Rise of Rurik

Chapter 507 She 1 will definitely give the soul of art to the Rus people

A wonderful family feast finally came to an end. The leader Magnut could only drink a small amount of ale on weekdays. Now he consciously drank the fine wine from Asgard, and finally got a rare drink.

The leader's family, who received a lot of gifts, also offered their return gifts without hesitation.

The entire Balmerk tribe fell silent, save for a few spots of light on the fjord in the distance.

Those were people who were fishing for eels at night. I don't know when, they found that they could light a torch on a fishing boat and then throw a fishing net to catch a large number of moray eels. Eel is more delicious than herring, and Rurik was full of praise for the grilled eel for the dinner he had today.

In the chief's longhouse, in a room separated by wooden boards, Rurik, who was full of food and drink, just wanted to lie quietly on the soft leather mattress.

And Noren, as a gift from the family, was lying beside him.

Under the beating flame of the oil lamp, she could clearly see Rurik slowly taking off his coat. She fought back her nervousness, even worrying for a while that she would be a woman tonight. But if this is the case, there is nothing to complain about.

Her destiny has been arranged, even if she is not yet twelve years old, she can be sure that her drunk father will communicate with the priests immediately after he wakes up, and then arrange a wedding logically. The wedding was just a passing scene, and now Rurik was standing in this boudoir.

"What are you looking at me for? Are you nervous?" With that, Rurik threw the leather coat aside.

Noren sat curled up, still with her blond hair scattered, wearing only a plain robe, and her feet in the soft warm leather blanket.

The girl murmured: "My parents have already decided. You...are my man."

"Indeed. Originally, this matter was first proposed by your elder brother."

The girl nodded and asked weakly, "Do you... like me?"

What should I say? Rurik was not busy talking, but removed his strange trousers and revealed even more strange shorts.

Rurik will not treat himself badly when it comes to dressing. He will always wear comfortable shirts and shorts, as is the norm for people more than a thousand years later. Also because of his preference, those tribal boys and girls who accept militarization are also ordered to dress like this. It was this dress that made Noren unimaginably strange.

Rurik stepped forward casually and sat down casually. He stared at Noren's face and asked, "Do you... like me?"

"I...I like it. You're a miraculous man, and you know music."


I like you too. I like your flute, I like your singing. "


The girl smiled like a blooming flower, she had no heart, and Rurik supported his great cause of playing the flute and arranging new songs, and that was the most perfect good man in the world.

Rurik lay down peacefully. Once upon a time sleeping on the floor in a leather berth was the most commonplace, but now it was so new.

He wanted to rest, to enjoy the first peaceful sleep on smooth land after twenty days of sailing, but how could Noren let go of this dreamy man from the sea?

Rurik lived with his two traveling brothers for a whole year. What happened to them? How wonderful are the Rus? Is Ross and the legendary Asgard really connected?

Noren didn't seem to be tired at all, and she kept asking all sorts of questions.

With so many problems, Rurik, who was bored, had to suppress his temper and listen to the girl's gushing.

Until Noren asked an extremely pointed question.

"You...you are a great person. Besides me, how many women do you have?"

"A lot." Rurik said calmly.

"How much is a lot? It doesn't matter, the priest said that gods have many wives, and it is natural for heroes in the world to have many wives. Tell me." Noren held Rurik's arm and kept shaking. As if the girl didn't care at all.

Does it really matter? Wouldn't she be jealous?

Rurik really couldn't care less, considering that he was a king, if there was no queen and a bunch of concubines, people would question the power of the king and the power of a man. In today's northern Europe, this question is the most deadly.

"At least ten."

"Ah! So many!" Although Noren was mentally prepared, she simply sat up when she heard the number. Under the dim light of the oil lamp, she looked at the smiling boy in surprise, "So, what position will I have among your many women."

"Noble status, of course. My women are from various powerful tribes. But you are the most unique. You are good at playing the flute, you know how to compose and practice songs, and you are wiser than ordinary women."

Originally, Noren didn't expect that such a great man would indulge in pampering him, but Rurik's words made her feel very warm. She lay down slowly and continued to mutter: "Perhaps a woman shouldn't pursue the flute too much. I should also do a woman's job like a normal woman."

"No. Just because you are good at playing the flute, I like it very much, and I will support you. Besides, I want to learn."

"You want to learn? I'll teach you."

Noren really didn't care, and her hobby was continuously affirmed. She immediately got up and turned out the bone flute made of eagle leg bones. She directly and obediently sat as a bird, and in front of Rurik, she sang a melodious, elegant and purifying tune.

