said.

The brothers and sisters who have changed their clothes have a lot of each other, and Terravis has a more heroic spirit, and the long braided Cyberavi has also become a capable girl.

The two left the room and were immediately shocked by the sight in front of them.

It was a large low table with a lot of silver plates, even two transparent glass plates, on which were some cut pieces of meat and some cakes made of wheat. There is also a pottery urn, which smells of greedy worms. It is actually a greasy soup stewed with onions, carrots, cabbage and a little seal oil.

Is this the real food of the Rus? And their fantastic tableware.

The two sisters stayed where they were, but Lumia's little sister, Lumi, didn't see anything at all. The innocent little girl stretched out her hand and grabbed the balame cake, grabbed it, and ate it in her arms.

Telavis could not have imagined that Rurik was not angry, that a servant could be so bold? !

Rurik sat down casually, glanced at the two people who were in a daze, and said in the language of a deer breeder: "You two, don't be in a daze. Sit down and eat. Don't think what you see now is incredible, I treat you as my own, I will allow you to live in my house. Do you two really think you are lowly slaves? Sit down for me now."

Telavis had a sour nose. He sat cross-legged, subconsciously picked up the wheat cake and nibbled hard, crying while nibbling. This scene caught the attention of all tablemates.

Nia herself was against such an outsider child who suddenly came to her house. Since Rurik insisted on doing it, Nia had nothing to say.

"My son, is your new footman a crying fool?"

Rurik shrugged. "I understand how he feels. He can't imagine the abundance of our lives."

"Really? I hope you will always be loyal to you."

"He will."

Rurik didn't want to say more, he didn't need Telavis to reiterate his loyalty with words. Rurik already knew in his heart that the existence of this Telavis was not only a servant, but also a hostage, and a future talent to be focused on training. First of all, Rurik thought of using the child's archery skills, and secondly, to train him to be one of the chiefs of the Kovin tribe who was completely loyal to the chief of Rus.

Therefore, it is necessary to show them a Ross-style life, make them envious, make them yearn for the same life themselves, and make their values ​​converge with the Ross tribe. In this way, they are the Rus!

It was Rurik's intention to make the Kovins slowly become Neo-Russians, and all the conquered tribes to become Neo-Russians.

Through the boy's determined eyes covered in tears, Rurik could already feel Telavis' interpretation of loyalty.

Maybe Rurik, who has been wandering in the ice field for nearly two months, needs a good sleep for a few days when he returns. A strong sense of responsibility drove his weak and extremely strong body to stand up and lead his young men to continue the winter training in the winter.

An unprecedented meal shocked the Terravis brothers and sisters, and the two were allowed to feast on their stomachs, and their stomachs were rarely full. After eating enough, everyone felt energetic, as if yesterday's exhaustion was a long way off.

Compared with the Telavis brothers and sisters who only eat porridge and soup with wooden spoons, Rurik's ability to use two wooden sticks to precisely clamp the meat slices into his mouth made Telavis curious. There are some things in mind.

The boy seemed to be riddled with miracles.

This boy is of high status.

So, what can I do?

Before Telavis could think for a long time, Rurik categorically announced the next arrangement.

Rurik pointed to the siblings: "I will call my brothers soon. Telavis, you are an excellent archer, and I need you to help me train more archers."

"Master...I...I can?" The boy was a little flattered.

"This is what you have to do. I'm optimistic about your ability, otherwise I won't reward you with meals like this. And you, Seporava." Rurik's hand pointed directly to the younger sister among the siblings: "I heard that You also know how to shoot arrows? Very good. I will incorporate you into my Valkyrie Legion, even if you are a woman, when there is a war, you need to fight with a bow and arrow, just like you guard your own mountain fort."

Seporava's face was a little stiff, that is, Yururik's words, she remembered the horror of the battlefield, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Rurik did not intend to scare the girl, he continued to emphasize: "You are not cowards, you are just too weak. Now you can only become strong if you accept my command. You must take up the bow and arrow and accept my training, otherwise you will be unfaithful. ."

Cyberrawi was stunned on the spot. She actually knew that she was betrothed to this confident and beautiful boy, but what the boy said was really cruel.

Her heart is full of child's innocence, even if she saw blood, Cyberrave, this cute squirrel, she first received strong mental stimulation, and she did not become very determined like her brother.

She doesn't like fighting, or even catching squirrels. She just wants to play with those small animals, and then join the tribal shaman to listen to the female shaman imitating the birds and beasts and the psychic things.

Maybe Seporava is more suitable to follow Rumia and become a priest.

