Rise of Rurik

Chapter 522 When the Viking Sword and Shield Hand stood on the city wall and raised the blood axe

The Viking warriors who had retreated did not feel any annoyance for not breaking down the enemy front and occupying the monastery in one go, and everyone held back their strength.

The escaped camp of the Northumbrian army became an excellent camp for Rurik, and his Balmerk and Shetland warriors did not hesitate to use it as a resting place.

People brought back the bodies of the dead brothers and placed them together, and planned to cremate them after the war was over.

There were people sitting on the beach near the shore. They lit bonfires to cook wheat, ate the captured bacon, and even killed two captured pack horses and grilled fresh horse meat to satisfy their hunger.

They lit a large number of campfires, some of which were essentially unmanned.

This was Rurik's usual tactic, but it was too new for the Balmers. Is it possible to make a bonfire as dense as a starry sky to scare the enemy into a nervous breakdown? Maybe.

After sailing throughout the day, beach landing battles in the afternoon, and even siege battles in the evening, these Viking warriors are indeed in good physical condition, but they are by no means superhuman. They neglected that their bodies were being overdrawn due to their high spirits. Once they started to rest, they would soon fall asleep around the bonfire after eating and drinking.

The family leaders who participated in the war stayed together in a large wooden house in the military camp.

There are square tables and some wooden benches in the room. Although the weather was not very cold, the dark pottery pots were lit with firewood, and the warmth enveloped everyone.

Everyone was very tired, and the fact that the battle was lost in the evening prompted everyone to need the commander Rurik to make a decision.

The absence of large-scale complaints does not mean that no one complains, Guyger shouted with a breath of anger: "My brothers and I rushed directly to their city gate, even if it was a stone wall, my people kept ramming the wooden gate. , you can definitely smash it to a pulp. However, you are afraid that the rising tide will drown everyone, so you all withdraw."

"But the tide is rising very fast. You see, your own boots are wet." Biyoney shrugged.

"We can obviously hold on a little longer."

"But other brothers are suffering. We are attacking a stone city, and it seems that it is not an easy task." Biyongni's words were very pertinent, and the attitudes of the leaders of the various families were similar.

Guyger changed his words: "Brother Rurik, maybe your people should hurry up, give us some support from your heavy equipment earlier, and tonight we can hug gold and silver and sleep in their temple (monastery). "

"I'm moving fast enough.

Rurik shook his head, slapped the table and stood up directly: "I admit your courage, but your movements are chaotic!" We were not well prepared and rashly attacked the stone fortress, which of course failed. "

"So, is there a way?" asked Biyonni.

"Yes! I have prepared a countermeasure."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the cautious people all softened.

Geiger put his hands on the desk and licked his face and asked urgently: "Tomorrow! Brother, do you have the confidence to lead your brothers to break through tomorrow? I heard that you Rus people have experienced such a siege battle."

"Tomorrow? Not yet."


"We're going to prepare for tomorrow and make some special siege equipment. Let's talk about it." Rurik pointed directly in the direction of the wooden door, "As you can see, brothers are sleeping everywhere! They are too tired. , This is not to recover after a night's rest. According to my plan, our army will have a good rest tomorrow, and some people will build equipment. We will launch an attack on the third day! Just take the road submerged by the tide, and it will be broken in the front. stone wall."

Rurik's words were very firm. Although he was still a teenager, no one questioned the rationality of his methods.

As for the so-called siege method, the engineering equipment that Rurik could get out in a short period of time was nothing more than a ladder and a battering ram.

Geiger and his brothers in Gashebi fought bravely for a long time under the city wall, and they brought out many crucial information about that wall.

Based on the information exchanged with the lives of soldiers, engineering equipment is being built in an orderly manner.

Rurik finally fell asleep in this Northumbrian territory. He didn't feel any danger in the deep enemy territory, even if Paul explained that the southern part of the day's walk was Bamburgh, which was really a big city.

big city? I'm afraid it's just a fortress with two or three thousand people.

Rurik didn't take it to heart, everyone's mind was on the monastery.

The dim starry sky hides the outline of the earth, and the dim coast is full of burning flames, its density echoing the stars.

Lindisfarne Abbey is now a complete island, or it was built with geography in mind. However, it is facing the siege of the most navigable ethnic group in this time and space.

The defenders and priests of Northumbria were terrified. The bishops and junior priests in black robes placed the holy relics in the monastery. Most of the sergeants and all the priests gathered together and prayed all night. .

