Rise of Rurik

Chapter 504 The Russ Merchant Snowreva in Hazelby

The army failed to intercept the large ship, and the Danish leader Hafgen, who felt that his bearded face had been slapped multiple times by an unknown opponent.

It is very absurd that the opponents have already run and he is still not sure of their identities.

Will those allies question their own strength? Has the strait become dangerous?

Considering the previous rumors, Hafgen increasingly felt that the ship had a lot to do with Svealan's adversaries.

However, calculating the direction of the ship's travels, his anger has turned to his brother-in-law Halik.

No, Halick himself came to the home port of the tribe, and reported to his brother-in-law with exhaustion, pain and grief.

Brother-in-law and sister came to report in person.

In the huge chamber of the Robard tribe, Hafgen sat on a wooden chair covered with black bear skins. On his head was a golden crown inlaid with a large number of gems, and he waited for the visit of his brother-in-law's family.

Some important people of the tribe have gathered in the court, and public opinion is already fermenting, and they very much hope that Ha Like can explain more detailed information.

However, when these people saw that the man as strong as an elephant seal walked slowly into the chamber with the help of many people, Hafgen's anger was completely occupied by doubts.

"You! What's the matter with you?" Huffgen stood up immediately, "How did you become so embarrassed."

Halick was speechless for a moment, but his wife, Hafgen's sister, cried bitterly, "My husband intercepted the intruding ship. My husband almost died in battle! Many people died, and our ship faced There's nothing that ship can do! Brother!"

"Actually...is that so?"

Knowing that facts speak louder than words, Halick pulled back his leather jacket to show his badly bruised back. This scene alone shocked the entire court.

Halick didn't want to speak, he felt that there was abnormal pain in his body. He insisted on telling himself, but unexpectedly, he coughed uncontrollably, and then coughed up blood on his hand.

"I... was almost run over by that big ship. It was a war bear running wild at sea. Our fleet could not intercept it, and my front was easily smashed by it..."

Halick really didn't want to say more, so his wife gave a good description of what happened after the failed volley in the Oresund.

Maybe the brother-in-law would be ashamed to find a step for himself in defeat, but the younger sister would never, let alone lie.

However, how convincing is the process of defeat described by my sister?

"What? Just constant collisions, our ships... all sunk?"

"Exactly," Halick grumbled reluctantly. "I don't know where that ship is going. Maybe Flanders, maybe Oslo, maybe Bergen."

"There's no such boat in Oslo. So, they're Bergen guys? No. No! They're Svealans!"

Now, no one doubts the rhetoric of the former Gotland refugees. With such a big ship running wild under their noses, the elites of the Robard tribe felt that last year's victory in supporting the Silver Fort had lost their charm.

The big ship ran away without a trace, and Hafgen wanted to intercept the ship, kill the people on board and take control of the ship.

Everyone in the chamber was actively discussing it, but how to intercept it became a big problem.

They couldn't discuss it all day, and Hafgen had to discuss it again at one point.

Soon the Burnholm people came.

The leader with only one ear was crying about a large ship from the north, and the surrounding islands were devastated. The islanders' counterattack was quickly destroyed by a ship, and the battle was almost identical to what happened in the Oresund.

The angry Hafgen had not eaten for two days. During this period of time, people in the tribe were panicking, and everyone was worried about fishing in the sea.

Hafgen, who was thinking about people, didn't want this matter to become a big issue, and he couldn't let the lords of other tribes know that the Robards were humiliated.

After all, things were dealt with coldly.

But Hafgen was not without work. He expected the ship to return sooner or later. How to intercept it?

"It seems that my Red Dragon must be dispatched."

The Red Dragon, that slender, large longship is the symbol of Hafgen's hegemony. There is no record of this ship going on expeditions, but her size is very large, in a sense, it is a large barge. According to the traditional Nordic naval battle, the two sides usually achieve the final victory by jumping and slashing. Based on such tactical characteristics, the Red Dragon can carry hundreds of soldiers, and it really takes the lead in the battle!

Hafgen had no choice. He did not personally see how the large ship smashed the enemy ship. Considering that the ramming of the longboats with oars was also an effective tactic, he suggested to himself that the so-called Red Dragon was dispatched, and the victory was seized. .

