Rise of Rurik

Chapter 285: Strong Tax Collection

The wooden table placed on the wall was moved back to the hall, and Rurik ordered his mercenaries to retreat, and after they washed their bodies with sackcloth soap, they could go back to the dormitory to rest.

The box full of silver coins was placed on the table, and under the dim oil lamp, the silver coins reflected an intoxicating silver light.

Now, looking at them Otto will not be restless, he has seen too much, too much money, and his spirit is a little numb.

"Rurik, where did your money come from?" he asked quietly.

Rurik looked like a flower in full bloom, so he stood up, holding these Roman and Carolingian silver coins of very good quality in his hands.

"Dad, this is my brand new tax."

"Tax? You..." Otto's mind was spinning wildly, he thought this scene was absurd. "Those immigrants with wheat may have just sown, how do you collect taxes? You say it's a real tax? Is it a tax for you?!"

"It's the businessmen!" Rurik said bluntly.

"Merchant? Tax?"

Looking at his father's suspicious face, Rurik instantly understood that his father still didn't understand what a tax was. It seems that you need some explanation of your own?

Do not! Without too much explanation, Rurik guessed that Dad didn't have the time to listen to his explanation. Anyway, the money is here, and getting it is the last word.

Commercial tax must be collected, and not only commercial tax.

There are also very important tariffs.

The three taxation systems of the Ross tribe: agricultural tax, business operation tax and customs duty. These three very critical taxes must be established.

Of course, Rurik felt that his tribe would only need these three core taxes to provide financial support for the tribe for a long period of time in the future. As for the poll tax and stamp duty, it was not needed for the time being.

Especially the poll tax, which Rurik did not feel was necessary. Even this poll tax, in the eyes of the feudal lords of the Frankish Kingdom, was a legitimate tax, and it was one of the most important sources of wealth.

Even the concept of a feudal state is still in the state of a tribal alliance for the Ross tribe, even the concept of "tax" must be a little difficult for everyone to accept.

At this stage, Rurik dare not ask his native people to pay any taxes,

Don't even think about it, don't even think about wanting the clan to take money "for no reason"!

A relatively complete tax system must be established. Rurik does not expect his native tribes to accept it quickly, but those who live in the country must immediately accept the commercial tax.

The merchants may be very resistant, as Gould said, and it will even have a negative impact on the future business of the Rus.

Rurik knew in his heart that those small businessmen who lacked strength would lose, and there were obedient big businessmen, so what was the problem?

Those small businessmen had better cooperate, and Rurik tacitly agreed that they generally resisted, which requires Otto, the big leader, to personally bring the soldiers to come forward and collect taxes with arms! Especially when the ice is frozen, and the sea ice has not melted, small businessmen can't row their boats and run away, and take the opportunity to raise taxes.

They understand that love will not come, and they can run away anyway, and the remaining residence will be taken over by Ross.

In fact, Rurik was also worried. His new minions, such as "Sharpshooter" Telavis who had moved to his new camp of the Grey Squirrel Tribe, were still living in tents for the time being. This is inappropriate!

Therefore, the residences left by the runaway merchants are just temporary dormitories for the new servants in the future.

Rurik pointed to the suitcase and said bluntly: "This may be regarded as my new invention. I talked a lot with the big businessman Gould today. Starting from this year's trade season, he will pay me a tax every year. . As long as he does business in our Roseburg, he has to pay a fee every year. Not just Gould, I have decided that starting this year, all guest merchants will pay!"

"Ah?" At this time, Otto had been the leader for more than ten years, and he really didn't think about it at all.

"You...you actually reached out to them for money, and you succeeded? You...you are such a genius! Why didn't I think about it!"

Otto's answer also surprised Rurik a little. and many more? Could it be that the old man himself wanted to make money, and he didn't collect "commercial tax" just because he lacked a little imagination?

Otto couldn't help pouting, but he simply drank the spirits on the table.

He banged on the table with such enthusiasm that the chest full of silver coins trembled.

Rurik felt that his father, who had burned a lot of beards, was as happy as a monkey holding a banana today.

But when Otto calmed down a little, he suddenly questioned: "Rurik, you said we are going to ask for money like this, and they will give it?"

Rurik shrugged, he knew that Otto had given a very clear answer - this commercial tax must be charged.

"We have to collect money, and they have to pay. If they refuse, Dad, you can expel them and let them walk into the sea of ​​ice alone. As for whether they will freeze to death, it depends on God's attitude."

"What about the attitude of God?" Otto asked cautiously, "Have you noticed some good omens?"

