Rise of Rurik

Chapter 559 The new joint expedition plan

Chapter 559 The new joint expedition plan

The huge Balmer embassy arrived in Roseburg, and thousands of people in Russia were cheered up.

It is said that the Balmers who are allied with their own side are also a strong force, but now it is true at first sight.

Travelers in Balmerk jumped off sleighs and back onto the frozen beaches, marveling at the towering wooden walls and the multitude of moored ships.

Rurik knew they would come to visit in winter, but he did not expect that they would go in such a large number of people.

A horde of hungry guys arriving in Roseburg? They should be entertained in the friendship of the landowners, but Rurik was not happy that he would be eaten and drunk by them for a long time.

Fortunately, the situation is not bad, these people are all armed travelers with silver coins and copper coins on their bodies. Their money can buy fresh seal meat and cod fish caught in winter in Roseburg, and Rurik is also willing to sell them a batch of wheat at a fair price.

All Balmerk family leaders sent messengers, all of them sons.

After all, they were all comrades who fought side by side in Britain a year ago, and Rurik immediately entertained this large group of allies from afar in the first floor of his palace.

The Principality of Ross has a state banquet, and Rurik is naturally particular about eating.

Rurik was sitting at the core, with Otto, Harozerson, Arik and others sitting in the second place.

All the messengers were sitting on both sides.

In front of them was a gleaming die-cast glass plate with oily roasted seal meat, some honey ale, and a handful of dried raspberries. There is also Tao Weng, which contains a thick stew of yellow-rooted carrots, cabbage, and onions. The most important thing is the cake baked with the fine oat flour sifted through the twine sieve.

The delicious food was fragrant, and everyone held the glass to enjoy the wine.

It was a bit monotonous to just divide the meal, and in the consternation of everyone, Noren led the sisters with a smile and came with musical instruments.

The sound of the flute and drums came from the warm hall, and Noren glanced at his two brothers from time to time. It was obvious that the girl was doing well in Ross.

After another round of praise and courtesy, the tired people ate this extremely luxurious meal and were purified by the music. Everyone relaxed, and the tiredness seemed to disappear.

Otto and a group of old Rus people have long been familiar with Biyongni, and as for the other messengers, they must have listened to him.

Otto still blesses his vigilance, Deliurik said bluntly, "Now everyone is full, Biyonni, you brought an expedition to our territory, I am afraid you are not only with goodwill, but also fighting. need."

Biyonni hurriedly raised his head and complimented: "You have eagle eyes. Yes, I took the request of the leader of Balmerk."

"War? Who?" Rurik raised his chest and glanced at the corner of his mouth: "Let me guess, it must still be an attack on Britain. When you tasted the sweetness, you invited us to fight together. I remember we did this last year. agreement."

The sudden joy on the faces of Biyonni and the messengers said it all.

"Indeed." Biyonni stood up simply, "Ross is very strong, we will form a coalition and then fight Northumbria. Didn't the king say that? To give us a territory, this year we are going to get it."

"So your needs are more than that."

"Of course." Biyonni paced left and right, his blue eyes were bloodshot, and a fire ignited in his pupils. "I heard that their core is York, so let's go to York."

In fact, Rurik felt a little inappropriate. Did the Balmers really become arrogant after winning a battle? Attacking York is certainly possible, but will this reckless advance fail?

It is better to be as cautious as possible in matters such as war, after all, this is not to defend one's own territory, but to actively invade others.

However, the brawny Ross who are brave and even eager to fight need new battles! Young men also need to use a victory as a man's proof.

Rurik glanced at his father and exchanged glances with Otto.

Father's attitude has been very clear,

Rurik should be responsible for Ross's government affairs. He coughed twice and said solemnly, "It's okay to fight Northumbria. However, our army may not send many troops, and the current problem in Denmark is also very complicated."

"You're worried about the Danes? Those guys Fela are unbearable!" Biyonny showed a contemptuous attitude again.

"Denmark should be taken seriously, but I met their leader on my return trip last year. The strongest man in Denmark was killed by me!"

"Killed by you? You cut off that man's head with a sword?" Biyonni showed an incredible expression again.

"I was hit by my big ship and turned into fish and feed. Now Denmark is in chaos, so I'm more interested in taking advantage of Denmark than expeditions to Britain."

"This... bro. I still want to attack Britain."

Rurik raised his right hand, "Let's stop here. I will send troops, but this is a war issue, and we should all be careful. We Ross will discuss it, and you and your friends will be entertained. But Your entourage..."