But Rurik just wanted to make this "wife and concubine" a reliable female warrior.

In this case, Carlota, the commander of the Valkyrie Legion, was naturally moved out by Rurik.



"This is Seporava, her name is Squirrel, she's your sister from now on, you're going to train her to shoot, understand?"

Carlotta knew the identity of the pair of children who were invited to be under the leader. She also simply believed that the former Ostara tribe and the gray squirrel tribe of the Kewen people spoke different languages. the same.

Carlotta felt that the brothers and sisters were also considered "dignified persons" in distress, and naturally received preferential treatment from Rurik. She nodded deeply, indicating that she would do things well.

Rurik quickly arranged things very clearly.

He sighed and stood up quickly: "Now, I'm going to gather my brothers, and I'm going to let everyone know that I'm back. And let them meet the new brothers!"

According to Rurik's own rules, the children would not receive collective military training during the long winter.

Special occasions required exceptions. In the morning, Rurik sent someone to inform the idlers wandering in the cluttered and winding streets of the tribe, and informed their children that the "eldest" Rurik issued a summoning order.

So many boys, their boring winter lives suddenly have a huge amount of fun. They quickly changed into the uniforms issued by them, brought special wooden shields, wooden swords, and even some wooden bows, and gathered at the gate of Rurik's chief's house.

Some of the girls moved a little slower. After finishing their needlework, they also dressed up and walked out of the house with wooden bows and arrows in the attitude of little female warriors.

All the poor families, their young boys and girls all accepted the favor of Rurik, the favor of the chief. They were rewarded with a little grain and leather, and a group of idle women were asked to do a little handwork, for which Rurik would also pay a small but helpful sum of money or something.

With this blessing, the children were taught by their parents to be loyal to Rurik first, and then to show their best efforts in order to get more rewards for themselves and their families.

Rurik didn't wait long, and the army of three hundred children gathered at the door of the leader's house. The leather boots they agreed with also crushed all the snow in front of the door into soldiers.

Hundreds of people wore the same clothes, the same hats, and all held wooden weapons.

Rurik stood on the wooden steps in the doorway, he drew his short sword and held it high, followed by a slogan, and the disorganized procession quickly began to form a neat column.

At this moment, Carlotta and Ella, the two girls also put on velvet caps and joined the team.

Rurik was completely king, and perhaps he should have put on a crown to liven up the majestic atmosphere.

The small empty field in front of the door was crowded with Rose's children. From the adults' point of view, these stubborn men who were supposed to be good at shoveling grass on the roof, and the girls who were submissive and immersed in their work, were difficult to train, and they turned out to be the same age as them. Rurik, has trained them into neat teams.

Every time they lined up neatly, it was a fun and interesting talk for the ordinary people of the Ross tribe. Everyone is saying that these children are incredible, and ten years later, even the girls among them will be legendary female warriors.

Of course, there are also many people who ridiculed that girls after ten years are afraid that they will all become mothers. It is also a serious estimate that a strong and brave mother will give birth to a more brave boy.

A large number of clansmen gathered, the older ones saw the future of Ross, and the younger ones wished that their young children would grow up quickly so that they could be trained by Rurik. It's not just the training that makes the children extremely disciplined, but also because there are very fundamental economic reasons - as long as there is training today, the wealthy chief family will reward the participating children with a meal they can't finish. Feast.

"Okay! All! Stand like a red pine!" Rurik gave an order, the boys and girls all stood at attention, and everyone present heard the sound of uniform boots closing together.

"Take a break!"

With an order, the three hundred people moved their right legs halfway to the right, and their shoulders, which were as tight as pine trees, relaxed.

The scene fell into an eerie silence, and only the tribal men and women who were watching were talking and laughing.

Here Rurik saw a lot of familiar figures, it was Fisk, it was Kanuf, and there were several potential future Hercules.

All the mercenaries are also gathered here, and they are also arranged in neat ranks. However, compared to the extremely determined eyes of the children, most of the mercenaries' faces were a little stretched. This is not surprising. The mercenaries left behind are basically pure coolies. They have to cut wood with axes all day long to ensure the operation of many stoves, including the firewood for cooking. Those mercenaries who participated in the action, their spirits have always been highly tense, are suddenly relaxed now. Elite warriors such as Yevlo, who have not had a good rest, are also a little lethargic now.

Take a few more glances!

What Rurik cares most about is of course his young subordinates. They are his subordinates, whether male or female, and in the foreseeable future, they will marry on a large scale.

