Rise of Rurik

Four hundred and ninetieth chapters chart

What happened that night, Otto and Nia quickly knew.

They had to readily admit the fact that their son had become a man before he reached adulthood. Through this incident, they also felt that Rumia was worth getting close to like never before.

It used to be an extravagant hope, but now Otto begins to think of the beauty of being a grandfather.

It's like spring is coming and the sea ice is melting and everything is going to be wonderful.

But Rumia was never the wife of Rurik that Otto agreed with.

Old Ligus of Novgorod White Tree Manor, that old guy has a very smart little daughter.

That girl, Svetlana is approaching the age of adulthood, right?

Because of the war, Otto hadn't gone to Novgorod for a whole year, and he didn't know how the girl grew up. In the new year, he intends to go to the east for a good inspection, especially to see if Svetlana is beautiful enough.

This is still a face-seeing world, and Rumia's appearance does not please Otto. However, because the Rurik's first servant became his first woman, Otto strongly looked forward to the result next year.

The power of man has awakened!

Regarding this kind of thing, there is only a difference between zero times and countless times. Rurik, who eats the marrow and knows the taste, pursues the ultimate happiness completely instinctively. Of course, it is the purpose for her to give birth to a hereditary high priest.

By the standards of this era, Rumia was already an adult. She was almost sixteen years old, and by the standards of a deer breeder, she should have been a mother long ago. Therefore, based on this understanding, the girl will appear anxious.

Again and again, five times in ten days. Rurik himself was at ease, and he was very sure of his own abilities.

It's like archery, shooting at a target multiple times, as long as one arrow hits the target, it is a success.

It was the sixth time, and Rumia fully realized that her man was only young. He is a bear with great potential, and now he is showing his formidable strength, and he can only bear it passively.

Under the night, she lay on her stomach to rest, Rurik covered it with a blanket, and sat quietly beside the bed to calm down.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Rumia whispered, "You... want me to be a mother this year..."

"It's not this year, it's next year. In nine months or close to ten months, around the priesthood of the vernal equinox next year, you will be the mother."

In the dark of night, Rumia smiled quietly, "Hurry up, I have to preside over the priest."

Just as the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, Rurik felt that he was full of energy, and he was afraid that he was empty. During this time, he was desperately eating meat.

The sea ice is already very thin, and the big things planned should go ahead. With Rumia, it is only a private matter within the family, and the next thing is related to the great exploration of the future of the Rus people.

Otto, he did not learn of Rurik's plans to visit Balmerk's allies by sea until it was well into April.

Is there a smooth waterway from Roseburg to Balmerk? Will there be amazing wind and waves along the way? Will it be attacked by the enemy?

Although the warriors who conquer the sea should not be afraid of these risks, the explorer is actually his own son! After clearly learning of Rurik's decision, Otto suddenly couldn't help thinking carefully. I'm afraid this kid has no intention of getting close to Rumia. The so-called assault left a backup for the family.

A meeting is being held at the duke's mansion, and Rurik needs to speak to the clan's elite elders to make the adventure seem less dangerous.

It's already past mid-April, and this year's Spring Festival is obviously coming later. Could it be that the thaw of the bay will enter May again, is it cold that the normality is the norm, and that the warmth of last year was just a flash in the pan? I'm afraid that this year's harvest season, the food in the Lake Melalen area will be in arrears again.

Roseburg suffered another bad freezing rain, and the loose snow was massively turned into solid ice.

If it weren't for the large reserves of wheat, the reindeer herds and Mianyang in Roseburg would have starved to death because of the difficulty in getting forage.

Otto took the lead and said with a deep face, "Rurik, everyone is here, now tell everyone about your plan."

Rurik looked around the audience. Apart from the old fellows of the Ross tribe, the most important guests were Biyonny and Brother Floki.

He came prepared, and after a moment made another gesture, the four maids together carried a huge pine board into the hall, and the board was gently placed among the crowd.

Everyone stretched their heads, and they noticed that this brown-white board with a strong turpentine smell had a unique texture painted on it by toner.

But what exactly is on the board?

Suddenly, Otto suddenly realized, as if his leg had been stabbed, he stood up suddenly, pointed at the board and shouted in surprise, "This is! Our world? This is more detailed than the previous sketches. How many of you? Tian asked for wooden boards to make this?"

Rurik also stood up: "Yes, this is part of our world, at least a small world in which we live."

What Rurik moved out was a map of northern Europe, which was nearly one square in size.