Rurik was stunned, thinking that Otto was really superstitious. Anyway, the mouth is on his head anyway, so he can say whatever he wants.

"Good omen!"

"Really? That's good! When are we going to collect the money?!"

"This..." What surprised Rurik was whether it was because Dad was stuffed with a bottle of spirits, and his emotions became very excited and direct. You have to tell the truth after drinking, this old guy loves money in the final analysis!

In fact, everyone loves money and longs to sleep on a bed made of gold and silver. It is best to lie in a boat-shaped tomb and cover the whole body with silver coins after death.

Arik wants to use military means to fight for a strong war dividend and to reproduce the great victory before. Otto is more reserved, and as he is older, he is more willing to use relatively peaceful means to make money.

Undoubtedly, Rurik's determination was to invent a new means of making money, and as the maker of the rules, this should be controlled by the chief family more than money.

Otto just told the truth after drinking, and he had no intention of lying in the face of his son.

Otto needed a moment to act, and now the problem was returned to Rurik.

"When do you ask me to act? This thing...maybe..."

"Make up your mind! Our time is very tight, otherwise the snow and ice will melt!" Otto urged.

"Then two days later!" Rurik clapped his thigh and stood up, "We must first gather all the merchants, and let each merchant send someone to a meeting. In order to ensure that they take the money obediently, we must guarantee the threat of force. They It is best to cooperate, if not, force them to cooperate.”

"I think it's ok." After saying that, Otto didn't care about anything and laughed.

Anyway, the money-raising is not aimed at the Rus people, but at the merchants who live in the guest house. Otto had no doubts about whether Rurik's decision would have a bad influence. Anyway, after so many years, those visitors occupied the site of Rosberg, and at least they had to pay a little rent.

Early the next morning, Otto, with his son's plans in mind, called a meeting of the chief esteemed men of the tribe. The issue is no longer about revenge, the issue is how to make money. Although some people have strong skepticism, since the majority strongly supports the decision, the minority obeys the majority.

It never occurred to me that someone was eavesdropping, or that some of the participants' mouths were not secure, or that the wooden walls of the council room were not thick enough.

There are even Gould's subordinates who, for various purposes, leaked the fact that the leader felt that the business tax was collected, and revealed that Gould paid 10,000 silver coins.

It was the news of "10,000 silver coins" that, through the mouth of the communicator, completely turned into a heavy tax of 10,000 silver coins that the Rus people would charge all guest merchants to each household.

Most people didn't believe it at first, but the three became tigers.

The merchants with the disadvantaged population have always felt that they have a very stable alliance with the Rus for decades. They are also in the same tribal alliance. How could it suddenly become like this?

However, the sea was frozen, the snow on the road even submerged the waist, and the ship that was pushed to the shore had no possibility of sailing.

Running away with goods and a cash box? That's crazy!

Of course, there were indeed merchant families who took advantage of the night to clean up their valuables, and they pulled a sleigh to quietly escape from Roseburg, leaving the empty wooden houses and some less valuable things behind.

Most of the businessmen, they were overwhelmed by the bad news. run away? Before selling a large amount of goods, all the silver coins on hand will be gone. The family is just waiting to make a fortune selling the leather they got from the Rus. If you give up these goods, the family is really on the verge of bankruptcy. Besides, fleeing, taking risks and fleeing in the cold winter, is itself full of danger.

When it was almost evening, Otto realized that these merchants obviously had a strong feeling of not wanting to take money after hearing these rumors.

This sentiment has seriously interfered with the normal transactions between tribes and merchants.

Those businessmen were accusing the Russians of being rude and just trying to sell fresh seal meat and cod meat to the winter fishermen who were inexplicably criticized.

The rumors were fermenting, and Rurik and Otto couldn't think of who had spread the news of the tax collection for a while.

As far as the news they heard, it was obviously a misinterpretation of tax collection.

"Ten thousand silver coins? If I can squeeze ten thousand silver coins from house to house, I can build a mountain with silver coins!"

Rurik urged his father to quickly send people to think about the decision of the merchants to publicize the leader. The so-called commercial tax is required, but it is not the amount of ten thousand silver coins at all.

Don't have ten thousand silver coins? That amount is definitely not a lot. Since the Ross warrior with the sword was explaining the matter in person, it can only show that the situation is very serious.

Some people fled at night, while others waited and watched in numbness and hesitation. Only a small number of businessmen believed that the leader of Ross was not a coward.

Everyone got an order from the leader.

That is, tomorrow morning, various businessmen need to send their families to gather on the now frozen beach to hear the specific matters about tax collection.

