Rise of Rurik

Chapter 553 The death of that man is the beginning of the revival of Ostara and an opportunity for R

The two Lonely Longboats did their best to keep a low profile, and more than 50 people carried some wooden boxes, so they could leave the port in time for some haze.

"It's already very cold. I'm afraid that a sudden snowstorm will cause all the brothers to freeze to death in this sea." Old Eric, the paddler, worried.

His worries were by no means unfounded, and Snowreva was not indifferent.

"Then row harder, and as soon as we get to Tombstone Island, we'll be completely safe," he said.

No one wants bad weather to make big waves in the ocean, but it's like fate.

The sea became violent, and a storm came unexpectedly.

The people on the boat were chilled, but luckily it wasn't too bad.

Snow Leva endured wet rowing, and after more than half a year of training in Hezeby, Denmark, he is no longer the fat guy he used to be.

This guy's fat has turned into muscles, and the whole person is less naive. Instead of looking stupid, he has become strong and beneficial.

It seems that his body has become strong and he has become the first person in the family, but in this vast sea, life is the only way to survive.

Because, he must deliver a shocking news to Roseburg, a task that only he and he must accomplish.

Snow Leva finally arrived at Tombstone Island, and when he got a little supply here, the cold finally arrived.

The sky is full of haze, and the snow is densely packed with the wind.

They continued their journey north, and the longboat with sails relied on the blades, and no one dared to be lazy, because everyone knew that after the snow, the entire huge bay would be covered in ice.

Ross's fishing boats all returned to the harbor to avoid the snow and wind. They bundled their boats with cables and lined up neatly at the pier.

There are also a large number of boats washing directly on the sandy beach according to the old tradition.

At first, Gould looked at the snowy sky and no longer expected his eldest son to return. His first wife was worried about the eldest son, and although Gould was worried, he wouldn't show it on his face.

Yukiko turned into snowflakes, and the wonderful thing was that the north wind was not severe.

In the empty bay only two steadfast longships swayed north,

Covered in Snow Snow like a machine, he passively insisted as if he had forgotten his life and death.

The end of the journey is just ahead. It is obvious that they have reached the small fjord of Roseburg. The two boaters who have been tortured to numbness by the wind and snow can at most twitch their mouths to see joy.

Finally, they reached the dock. However, this huge Rosberg was both familiar and unfamiliar after not seeing him for half a year.

Old Eric shouted vigorously, "Rosburg is bigger than when we set off, and that high wall can keep out the wind and snow."

"It's the last journey. Let's go back to eat meat and drink, and then soak in wooden barrels full of hot water. And your slave girl, you should also be taken care of." Snow Leva said this, the snow on his body But it shook a lot.

They docked safely, like snowmen turned into living creatures.

One by one wooden boxes began to be carried to the shore, and after a while, someone began to help, and everything became orderly in the wind and snow.

For those who have traveled hard, men have strong physiques to withstand the cold, and the women accompanying them are almost weak and collapsed as soon as they come ashore.

Old Eric and his entourage have their own home, and the purchased wooden house is left intact, which is protected by tall wooden walls.

Rurik was immediately informed of the news of Snowreva's return. Gould welcomed his son's triumph. Before asking about the South, the man who had lost a lot of fat and had a round face that had become angular, also Take a day off at home.

Snow Leva got his wish, he was drowsy in the warm wooden barrel, and when it was time to sleep, his wife was with him.

He needs to talk carefully about what he saw in Denmark, especially what happened in Rurik.

Only the most important news reached Rurik's ears in the shortest words for the time being.

The leader of the Danish alliance, Hafgen, died, and the giant longship Red Dragon sank!

Gould's messenger finished reporting the letter and hurried away in the wind and snow.

Rurik stayed in the warm palace, and went straight to the second floor.

At this moment, Rumia, with her stomach erect, is actually serving as a math teacher. The snow outside forced the doors and windows of Rurik's mansion to close, and the fun-less winter seemed to begin, but the palace did become a school.

Rumia, who already knew basic geometric knowledge and basic algebra operations, was busy teaching her sisters to learn these knowledge.

Rurikben was also on the third floor, pulling his cronies and learning Latin with the little monk John Invall.

Rurik left from the first floor, rushed to the second floor and shouted at the girls who were busy studying.

"The news is very certain that the king of Denmark is really dead."

Hearing that, Carlotta jumped up instantly, and even stood up with Ella.