Rurik is such a plan, he wants to build a janitorial army for himself, one is an existence in a "community of destiny" with the leader.

He took a deep breath: "Brothers! Sisters! I'm back! I called you today to see you!

I see that you are all healthy and everyone is getting stronger, but I also think that some people have eaten too much seal oil and become sluggish seals! "

These remarks caused a lot of laughter among the children who lacked jokes in their lives, and even the clansmen onlookers started to laugh at Rurik's humour.

Rurik stretched out his hands and commanded a hilarious pause in a pressing gesture.

"This time we've explored the North, we've explored the East. Do you know where it is? Now..."

Finally, at this moment, Rurik was able to pull the Teravis sisters, who had been dumbfounded, in front of them.

"My brothers, these two people are from the eastern land. He is a Kewen, the people we met for the first time. Now all the Kewen people have joined us in the Rus. These two people will also be you in the future. My brother is your sister. In the future, we will also join a group of Kewen children or children from other tribes in our team.”

In fact, what Rurik is most worried about is always that due to differences in ethnicity and language, his subordinates will naturally form small groups and fight each other. It's better not to happen like that! Rurik felt that they grew up with each other, and if they developed a war friendship during training and even in future fierce battles, their friendly relationship would last forever.

Rurik could not predict the distant future, such as the scene after one hundred and two hundred years, but since the Rus had conquered the northern part of Finland, the local area must always be the territory of the Rus.

Rurikron re-introduced Telavis: "Look at this man, do you think he is a little short and a little unattractive? If you think so, you are very wrong. He is a sharpshooter and can be accurate across thirty stikas. hit the standing hilt. He is better at archery than all of you, and I will ask him to teach you the art of archery."

Rurik's decision was highly praised by everyone. After all, for them, since the time before the winter last year, archery with a wooden bow has become a game that both boys and girls like. Boys, of course, like to shoot arrows, but because they have the responsibility to become berserkers in close combat, they are required to learn a series of professional fighting martial arts.

Both children were introduced. As for the Terravis brothers and sisters, they were really good at archery as Rurik boasted, and we still need to see for themselves.

It was an important purpose of Rurik to gather a large number of children in the cold weather, to announce his triumphant return and to inspect them. It's a very small purpose to introduce the Telavis siblings.

Another important purpose was the faint sense of anxiety that flashed in Rurik's heart. He felt that his time was really important, although he couldn't expect one of his children to grow up to five or six years old quickly, because of the special situation. , children must grow up as early as possible, even if they are only twelve or thirteen years old, Rurik does not believe that they are ordered to eat a lot of fish and meat on weekdays, and now they also need to eat wheat, they can become comparable at that age. strong.

Rurik's worries were nothing else.

The new spring is just over a month away. He slightly feels that the temperature rise is slower this year. However, the Rus people who were huddled in the northern fjords opened Pandora's Box last year and suddenly became willing to expand on a large scale. The actions of expansion and revenge still coexist. The Rus people must pay two prices, which has led to the Rus people's military and military over the past year. As many as one hundred soldiers of pure Rus blood have been sacrificed. The price of their sacrifice is of course Rus's. The territory has been greatly expanded, but the dead elite warriors will not be resurrected.

Can the Rus stand up to such a drain before the young warriors grow up? Even though a large number of foreigners joined the Ross tribe, they were mostly women and children. As for recruiting mercenaries, Rurik didn't think most of them were as loyal as Yevro.

If 500 elite soldiers were lost, the Ross tribe would be seriously injured.

Rurik estimated that he would not be able to convince Otto, the old and successful old man, to ask his "Ross expansion" to be more restrained for the time being, especially to avoid direct military conflict with foreigners. It is difficult to think of this kind of thing, because they are the purest Russ, and once the conquest is stimulated, it is difficult to stop.

Faced with such a situation, Rurik thought of training his men.

The most important thing he wants to announce is to resume training ahead of schedule.

"Brothers, spring is coming! I want you to go through training to get rid of the seal grease on your body. I want to see your strong figure. In the future, I will take you when you grow up to continue to expand the territory of our Rus people. Go and conquer more tribes!"

The atmosphere has been ignited, and Fisk, who was staring at him, suddenly raised his wooden sword and shouted, "Ulariurik! Ulla!"

The voice of Ulla immediately roared like a tsunami. No one understood the exact meaning of "Ulla". In short, everyone roared the word with a strong tongue-lashing sound at the same time. Looking forward, and curious about what to eat for lunch.

After all, that's what the rules are, and Rurik called everyone to gather, just to take care of the meal.

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