Rise of Rurik

Chapter 616 Scarlet Mary's Revenge

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

The Mercian army shouted the slogan of "merciless" and rushed towards the enemy whose situation was unknown like a herd of bulls. They showed amazing courage, but their IQ was also close to that of a mad cow.

They were strangled by a combination of Northumbria and Viking armies, and thousands of their dead bloodied the banks of the River Tam.

There were blood-stained corpses everywhere, the battlefield was muddy, and the air was filled with a violent smell of rust...

Some people are still wriggling, and some exhausted warriors make up for the axe.

The peasant warriors of Northumbria, covered in blood, continued to fight in a trance with their mouths open.

Some people fell not because of fatal injuries, but because of exhaustion while fighting.

The corpses were stacked on top of each other, bent iron swords and pestles were on the ground, broken shields were everywhere, and the spear hilts stuck in the dark red mud looked like saplings.

Arik was steaming all over his body, and he ordered aggressively: "Show no mercy, kill the enemy!"

The Ross Army did, and so did the Balmer army.

Wounded enemies, and even wounded so-called friendly troops of Northumbria, were killed indiscriminately by the Viking forces.

Perhaps this is a kind of mercy, even if those seriously wounded are not dead for a while, almost all of them die of wound infection in extreme pain within a few days. The current patch is a relief.

Because the wounded of the Viking army were pulled to the rear by the brothers, they would have the opportunity to receive medical treatment.

The battlefield has become a meat grinder, and as a spectator, the army of Earl Pekrat, who recently surrendered to Northumbria, can see this cruel battlefield clearly.

Is this the power of the Vikings? The armies of the two Saxon kingdoms fought in a daze, and the Vikings were dispatched to quickly end everything.

Those captured Tamworth citizens shivered further as they watched as the army that could save them was wiped out. There were even those with keen eyes who saw the fall of the king.

Rurik got out of the boat, and he was standing beside the bed.

"Damn, bloody smell!" he grinned and glared up at Queen Mary on the broadside. "Mary, come down. Follow me to the battlefield to find your father's body."

"This...is really necessary..."

Mary was actually shivering,

She sat in the fort during the siege, and now she is a spectator of the terrible battle.

"Come down! This is an order."

Marie then got off the boat along the rope ladder, and followed Rurik's footsteps into the battlefield full of corpses.

Not far away, a dying and well-dressed man was found, half of his body was crushed by a dead horse, and a javelin pierced his body astonishingly.

An iron helmet inlaid with gold rims fell to one side, and a heavily bent iron sword inlaid with gems fell to the ground.

This man was Wigraf with only one breath left, and he died when the blood was drained.

Ernred, who had a broken arm, sat beside him. He spread his men, and didn't even want the Vikings to execute the spoils that belonged to him.

Ernred just sat like this, not complacent, watching the dying enemy also hold too many words in his heart, and muttered incessantly.

Wigraf didn't want to listen to this bastard chanting scriptures at all, spit out blood and cursed: "You sign a contract with the devil, and you will go to hell when you die."

Ernred also retorted, "But I still have children, and your family is over. By the way, your daughter is now a slave of the Vikings. I heard that the woman would do any humiliation in order to survive. thing."

"You... you shut up!" After that, it was another mouthful of old blood.

Ernred became more serious with a sullen face: "Your family is all cheap, you are completely lucky to be the king of Mercia. Do you think I may surrender to you?"

At this time, Rurik brought a group of blood-stained mercenaries in a fierce manner, and the work of cleaning the battlefield had already begun.

Rurik noticed Ernred, and his attitude towards this guy was also very complicated. It would be a great thing if the King of the Broken Arm died in this battle.

In other words, the monarchs of the kingdoms in the British region have died violently, and the region is in turmoil, so that the Viking army can better fish in troubled waters to grab benefits.

Ernred was unscathed, and in the pool of blood was the dying Wigraf.

When Queen Mary saw her father, she couldn't help screaming, and then tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't pounce on it, the hatred in her heart was impossible to heal, she just pitied the dying man.

"Mary! You... are still alive..." Wigraf raised his head and finally managed to hold back a smile.

At this moment, a huge question sprouted in her heart, but it was not easy to say that question in public.

Rurik ordered Marie back, and he looked down at Wigraf and described himself in simple Saxon.

Until now, Wigraf finally knew who defeated him, it was the blond boy in front of him?

As absurd as it may feel, it seems to be the case.

"You...you are the devil! Go back to hell, damn it!"

Rurik wasn't angry either, and slowly drew his short sword, the blade pressed against Wigraf's neck, and the king still glared furiously. "How can I be killed by a child?"

"Oh?" Rurik really wanted to execute the man himself, and since he didn't want it, he looked up at Ernred, "Maybe, it's up to you to kill him, so that your people will know who King Mercia is Killed by you."

"Forget it." Ernred pointed to the javelin. "It's your credit. He's dying, let him die quietly."

Rurik shook his head, grabbed Queen Mary's hand suddenly, and passed the dagger to her.

"Woman, don't you hate it? The enemy is here, you come to execute him."

