Rise of Rurik

Chapter 571 This is Arik's assault

Chapter 571 This is Arik's assault

A large number of enemies are slowly approaching the mountain fort, are they dying?

Vatyaara gritted his teeth, and at least protected by a wooden wall, he and his Tavastian warriors still felt safe.

How would the attacking Rus army want to attack?

"Am I dazzled? Did they tame the bears? Let a pack of bears carry a log along?"

Someone shouted: "Boss, that's not a bear! It's an enemy in bear skin."

"Damn! They want to smash our door with wood?!"

Vatyara was anxious because the gate of the mountain fort was not strong.

He immediately greeted his brothers, "Quickly find the clutter at the gate! Others, shoot me arrows to stop those bears!"

The best iron arrows swish toward the warriors in bearskins.

This voice was heard by the alert Ross, and they had already made countermeasures for it.

Arik hasn't been arrogant enough to fight the arrows frontally. The chainmail iron ring and thick leather can basically block the arrows. He is afraid of arrows in the face and neck with weak defenses.

The attacking Rusians all held wooden shields in front of them, and the warriors carrying the huge wooden shields became "tanks".

The bearskin warriors gathered with the giant shields one after another, and more and more arrows were hit on the shields.

The full preparation of the Rus almost completely negated the arrow advantage of the Tavastians!

I thought I could use the iron arrow cluster to repel the enemy, but seeing the effect was so poor, Vateara, who had limited confidence, began to despair.

Even in despair, they are still fighting.

A large number of arrows were shot desperately, and after all, they were unable to stop the continuous attack of the Rus.

The battle became extremely intense, and Vate Yala felt that the situation had become extremely bad.

He continued to roar in the chaos, "All the arrows are saved! We are finished when we run out of arrows!"

It's a pity that the warrior with the bow is still shooting.

On the other hand, the Rus people, they finally advanced to the distance where the crossbow can accurately shoot.

A light crossbowman who hides behind a large wooden shield and launches free fire is an optimal solution, as Genoese crossbowmen are accustomed to do.

The large wooden shield stood on the ground and became a perfect barrier. After shooting an arrow, the soldier left and charged, and placed an arrow to continue shooting.

In a short period of time, ten firing positions appeared on the Rus side. The wooden shields are densely packed with arrows of the Tavastians, and the arrow rain on the ground is like a wild dog's tail grass, and the arrows are really at your fingertips.

The battle has been fought so far, and the most critical moment has yet to come.

Arik, who was hiding behind the shield, laughed at the bearskin warrior, "God knows what arrows they have. They may be able to shoot all the arrows. The arrows are all ours. You don't have to worry about the arrows."

The slightly tired bearskin warriors carried the wood together and marched forward. Encouraged by these words, everyone forgot their exhaustion for a while, and vowed to break through the wooden wall and let history repeat itself.

Compared with the war many years ago, there is no disturbing ice and snow in this mountain fort.

The crossbowmen began to precisely shoot down emerging enemies as if they were hunting. Although they are all crossbows modified from short wooden bows, they are still very effective against the basically unarmored Tavastians.

It seems that the Rus can win this way?

A large number of stones were moved to the wall, although most of them were larger than fists, which fell from a height. Even if the Russ wore iron helmets, they still suffered concussions when hit.

The Tavastians threw rocks at the arrows of the Rus' counterattack, and were hit by the rocks, and Arik was also surprised.

The Russ raised their shields to protect their heads and retreated a little. No fools jumped into the trenches and tried to climb the wall.

The road became narrow, and the road to attack the gate converged to only about five meters. This is not because the Tavastians are good at using moat trenches, in fact, the trenches are also dug out to reinforce the wooden walls and borrow soil.

They don't know how to build a drawbridge, so there is only one passage leading to the gate.

The most intense battle is here, even if the warrior holding the wooden shield protects the bearskin warrior with the battering ram to install the door, it feels like hitting a stone.

Blocks of wood, stones, and even soil were all piled up at the wooden door by the Tavastians, and the corpses of the brothers who died in the crisis were also thrown in as obstacles.

They could actually escape through the small gate, but that would be a loss of honor, and even if they returned to their hometown, they would be punished by their clansmen.

The mad Tavastians suddenly became heroic, their eyes red and they resisted.

More and more warriors fell from arrows, and a few of the Rus were wounded by arrows. The difference is that the arrow wounds of the Rus are mostly insignificant, and the torso and head of the warriors are intact!

The bearskin warriors found that the gate had basically been smashed into sawdust, but the passage just didn't exist.

Many people noticed that the people inside the wall were still stacking debris. They all felt very familiar with this scene. It seemed that the guards of the city were doing this.