This map is completely based on his inner memory, plus some key figures such as the old Dane Eric, who learned some knowledge about the geography of Denmark, so as to describe the Nordic world in as much detail as possible.

The entire Scandinavia and Kola peninsulas, the entire Jutland peninsula, the eastern part of Finland, and some clearly identified islands and archipelagos are all on the map.

On the northwestern edge of the map, there is a small island specifically marked, Iceland.

The British Isles are the main depiction in the southwest direction of the map, as well as the Dutch area south of Jutland, the so-called "Greater Friesland".

On the map, the names of some settlements are marked in detail. All settlements in the Duchy of Rus are marked in the most detailed way, with the proven locations of Hazelby, Schleswig, Kalmar and Boryholm, Bergen, Narvik Fjord. As for Novgorod, it was placed in the southeast corner of the map by Rurik, and the corresponding name was engraved.

Even Otto has never intuitively understood the structure of the "known world", and this unprecedented huge map drawn by Rurik directly helped everyone to open up the perspective of God!

Rurik lay down and pointed to the islands, fjords, rivers, and settlements on the map, and introduced them one by one.

"We take the sea route, and of course we can reach Balmerk. We pass through the strait controlled by the Danes and enter the vast western sea. We will first enter Oslo, follow the coastline north, and arrive at the Norwegian core of Bergen. , if we continue north, we will reach Balmerk. If we continue from Balmerk and continue eastward, we will get my winter camp Murmanburg.” Rurik directly described a route, and the audience were all shocked and suspicious.

Otto's aging heart was beating wildly, and his arrival in the Danes-controlled Öreux fishing grounds in his life was already the limit to the south.

"Can this work? Are you sure this route exists?"

My father's suspicions were well-founded, and neither the Ross nor the Balmers could justify the route. In fact, Rurik was also very skeptical, and he had to travel cautiously in Jutland and its affiliated islands, and the risks were huge. It's just that he felt that the headless flies were running around, as long as they walked along the coastline of the peninsula, they would be able to pass through the key strait that entered the Atlantic Ocean.

"I can do it!" Rurik made an impeccable speech with great confidence. This is the knowledge that Odin gave us to Ross, and we were able to know the structure of the earth and ocean. God has given us opportunities, and we must seize them. "

Otto calmed down a little from the shock: "It's true, it's just... you have to pass through the strait controlled by the Danes. You call for no war this year, why..."

"War? No. I'm not going to attack Denmark, just pass through their area of ​​control. I'll take the Avrolla with a lot of cargo to Balmerk to do business, and the Danes dare to stop us, then fight. "

Rurik clenched his fists as he spoke, and everyone could see that what he said was true.

Anyone who has experienced the previous sea battle knows the amazing combat power of the Avlora. The bigger happy event will be about ten days later, and the other two large ships will be launched.

Rurik said more than that, instead of convincing everyone that their adventure was not too risky, it was better to convince them that this adventure was just the beginning of a great one.

Human nature is greedy. As long as everyone believes that the ocean route is a gift from God, and the gold and silver that can be obtained by taking risks is huge, everyone dares to abandon the risk.

Rurik pointed directly to the British Isles, especially a clear point. "This is the source of Britton's slaves. The place I'm pointing to is called London. There is a lot of treasure here, and rich land! We can make a fortune by attacking here! If we occupy it permanently, our settlers will gain A steady stream of wheat."

These words are actually more for the Biyonni brothers. Rurik has more to say. He pointed to the small island in the northwest of the map, "This is an island of ice and snow, extremely cold. It is also dense with seals and herring. region. But anyone who dares to go further west will reach a new warm and fertile world."

When the Biyonny brothers were wintering in the Arctic, they basically knew these things from Rurik, and they are still excited when they hear it again.

Otto, Harrodsen, Arik and others were also very excited. After all, no one can refuse piles of gold and hills made of wheat grains.

"Okay! I agree with your adventure. The salt of the Balmers is really good salt, and we desperately need it." Otto was the first to affirm, and he also knew that he could not stop his son's adventure. Do not! Why stop it? A man who is inspired to conquer a huge world must be brave and take risks.

Brothers Biyongni had to go home during the warm period. Relying on Rurik's description, it was obviously faster to go home by sea. With the strength of the big ship, the journey might not be dangerous.

Biyonni hurriedly responded: "The Duke of Ross said very well. We and Rurik swore to Odin as brothers, and I agree with the wishes of the Rurik brothers on this trip. Let's go by sea. All kinds of goods from you Rus. Ship, please, we Balmerks will buy it. And my sister..."