"I..." Mary let go, and the sword stabbed directly on the ground.

"Stupid!" Rurik kicked, and Mary also knelt on the ground.

"It seems that you still can't do it. After all, it's your father who has done such things to you again and again. It's still your father. But you must pick up the sword, otherwise you won't want to be a Viking woman. kill!"

Hearing these Latin words, Mary clenched the hilt of her sword resolutely.

"You... really want to kill me..." Wigraf squeezed out a bloody smile again.

Rurik first glanced at Mary, then said to Ernred: "Give her a chance, it's a tough decision. You take someone away, and I'll avoid it."

"Is that appropriate? All right."

Ernred really didn't understand the Viking's mind, forcing his daughter to assassinate his father and instigating such a vicious thing, Rurik of Ross is really sinister.

In fact, in Rurik's view, this is just a direct complaint, although it is indeed extreme. This was also a blank vote for Mary, although the young woman gave herself pleasure and possessed the identity and knowledge to use. It's just that if she can't be cruel, she can't join the Viking army.

Ross, don't have time for canaries. The war also forced Rurik to have a heart of stone.

Rurik gave Marie a chance, and he was pleased to see that the woman approached her husband with a sword.

Mary squatted down with tears in her eyes, she stuck her sword on the ground, and emotionally burst into tears as she asked the question that haunted her life: "Why! Why did you treat me like this after all these years? Was my birth just a toy for you? You want it Is it difficult for you to be a woman? I'm obviously your daughter!"

Wigraf was silent for a while, he hesitated for a while with a smile, and said slowly: "It's not bad to be killed by you in the end..."

"Tell me why! You brought Boatwolf with you, you are a pair of bastards! You ruined my life!"

"No... Mary, you are indeed a lowly slave."

"Damn, you are still humiliating me..." Mary was already sobbing.

Wigraf, on the other hand, mustered up his strength to speak with sarcasm: "Do you really think you are Princess Mercia? You are not my daughter! You are an infidel, and if you were not beautiful, you would have been executed in secret. What you do is revenge on your mother!"

"Actually? Is that so? I don't believe it." Mary, who was crying, was stunned at first, and then panicked again.

"Stupid woman, that's the truth. However, I don't deny my actions. Mary...can you serve me again like before? I heard that you are very good at serving those Vikings..."

Suddenly a cold light rushed over, and before Wigraf could finish speaking, Mary's sword pierced his neck.

Wigraf stared at him and breathed quickly, and Mary was also splattered with blood.

How is your life like this? no! This incredible secret must remain a secret forever.

She is not a simple woman at all, her ability to observe her words and her temperament to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages turned into a heavy blow.

After a while, Mary, who was in a trance and had blood on her body, found her master, Rurik, and tremblingly returned the blood-stained steel sword to its original owner.

"My lord, I hate him, I killed him."

Rurik showed no surprise on his face, but there was a trace of fear in the woman.

"You? You're a Bloody Mary."

He put away his sword and beckoned his subordinates to take Mary away for a few seconds, but saw the fallen princess kneeling on the ground, hugging her legs and plausibly saying, "I will always be your woman. Forget that I am the princess of Mercia, I am To be a Viking."

Rurik nodded and stabbed his sharp sword on the ground at random. "Cut your long hair and cut it short."

She did so without hesitation, symbolically cutting off from the past.

On this battlefield, the corpses of the Mercian nobles who died in battle were found.

The Mercia army originally had 4,000 people, but in the end less than 200 survived!

Thanks to the solicitation of King Ernred of Northumbria, these men were not executed or "blood sacrificed to Odin".

Because the Northumbrian army suffered heavy losses in this battle, Ernred's so-called army was limited in strength, and nearly a thousand people died after the chaos.

With the current situation alone, if Rurik or Magnut suddenly turned their faces, the Northumbrians could be wiped out on the same day.

After all, the Vikings stopped the killing, not because they were merciful, but because they received the merciless order from the commander, causing the Viking warriors to be out of breath and have no physical strength to fight further.

Fighting and killing should be used as the last resort, and under any conditions, Rurik still supported extortion from Mercia by means of extorting tribute from the Slavs in Novgorod.

In the era of the Seven Kingdoms of England, there are only three great powers left, and now the two great powers have been defeated and lost by the army that invaded Britain for the first time.

Time to evacuate!

In other words, leaving the blood-stained land of Tamworth, the Viking Balmers retreated to York and other lands that were ceded by treaty and began to digest these victories, and the Rus had to rush back to their hometowns before the seas froze.

A large number of weapons were picked up by the Vikings. Rurik not only ordered his subordinates to find javelins and cast iron projectiles shot by torsion slingshots, but also intended to capture the enemy's arrows.

The arrow cluster can be used almost dozens of times, but the arrow shaft may be broken and scrapped after one shot.

The Mercians had limited arrows, and finally made some supplements to the Rus army.

It's just that the clumsy iron swords of the Mercia people are really twisted one by one. The people of Balmerk thought it was a waste, and Rurik didn't dislike it. reshape.

