Rise of Rurik

Chapter 651 Lake Ilmen under the blood-red sunset

The sudden attack caused a large number of so-called soldiers from Pine Needle Manor to flee for their lives.

These are good, even women are armed with agricultural tools or pure wooden sticks.

Someone ran into Vadim's residence, ignoring the face of the young prince who was having a good time with his concubine, and shouted in horror, "Sir! Enemy attack!"

"Get out of here!" The naked Vadim smashed a wooden cup at will, unable to stop the messenger's alarm in the slightest.

"My lord! The Ross people are killed, and many people are dead. You...you have to take everyone to beat them back!"

"Wait?! Is this true?!"

Vadim had no interest at all, and he woke up instantly: "Fight! They must be repelled, and everyone must be organized to defend the farm!"

A war alert was issued on Pine Needle Manor, and Vadim hurriedly put on his clothes and walked out of the residence with his sword in hand. He summoned his cronies to fight the enemy himself, only to find the entire farm in chaos.

He has absolutely no idea what the enemy's situation is, and the armed men in the entire farm have no way of knowing, but those who fled back are too scary.

A group of messengers who were good at running were given emergency orders, and their task was to move rescue soldiers along the lake.

The Rus people are definitely not weak, and the dignified battle of Pine Needle Manor is likely to be defeated. It will be different if the Slavic forces of the entire Lake Ilmen are assembled.

Vadim saw the cowardice of his troops, and the "top coach" who happened to be appointed, Harold of Varyag came in a hurry with several brothers.

Harold doesn't know what happened yet. It seems that the Ross army is attacking, but instinct tells him that the information is wrong.

"What the hell is going on? Where is the enemy?"

To Harold's surprise, Vadim yelled when he came up: "Is it a fool for what I paid for? I want you to train the army, why is my team collapsed?! Now that the Rus people are killed, you idiots are actually here. escape."

It's like being slapped with a brick inexplicably.

Harold choked for a moment, not knowing what to say. But this face was also unhappy, so he retorted: "You asked me to lead the troops, all the people I brought before were all Varangians.

What did you ask me to bring? Look at your subordinates, take off your shirt and see the ribs like dry branches, can this skinny be able to fight? ! Can't fight. You force them to go to war. You dare to say me, look at yourself again, ignore your pregnant wife, and get busy with five women, you will lose face. "

"You! Are you mocking me?!" Vadim was already clenching the hilt of his sword.

Brother Harold is not used to this sudden gain of power. Even if many Slavs were present, they all picked up the axe and tried to fight.

Vadim is not a bully, and it is not a good thing for the enemy to be in strife at the moment.

He rolled his eyes at Harold: "We are going to repel the Russ, you come together, and your benefits will be indispensable after the war."

A group of people rushed to the so-called battlefield, but where is the enemy?

The living area of ​​Pine Needle Manor is very large, so it can live in tens of thousands of people. Rumor has it that the Rus people have been killed in the farm, and the soldiers trained in other regions have returned to the farm. They originally wanted to fight the enemy in the street, but after some toss, it was a scream of killing, and no one knew where the enemy was.

They tossed for a long time and found nothing, and the nervous soldiers gradually eased, and some even began to complain that it was a farce of "the wolf is coming".

Sure enough, Vadim took his cronies around the farm in a big circle and found nothing.

Finally, the kid arrived at the scene of the terrifying crime.

More than a thousand armed men gradually gathered here, watching the horror of the deceased, and some even knelt on the spot and vomited.

Sure enough, there was an attack, as if the lone wolf attacked the sheepfold, and some sheep would die and eat some meat before withdrawing. It was not until this time that the insider reported what happened to him. The angry Vadim really wanted to take action immediately, and attacked with his clan, and took away the White Tree Manor, which had been embarrassed with the Rus people.

Grund's actions directly detonated the anger of Pine Needle Manor, like pouring gasoline on the fire. But the full-scale attack made Vadim worried. If he could, he would have done it long ago, and now he still needs the cooperation of the allied farm.

It is unrealistic to gather 10,000 people, but it is feasible to first gather the men and women of your own farm to gather 5,000 combatants. As for those allies, they can at least send 3,000 people!

It depends on the situation tonight, how many reinforcements can come.

Vadim hopes to assemble a large army in a short time.

The chaos did not subside, but everyone saw the dead body, and the restlessness in Pine Needle Manor became more and more serious.

A cautious Varangian fled back to the farm amid the chaos.

Carl was not afraid of the previous battle at all, and he was even quite relieved to see the people from his hometown in a foreign land. This guy found the boss Harold, and his appearance made many old guys quite informative.

Seeing Carl, Harold punched him with kindness: "I thought you were dead."