She turned her head and nose with tears in her eyes, and approached Rurik desperately, and was about to hug him.

"Thank you. The blood feud of my Ostarans is you... hum..."

Wiping away her tears, Rurik whispered, "Keep studying. I'll summon Snowleva in two days, and you and Ella will sit there."


Rurik put his mouth close to her ear, "Tonight, come to my room."

Carlotta smiled knowingly with tears in her eyes. She expected a lot.

What if there are too many wives and concubines? Rurik remembered that the emperors of the East treated many concubines and concubines, except for one or two that were particularly favored, and should not be forgotten when treating others. The emperor closed his eyes and turned over the brand, and he was lucky when he turned it over.

Except for the ten original Slavic maids, they are all destined to not be very high. The other seven wives and concubines lived in this "palace" with Rurik himself.

The calamity of the Ostara tribe of Carlota happened exactly three years ago, and she was more than a year older than Rurik, and now she was thirteen years old.

She has long gone through a simple coming-of-age ceremony, which is equivalent to saying that according to Viking habits, she is already obliged to bear offspring to her husband.

It's just that the first glory was finally obtained by Rurik's first maid.

This night, Carlotta entered Rurik's room with a grateful heart. Even if she was older, Rurik had ten men, stronger physique and taller.


Carlotta finally got her wish, she has become a real woman.

She lay peacefully, immersed in happiness.

Rurik sat on the side of the bed, panting as he glanced at the flame of the oil lamp from the corner of his eyes, "Maybe it would be great to come to Genhuazi at this time."

He whispered, "Now you have another wish, and I will give it to you too."

"Yeah, and my sister, she's also waiting..." the girl murmured.

"Ella is too young. Besides, I have to train her well."

"Nurture her for what? Document the past?"

"And the future. She is Hestoria, and she has a great deal to learn, to let our descendants know of their ancestors millennia ago."

Carlotta laughed and got up, "You're asking too much, Rurik, I just want to revive my tribe. I don't care if you are the king of Sweden or not, you are my king."

"Okay. I'm fine..."

Carlotta was tossed and screamed, and Otto and Nia, who lived on the same floor, were secretly happy. The old couple even joked about what to name Carlotta's son.

This four times in a row, Rurik finally lay down tired.

"Enough is enough. You are stronger than the average woman, and you will give birth. The Ostarans are beginning to revive, but you are still lacking in followers."

"Then... what to do..." Carlotta asked weakly.

"Five hundred serfs were brought from Melalen this year, and they are all poor people. Your existing clansmen are all in the East, and they are busy developing new farms. I will give you two hundred serfs."

"Wow! Good."

"Also." Rurik thought about one thing, and now it's enjoyment, "I try to talk to those small clans. Some of your clansmen are not dead, those women are taken in and even have children. I persuade those The tribe will release people, or use means to get them to drag their families and bring them back to Ross."

"That's a way. Rurik, how can I repay you..."

This girl is in love again, or is this her way of gratitude?

Rurik played with her tresses, "It's nothing, it's enough for you to be obedient. You take a rest tomorrow and stop studying."

As Rurik hinted, Carlotta eventually paid for his actions. She grew up overnight, but how could it be painful to walk?

Rurik was busy preparing for something, and he speculated on what good news Snowlev could bring back besides Havgen's sudden death.

Yes, Snowleva did get some unconfirmed major news in the rumors among the locals in Hedseby. He was afraid that the news would go wrong and deceive the adults, so he did not entrust the messenger, but decided to tell it in person.

The promised date is today!

The stone fireplace on the first floor makes the whole palace quite warm. Rurik was in the conference hall on the first floor and personally summoned the returning heroes.

As the real duke, he sat on a wooden seat covered in bear skins, with two hideous polar bear heads at his feet.

Otto, who has been devolved, sat next to him, sitting with many old friends.

And Sister Carlotta sat on the other side.

This is not a simple summons, it is clearly a parliament.

Snowleva could see the great significance of this battle at a glance, but the experience of training in the south has made this fat man battle-hardened.

He came and sat here. Anyone who has seen this fat man is shocked by his current physique.

"Not strong, Snowlev," Rurik said politely.

"Yes, my friends." Snowreva lined his chest. "Before, you thought I was just a timid fat man, a pure businessman. Now, I should be able to become a warrior."

It's okay if he didn't say it, but this made the old guys laugh.