Britain has iron ore proven in Roman times, and there are good coal resources locally, which is one of the material foundations for the industrial revolution to take place in this region.

Precisely for this reason, the local feudal kingdoms did not cost much to build ironware. Of course, the cost of iron smelting for the Rus is already the lowest in Europe.

A batch of chain mail was seized, and axes and spearheads became the trophies of the Balmers on a large scale.

The Viking army went everywhere to pick up the clothes of the dead, and they didn't feel bad at all, because in the face of the scarcity of textiles in their hometown, ordinary Balmerk warriors were not rich enough to have the qualifications to pick and choose.

After stitching the rags together, you can put together new clothes, and then trying to get the rags off the enemy, doesn't it mean that you are a glorious victor?

No matter how bad the rags are, they can fill the gaps in the wooden house.

Of course, the corpses of the enemy's elite soldiers and those leather boots were immediately robbed by the Balmers.

There was not much good to be found from the dead of the enemy, the Viking warriors whispered, and many feared a new battle. fighting? But it's a new group of equipment givers who send death.

Very few Vikings were killed at the Battle of the River Tamm. Indeed, the slaughter of the exhausted and poorly armed peasant warriors, the organized and heavily armored Ross First Banner team, did not have a single injured person.

It was more than a dozen Balmerk soldiers who were once hollowed out by women, and they were killed in the chaos.

In any case, the Vikings were also an incredible victory. Their polar loss, Ernred, watched with fear and admiration.

Tamworth's palace that night.

The victors are feasting here, and as for the food, it is the mount on which Wigraf was slain.

Eating horse meat for dinner is really accepted by everyone. It is a greasy barbecue, and it represents a humiliation for the losers.

Ernred, who had a broken arm, was quite surprised as to why that lowly Mary would become a dining staff. The Earl of Pexet was also puzzled, but he didn't want to have dinner with the devil, he just wanted to finish the dinner early and leave.

Seeing that the Vikings who ate meat remained calm, Ernred tentatively believed that this was the habit of the Vikings.

In fact, this is the habit of the Vikings, and even Rurik did it even better in his hometown.

Isn't this the fact that chopsticks have already been popularized among Rosburg's cubs. Rurik has popularized the combined meal among his female relatives, of course there is a reason for it, they will not be jealous of their men's saliva.

Ernred couldn't bear to bother for a while, but suddenly, Rurik threw something completely transparent.

He was about to catch his surprise: "Is this a crystal?"

"Open the cork and feel it."

In fact, Ernred saw spirits for the first time, and he was further shocked when he opened the cork.

"It's wine, it's vodka. You know the Roman alphabet, look at the candle!"

Ernred saw that it was so, and could even spell it out easily, "Where did you get it?"

"This is the creation of our Ruth." Rurik said bluntly: "King of Northumbria, you call us savage devils, which is ridiculous. You don't even know the reason for failure is that you are too backward, in my opinion Come on, you're a barbarian, you don't even know how to use violence."

The remarks were shouted in Norse, and the Balmers laughed along with them.

Ernred can already understand a little. After Paul's translation, a very bold thought came to mind: "Maybe, you can train the army for me."

"Huh? That won't work." Rurik was taken aback and bluntly refused.

Magnut had just drank half a bottle of spirits, and the spirit of the wine had already come up, and he beat the case down: "You are a loser, and you deserve it? You become stronger, and you will hit us immediately!"

In fact, Ernred thinks so, although he tries to object to it.

Rurik didn't say any further, and added: "We are going to leave. Don't worry about Mercia hitting you, and soon more troops will land. Next year we will only be stronger, and you can't unilaterally tear up the treaty if you want to maintain the kingship. Listen, if you betray, we won't give you a new chance."

"This... of course I don't dare."

"Don't worry." Rurik suddenly patted Mary's shoulder again, "She is the queen of Mercia, and her son and I can naturally be the king of Mercia in the future. It only takes a little time. Mercia will eventually have one Obedient king. Ernred, is our patron. Your kingship is secure, surrender to us, and you and your people will be at peace."

Peace? What a luxury.

As for the price to pay, it is too heavy.

Magnut swayed again and emphasized: "Fool king, I warn you, every year! Three million pounds of wheat! Not getting it is betrayal!"

"Yes. I'll take it out."

"Oh." Magnute patted his head and drank the remaining spirits, growling: "You are very smart and noble! My York can open the market, and your people will come to do business. It is said that the north And the enemy, what is that noble? Don’t panic, I will kill him next year, and there will be no competition for your royal power.”

"Oh, thank you so much."

Ernred also wanted to feel like leaving this bad dinner party, but the spirits that the Ross people brought out were really magical. The crystal bottles were expensive, and Rurik of Ross gave it so generously?

In fact, that was Rurik's deliberate preparation, the so-called suturing of wounded wounds for sterilization. However, the number of wounded people who need to suture wounds is very small, and the rest of the spirits are just drinking?

This bottle is just to give Ernred a favor, so as to open the eyes of Xiao Wang on this remote island.

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