"Death?" Carl laughed: "Our brothers have always been happy every day, even if they die. However, today I have an adventure."

"A chance encounter?"

"There are actually Danes on the Rus side! Boss, I have something important to tell you, it's about our lives!"

In an instant, everyone realized the seriousness of the situation.

Harold's group of thirty brothers gathered in the residence, the doors and windows were closed, and Karl explained his experience in Norse.

This time, the words shocked everyone.

Who would have thought that the main force of the all-powerful Rus would come, and Rurik, the leader of the Rus who sank the Red Dragon and killed the Danish King Harold, would personally lead the army!

The old Ross leader Otto was stabbed unscathed, and his son led the main force to seek revenge.

Indeed, a few years ago, a war broke out between the Rus and the Gotlanders, and the Gotlanders were slaughtered to the point of extinction.

"Brothers, the Danish brothers on the opposite side will give us advice for the sake of our family. They will start a full-scale credit tomorrow, and we must evacuate at night. I said let's run with our belongings."

"Where are the women?" someone shouted nervously.

"Yeah, we have to pull these slaves to the south and sell them."

"There are other belongings, we have to get something to eat before we go."


The subordinates started to talk about it, and Harold, who knew the stakes, was furious: "I've been fired! Now life is critical! You guys hurry up and pack up your belongings and prepare to evacuate. Our longboat can carry up to twenty women. , select the twenty with the best looks and take them away, and execute the rest."

The brothers were all stunned.

"Boss, this is not suitable! We still rely on this to make money." Someone said.

"When is this all? Russ can kill suddenly, and only Russ can do this kind of thing. If we Danes hadn't been on the opposite side, tomorrow would be the death of our brothers. What are some women in the area, after you lose your heads here? Can't be happy!"

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

They are a group of businessmen, and they are also a group of rogues who kill people and steal goods. Whether they are merchants or rogues depends only on their own environment. At the moment of the enemy, they have no intention of working for Vadim, and even feel that it is stupid to fight with the Rus.

They immediately screened the 60 women under their control, picked out 20 young and beautiful people and took them away. As for the remaining 40, they were taken away one by one and killed one by one. To do this kind of thing, Harold's group is very skilled. No one knew about the quiet killings of the so-called Varyag mercenaries and their preparations to flee after nightfall.

In other words, after the people of the entire Pine Needle Manor were instigated by Vadim himself, their fear was replaced by anger, and everyone waited for the reinforcements of the allies to arrive at the farm to attack tomorrow. Even if they don't attack tomorrow, they will attack the traitor White Tree Manor within a few days, and then kill the local Rus people.

The messengers who notified the enemy attack ran to the nearest ally's manor one after another, and then ran to the next one.

Lake Ilmen is very large, and it is impossible to notify the manors in one afternoon. Only five farms received the notice before evening. Under pressure, these farm leaders gathered the men in the manor with mixed feelings, holding a variety of Bring some dry food and move to Pine Needle Manor to assemble.

Their boats are all canoes, and the Ilmenslavs have not yet learned the skill of assembling wooden boats, and they dare not capture the passing Varyag longboats for their own use.

There was nothing the Slavs could do to transport the soldiers to the Pineneedle Manor by boat, so they relied on a pair of feet to move forward. Fortunately, their ability to sew leather boots made the journey not painful.

They advanced in the wasteland by the river in the afternoon, and left the straight ridge on the edge of the madly growing wheat seedlings. There was no road ahead, and the walking speed of a group of people slowed down.

Everyone does not know how the Pine Needle Manor was attacked, but the entire Novgorod was wrapped in Vadim to declare war on Rus, so he directed the violent temper of the Varygoros people. If Vadim is defeated, everyone will be wiped out. disaster. They have all realized the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, but how useful is it to send two or three hundred people to support them?

Only five estates were on their way to reinforcements, and it was already dark when they arrived.

Reinforcements from three estates arrived, and they saw no war, but a large group of men and women prepared for it.

Vadim personally entertained the three owners of the manor with troops to support them. While hosting a banquet, he seriously asked how many reinforcements there were.

He was full of joy, but was poured a touch of cold water by reality.

"A mere 800 people?! What is this? When I was planning to lead an army to annihilate those traitors in White Tree Manor, all of you who supported me did not move!"

The three manor owners were at a loss for words. Their respective manor populations were not large, and they had shown their sincerity by taking so many people together.

Vadim had no intention of fussing, and after all, a group of reinforcements arrived.

But very suddenly, many people saw a little bit of starlight in the forest in the south.

what is that? It's Ross! Must be a Ross! The Rus army is camped just south of the manor!

The restlessness of the manor forced Vadim to walk to the shore of the lake in person, looking at a bonfire in the south at two o'clock, and he was angry and cursing.