Rurik made an arrangement that sounded good, "Ross is still building, we need a lot of strong men. Your entourage will cut wood and transport ore for me, and I will pay for the wheat and silver."

Come back to Ross, Biyonny and Frokie took a very comfortable bath again, and then got into the steam room to enjoy the sauna.

Biyonni didn't ask about the ship at the first time, there was no need to ask about it at all, the big ship was standing on the beach.

Biyongni and the others rested for three days in a row. They built a lot of new houses between Ross, and all their followers got warm accommodation.

A new batch of reliable labor has appeared!

Rurik generously gave them a sum of money, and even arranged for these guys to pull sleds and go to the mountains as miners.

This group of Balmerk men already have excellent physical strength, which is why they can travel thousands of miles across the mountains to Rose. Another point is that Rurik needs this group to be more robust, so that they can have a greater advantage in possible future wars.

Northumbria again? Go straight to York this year and give that town to Yang?

Rurik used to be naive, and now he also has a desire for such wars.

It has been nearly half a month since Biyonni came to Roseburg, and the 300 entourages he brought have become downright miners. It's not enough to just give them money and wheat. These men have a very simple need, which is to add a better weapon to themselves.

A superb steel sword? definitely no problem. But the price of it, sixty silver coins apiece, Rurik refused to haggle.

Even so, these Balmerk travelers have no complaints, even if the people who made the sword are a group of young blacksmiths, they only hope that they can get a good sword that can cut off ordinary iron bars after a lot of effort.

Kamne and his guys, the blacksmith group that has now expanded to nearly 30 people, they are only young, but they are already masters in the craft of blacksmithing.

The "Balmerk Miners" learned from the Rus people's method. Specifically, it was the "thermal expansion and cold contraction method" that Rurik told Klavassen, setting fire and pouring ice water on the spot to disintegrate the mine veins. Mining less.

Ore was poured into the earth blast furnace in Roseburg at an unprecedented rate, and even the supply of charcoal blocks became tight.

They really don't know that Rurik actually earns a lot. Balmerk travelers are willing to pay a huge amount of labor for a steel sword. They are indeed cheaper and more efficient labor.

Kamne and his guys adopted the steel frying method in an all-round way, and after making carbon steel ingots according to experience, they kept forging.

These steel swords perform better and are more productive than case-carburized swords.

It is precisely this method that the number of steel-armed crossbows of the Russ has also been greatly increased.

As far as the Principality of Rus is concerned, the orthodox Rus warriors have completely changed to steel weapons, and now many people are eyeing iron armor...

Living with real Rus people, from the initial surprise and envy, they have become more and more adaptable.

Biyonny Frocky, the two are happy to walk on the wooden walls of Roseburg, walk on the ice, chat with their sister, kneel before the gilded bronze statues of the gods in the open temple, and even tease Let's look at Velika, Rurik's first daughter. In general affection, Biyonni is also the uncle of this girl's half-grandfather and half-grandmother.

Rurik bought all the salt and whale oil he brought over. The former could be transported to Novgorod by the Russ as middlemen to earn big profits, and the latter was an excellent raw material for lubricating oil and soap.

Biyonny was still waiting, hoping that Rurik would give an answer to the question of sending troops.

Just as the time was approaching March, the Rus finally completed the discussion.

A military meeting was then held on the first floor of the palace.

It was a closed meeting, with only Rurik, Otto and Biyonny in attendance.

"Now we have discussed it, including the matter of taking the big ship sold to you to Balmerk." Rurik said solemnly.

The entire Duchy of Rus, the framers of Rurik's military plans, and others had no intention of questioning fundamental questions, but only made suggestions on minutiae.

Ross and Balmerk are allies. Since there is going to be a war, of course everyone rushes forward together. But here is the issue of primary and secondary, and it is not only Ross who participated in the war. Rurik intentionally took the vassal Ostarans and Kovins to join them.

The Rus must be given the highest military command, specifically Rurik as the commander-in-chief.

Ross will dispatch five hundred elite infantry, a "Warrior Flag Team", equipped with the best weapons to fight.

Ross will also organize a flag shooting team composed of Kewen, New Ostara, and elite mercenaries, with a number of about 300 people.

The Rus army includes ship sailors and various types of soldiers, and the total number will reach about a thousand people.

"This is my plan. I must be the commander-in-chief. As for the number of troops from Balmers, I hope you have more."

In fact, the news of the dispatch of troops was more shocking than Yongni.

Biyonni clutched his heart and asked, "Brother, are these 1,000 people going to reach Balmerk first? How did you do it? Could it be to organize a huge fleet?"