After dawn, the defenders who had tossed all night returned to their respective posts, nervously waiting for the passage to reappear when the tide receded.

What else can be done? surrender? How can you surrender to the barbarians? The result of surrender is to be killed.

Continue to hold on? Stick to when is a head!

The priests prayed that God would send angels to kill or drive away the barbarians with divine power.

The defending soldiers were more realistic. They hoped to send someone to escape in some way and rush to Bamburg to rescue the soldiers. However, this isolated monastery, which is no different from the monastery, limited the enemy's attack and also limited their own escape.

The last infantry centurion could only lament: "I should have known that a few boats should have been placed."

The defenders waited for the enemy's general attack in fear and anxiety, and finally, a group appeared!

Biyonni brought with him a mere hundred warriors, and the four bull catapults carried by Yevlo's men.

How striking are their huge painted shields! Not only that, but the heads of many spear-wielding soldiers also poked the heads of Northumbrian soldiers who died in the battle yesterday.

The bow-wielding defenders subconsciously fired arrows in panic, but the arrows could not hit the targets that had stopped at all.

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"Just come here, brothers, I don't know what the effect of Rurik's letting me do." Biyonni said strangely.

Yevro boasted casually: "My master Rurik has great wisdom. In my opinion, he is using means to frighten the courage of those people."

Biyongni couldn't agree with it completely, he shrugged: "If you have such a leisurely mind, all the brothers will rush over, and the city will be broken even by climbing the wall."

"But then there will be brothers killed in battle?"

"Huh? Do you stop fighting because you are afraid of dying? We are Odin's warriors, and dying in battle is everyone's honor."

Yevro smiled and shook his head.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you being too naive. My master doesn't think so. Lord Rurik wants to win without loss, and the warrior to live his life in glory, so that the soul can still go to Valhalla. Since it is the end of the world. , why don't you get more women and have more children before you die?"

"My brother Rurik has a wonderful idea. Well, Yevro, are your people ready?"

"Already ready! Let's scare them now."

The bull catapult can throw any projectile that a leather pocket can fit, and this time, Yevro was instructed to use the head of a local corpse as the projectile.

Such projectiles have almost zero destructiveness, and are extremely intimidating and insulting!

The hideous and gray heads were loaded, and Yevro gave an order, and they smashed out.

The defenders of Northumbria instinctively hid behind the battlements, and they also saw the horror of such weapons yesterday, for fear of being smashed by them.

Strange fluffy projectiles landed without causing any waves.

The daring defending soldiers went to check, and then sat directly on the ground in extreme shock.

Several defenders came running, but they rolled and crawled away.

"What are you doing? Could it be that the devil they smashed over?!" The centurion walked over with his sword, and when he saw those hideous heads, he also trembled when he was strong.

Heads were thrown over one after another, and the already tired defenders were frightened by their fragile spirits.

The most daring people took their heads and buried them on the spot for the time being.

Time continued to develop, and the Viking army deliberately kept a distance, the soldiers simply sat on the ground, only the trebuchets rhythmically threw stone bullets at the defenders. The severed heads have been thrown away, and all that is left are the granite blocks that are easily eroded by the sea and are very rounded by the passage.

Anyone exposed in the open is at risk of being crushed to death! look! The wall of the monastery was actually hit by a stone, and a hole was smashed into it.

The defending soldiers searched for a place to hide, and in fear and helplessness, the tide surged in the evening. They saw with their own eyes that the barbarians who tossed everyone all day retreated, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people even began to feel fortunate that the defending soldiers whispered to each other. The so-called barbarians could not break through the stone wall, so they used sublime means to insult everyone. Fortunately, everyone persevered. Evacuate by boat.

The optimism spread in the monastery. It was estimated that the barbarians were unable to attack at night. The body and mind of the almost collapsed guards were really unable to hold on. They found a place to sleep soundly, and that night, the priests began to pray again.

Meanwhile, Rurik had stockpiled his siege weapons.

The wooden pillars that originally formed the wooden wall of the military camp were dismantled, and as many as ten long ladders were tied up with readily available hemp ropes. Their sturdiness has been tested, and Rurik can be sure that any set of ladders can be climbed by four people at the same time.

The ladder is one, and the other is the battering ram.

In the two-wheeled carriage in the military camp, the horses were slaughtered and eaten by hungry soldiers. Although it was a waste, Rurik saw that the boat was done, so he asked for a piece of tender tenderloin of the horse and sent his men to help it cook it.