The trick that Wattara improvised could be described as a turtle tactic. He wanted to turn himself into a turtle in an urn, hoping that the enemy would not have to break the urn to enter.

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The Tavastians still have the last belief, that is, they will stick to it at all costs, waiting for reinforcements, and then a center will bloom. I'm afraid this is their only chance of winning.

The madman of Ross's Warriors First Flag Team is not a monster with boundless energy, banging on the door becomes useless, and the warrior in bearskin is panting.

The battle became boring, and Arik, who looked at the city wall through the gap in the shield, had lost the idea of ​​breaking the city.

"Damn! We can't get the biggest glory. Let's go, brothers, we will retreat and wait for the big army."

The Rus people who couldn't stand this boring battle for a long time wanted to evacuate, because everyone was waiting for Arik's attitude.

Now that the captain of the flag has spoken, and the people carrying the flag of the flag team have retreated, the Rus people gradually retreated.

Receding is not running around, Arik shouted, "Evacuate in an orderly manner! Try to pick up the arrows on the ground, and don't leave them to the enemy! Let's retreat to the woods and stop."

The Rus are retreating? ! Vatyara, whose mentality was almost bursting, was overjoyed, as if God was helping them. The Tavastians sensed hope, and they cheered and cursed the Rus.

Arik isn't mentally retarded? He had picked up some swear words from the Kovins, and this time from the Tavastians.

Someone yelled, "Are they insulting us? They look very happy."

"It's an insult." Arik, who had returned without success, sat in the forest to rest and said to the inquirer, "They said we were cowards."

"This... we didn't kill them all, I'm not reconciled."

"Brother, we are not cowards, but just take a break. Look at this mountain fort, they are like fish in Tao Weng, and we decide when to kill them." After that, he spat again.

"Let's wait! Rurik's main force will arrive in the evening, recharge our batteries and we will fight tomorrow."

A calmed Arik examines the results of the unwinnable raid.

A large number of arrows were pulled from the wooden shield and bundled into a bundle of a hundred. After some statistics, everyone just collected nearly 3,000 arrows.

The collection of so many arrows really surprised Arik, but everyone also felt strange, as if tens of thousands of arrows were stored in the mountain fort, so that the enemy had the capital to squander.

In the evening, Rurik's main force finally arrived.

It was within his expectations that the Warriors' First Banner Team would not have used the fort to attack the mountain, but the enemy really defended it, and Rurik had to be careful with this group of shrinking tortoises.

Seeing a large number of soldiers of the First Banner lighting bonfires and roasting strange things, Rurik saw what appeared to be perch from the stream that fed into the Oulu. They were more tired, but fortunately there was still energy in their eyes.

Arik felt a little regretful. He approached his brother and pointed at the mountain fort with his right hand: "The enemy has fortified the fort, but my battering ram can't hit it."

"Can't hit it? Are their doors too hard?"

"No. Just like the previous battles, the new enemies are piling up the gates with soil. You are here, and you must have a way to break the city."

Rurik wanted to take a look at the afterglow of the sunset, but he couldn't see the details without a telescope.

The mountain fort had changed a bit, and Rurik remembered that there was no such empty field outside the mountain fort where only wooden piles were left. Most of the stakes have been cut recently, which must be the enemy's move.

Rurik was at the edge of the forest, and he had already figured out some siege strategies in his mind, such as making a long ladder.

It took time to make better siege weapons, and it just so happened that Rurik didn't want to launch a general attack right away.

The camp in the forest became more and more lively, and people began to set up Tao Weng and iron pots to cook their own wheat and jerky.

People who have walked the rough road for many days all sat down and rubbed their feet, or lay directly on the mats of pine branches under the soft trees.

Arik handed a rosin-flavored grilled seabass that was just over a pound to his brother, and reported the results of the day.

"I underestimated the enemy's sense of resistance. Fortunately, I retreated wisely. Not a single brother died, but more than a dozen people were wounded by arrows on their arms and cheeks, and one unlucky guy was shot in the belly."

"An arrow in a big butt?" Rurik thought that this was too absurd.

Arik shrugged, "I just arranged for people to mock them."

"I see, they're shooting arrows."

"Yes, I also learned about the maximum range of their arrows. Rest assured that our location is very safe. Even our longbowmen stand here and shoot arrows, which can threaten the enemy."

Mechasta, who returned to his hometown, resented the transformation of the old mountain fort by the thugs who occupy the magpie's nest, and was even more annoyed by their destruction of the mountain forest. You must know that the Cowen people worship the forest and the flowing Oulu River. Although everyone immigrated to the new Aylon (Kemi) River, they still have enthusiasm for their homeland.

Hearing Arik's description, Mechasta directly pulled the old man Rigus to stand up.