"Exactly." Rurik also felt that his plan was very risky, but once it was successful, he would prove that the Ross fleet did have a strong expedition strength!

"But you... a fleet of a thousand men. Do you rely on those big ships?"

"Brother Biyonni, this question of yours is superfluous." Rurik said firmly, "You guys are going to fight, alright! Since we form a coalition, we can't make small troubles. I know that many Balmerks want to Occupy a piece of British land to live, in order to avoid future troubles, we must conquer Northumbria in World War I. Since we want to fight York, we can't stick to looting, so we occupy York and become our brother's activity space. "

Hearing this even crazier plan, I was overjoyed than Jonny, so he asked again, "You... are you planning to dispatch all the big ships of Ross?"

"I will use eight large ships as ships, and at least ten armed cargo ships as attachments. You know, it is very easy for one of my large ships to carry a hundred people on a voyage, and you must know the purpose of bringing many cargo ships."

Biyonny laughed out loud, "I understand. Transport a shipment to my hometown. More ships will be loaded with loot in Britain."

"Exactly. I think you know the time of the battle. We should suddenly appear when the enemy has just finished harvesting the wheat. They don't care whether they live or die, our brothers will gorge on the wheat, and their farmland and pasture should be ours. of."

Biyonny was really happy, but he didn't know the purpose behind the Rurik brothers who said these words with a sullen face in front of him, which was to annex Balmerk as a direct ruling force.

Fighting side by side and the Rus army is the main force, it is Rurik who wants to attract the attention of ordinary Balmers through the mighty army.

The people of the North worshiped heroes, and Rurik knew he was going to offer them the possibility of making a fortune, and they became spontaneously attached.

In other words, the concept of Balmerk is meaningless. The 20,000 people who constitute Balmerk's force, as well as the ice-free port, are what Rurik desires.

If he leads the Balmers to another great victory, he will be able to ask all the clan leaders for the recognition of his supreme power.

All plans have a premise, that is, the Ross Expeditionary Force can kill Northumbria and kill the Quartet. As for how many troops the Balmers would send, Rurik even hoped that they would not take the initiative too many, so the glory belonged to Ross and himself.

Biyongni was very excited, and the battle of the Balmers was completely eager for Ross to fully agree. He finally shouted: "We will send at least two thousand troops. We will organize an army of three thousand people, and then go to Shetland to recruit local fishermen. The huge army simply destroys Northumbria. Let's be the new leaders of Northumbria."

Rurik was also very happy to hear it, and took advantage of Biyonni's head to shout: "Okay! You are the Principe of Northumbria, you migrate with the warriors, and establish power in the warm territory. There are fewer Erviks..."

Rurik shrugged his shoulders again, "Norren's son and I have no choice but to inherit the power of his grandfather Magnut and continue to be the Principe of Narvik."

Rurik was actually testing Biyonni's reaction, and the young man was laughing happily, saying that the proposal was simply too good.

He is speaking from the bottom of his heart!

Rurik also followed the trend, stuck his head and said, "I know that your family has not achieved absolute power in Balmerk, so you need your military exploits to be recognized by everyone. Let's swear to the sun that our brothers must be extremely high. Power. Brother Biyonny, maybe you could have all of Britain, it's your domain."

Rurik's words directly inspired Biyonni's strong ambition, "This... is it really possible?"


Laughing and laughing, Biyonny turned his head to look in Rurik's eyes again, "But brother, you are more noble than me, why don't you want to be the leader of Britain? In my opinion, if you want to be, you can absolutely."

This question was really surprising.

Otto, who was listening, burst out laughing, and covered his son's head with a big old hand, "Beyonni, you still don't understand my son. We Rus people have been chasing the sun since ancient times, and we have been rushing to the eastern world."

Rurik said at once, "Yes. The west has a vast ocean full of unknowns, and the east is an endless forest like a sea. We should explore in different directions, and we will prosper more and more."

Needless to say, now Biyonni is especially looking forward to the launch of the big ship belonging to the Balmers. He is also looking forward to the Rus people forming a huge fleet to see the majestic army. When he also learned that the Rus people should complete the "Eighth and Eighth Fleet" plan next year, and this year they will be able to set off in the "fourth and fourth fleet" attitude. Indescribably envious.

It's a pity that the Balmers can't afford to build such a big ship, and there is no money to buy it.

Perhaps the only solution is to loot in Britain, or even expeditions to the Franks, to get the treasure and buy it from the Rus.

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