Did the Svealan ship never return? If you come back, when will you come back?

In recent years, the guys from Svealand have been trying their best to erode the northern territories of Denmark, causing the Hafgen Demon to face the blatant military invasion of the northern guys while they are preventing the Franks and West Slavs from attacking.

The situation was significantly more complicated, as more Danish tribes and lords became more interested in the organized raids of the Frankish coast settlements.

Wouldn't the Franks fight back? And Harald Clark, the man who betrayed Odin and fled to the Franks, will that man attack Denmark?

The situation is very tricky! Huff simply thought that his enemy was the Frankish military Weia, and he strengthened his defenses, and the lords inside were detached. Placate these guys, and the Svearans are the biggest and most urgent threat again.

The heavy pressure caused Hafgen to have a splitting headache, and even more crazy, why did his wife and concubine not give birth to a son?

With the fermentation of time, the influence of the hateful ship slowly dissipated, and the time entered June.

In order to consolidate his power, Hafgen in June picked five women from the tribe in one breath, and frequently raped in order to have a son.

As a result, strange things happened. These young women who were hoping to meet the lord of the alliance, all of them died in June.

Hafgen was no fool, he could see that it was murder! Who is behind the scenes? Who is it?

He is suspicious of those powerful leaders, the so-called guys don't want to have children and continue to occupy the interpretation.

But it never occurred to Hafgen that the mastermind was on his side.

Halick, who suffered internal injuries, coughed up blood more and more seriously. After leaving the Chamber, he and his wife returned to the Øresund Strait where he held his own. As a result, he fell ill in the wooden castle.

He had a lung infection, and even if the priest got some herbs and some blessing spells, nothing improved. He died in a painful high fever, leaving behind orphans and widows.

Hafgen's sister has lost her husband, and the grieving woman is angry at the Svearans' attack, but her thirst for power is also awakening. She wanted to raise her son to be the male leader of the Robard tribe, so she tried her best to kill her brother's new women.

Hafgen never dreamed that the most terrifying enemy was his sister and nephew.

Hafgen always felt that the black hand was the potential traitor in the alliance. In order to consolidate his power, he decided to hold a grand summer solstice sacrifice in the market of Hazelby in the south!

The 28th of June in the old Julian calendar, the summer solstice. This is the biggest summer festival of the Danes, and it is also the day when the Saxons settled in Hazelby worship the god Sirius.

Hafgen bought as many as ninety-nine male slaves captured from the Franks at a huge sum of money from the slave market in Hazeby, and even some local merchants sold their domestic slaves to Haf for money. root.

The leader of the alliance is spending money to buy slaves, and the extra price for this is higher than the market price. Which businessman does not want to trade?

In this matter, "Silver Fox" Snow Leva, who has just started to take root in Hazelby, built his own shop in a low-key manner, and let the old Eric family stand in the foreground, selling polar bear skins from the extreme north in a high-profile manner. Wonderful item.

No one is aware of the infiltration of Ross merchants, even if some people suspect, can sleep have trouble with silver coins and tight commodities?

Snowreva himself has kept a low profile, wandering around the market in Hazelby, where he is excited by the business environment far better than the one in Mälaren.

Snow Leva even discovered a kind of light and Zen-like "cloth", the price is the same weight of gold, or ten times the amount of silver. It was the first time he had seen one from Eastern Rome, and he immediately bought a little and kept it as a gift to Lord Rurik.

Just as he was collecting slave workers in the slave market, he happened to see the arrogant Danish leader himself, "exploding purchase" of the largest slave market.

What is the king of the Danes going to do?

Until the great sacrifice of the summer solstice...

It was a wild night, and all the Saxons in Haizerby were lighting bonfires, and the normally well-dressed fellows gathered with their Saxons and danced around the flames.

Masked priests presided over the event, beheading slaves, slaughtering cattle and sheep, and burning herring to ashes to sacrifice to the twinkling star Sirius.

It seems that this is their summer solstice sacrifice? At first, Snowleva didn't think much of it. Russ, Melalen, or Ankras, the big events on the summer solstice were very lively.

Snowreva especially remembers his blood hometown, Ankras, where people pay homage to Frey, the god of harvest in summer, in order to reward the gods for the growth of oats.