"Lord Duke, our last Korwen warriors are here. Since we can shoot the enemy here with arrows, I hope to act now."

"Now? You sit down first." Rurik paused for a while, then added: "We shouldn't waste our arrows at night. I'm afraid they'll use the arrows a second time. In my opinion, we'll keep throwing them with trebuchets from tomorrow onwards. Stone."

"Aid the army to attack?" Arik asked.

"No, a truce tomorrow. First, we will keep everyone refreshed, and second, we will build long ladders. Tomorrow we will conduct a harassing attack, first surround the fortress, and the rest will be our army torturing them."

Reducing the use of bows and arrows is quite strange, and Arik especially emphasizes: "Brother, I have captured 3,000 arrows."

"Then keep it! It just so happened that we didn't bring many arrows." Rurik was actually rather annoyed that he had underestimated the complexity and severity of the road conditions.

Thanks to the large number of pebble beaches along the river, the only advantage of the extremely rugged road is that it is not muddy. It is spring now, and the thawing of the permafrost has caused mud ponds everywhere, and there are not even roads in northern and eastern Europe, that is, the Oulu River Basin is better.

Rurik made some deployments, and the army began to move.

The army detoured and surrounded the entire old Grey Squirrel Hill Fort, and the people who were huddled inside quickly discovered the strangeness outside the fort.

A large number of bonfires were lit on the edge of the forest, and they seemed to be guarded by a ring of fire.

This is still Rurik's most common tactic, using the cover of darkness to set fire to create an astonishing illusion of ambush. The enemy can't judge the truth, they will instinctively intimidate themselves, and their morale will suffer a blow.

The Tavastians stood uneasily on the wooden walls, wanting to go out to pick up some arrows, and even bring leather bags to refill their fresh water, fear deterring them from taking the risk.

Because everyone is surrounded! There has been a faint rumbling in the distance, it seems that thousands of Rus people are talking, I am afraid it is not discussing tomorrow's general attack.

Suddenly there was a whoosh in the air, and then the Tavastians fell, and then there were many people shouting.

"What's going on?" Wattara was shocked.

"It's a dark arrow!" someone shouted.

"Dark Arrow? Where is the enemy archer? Give me a counterattack!"

That being said, the people who were attacked all wanted to find the enemy to shoot arrows back, but their opponents used Zhemu longbow.

Rurik couldn't resist Mechasta's desire for revenge, so he allowed him to take thirty Kovin longbowmen to shoot three rounds at the enemy with the captured arrows.

According to the distance information provided by Arik, these three arrows were basically shot in the mountain fort, although it also caused five enemy casualties, causing panic is not a word to say.

Creating panic is also a tactic!

Rurik was not at all afraid that they would be trapped in a fight, after all, he didn't want to stay alive in this battle.

Is this cruel? indeed so.

On the way of the march, the Ross Army saw the destroyed cemetery and a large number of miserable corpses of their own people found in the burned old salmon lord's mountain fort.

The Tavastiya invaders did not give the Kovins and the remaining Rus fishermen a way to live, so why should the Russ crusade be merciful. Unless the deceased dreamed of asking everyone to keep the surrender of Tavastia alive afterward.

So Rurik didn't want any negotiation, and the intruder did stir up the darkness within him.

As the saying goes, "You are ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous", and the entire Ross Army has such an attitude. Of course, the ally Balmerk Army wanted to grab the spoils, and Biyonni was also watching the tactics of the Ross Army, trying to make his own people as strong as possible, but he didn't have much desire to kill.

Dark arrows hurt people, and the Tavastians who were standing at the top of the city screamed and hid them all, and Vatyaara scolded the Rus people for their ferocity in the safe wooden house.

There was no suitable outlet for this anger, and three leaders of the Kewen tribe who had surrendered were pulled out.

The anger was spread on the three of them, and Vatyara was complaining, "It was the three of you who got us involved in the war, why didn't you tell us that the Rus were so powerful?

The three of them were shocked, and Bakan saw that the atmosphere was not right. For fear that he would be cut off as a sacrifice, he hurriedly crawled up to Vatyara: "At least let me go out and talk to them. Maybe give them some leather. will retreat."

"You!" Wat Yala was furious, standing up and kicking.

But after thinking about it, he still doesn't know what the Russ people want to do, so he can't really kill them all. If you can use some means to coax them away, it might be a good idea. Even delaying the time is good, so when the big brother arrives with the elite of the alliance, the Rus people should be forced to retreat due to the army.

The plan has been made, and Vatyara slaps her thigh. "Tomorrow morning, you go to find out the truth of the Rus people and tell me their intentions. Also, delay them for me."

Bakan was trembling, but he agreed, because he had no choice. This is the role of a slave.

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