Rise of Rurik

Chapter 644 They chose war

The ship of the Rus has gone by the wind!

Vadim didn't expect this, and he didn't expect that he had already discovered and seized the opportunity, and the assassination was also smooth, but the sword was to hinder Otto's armor.

He had never seen such precautions before. Obviously, his sword was so carefully polished that he could cut through the blood at the touch of a finger. This sharp thing was meaningless.

The people of the raging Pine Needle Manor chased by the lake for a while, but after all, they were unable to enter the lake and gave up.

They calmed down a little, gasping for breath, and after a while they began to help their dead and wounded.

Even, make up for the corpse of the Rus.

The people were clearly expressing their backlog of anger that had been building up for decades. Most of the rioters were either kidnapped by their families or burned down their houses. They had a very legitimate grudge against Ross, especially Otto himself. The spearhead kept stabbing and killing the body of the Ross warrior, the iron armor of the deceased was stripped off, and the leather jacket and shirt were stripped off.

Because Vadim has long said that everyone involved in the uprising has the right to snatch the spoils according to their ability.

The poor peasants lacked iron tools the most. Some held up the axes and steel swords they had seized, while others used wooden poles to pick up the bloody chainmail that they had just taken off and shouted.

As for the body of the deceased, the people were wanton venting their anger, and in the end, they were smashed to a pulp.

The assassination was clearly a failure, and some Russ were killed, but the people of Pine Needle Manor suffered more casualties. Many were killed by arrows and stone bullets, something that Vadim didn't expect at all.

A young and energetic brat, who has a hasty plan and is not well-planned, can call hundreds of people to act.

Vadim woke up, and now he has to face not only the mess after the uprising, but also the rage of the Rus!

Borudne could never have imagined that his son would start so early!

He had other people's bloodstains on him, and the beautiful clothes added a kind of horror. At one point he passed out in the house, mingling with a group of dead people.

The dead included Ross and the cubs of Pine Needle Manor. The initial battle broke out in the council room of the manor.

Borudne was so frightened that his legs were paralyzed, and he fled the house in a crawling posture.

But outside he saw more bodies!

Even, a young boy opened his blue eyes and stared at himself, and the fatal wound on his chest was as terrifying as the trunk of a tree that was almost cut off...

After all, he cheered up, and when he saw the corpse, he shivered, thinking that this must be the work of his son Vadim, and thinking of this, his legs trembled.

He found a broken short spear and stood up, suddenly hearing a moan in his ear.

Is it... a Rus? !

A dying old soldier vomited blood and muttered in Norse: "You...will be beheaded..."

Suddenly, a farmer with a brown beard broke in, followed by a group of armed men.

Everything was messed up, and Borudne scolded: "This is my home! You lowly serfs, who let you in?!"

It's a pity that the armed men with spears didn't care about Borudne at all. They checked the body with short spears, and found that the Rus people stabbed to kill with the spear, but they took off the clothes of the body and took the weapons.

Borudne watched the whole scene with a pale face, and he felt that he had become an outsider.

In other words, Borudenne has become an outsider from today, and the era that belonged to him to rule the pine needle estate is over.

Vadim took his surviving lads out to clean the battlefield, killed some old friends, and neither killed Otto nor captured (or destroyed) the ship.

He couldn't be happy, but the mobilized people and little warriors did crazy things one after another!

Some people decapitated the dead Ross warriors, strung with wooden sticks to show off their might. This horrific scene was clearly a good show for the Slavs to cheer on. They completely forgot the purpose of the battle. It seemed that killing a few Rus soldiers was a great victory!

The armed crowd chanted Vadim's name and demanded that he become the new owner of the estate.

The young warriors surrounded the hesitant Vadim, and someone shouted excitedly: "Brother, you are the prince! We won! We defeated the Rus!"

Someone else shouted: "The Russ are just like that. As long as we unite, nothing can be done."

Just like a good show with a yellow robe on his body, a young soldier suddenly knelt down on one knee, and soon many people knelt down.

After all, they had a lot of contact with the Rus and other Varyags, until what was the warrior ceremony.

Many people in unison demanded that Vadim officially be called a prince, which finally turned into a request for a large group of people.

Vadim, he has never had such glory in his life.

The huge glory hit, he forgot his failed assassination for a moment, surrounded by the armed people, on the corpse of the Rus people, he held the captured Rus steel sword and publicly declared himself to be the entire Ilmen Lake Nuo. The only Princip in the Vgorod region!

Vadim is the prince! In theory, this title is the same level of nobility as the Duke of the Duchy of Ross.

He then took a group of young old guys and some of the weapons that had just been seized and went home aggressively. Ahead of them, a group of armed farmers ran wild in advance, and there was a scene that Borudne saw.