Her performance is amazing!

Rurik sat up, only to feel that the person sitting in front of him was clearly a legendary female elf. The beautiful flute sound seemed to describe the distant sea and the tranquility of the winter snow, just like her peaceful face under the oil lamp. Make people comfortable.

A typical Nordic melodious tune was blown.

"It's a perfect tune. Maybe we should find a suitable place, I'm willing to continue listening. Your parents, two older brothers, and your slaves all live in this huge longhouse, it really won't affect them?"

"It doesn't matter." Noren shook his head gracefully. "They have long been used to it, especially my father. He never found my flute to be noisy. Besides, it was the flute he gave me to encourage me to play."

Rurik was awakened by the sound of the flute. It seemed that Noren's playing skills were self-taught.

She is a pure and natural girl of literature and art. Rurik has asked himself over the years. It is amazing that the brave women who are like men that he is used to, suddenly jump out of a "female elf" who loves literature and art.

Moreover, Rurik is really eager to learn to play the flute, and eager to learn to play the harp (if he can get it.) It is not that Rurik is suffering from a literary disease. He thinks that music is powerful, and the Rus need music to make the barbaric. become elegant. I have to say that Noren is really a genius of rhythm. This music is full of fantasy, ethereal and melodious, making people feel at ease.

Compared with this girl who likes to play the flute, ask yourself, the Ross tribe does not have such talents. There are not even people who like music, and those who have flutes can play tunes only half a kilogram. The harp that the tribe kept, which was snatched from nowhere, was so old that it became a firewood for the fire.

The music of the Middle Ages in Western Europe is all this melodious and ethereal tone. In essence, this tone is a strong Nordic style. The reason is inseparable from the expansion of the Viking tribes.

On the contrary, it is the most decent Roman orthodox music, they are learning ancient Greek music, and ancient Greek music is learning from Phoenician music. As for Phoenician music, its roots lie in the Mesopotamia. So much so that Roman music is a wonderful tune with a Middle Eastern flavor.

And ancient Egyptian music, because they used pentatonic tones, although separated from the East by 10,000 kilometers, it has a super-space resonance in music! The music of the pharaoh's court is exactly like the elegant and soothing music of the East.

Do the various tribes of the Vikings have to be bound together with savage slaughter? Rurik asked himself that in the past four years, the Rus people living in the fjords had indeed begun to suddenly exert all their strength under their own instigation. Rapid expansion was accompanied by conquest, and Rus' conquest was indeed accompanied by brutal killing. Rurik did not deny it, but he did not feel wrong at all.

Did this killing cause "too much resentment"? Is the future of the Rus people bound to barbarism forever?

Do not!

If the Principality of Rus is destined to evolve into a huge Rus country, it is destined to dominate most of Northern Europe and the entire Eastern Europe. Pure barbarism cannot achieve stable control at all. Perhaps when Duke Zhou founded Zhou Li, Zhou Li paid great attention to the power of music, probably because of his ability to turn barbarism into elegance.

But Lucia (a unified Rus country) in Rurik's impression has a very dreamy artistic cell, so as her predecessor, the current Rus people are not good at music! Can't stand it!

The Noren beside him, maybe all this is fate, this girl who loves music, will give the Rus people the eternal soul of art, and will make the Rus people forever different from those barbarians.

Even though the future of a tribe is mainly determined by the rational will of all the tribesmen, Rurik now believes that the talents emerging from the tribe, or talents introduced from other tribes, will give the tribe a great leap forward.

Rurik wanted to test whether this Noren was really a genius who mastered the flute.

"Noren, if I hum a tune, can you play it on the flute right away?"

"Of course." Noren stood up, and that confident smile made Rurik unable to doubt.

"Well then, listen to my chant."

Rurik hummed softly, and the tune was the Grenadier March. He hummed this tune with a strong sense of rhythm in itself, and saw Noren in front of him, her tiny body humming along with him, as if by the magic of music, she spontaneously rhythmically shook stand up.

Why are you humming this song? Rurik's intention couldn't be more obvious, but Noren's limited knowledge could not spy on it. Rurik's intention was to build a military band for the Rus army!

He had already had this idea, but the so-called music lovers of the Ross tribe, their level is too bad.

Rurik only hummed twice, and Noren held the flute and said that he had fully learned it.

Then, a talented performer, began her perfect playing.

The flute sound was refreshing and full of rhythm. Rurik squinted his eyes in the music, and he saw one after another neatly lined infantry phalanx, walking in front of him with neat steps.