"Your sister?" Otto suddenly noticed something was wrong.

"My sister Noren, I promised her to Brother Rurik. She is coming to Roseburg, and she doesn't like to walk over the snowy mountains for another month. It must be the best to return by sea."

Otto nodded, then laughed. He patted Biyonni on the shoulder, "Okay, come here with your sister, I'll treat her as a daughter. Is her name Noren? My son Rurik has become a man ahead of time, and your sister will soon be able to As a mother, the alliance between our two races is stronger."

Biyongni was very happy in his heart, but he was embarrassed by what he said, so he had to give him a smile.

Otto slapped his thigh, "Just do it! Bring a lot of cargo to Balmerk! If the Danes attack, repel them! But..." Otto fell silent again, "Rurik, after all, that is Danes. You'll have to pick a bunch of capable warriors aboard, and bring plenty of provisions, especially weapons! Lots of twisting slingshots, and crossbows."

Rurik breathed a sigh of relief, "I will, no enemy ship is my opponent."

"Then I also wish you great success." Arik congratulated excitedly. "There is also news that your sister-in-law Aslaqi's belly has finally grown, and I will take her to New Roseburg in the summer."

"That's right. I'm going to Novgorod too." Otto said, with a clear expression that he had something to say.

"Going east to ask for tribute? Dad, you're too old, so maybe you don't have to force yourself. Arik can do the heavy lifting."

"You think I'm getting old?" Otto said with a wry smile, stroked his white beard, "Remember that Svetlana?"

Rurik was smart, "That girl? You mentioned it."

"Remember, that is the wife I arranged for you. Don't ignore her. She is very beautiful, and she is now ten years old. I will take her back this time. Whether that Ligus agrees or not, I will Take that girl over this year. Boy, you are indeed an excellent child, indeed my good son. Don't just spoil Lumia among the dozen or so wives and concubines. Once the other women are of age, you will do it! Understand? "

After Otto finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Rurik was not at all embarrassed, he patted his chest, "Come on then! Anyway, the children born are your grandsons. You don't have too many, and I don't have any fatigue."

The room was filled with happy laughter, and then, everyone began to discuss Rurik's private affairs without hesitation.

After all, Rumia, who was the first wife and concubine, was the high priest of Ross! This is so meaningful!

Everyone liked to chew their tongues on these things they liked, and Otto was there, and they all praised Rurik for not only the wisdom bestowed by God, but also some divine power. An eleven-year-old boy can be fortunate to your wives and concubines as many as six times in twelve days. In their traditional concept, this is more fierce than many strong twenty-year-old boys.

Of course, they didn't know that Rurik was in a state of overnutrition. He used his excess strength in combat training before, and now he has a new window for venting.

Haruo Zuo Sen suddenly realized: "Ah! I said, on the recent temple opening day, the high priest sitting at the door of my door occasionally limped when she stood up and walked. Is that the reason? No wonder she has to sit for a long time. on."

Hearing that, a group of old guys in the room started laughing wildly and wildly again...

Expeditions to the west, to determine the route to the Balmerk tribe, were another means of venting Rurik's mighty power.

Ask yourself, my behavior to Rumia is too exciting and too frequent, the big sacrifice in spring is coming, the ice and snow will melt and thousands of boats will enter the sea, and she must preside over the sacrifice at that time!

Not only that, the sails and anchor heads have been installed on the two large ships, and even the slips that slip into the ocean are ready!

Two ships of the same class as the Avlora, the Gurdot and the Sperosvillea, both had their hull numbers and names made of chalky planks nailed to their bows. Only the strong men are left to pull into the ocean together, and this is also the most brilliant project during the big sacrifice!

It's time for Rumia to recuperate for a while.

The ice is getting thinner, and seal hunters claim that sea ice cracks have appeared in distant waters, making the job of catching seals increasingly dangerous.

This is actually a good thing, and it means that the voyage is about to begin. The reality was in front of him, and Rurik had no intention of continuing to torment Rumia. He made a list and began to send people to the ship to transport the goods that were urgently needed to arrive at Balmerk, such as a batch of bear skins, deerskins, minks, etc. skin, and yellow-white soap that smells of sulphur.

Otto's advice also reminded him to make new weapons? certainly!

Rurik still intends to continue to make a fuss about torsion weapons. This time, he is determined to work closely with the young blacksmith apprentices and make the "Wild Ass Catapult" as a new type of ship-borne tactical weapon. He has arranged for his subordinates to take action!

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