Vadim counted his old buddies, and the eighty "strong generals" who rebelled, and forty people died after a fierce battle?

The fighting power of the Rus people is indeed amazing, but the corpses of the Rus soldiers lying on the ground also show a lot of problems.

"If I unite more people and fight against them, I still have a chance of winning." He thought so, and returned home with his brothers proudly.

When the battle was over, the people who had fled to the woods fled back one after another. When they saw a large number of corpses, they were stunned at first, but they noticed that many people were cheering with the heads of the Rus people in the winding alleys of the village. They were also relieved.

Vadim had blood on his face and was dirty. Borudne sees that his son is well-mannered, and he is more pleased than angry.

No, this capture actually pointed the sword at his father in public, and immediately said: "Father, your era is over. Now I am the owner of the manor, and I will take Pine Needle Manor and other manors to fight against the Rus people. tyranny!"

Vadim frowned at his father coldly, and Borudne also had a pale old face.

"You! What are you doing? Resist me?"

"Yes! Father, the people have abandoned you, and now they have chosen me. Pine Needle Manor and the entire Novgorod can no longer be slaves. I will completely eradicate the Rus people and the traitorous group of White Tree Manor."

Borudne was so angry that his teeth were itching again, and he pointed out: "Stupid! You are leading everyone to your own death!"

"That's better than being slowly strangled by the ropes of the Rus! Besides, we're only going to be finished under your stupid governance. I dare say that when I raise my temperament of resistance, everyone will support. Let's fight them. A decisive battle to win!"

"You! That's ridiculous. You don't have the ability!"

"War is inevitable, father! Now that I have provoked the Rus, they will surely attack. If you are so afraid of them, run away, to Smolensk, with the children of the god Ilmen. Defeat the Rus. Father, if you are really brave, resist them as I did! Think of my sisters, are you worthy of them?"

"You! Stupid! Too stupid..." Borudne could see that his son was not only trying to assassinate the leader of the Rus, but also to take his own power.

This was an untimely coup d'état. Originally, the owner of the manor belonged to this kid, but he couldn't wait.

Now that the boat was done, Borudne had nothing to say, and he sighed, not only bemoaning today's absurdity, but also his own sad fate.

"Okay, it's all up to you. I don't care about anything, do whatever you want!"

Borudne is considered to be delegating power, and Vadim has already thought about it. Even if he does not let go of power, he must be in control of himself.

It's just about calling himself a prince, and some special operations are needed.

He decided to gather the various manors and order the owners of the manor to support his authority, and if they did not agree, he would force them to support them with armed peasants.

A sacrificial event is about to be carried out, and all the manor owners who support themselves must participate in witnessing the birth of a prince. The same these only support the need to come up with a group of fighters to resist the revenge of the Rus.

Vadim is about to get into action.

On the other hand, White Tree Manor.

Otto came back suddenly with anger, and Rigus and others also felt that the Ross people's tribute collection was too smooth, and they swept the entire Lake Ilmen in just one day.

However, when the group of Ross veterans got off the boat, he realized that something was wrong.

fighting? This group of soldiers clearly had just fought a battle.

Both Rigus and Medved were aware of the warrior's hostility, and they clearly lost the battle by looking at them.

Rigus walked towards Otto with a cane: "Sir, something bad happened?"

"You?!" Otto raised his foot and kicked Rigus, kicking the old man directly.

This kick shocked all the onlookers.

Otto immediately scolded and accused: "You idiot! Why didn't you tell me those guys in Pine Needle Manor rebelled? We were ambushed and I almost died!"

Rigus was stunned, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

Medved hurried up to meet him: "Lord Duke, are you telling the truth? Those guys rebelled?"


"We don't know about this at all. My lord, we have no intention to lie, there must be some conspiracy here."

"I don't care!" Otto is not someone who is easily out of control. He suppressed his anger and said fiercely: "They chose war, and they are seeking their own death! Medved!"


"Call up your flag team immediately and prepare for defense. The entire Whitetree Manor is likely to be attacked by them, and you must remain alert. I will contact New Roseburg immediately, as soon as the support troops arrive. I will also Inform Rurik and ask him to come to Novgorod first and assemble at Whitetree Manor! Do you understand? If you can't hold it within ten days, your manor will be overthrown by them!"

"I understand! But...the old duke, aren't we going to attack Karelia in the north?"

"Fight the betrayer first! Then hit Karelia! Rurik must listen to me on this matter. The Rus people have always had revenge, so hurry up and prepare!"