Going to the beach? Of course go. If not, who can guarantee that the Rus will not serve with an iron fist?

After all, these guys conquered the "Land of the East", and it is said that they achieved the miracle of beheading 800 enemies by 300 people without being injured. There are a large number of old business fritters from the guest merchants. They have dealt with many warriors. They know that once such warriors fall into a frenzy, they will really disown their relatives. It is ridiculous to talk to them about contracts.

At least, the Rus revealed that the tax was not intended to hurt businessmen.

Everyone has some illusions about the Rus people. Most of the businessmen who were determined to stay and watch the changes this night kept their families awake all night.

The appointed day has finally arrived.

Cold winds from the North Pole were still pouring into the bay, and the weather was terrible even though it was April.

What's the use of sunny weather? The weather was really cold, and the merchants who flocked to the frozen beaches, although they wore gorgeous furs, decorated their furry snow fox hats with gold thread, walked on dyed wool felt boots, and bound their waists with calfskin belts.

They dress gorgeously and appropriately, and their dress is normalized, just to show their wealthy businessman status.

And this gorgeous dress made the soldiers who were ordered by Otto to hold short spears and sharp swords looked like a large group of fat sheep that could be extorted.

The merchants were nervous when they saw the large number of soldiers standing on the beach.

There is a saying that the intention is to kill with a sharp weapon. The businessmen really feel that they have suddenly become lambs to be slaughtered. The ghosts know what the Rus people want to do.

But Otto really had no intention of being rough first.

The idea of ​​collecting a business tax was put forward by Rurik, who, as the destined next-generation leader, explained and ordered the businessmen to pay the tax in public.

The beach was very lively, and a large number of men and women from the tribe gathered to watch a rare show.

Under the attention of all kinds of people, Rurik and Otto have a very dreamy appearance.

More than fifty young warriors, most of them just twenty years old.

They are shirtless and their tendons are ignoring the arctic wind and cold. They shouted their horns, and pulled fifty ropes, and they pulled Otto's own longboat, which had carved the bow of the monster ship, and pulled it to the beach as if it were sailing on ice.

Rurik and Otto, the glorious father and son stood on the bow.

The dragon-headed warship has a strong sense of coercion. It is sliding on the ice and snow, which attracts the merchants to retreat.

The Rus were cheering, and the merchants were silent.

Under the watchful eyes of more than 400 businessmen, Otto finally spoke in a strong and domineering voice.

Otto's work is simple and direct, and he asks for money.

"You businessmen, live in my Roseburg for a long time! Starting from this year, you have to pay a tax every year. This is the ground rent you have to pay, and it is also the price you have to pay for doing business in Roseburg. I Tell you! Every merchant must take out fifty silver coins today! Listen! Fifty silver coins! That's the amount.

You take your money and you will be protected by us Russ this year. If you don't take the money, don't think that you can go home today! "

Things really exceeded the expectations of the businessmen. Compared with the tax payment of 10,000 silver coins, 50 silver coins can actually be paid by everyone. Even if some businessmen can't come up with the money for a while, there is no obstacle to taking out the equivalent value of goods for tax deduction.

The merchants were talking, and Rurik squinted to observe, and he felt that the dark clouds on the brows of these well-dressed guys had disappeared.

Rurik still had something to say.

He was directly picked up by Otto and let him ride on his neck.

Rurik was in an extremely high position, as if sitting on the shoulders of giants.

He roared in a childish voice: "All merchants! Listen to me! This is the leader's order! Starting this year, every merchant ship of yours that enters our Roseburg will have to pay a port entry fee of ten silver coins.

You have no reason for refusal, as long as you do business with us, you must make another payment.

As long as you pay ten silver coins to enter the port, your ships will be protected by our Rus. Anyone who dares to destroy your ships will be beheaded.

Remember, from this autumn, merchant ships entering our fjords will have to pay this entry fee. "

The so-called entry fee, Rurik prefers to call it a tariff.

Rurik had an idea at first to talk to them about the purpose of the tax, but after all, it was a little cold outside, Rurik didn’t want to waste time, and he also felt that it was a waste of words. I need to be as decisive as my father, so I only give the businessmen two options: cooperation is protected, and I refuse to get out now.

But Rurik still underestimated Papa's means.

Otto raised his arm and ordered: "You have to take the money now, and I will notify your family members to bring silver coins or goods of equivalent value. When I receive the money and goods, you can leave."


How can taxes be a little extortionate? ! Rurik was a little dizzy. Since Dad insisted, it seemed that doing this would be able to collect the money very quickly, so let's do it! Although some are against their own ideas.