Rurik motioned for the people to be quiet, and added, "You have indeed grown strong, and you must have encountered a lot of things in Denmark. We will talk about other things slowly, and now I will confirm again. That Hafgen, is he dead? "

"Dead. Smashed to pieces by your ship. No one found his body, but the Robard tribe of Denmark has broken out into civil war."

"Civil war?" Rurik snapped his head. "Why?"

"Without him, all forces compete for the position of leader."

"That man doesn't have his own son?"

"Only the daughter, and the woman was killed, as well as her sister and brother-in-law. It's a fact, Hafgen's power has disintegrated, and Denmark is now in some kind of chaos."

Snow Leva said this at a risk of family honor, and what he said was much more expressive than the messenger's understatement.

Ross's old guys all stared at Rurik, praising this kid as a big hero of Ross.

Otto stood up and took a long breath, "I thought Denmark was a strong enemy, and we all feared it. Unexpectedly, they are so weak. That Hafgen slaughtered and plundered the people of Ostara, and he never thought of that villain. He was easily killed by my son."

Rurik said casually: "It's not that we are weak, it's that we, Ross, have become stronger. We no longer worry about being attacked by a certain force. Once Hafgen is dead, Denmark will be leaderless. We should take the opportunity to change our attitude towards Denmark."

"How else can I change it?" Otto asked, with the answer already in his mind, "Is it changing the hostile attitude?"

"This... can't be rushed. Because the interests are eternal, in order to obtain the interests, it is not suitable to be in a state of war all the time."

"Do you want to ally with them?" Otto asked again.

"If we, Ross, can do business with integrity, an alliance is fine. However, there seems to be no hero, no one to trust among the Danes right now."

"They can't be trusted!" Harrodsson shouted.

"Uncle, calm your anger." Rurik greeted the old man, and asked whether Snowreva had a hero in Denmark.

"Hero? There is one."


"A man named Ragnar. He..." Snowreva paused. "He killed old Olegin. He was young and energetic, and because of this feat, he was learning about Hafgen's death. After that, recruit soldiers to build weapons in Hazelby."

"This man?" Rurik stood up suddenly.

Otto raised his head, "You fancy this person?"

"Maybe, we can form an alliance with this person."

"You like him? This man killed Olegin."

"Dad, you don't like Olegin either."

Otto shook his head, "Yes, but I, Olegin, was killed by this man. If this man becomes the leader of the Danish alliance, he may attack the north again. I know you are not afraid of Denmark, but..."

"This man is a hero."

No one knew why Rurik was suddenly so committed, as if he was destined to bond with that Ragnar.

Snowleva also mentioned something very important, "My lord, it is true that Ragnar intends to fight for the Danish leader, but he still lacks strength. Do you know the old leader who was expelled by the Danes?"

"And this? I don't know."

"A man named Harald Clark, who believed in Frank's faith and was expelled, fled with his nephew."

"So, that man thinks there's an opportunity for restoration?" Rurik asked.

"No. It's his nephew, a man named Horrick."

"Horrick?" Rurik wondered why the name was similar to himself. "Who is this person? A person who has been expelled, can he be powerful?"

"This... the news is difficult to confirm. I heard that the guy is the master of Durist, and he has the backing of the Franks. That man was canonized as the Earl of the Franks. If he kills Denmark, I am afraid that the Danish lord will be scattered. Really can't stop him."

Rurik was a little wary. "Is the news reliable?"

"My lord, this is just a rumor in the market."

"Rumour? How can there be such a rumor without a reason?"

Rurik paid more attention to the two men named Ragnar and Horlick than to Snowreva reporting what he had seen in Hazeby.

Who has the supreme dominion of Denmark, maybe just these two?

Rurik thought for a while: "I understand, you will visit Denmark next year and pay attention to Horrick's movements and Ragnar's actions."

"As ordered."

Rurik nodded, looking at the elite of Ross, "I am very happy that the Danish civil war is taking place, especially the infighting of the Robard clan who control the waterway. They cannot gather a sea force to prevent us from entering the western sea, we should Take this opportunity to develop our sea power."

How can a real king indulge in jewelry and beauty? Rurik wanted to lay down a large territory, but as a principality that depended on the sea, there was no ship, and all dreams were dreams.

shipbuilding! A ship must be built!

It is necessary to take advantage of the window period of political instability in Denmark to quickly become a Russian Baltic fleet.

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