The carriage was converted, two carriages were joined together, and a large number of wooden poles were piled on it. Without him, these wooden poles are all taken from demolished military camps.

Let the soldiers carry the battering ram to the door? It's really a waste of energy. And improved to wheeled siege rushing vehicles, people can hit non-stop for a long time.

The mere two kinds of equipment are enough to widen Balmer's vision. They have never thought of or seen such equipment before. If they are really effective, the brothers will have sufficient experience in the future. The camp naturally followed suit.

Not only the equipment, Rurik also ordered the production of a batch of wooden planks made of thin wooden poles to serve as arrow shields.

A whole day of preparation, everything is in place.

Biyonny and his guys were back, back in Rurik to debrief the others in the old, torn barracks.

"I don't know if the intimidation has worked, but we're still throwing rocks on the eve of the rising tide."

"Enough is enough." Rurik praised with a smile.

Biyonni looked at all the friends present, and their eyes were full of confidence to win.

"Brother Rurik, it looks like you are all ready?"

"No! Brother Biyonni, we are ready! Tomorrow morning, when the tide recedes, we will attack!"

The Viking warriors spent a comfortable night. In the early morning, they cooked another meal of wheat, and then they had a delicious meal with some fish and meat.

Completely different from those of the defenders, the Vikings were not only full of fighting spirit, but every soldier had enough food and sleep, and his body was full of super energy.

Someone blew a calf horn, and then the assembled warriors beat their shields in unison, with a rhythmic Viking battle cry.

The sound of horror spread to the distance, and the defenders of Lindisfarne hurriedly took their places. Each defender saw the gathering army in the distance, and subconsciously drew a cross on their chests.

The infantry centurion stood on the battlements, the archbishop and all the clergy held the huge black-painted "Holy Cross", the golden basin of holy water, and the archbishop himself poured holy water on every soldier, reciting the scriptures. with blessing.

His terrified heart was comforted a little, but the centurion was more realistic, and he shouted with his sword: "Fighters of Northumbria! This is our last battle for our faith! Even if we fight to the last man, we cannot let the barbarians go. Enter our holy place! God is with us!"

Many defending soldiers are roaring, but compared to the Viking army already walking on the road, they are so insignificant.

The outcome of the war was already evident, and Rurik was so confident that he felt that he would be victorious before noon.

As for the inevitable killing after the city was broken, Rurik knew that he had to be ruthless, although it was cruel.

Because of these Balmerks and recent Shetlanders, they must need a fierce commander.

Torsion slingshots in place, bull catapults in place, archers in formation.

In these remote support? In front of the suppressing weapons is the vanguard of as many as 500 people, and it is also the most powerful fighting force in the entire Viking army.

They carried ten ladders, surrounded by huge siege vehicles, and also carried some huge wooden boards.

The defenders of Northumbria had never seen such a strange thing on the battlefield, but they subconsciously believed that the barbarians needed such tools to destroy the city.

Behind Rurik, a sturdy mercenary carried the white and blue striped flag of the Rus.

This flag alone is enough to make many defenders realize that this group of barbarians came prepared, and they were not rogue pirates.

Without any pre-war negotiation, Rurik first ordered the long-range firepower behind him.

Torsion slingshots fired javelins, and trebuchets fired stone bullets, which were accompanied by a large number of projectile arrows, smashing the defenders of the battlements.

Although most of the people hid, there were still three people who were smashed to death and injured, and it was enough to cause this casualty, because the long-range attack did not stop at all.

Rurik was very satisfied with his ballistic calculation, and the landing of various projectiles within the city walls would not affect the siege at all.

"Now! Let's start!"

A formal order was given, and the army stepped on the only path leading to the monastery, and began the final onslaught.

Ladders were built against the wall, and the Viking sword and shield players had already begun to climb.

The siege rusher slammed into the wooden door that was already full of damage, and the first violent collision almost knocked off the obstacles behind.

The time-limited Northumbrian defenders tried to throw stones and shoot arrows, but they were the ones who died.

Today's Biyonni has become a very good crossbowman in actual combat. All crossbows are used to suppress the firepower of the enemy in the battlements. Thanks to these sophisticated weapons, the manipulators have become sharpshooters.

More than a dozen people in a row were shot and killed as soon as they emerged, forcing the other defenders to hide and throw stones hopelessly outside the city.

However, the battle was over as the first Viking warriors, climbing the ladder and standing on the wall, held up the bloody axe they had just slashed towards their brothers below.

For the rest of the time, this monastery, which hangs alone in the tide, is already the death cage of the defenders...

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