Rurik pinned his hopes on a very peaceful means of collecting business taxes, but Otto tacitly agreed that the merchants were iron roosters, and iron feathers had to be pulled out with iron pliers. So, why is this so?

The reason is also simple. At least ten merchants ran away overnight, which had a negative impact. Otto thought of the commotion of the merchants yesterday, and he had lost all patience.

As far as the result is concerned, Otto's method is simple and straightforward!

Even if the trapped businessmen are well-dressed, they are on the beach where the cold wind blows continuously, and they will inevitably feel cold after standing for a long time.

Out of concern for and dependence on the family, the wives and concubines of the merchants obeyed the courier's request and rushed to the beach with their own money or tax-deducted goods.

There are 3,000 guest residents, and the actual number of guest households is less than 500. Most of them are family workshop workers engaged in the processing of various materials. They are also businessmen themselves. In a sense, they are mostly "self-employed" and "mom and pop shops". Among them, there are a large number of leather processors, and a small number of pure second-hand dealers.

Mainly, a large amount of money flowed into Roseburg, causing this limited market to quickly become inflationary.

Once upon a time, it was the norm for a guest family to earn ten or twenty silver coins in a single winter, but now many families have increased their income tenfold!

The Rus people have spoken, if you don't pay the tax immediately, your husband and master will freeze to death, and your property will be confiscated, but if you pay the money, you will be safe and your business activities will be perfectly protected.

More than 1,000 guests gathered on the beach, almost all of them were women, not to mention that a wealthy businessman would first dress up his women. The women were also more particular about their dress. In order to save their family members, they readily paid the money.

Just pay the tax of fifty silver coins, and the matter is over.

The Ross warrior in the state of the human wall was instructed to let go of a small opening, and only one person could pass at a time. The wives and concubines handed over the money, and a merchant was released.

Rurik, who was still standing at the bow of the warship, paid attention to all this. At this moment, he had to admire his father's methods. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. Of course, those businessmen are eager to get out of the encirclement immediately, and those women will not allow accidents in their families because of their dependence. They took the money to settle the problem at the first time, which was unexpectedly refreshing.

On this day alone, the collection of business tax was completed in a very efficient manner!

Including the tax-deducted goods, there are as many as 430 merchants paying tax, which is more than 20,000 silver coins and equivalent materials.

A fraction of the tax, which Otto, with Rurik's tacit approval, paid as a reward to all the so-called "maintaining order" soldiers.

The remaining 20,000 silver coins and equivalent goods will be returned to the leader's warehouse.

Did no one stand up and tell the leader that as a member of the Ross tribe, he should get a share?

No. Absolutely none.

The clansmen were praising the leader's family for being noble and extraordinary, and it was so easy for the merchants to take out the money. Compared with the actions of the leader's family, they feel more and more insignificant. They saw that the warriors were just standing in a human wall, and each got a little silver as a reward afterward.

The clansmen are more envious of the warriors who get the money, that's all.

Ordinary clansmen, they have no guts, and they don't even want to think about making demands on the leader. They only hope to win the battle with the leader Otto, or work for the future leader Rurik to earn money.

Well now, 30,000 silver coins have been credited. This amount of money is actually very large, and the tax collection has actually brought such a large amount of wealth. While Otto was shocked, his thoughts of crusades against the Gotlanders for money suddenly subsided a little.

Collecting money has become such a field! Why do you have to fight your life to fight an outsider who is as capable as yourself? Otto knew that the purpose of the war was actually plundering and revenge.

Otto asked Rurik's thoughts: "Do you want to spend this tax?"

Rurik didn't even think about it and gave his answer: "I collect taxes for construction. I will use the money to buy the labor of our people and let them go to mines in the north to set up camps, and the Kovin settlements in the east to build our Fortress, but also to build our New Rose Fort. All this money will be spent, our people will earn these thirty thousand silver coins, and in the end, they will build stronger settlements for our tribe.

When our people are rich, our clan will be stronger, so I can collect more taxes and build better settlements.

We get stronger every year, just like rolling a small snowball, our strength is like this snowball, getting bigger and bigger. "

Although Otto still doesn't understand it, the large-scale infrastructure construction will have a very long-term positive development for the tribe. He could at least sense the vigor in Rurik's words.

Also, Otto knows his own people best. The people of the tribe were fed up with poverty, and it took two years for their living conditions to improve. There is no doubt that Rurik has made a lot of contributions.

The clansmen are to obtain more materials and more silver coins.

They just yearn for more wealth, and it would be great if they could sell their labor to earn a lot of money.

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