Grund left a few subordinates to continue to symbolically follow the estuary, and those who stayed behind also deliberately lit some more bonfires, actually showing their existence to the enemy. The left-behind went a bit too far, just because the enemy's manor lit a lot of bonfires is clearly a kind of provocation, how can the brothers not wantonly set fire to counter?

The reinforcements from the five farms finally arrived at Pine Needle Manor in the middle of the night.

The total strength of the reinforcements is nearly 1,500 people. In addition, Pine Needle Manor has tried its best to gather 5,000 men and women soldiers. It is obviously feasible to piece together an army of more than 6,000 people.

But everyone was too tired. Vadim planned to take the initiative to attack tomorrow, but due to the current situation, he had to continue to accumulate energy.

He even had some optimism, and blamed himself for being a little uncomfortable with his angry words to his allies in the evening.

Five farms sent nearly 1,500 troops, not counting the farms that defected. There are more than ten farms that did not send troops just because they had not received the news. If the situation fermented for a few days, they might have assembled an army of 10,000 people!

Ten thousand soldiers, men and women armed as many as ten thousand! This is a very amazing number for everyone, enough to support everyone's confidence in winning.

Novgorod has never been stronger than it is today.

Vadim even sighed: "We assembled such an army decades ago, how can the Russ succeed?"

The Slavs fell asleep one after another, and at night, a group of sneaky people ran to the lake.

Grund and his subordinates said nothing, and the tightly controlled twenty women were tied with ropes around their mouths and their hands. Some women don't know what the future holds, and their struggles are rewarded with slaps from the Varyags, while others who are really dishonest are simply tied up with their hands and feet, and are carried by strong warriors to the long ship.

No one noticed their actions, even if they did.

The long boat soon became overcrowded, and several people on the shore finally pushed the boat to the shoal and were pulled up by their companions. They paddled so hard they got the boat into the lake.

Now, Grund finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also very suddenly that an arrogant thought emerged in his mind: "Brothers, the main force of the Rus people fights that arrogant Vadim, it must be a big battle, will our brothers watch the battle?"

Maybe everyone was muttering, they were not afraid of anything on the lake, and the daring people quickly unified their attitude-keep a safe distance to watch the big show.

No, they just floated on the lake quietly waiting for the sunrise, waiting for the onlookers to clean up the violent Slavs.

On the other hand, Grund himself has escorted the prisoners back to the gathering place of the army at White Tree Manor at the fastest speed.

The three captured prisoners saw that there were Varyags everywhere, and the Volkhov River was covered with terrifying large boats. They were so frightened that they lost their control, and their legs seemed to have no muscles to walk, and they threw them on the ground. Just shivering.

Rurik was quite surprised by Grund's return, and became interested when he saw the shivering captive.

"Sir, we know a lot of specific information about the enemy, as well as these three prisoners. We have made merit, you have to give some bounty." Grund sat on the ground and asked for the credit.

"Forget it, give each of you a silver coin to rest."

"Just like that?"

"You have made meritorious deeds for capturing the prisoners, but I didn't let you do this, which is against the law! You never expected to get anything, so I'll give you a silver coin to eat quickly."

Grund shrugged, and left with his brothers angrily. They hurried to the big pottery urn where the wheat was being cooked after looking for Maixiang, and went directly to receive dinner.

Rurik interrogated the captives on the spot, threatening in Slavic that they would be pardoned for their treasonous crimes as Pine Needle Manor, in exchange for letting them know.

This report is good. Rurik and his cronies are fully aware that the rebellious Vadim is gathering troops and intends to take the initiative to attack. Obviously, Vadim needs more time to make strategic preparations.

In this case, the war is not a simple Russ army to suppress the rebellion, but a counter-offensive in which both sides intend to take the initiative to launch a full-scale war? This time, the last bit of Rurik's inner aspirations was gone.

The soft light of the sunset swept across the forest, and the faces of the Ross warriors gathered by the river turned orange, and soon, the sunset turned red!

"It's a bloody sunset!" Arik couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed. Brother." Rurik said casually: "These three prisoners are handed over to you, you know what to do."

"Oh? I understand. Boy, I thought you were going to be kind." Arik laughed.

Rurik couldn't laugh at it, he looked solemn: "I said, the rebellious Pine Needle Manor must be destroyed, now you and I know that if we don't do it, they will take the initiative. When these three participate in the rebellion, they must die. Consciousness, let's help them be decent."

"I understand."

"Yeah. It's our kindness to act neatly and give them a good time to take them to a hidden place."

Arik nodded and said yes, and escorted the captives towards the farm with a blank face.

Old Otto saw all this, he didn't say anything, there was only one satisfaction in his heart.

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