Because "Grenadier March" is tailor-made for marching in neat queues! It actually has only two musical instruments, namely the flute and the waist drum.

Its core tune has only four stanzas, a military band that coordinates the march of the entire army. As long as these four stanzas are repeated indefinitely, every soldier can follow the rhythm of the tune and adjust his own pace. On the battlefield, the army is in a square formation, assisted by music to ensure that the formation is not chaotic, pressing against the enemy like a wall.

Rurik's eyes widened and he couldn't help applauding: "You are a true genius."

"Thank you for your compliment. You too, the tune you hum is so wonderful, it makes me have the urge to shake my body."

"Hey, you'll know my purpose. Lend me the flute now, and you'll teach me how to play it."


She is an affectionate, gifted musician, and she is sure to bestow the arts on Ross.

Rurik knew all too well the power of acting and acting, and if the clansmen saw that a duke's wife loved music, they would try to emulate it.

Yes, to form a professional court band, when the so-called banquet guests, let the musicians play to add to the fun.

Of course Rurik couldn't learn how to play the flute all at once. Even the genius Noren did have a strong sense of music. As for the skillful use of the flute, her daily life was really leisurely.

She is the daughter of the chief, and like the young girls of the Balmer family, she doesn't need to learn anything other than some simple "homework that women must know". The daughters of ordinary families, often from the age of five, have to work for the family like their other brothers and sisters.

The Balmerks are a "huge" tribe of nearly 20,000 people, and Magnut has multiple brothers and relatively distant relatives. Those who control the dominant position, they have enough wealth, and their marriages are intertwined with each other, so that everyone's relationship becomes very meticulous, even if there are some contradictions with each other, for the sake of blood and marriage, everyone is in the chamber. After discussing it, there is no conflict.

Large tribes must have a figure who represents everyone's rights, and Magnut is thus elected leader. The leader's beautiful young daughter lived her life like a house girl. In her boring life, learning musical instruments and composing music could be the best way to get rid of boredom.

Now, she has ushered in the destined man, and they have completely relieved the big family who learned about it on the dock.

Magnut slept soundly, and her wife Imbjög snored like her husband, so why did the flute sound in her ears?

Any mother wants her daughter to have a good man. Through the description of the eldest son Biyonni, this noble Rurik is already a real man at a young age, and he already has a group of noble identities around him. woman. She was nervous at first, but as Biyonny described briefly and casually, the so-called Rurik was extremely friendly to all his women, even to those slaves, and it was such a friendly person who led the Rus army. Won many dangerous battles.

Imbijog, she hopes that something will happen to her daughter and Rurik this night. If there is a result, then the priests will have nothing to say. After a few days, a ceremony will be held, and the daughter will be Married successfully. She firmly believed that Rurik would take into account the strong strength of the Balmers, and would give Noren a high enough position in the new family and among the many women in Rurik, Duke of Ross.

As a result, after the night, something wonderful happened to the two of them.

Magnut was still sound asleep, and in the early morning, Imbjög walked into his daughter's boudoir with good intentions and the sound of the flute. I saw in the room, how did the daughter Noren become two?

Do not! One of the strange clothes (white linen shirt) was Rurik, with his blond hair playing the flute, just like his daughter.

The old woman coughed twice, attracting their attention.

"Dear Rurik, Noren. It seems that your relationship is already very good."

"Yes." Rurik nodded. "I like her. And her ability to play the flute."

"That's great, you've come from afar, but you have to rest for a few days. Rurik, the elders of the tribe will invite you to our court in a few days. These are your men's business, and I will Don't ask any more questions. Get dressed and come and have something to eat." Saying that, the kind-hearted Imbjörg frowned slightly and ordered to Noren, "He is already your man. Noren, take your man around our home for a while, look at our fjords, and the great snow-capped mountains."

Noren stuck out his tongue mischievously, turned his head again, and smiled at Rurik...

Imbjög sighed slightly, and she turned away from the girl's boudoir. His two sons, especially Floki, after listening to his elder brother's nonsense, had to kick the blond hair on their heads clean, and they had to get tattoos. Do warriors really have to do this? On the other hand, in Rurik's eyes, this young hero from the Rus is really pleasing to the eye. She was eager to keep the boy by her side, but it was just an unrealistic fantasy.

At a glance in the morning, she saw that Rurik was actually busy learning to play the flute. It was a good thing for her daughter to have a confidant, but as a member of the chief family, Imbjög was too aware of the meaning and importance of political association.

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