The extremely short night was over, but the ceremonies were still lively.

"What the hell is going on? I watched their night sacrifices, do they have to continue throughout the day?" Snowleva, who lived in the mansion and wanted to sleep, was so noisy that he couldn't sleep at all.

Old Eric explained, "My friend, the Saxon sacrifices are in the evening, and the Danes are in the daytime."

"There is actually such a thing. It doesn't matter, it is nothing more than beheading slaves and offering blood to gods."

Old Eric agrees, but this year's situation is obviously too special. He suggested, "My friend, I think we should go to the altar. That brutal Hafgen likes blood sacrifices the most, and this man has put up a huge altar this year, and all the distinguished lords and rich businessmen in Denmark will come before them. Come and watch."

"If you say that, I won't be sleepy." Snoreva hurriedly got up. "Maybe we can meet other rich merchants. You know, we Rus people are eager to trade. I am very unfamiliar here. I'm going to rely on you."

"That's natural, I'm willing to serve you." Old Eric's words came from the bottom of his heart. He has made a fortune now, and obviously there will be more wealth in the future. More importantly, his most favorite son is still a hostage with the Rus people, and the marriage is also locked in chains, and he must maintain cooperation.

The whole Haizebi was boiling. Hearing the great sacrifice of the leader of the alliance, people of insight from all over Denmark came to observe, and this objectively directly led to Hazelbi reaching the peak of business.

The twisty roads are lined with merchants peddling messy goods, and it's no exaggeration to have pedestrians and customers.

Snow Leva had an unprecedented crowd, and he was even very afraid. He never thought that Denmark's population was so huge. This is the proof of their strength.

He followed the crowd and finally reached the altar near the sea. It was a flat land near the shore, surrounded by a ring of highlands, and it was already crowded with people at the moment.

Snow Leva squeezed into a good viewing unknown, and he heard the people nearby discussing the amazing sacrificial situation.

He then asked a man who seemed to be a businessman: "Friend. Leader... Your lord, is this another blood sacrifice?"

"You? Can't you see?"


"Outlander? Are you... from Bergen? Or Oslo?"

Snow Leva hurriedly said, "It's Bergen, it's my first time to do business."

"Really? Just take a look after you hand in the tribute. You are a foreign businessman, so don't say much while watching the sacrifice."

Snowleva nodded hurriedly.

The businessman hurriedly pointed, "Those who are kneeling on the ground are all sacrifices."

"Huh? They're not spectators? There are so many of them."

"You are an outsider and naturally don't understand. This time the leader bought all the slaves in the market. I can't think of it! The leader... It's actually like this. What a waste."

Obviously this businessman was dissatisfied with the actions of Hafgen in Denmark, beheading a hundred slaves at a time to sacrifice to Odin?

Snow Leva waited and watched, and sure enough, those priests were really shouting that this extremely grand sacrifice was sacrifice to Odin.

The reason for such a crazy move, Havgen shouted out in public. He raised his sword high and called out to the sun: Great Odin! This is a gift for you! Accept my offering! Grant me invincible strength!

He roared several times in succession, then stared sharply at the ready executioner, "Blood sacrifice to Odin! It's now."

In this way, the executioner began to hold a dagger and attack the shivering slave...

It was a crazy and terrifying scene. Snow Leva directly turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly, and thousands of people onlookers were shocked.

The blood of sacrifice sacrificed Odin, and the scale of the sacrifice really drove people to believe that Hafgen had a plan, and the war was once again a topic of conversation.

It seems that everything has gradually returned to calm. While doing business, Snowleva is also actively recording the thinking dynamics of local Danes. Are they planning to use troops to the north? At the right time, these messages will be brought back to Roseburg.

As for what happened after the Avlora departed, Rurik had no time to think about it. The anger of the Danish leader and the scale of the sacrifice had nothing to do with him.

Because the Avlora took advantage of the warm and strong southwesterly winds in the Atlantic Ocean, along the coastline continuously and safely and quickly northward.

The final voyage is not only fast and without twists and turns, especially the final voyage has become an excellent guide for the Yongni brothers. Finally, about ten days before the so-called summer solstice, an unprecedented ship suddenly appeared in Narvi The Fjord, which immediately caused a sensation...

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