Otto's work efficiency was top-notch. That night, the sailing destroyer Neptune floated along the Volkhov River to the Great Lake with an alert from Novgorod. Otto's message was very simple, that is, he ordered Konusson of Novo Rosesburg to bring at least five hundred men with him. Whether they were Rus, Ostara, or Slavs, they brought five hundred people to White Tree Manor to quell the rebellion.

From Novgorod to Novorossburg at the mouth of the Neva River, the journey back and forth is almost 700 kilometers!

For the Rus, who now have large ships, such a journey is not extreme. Otto considered that it would take some time for Konusson to gather the army, so he gave the Novo Roseburg side more lenient time.

He himself is not sure enough, but the White Tree Manor is different than before. They enjoy the focus of the Rus Principality alone. Not only is the population larger than before, but there has always been a small group of Rus settled here. The settled Rus are almost a handful of existences, and the main purpose of their existence is surveillance.

Once Otto arrives, it is equivalent to the real owner coming to White Tree Manor.

The Neptune returned overnight to convey the message, and the next day, Otto ordered the people of this White Tree Manor to gather.

He stood on a two-wheeled cart pulled by an ox. He preached in Norse to the more than 2,000 people who had gathered at this height, and the old Rus people who were left behind were the instant interpreters.

Otto's speech made ordinary people tremble, and they never imagined that the guys at Pine Needle Manor actually chose war. Or the omens of the war were there many years ago, and now the war is breaking out.

His words also deliberately poked the pain of the people of White Tree Manor. Originally, everyone lived by the lake, but they were driven here by the greedy Pine Needle Manor guys, so that everyone was afraid to enter Lake Ilmen to fish. It is obvious to all that everyone's life has suddenly changed for the better.

Fight with the Rus, completely destroy Pineneedle Manor, strangle traitors, and settle your life.

Otto gave this group of people a very tempting promise, that the White Tree Manor and Ross formed a coalition, and finally defeated the Pine Needle Manor, not only to restore the life by the lake, but also to take the loser's land, and a very low tribute. The requirements remain the same!

For the White Tree Manor, which relies on agriculture for a living, there is nothing more tempting than seizing the fertile mature fields by the lake.

For more than 20 years, they could see Otto swaying around the manor every year. After all, White Tree Manor was the first stop of the Roth Sorgon fleet over the years. Otto has changed from a young man to an old man, and the power of the Rus people has also expanded.

Most of the people in White Tree Manor had never seen Rurik, they only knew that he was a blond boy, handsome and fierce, very young and very good at war.

Both of Rigus' daughters were married to the Rus, and people were expecting Rurik to bring Svetlana to Whitetree Manor. Perhaps this war would force Rurik to bring the army with him. arrival?

Otto's messenger did carry this request: the army to conquer Karelia will not go north first, but first go south to conquer the rebels.

No, White Tree Manor gathered more than 400 soldiers from the so-called Slavic flag team at once, and Medvedt did his old job as a flag captain.

The Slavs fought in the same way as the Varyagros in principle, and women would take up arms if there was a war.

As long as it is strictly guarded for ten days, and the farmland and other property are protected, everything will be safe.

The men and women of the entire White Tree Manor were actually armed, even with sharpened wooden poles.

When Otto was here, he realized that he actually organized an army of more than 600 troops in one day. Even if up to 30 old brothers died, the soldiers in front of him had actually been to Gotland and participated in the big battle. They had seen the world, but they were much more stable than the courageous farmers of Pine Needle Manor.

However, the guys at Pine Needle Manor are reckless because of their limited knowledge. They don't know why they died suddenly, and they must be enthusiastic about war.

For the sake of prudence, or mainly because he is old.

The Ottoling Sperosvillea led the Jupiter and the Saturn. The three ships were directly guarding the mouth of the Volkhov River on Lake Ilmen. First, it was a deterrent by force, and second, it was also to detect the enemy. trend.

At Whitetree Manor, Otto became the current supreme commander, and Medvedt followed suit. He has 600 elite soldiers. In theory, all the people in the manor are soldiers. All men, women and children who can afford an axe, the optimistic army has reached more than 1,000!

Vadim, who seized power, had no idea about the sudden and aggressive plans of the Rus after the attack.

Or Vadim is also actively running his own business. At least this young man did not continue to go home. He began to act like a real prince, and began to "armed lobbying" counterclockwise along the lake shore with his cronies to recruit troops for his own cause.

Neither side is naive, Otto never appeases, and Vadim has no illusions because there is only hatred in his heart.

A big war is inevitable, but how to fight the war, Vadim said it doesn't matter.

Because neither Otto nor Vadim are the protagonists.

At the time of the attack, Rurik was about to embark on his eastern expedition, and messengers with the bad news of the rebellion of the natives of Novgorod were already looking forward to Novgorod.

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